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Matricea de specificație

Disciplina: Limba engleză

Clasa: a VI-a
Unitatea de învățare: I love watching cartoons!
Competențe specifice:
3.1 Identificarea informațiilor necesare din liste sau din texte funcționale simple
3.2 Extragerea informațiilor dintr-un text clar structurat
4.1 Completarea unui formular, propoziții, cu informații de identificare
4.2 Prezentarea unei activități în scris, utilizând cuvinte de legătură
Conținuturi: -films and TV programmes
-expressing preferences
-Present Simple and Present Continuous
-adverbs of manner

Itemi+ Cunoaștere Înțelegere Aplicare Analiză Sinteză Evaluare

Item 1 X
Cs: 3.2
Item 2 X
Cs: 1.2
Conținut:Films and
TV programmes
Item 3 X
Cs: 4.1
of manner
Item 4 X
Cs: 3.1
Conținut: Present
Simple and Present
Item 5 X
Cs: 4.1
Conținut: Present
Simple and Present
Item 6 X
Cs: 4.2
Conținut: Films
Clasa a VI-a

I. Read the text and decide if the sentences are true ( T ) or false ( F ):
6x2p=12 p
Doctor Who is a cult BBC science-fiction TV series in the UK. Children and adults
love watching it! It is about the adventures of an alien Time Lord. Her name is the Doctor.
She travels the Universe in her spaceship - the Tardis. The Doctor loves travelling to distant
parts of the Universe and she likes meeting new civilizations. The Doctor Who science-fiction
series is over 50 years old, but British people still love it. Thirteen actors played the part of
the Doctor until now.
1. Doctor Who is a TV series for children and adults.
2. The Doctor is a human.
3. The Tardis is an alien.
4. The Doctor loves travelling.
5. Doctor Who is a new TV series.
6. The same actor played the Doctor.

II.Match the TV programmes 1-7 with the correct definitions a-g:


1. cartoon a. a play for television

2. chat show b. a programme about real events and things in the world
3. game show c. a funny show which makes you laugh
4. the news d. information about important events that are happening now
5. documentary e. a programme for children with pictures and without real
6. drama f. a programme where the presenter talks to famous people
7. comedy g. a programme where people win prizes

III.Complete the sentences with the correct adverbs using the adjectives in brackets:

1. David usually plays the piano _________ but today he is playing __________ . It is awful!
(good/ bad)
2. She usually speaks very ___________ but now she is talking to a Spanish boy so she is
speaking _________. (quick/ slow)
3. Mum usually drives _________ but she is driving _________ today because of the traffic.
(fast/ slow)
4. My sister usually speaks __________ but she is speaking ___________this evening
because the baby is asleep. ( loud/ quiet)
5. The students usually behave __________ but today they are behaving __________ and
they aren t listening to the teacher. ( nice/ bad)

IV. Underline the correct answer:

1. I always go/ I am always going swimming on Sundays.
2. It rains/ It is raining so we can t go out.
3. I am usually working/ I usually work on Saturdays but luckly I am not working/ I don t
work today.
4. Why you drink/ are you drinking milk? You don t like/ aren t liking it.
5. We always go/ We are always going on holiday to Greece but this year we are wanting/
want a change.
6. Where are you going/ do you go now?
7. You are always losing/ lose always things. Be more careful!

V. Complete the sentences with the correct verbal tense:


1. The boy ____________ (greet) me every morning.

2. I ______________ (read) a new chapter now.
3. We ___________ (live) in a big house.
4. Mary ___________ (not talk) on the phone at the moment. She ___________ (do) the
5. Matilde sometimes ___________ (have) piano lessons.

VI. Write a short paragraph about your favourite film (80 words). Mention the title, year of
release, genre (comedy, drama, etc.), plot and main characters.
20 points

Task achievement: 5p
Organisation: 5p
Grammar and vocabulary: 10p

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

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