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Numerical problems based on Vernier callipers Question 1. Pee Be omen CoRR Toul eT RUE k a eu eee CMe) ese 1% (MS) and 10 divisions of its vernier scale (VS) match 9 divisions on the main scale. Three such measurements for a ball are given as : aU rele eA Re mnie diameter is: (1) 0.53 cm (2) 0.56 cm (3) 0.59 cm (4) 0.52 cm Solution — MSD = 0.1 cm VSD = 9/10 MSD = 0.9 x 0.1= 0.09 cm Least count = MSD — VSD = 0.1 — 0.09 = 0.01 cm Total reading = Main Scale Reading + Vernier coincidence Ba metal ig 1st reading = 0.5 + 8 x 0.01 = 0.58 cm 2nd reading = 0.5 + 4 x 0.01 = 0.54 cm 3rd reading = 0.5 + 6 x 0.01 = 0.56 cm Average reading = (0.58 + 0.54 + 0.56)/3 = 0.56 cm Corrected reading = reading — zero error = 0.56 — (-0.03) ce en S| felt trol a The diameter of a cylinder is measured using a Vernier Ce Tee ee Cee mR RU aU ene auld Neca meee aU main scale. The Vernier scale has 50 divisions equivalent COPe Te ee une emu Umer Roelof eel Re Relate eel ee ad Cle Cm mules Le OM (1) 5.112 em (2) 5.124 cm (3) 5.136 cm (4) 5.148 cm Solution — Smallest main scale division = 0.05 cm (5.15 — 5.10) Main scale reading = 5.10 cm (comes just before the zero ates] Vernier coincidence = 24 Least count =0.05 — 2.45/50 = 0.001 cm DT g = Main Scale Reading + Vernier coincidence x Least Count Pam kaye ea ee Pe a) Question 3. Deus ROOM eeu ne Ril Mace a) divided into 10 equal divisions on the main scale. The mee Rake Remuera mC Cee ROR ur ety divisions. The Vernier scale of the other caliper (C2) has 10 equal divisions that correspond to 11 main scale divisions. The readings of the two calipers are shown in the figure. The measured values (in cm) by calipers C1 and C2, respectively, are: ns 2 é ry G Snnnnn nn aT ee (1) 2.87 and 2.86 (2) 2.85 and 2.82 (2) 2.87 and 2.87 (PAA acy Solution — MSD = 1/10 cm = 0.1 em For first vernier caliper, 10 VSD = 9MSD ae ete ro) BT] = main scale reading upto coinciding main scale division aE R 1) =3.5-7 x 0.09 = 3.5- 0.63 = 287 cm For second vernier caliper, aOR ee tS => VSD = 11/10 MSD = 1.1 «0.1 = 0.11 cm Reading = 3.6 -7 x 0.11 = 3.6-0.77 = 2.83 cm Why we not used the formula here that we were using in Petey ce oe Here is the formula we were using, Least count = MSD —- VSD Reading = Main Scale Reading + Vernier coincidence Pee ae ly We derived these formula for Vernier calipers having n CSUR UR ao ROU a Eee om If we apply these formula on first vernier caliper then we Seu a ee ayaa ea) the second vernier caliper then we will get negative least count (0.1 - 0.11 = -0.01cm), which is not possible, that is DAN WU) AUC RR ie elie Bee ee Re mer ee eee EE Ure e Re Uc e Mule M oc eM ne Uk O40) divisions of vernier scale. In measuring the diameter of a cylinder by this instrument, the main scale reads 35 divisions and 4th division of vernier scale coinsides with a main scale division. Find: (i). Least count (il). Radius of cylinder Solution — (i. US ea a) 20 VSD = 19 MSD ASD Ea CUS mye ama) mee eS) en ee ee ee AU) (OM Main scale reading = 35 mm = 3.5cm ys = Main scale reading + vernier coincidence x Least count =3.5+4x 0.005 Seon mth 4 =3.52cm Radius = Diameter/2 = 3.52/2 = 1.76 cm Question 5. TE ee CCR Oe Rutter) PEST UU ave SMU RUC Mele Nd coincide with the 30 divisions of the vernier scale. If the smallest division of the main scale is half-a-degree (=0.5°) then the least count of the instrument is: (Vic (area d (C) one degree (D) half degree BSS) (Te MSD = 0.5° 30 VSD = 29 MSD Least Count = Length of 1 main scale division / No. of divisions of Agel} =0.5°/30 Ba ee Pe.) =1min Question 6. Pee) UU CRB UM LET Rscer:| (ame DEPT Se Ru ere Rm PT Rr errs Ms Mace rem RU Umer eA Td rte acs (Ca) (B) 0.05 mm (C) 0.1mm (D) 0.2mm Solution — OES eS) 20 VSD = 16 MSD EUS RUE i) WTS et aS en ee) Question 7. A student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as CRU mua Me Rei ae (A) A metre scale (Cee ume CCR UCM UUC eC ee Calc scale matches with 9 division in main scale and main rm ce) (C) A screw gauge having 100 divisions in the circular Fors) accredit a (D) A screw guage having 50 divisions in the circular scale and pitch as 1 mm Solution — PRU RT eRe ROU e a gel OCR ee) For vernier callipper with MSD = 1 mm and 9 MSD = 10 Wee Least count = 1 MSD -1 VSD = 0.1 mm Question 8. aN cu oar) UE ee ee ise ae Oe RUC culms eee ae em CSU Eure Me mee ao) eee (el feo 7 =) id Cu) ( a 1) rem Os x (9) = 0) roa) Solution — MSD =xcm n VSD = (n-1) MSD = VSD = (n-1)/n x MSD = (n-1)/n x x cm rae =MSD-VSD =x—(n-1)/nx x a) Question 9. A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to measure the angle of a prism. Main scale reading : 58.5 fe [Te (1-3 Vernier scale reading : 09 divisions Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds to 0.5 Cre Mee UR Um RCCL match with 29 divisions of the main scale. The angle of the prism from the above data (A) 58.59 degree (B) 58.77 degree (C) 58.65 degree (D) 59 degree Evo) To) LIS) ee LC = MSD/n = 0.5/ 30 = 1/60 Total Reading = Main scale reading + vernier coincidence x LC = 58.549 x 1/60 Bas ea) a Ae erty Us The jaws of a vernier callipers touch the inner wall of calorimeter without any undue pressure. The position of PaO a me eR RUE a) 6th of vernier scale division is coinciding with any main scale division. Vernier constant of callipers is 0.01 cm. Find actual internal diameter of calorimeter, when it is observed that the vernier scale has a zero error of — 0.03 us (A) 3.37 cm (EA (C) 3.42 em (D) 3.54 cm Solution — Main scale reading = 3.48 cm LC = 0.01 cm BS tele Toilet) Sela) = Main scale reading + Vernier coincidence x LC eee aA eA) =3.54cm Corrected reading = reading — zero error = 3.54 — (-0.03) ERs eR) aA] era BUR Cu Reel meen ke Ts] UR ROR re ene Ruy MUL (ale a olen ce Tt surface of beaker. Main scale reading of calliper is 6.4 cm RC RU me eT eu RCL scale division is coinciding with main scale division. The Ele Regma OUP emu mee iret oy with zero of main scale) (A) 6.64 cm (B) 6.42 cm (C) 6.44 cm (D) 6.13 cm Solution — Reading = 6.4+ 4 x 0.01 cm = 6.44em Question 12. EUS A oe eee ROR Ce scale which coincides with 24th division of the main scale. on main scale is divided into 20 equal parts. The least count of the instrument is: OW ean (B) 0.05 cm (C) 0.001 cm (hea) Solution — MSD = 1/20 = 0.05cm 25 VSD = 24MSD A eee ee Lega RI Re Least Count = MSD — VSD = 0.05 - 0.048 = 0.002 cm Cl CL ce PR mec Ue ULC eee UR og scale and 1 cm on main scale is divided in 10 parts. While measuring a length, the zero of the vernier scale lies just ahead of 1.8 cm mark and 4th division of vernier scale rs ee TU ues co MRL em Couns is: (A) 1.804 cm (B) 1.840 cm (C) 1.800 em Orgy Solution — Ua ee ema ee ae) No. of vernier scale divisions = 10 DET ae ce ae a) ber Ru mcr la et ee ae = Length of smallest main scale division / No. of vernier Bore T Sli ca AL] Bae) (vernier calliper has a least count 0.01 cm. So, measurement is accurate only upto three significant figures.) Prt = Main scale reading + Coinciding vernier scale division x Lc =1.8+4~x 0.01 mec e Aly be) The vernier scale division of a scale is divided into 30 division such it coinsides with 29 main scale division.If each main scale division is half degree what will be the least count of the instrument Sn eee rE Peat rs ee eae a eRe ee eh) 1.VSD = (29/30) MSD (given in question) LC =[1-(29780)] of MSD = (1/30) of MSD = (1/90)*0.5* = (1/30)%30 mins = 1 mins (1° = 60 minutes ) Pe ee f 2 hy or fer cd feed A 1 Hl su ST oe! ) (Comect reading: (Comect roading: | Cet etal ete eter ee seein ees Bekele milimetre) are taken directly from the thimble opposite the main scale. ee ae RM ee ke eee AR Rod lines up with the main scale at 38 hundredths of a millimetre (0.38 mm); therefore the eee eee ee COR et ee ae ed reading is 7.5 mm plus the thimble reading of 0.22 mm, giving 7.72 mm.

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