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Potential Use of Mangroves for Coastal Protection





Figure 1:Mangrove ecosystem


Mangrove forests are forests that grow in brackish water along the coast or even forest areas
planted with mangrove trees. The growth and vegetation of this mangrove forest area is greatly
influenced by tidal sea water. Mangroves are plants that have irregular tree roots (pneumatophores).
The roots of this tree will rise from sea level and are easy to see, this is a form of adaptation of
mangrove trees to make it easier for them to breathe. mud soil with a root circumference of up to
50cm in size. The shape of the roots of this tree can help prevent sea waves from damaging coastal.
Mangrove trees are plants that are easy to grow and easy to reproduce. Mangrove trees are plants
that are easy to grow and easy to reproduce.
( )
The occurrence of a number of issues such as the problem of coastal erosion on the Peninsula
continues. Many efforts have been taken by the authorities to the extent that it has involved billions
of ringgit to curb it over the past few years. The terrain of the peninsula is exposed to vast oceans and
monsoon winds that cause large waves to occur. The non-eco-friendly development in the coastal area
ensures that this erosion problem continues to occur such as the construction of the resort.
di-semenanjung )
Indonesia has experienced a tsunami with a height of 50 meters and has claimed 227,899 lives.
The tsunami occurred due to the pressure that drew water after an explosion on the seabed. The
tsunami left a bad impact on the affected areas.The United Nations (UN) declared the Aceh tsunami
natural disaster the largest humanitarian disaster ever. Since then, international aid has arrived to
help residents affected by the Aceh tsunami.
smail_-_pokok_bakau_mengurangkan_impak_kemusnahan_akibat_tsunami.pdf )

Planting mangrove trees has the potential to be protected from disasters like this.
The ecological benefits of mangroves are numerous. There are social and economic benefits
in addition to ecological ones. Fisheries typically benefit from the presence of mangrove forests
because they create a healthy habitat. Additionally, mangroves discourage residents from relocating
close to the coast, which may shield them from tsunamis. But from the perspective of coastal
engineering, a very significant benefit is that mangroves significantly lower wave height. This enables
a coastal protection structure to be built behind a mangrove belt to be smaller and without the
requirement for an expensive revetment.
The mangrove belt also encourages siltation, which is another effect. More sediment will
settle when currents weaken in the forest. Long-term, this will be advantageous because a higher
foreland will even significantly lessen wave activity, resulting in less load on the dike.
The result is that the species in the forest will alter since certain mangrove species need a very
precise average waterlevel and tidal range. Although this natural succession process can be
intentionally accelerated, it shouldn't be stopped. See figure 1 as well.

Figure 2 : Natural ecological succession of mangrove

Souce : Diagram of Ecological Succession of mangrove - Bing images

Mangrove belts may reduce erosion under some circumstances. The lower stream velocities
in the forest are the main reason of this. Mangroves do not, however, prevent local erosion of the
(underwater) banks of this channel on the edge of a mangrove forest, particularly in the case of a
deeper channel with strong currents. The mangroves are at danger of being destroyed by flooding.

Mangrove planting is rarely successful in reducing erosion. Mangrove seedlings that are too
young to survive the erosive forces will be washed away before they can fully develop. Mangrove
seedlings require artificial protection at all times.

Mangroves, as previously indicated, do not lower the flood level during typhoons and
cyclones. However, they considerably lower the cost of flood prevention. In most cases, dikes are built
to protect land from flooding. A dike's design height is calculated using the design water level plus the
freeboard. Mangroves significantly lower freeboard but do not affect the design water level.
Additionally, mangroves reduce the impact of waves, thus dike repairs are frequently unnecessary and
expensive. It was discovered that the reduction in dike height was in the range of 4m, which led to a
reduction in dike width of 30m for a case study in Vietnam (typhoon level 4m above mean sea level,
wave height of 2m). Additionally, in this instance, wave dampening by mangroves eliminated the need
for 20m2 per running metre concrete block revetment. All of this resulted in a cost decrease of almost
70 million Vietnamese Dong for a cyclone protection dike per running metre. A low dike combined
with mangroves is significantly less expensive than a high dike devoid of them since planting
mangroves in front of a dike costs around 1 million Vietnamese Dong every running metre. The fact
that the dike doesn't require a revetment construction is the primary factor in saving. A relationship
between tree density and wave attenuation is currently known based on measurements. ((PDF) The
use of mangroves in coastal protection (

5 facts why we must protect and restore mangroves for people and nature:


They have developed to survive in situations that

Tropical forest would kill most plants quickly, such as heat, muck, and

Mangrove soils are very good carbon sinks because

they can store a lot of carbon and prevent it from
Help mitigate climate change escaping into the atmosphere. They are also essential
for assisting civilization in adapting to the effects of
climate change by lessening the impact of storms and
sea level rise.

A variety of fish, bird, insect, reptile, and even an

Indian "mangrove tiger" call mangroves home and
Hotspot of biodiversity serve as a nursery and feeding ground for them.
Mangrove ecosystems are highly productive and
biologically diverse.

Mangroves provide food, wood for construction and

fires, money from fishing and tourism, and support for
the emotional and spiritual well-being of millions of
people who live nearby. Regardless of wealth, gender,
Sources of food and income or age, all people regularly use and benefit from these
wonderful forests in many communities. They bring
benefits to and are used by societies around the

It is impossible to adequately quantify the

contribution mangroves make to the health and way
of life of people everywhere. As such, the loss of
Huge economic and societal value mangroves hurts both national and global economies.
Increasingly governments around the world are
understanding the long-term benefits that mangroves
give to their economies and people and are actively
taking steps to protect and restore them.

Table 1 : Why we must protect and restore mangroves

Souces : 5 facts about mangroves and why we must protect them - UNEP-WCMC
Benefits of Mangroves

No. Benefits

1. By minimising erosion brought on by storm surges, currents, waves, and tides,

mangrove trees help to stabilise the coastline.

2. By filtering out nutrients and pollutants from stormwater runoff before they reach
coral reefs and seagrass habitats, mangroves preserve the purity of the water.

3. Mangrove peat reduces the likelihood of coastal flooding by absorbing water

during heavy rains and storm surges.

4. Mangroves contribute to the local abundance of seafood by serving as a nursery

habitat for numerous commercial fish and shellfish.

5. The $7.6 billion seafood industry in Florida, which employs 109,000 people,
depends on species that mangroves protect.

6. A variety of wildlife species, such as birds, deer, and honey bees, can find refuge
in mangrove systems.

7. Mangroves are used as breeding habitats by coastal birds like brown pelicans,
great egrets, and tiny blue herons. For a portion of their annual migrations, many
birds rely on mangroves. Even dead mangroves are still useful because they give
many bird species places to rest.

Table 2 : Benefits of Mangroves

Souces : Benefits of Mangroves (

Figure 3 : The mangroves

Souces : mangroves - Bing images

Figure 4 : Mangroves forest

Souces : Mangrove Forest - Bing images

Link : How Mangrove Forests Protect The Coast

In several locations around Vietnam, mangrove forests play a significant role in coastal
defence systems. It is quite simple to grasp how mangroves shield the coast from the effects of waves
according to this model from the Dutch scientific organisation Deltares.

The film helps us better understand how mangrove forests protect coastal areas. As is evident,
when waves hit the mangrove forest, their pace, which is actually rather fast from the middle of the
sea, can be slowed down. This is so that the mangrove tree's powerful roots can firmly anchor it to
the ground and survive the swift waves. The mangrove trees' big, shaded leaves can also help to slow
down the wind that comes off the water. Coastal regions can be protected and unaffected as a result.
This can stop significant damage from happening. Additionally, people' safety in neighbourhoods close
to the shore can also be guaranteed.
Finally, many benefits can be obtained by planting mangrove trees as seen on the coast.
Coastal erosion has been minimized caused by strong waves. These mangrove trees stabilize the
coastline. The impact of planting mangrove trees is not only on humans but also on the environment
also includes animals. Disasters that often hit the coast can be avoided by planting mangrove trees.
This mangrove tree is also one of the factors of tourist attraction and is a source of food and income
for residents living in coastal areas. Forest offices and the government and the bodies involved need
to increase the planting of mangrove trees. The campaign is one of the ways to encourage the planting
of mangrove trees to be done continuously. Mangrove seedlings should always be sown for the next
cycle of mangrove planting.

1. POKOK BAKAU. (2022, June 22).

2. Rahim, A. (2019, October 14). Hakisan pantai makin meruncing di Semenanjung.

Berita Harian; Berita Harian.


3. Ummu Marina Ismail,(16 Julai 2021).Pokok Bakau Mengurangkan Impak

Kemusnahan Akibat Tsunami[ms_umum]_umm



4. Henk Jan Verhagen. (2012, February 20). The use of mangroves in coastal protection.

ResearchGate; unknown.


5. 5 facts about mangroves and why we must protect them - UNEP-WCMC. (2020).


6. MANGROVES Benefits of. (n.d.).


7. Shafiq Zikri. (2016). How Mangrove Forests Protect The Coast [YouTube Video]. In


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