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Network transform representation

and analysis
• Analysis of first and second order circuits
• Transformed network equations and analysis
Transformed network equations and analysis
In the previous section, we have performed network/circuit analysis
by classical method. The solutions were obtained directly in time
In this section, we will use Laplace transform to transform the
differential equations to frequency domain, where the independent
variable is complex frequency, s.
Differentiation and integration in the time domain are transformed
into algebraic operations.
Therefore, the solution is obtained by simple algebraic operations
in the frequency domain.
Figure: Philosophy of transform methods
 The following figure shows the relationship between excitation and
response of linear system in both the time and frequency domains.
Comparison of classical method and Laplace transform method
The Laplace Transform


Example: solve the Differential Equation by Laplace transform
• The Laplace transform is applied as a mathematical tool to find the
circuit responses in terms of voltages and currents to any arbitrary input
Transformed Circuit components Representation
1.Independent sources: the sources v(t) and i(t) may be represented by
their transformations, V(s) and I(s), respectively.

a) Representation of current source

b) Representation of voltage source
2. Resistance parameter
• By ohm’s law,
v-i relationship in time domain, VR(t) = RiR(t)
In complex frequency (s-domain), VR(s) = RiR(s)

Representation of a resistor
• It the same for both time & s-domain.
3. Inductor parameter

• From the above equations we get the transformed circuit representation for the
inductor as shown below.
4. Capacitor parameter

From the above equations, we get he following transformed circuit for capacitor.
Example-1: consider the R-L circuit with R=4Ω and L=1H
excited by a 48V d.c. source as shown below. Assume the initial
current through the inductor is 3A. Using the Laplace transform
a) Determine the current i(t); t≥0.
b) Draw the s-domain representation of the circuit.
Example-2: Find the value of VC(t) for t>0 in the circuit show
below by using the Laplace transform method of solution of
differential equations. Assume initial condition VC(0+)=9V.
Example-3: Given the series RLC circuit shown below. If there is
no initial charge on the capacitor, and the switch S is closed at t=0,
determine the resulting current.

Example-4: For the circuit shown below with R=1Ω, C=1F and
VC(0-)=0V, determine output (response) v(t) when input i(t) is:
a) Unit-impulse function
b) Unit-step function
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