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Verónica Asensio Arjona

Máster en Educación Bilingüe

Seminario 2-

Ball, P. (2018) Innovations and Challenges in CLIL Materials Design, Theory Into
Practice, 57:3, 222-231, DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2018.1484036

1. How can we describe the relation CLIL-publishing houses?

2. According to Ball, how simple/complex is it for CLIL teachers to create materials?

3. Following the notion of integration of content and language, which basic features
(according to Ball) should be essential for quality materials in CLIL.

4. Argue why Ball criticizes the the criteria for effective CLIL materials provided by
Mehisto (2012).

5. Why are many teachers forced to create or adapt materials from the L1 curriculum?
Do you think that the latter (adapting materials from the L1 is a good initiative? Justify
your opinion.

6. What does Bill mean with the following statement?:

“CLIL has helped us to understand how subject-based discourse is complex in the
L1” (p.225)

7. Explain (with your own words) the meaning of the mantra “guiding input and
supporting output” (Kelly, 2010).

8. Why is visual design of special significance in CLIL? Give an example.

9. Have a look at figure 2 (p.227), what is the function of the ‘language tip’?

10. Explain the concept of ‘mediation’ (Ball et al., 2015,p. 74) for online resources.

11. List the seven principles for CLIL materials designed provided by Ball.

Ball, P., Kelly, K., & Clegg, J. (2015). Putting CLIL into practice. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press.
Kelly, K. (2010). CLIL interview with Keith Kelly. Retrieved from

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