Thermal Denaturation of The Variant of Trypsin Inhibitor

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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 701 (1982) 237-241 237

Elsevier Biomedical Press

BBA 31059




Department of Food Science, 1234 Babcock Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, 14/153706 (U.S.A.)

(Received June 26th, 1981)

(Revised manuscript received September 25th, 1981)

Ke.r words: To'psin inhibitor; Heat stability; Genetic variant; (Kunitz soybean)

The thermal denaturation of Kunitz soybean .trypsin inhibitor is not a simple two-state process. A
low-temperature readily reversible transition with an enthalpy of 10-15 kcal/mol is followed by a higher-
temperature non-readily reversible transition with a much larger enthaipy (approx. 100 kcal/mol). The
genetic variants of soybean trypsin inhibitor have different thermal stabilities. The transition temperature for
the high-temperature thermal denaturation of SBTI-Ti ~ is 64°C. The transition temperature for SBTI-Ti b is
62°C and for SBTI-Ti c it is 57°C.

Introduction vide some interesting insights into the mechanism

of trypsin inhibition.
Three genetic variants of soybean trypsin in- The Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor is unusu-
hibitor have been identified [1-5]. These variant ally resistant to thermal a n d chemical denatura-
forms give bands of different mobility on discon- tion. In 6 M guanidinium chloride soybean trypsin
tinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and inhibitor undergoes a remarkably slow unfolding
have been designated Ti a, Ti b and Ti c [5]. A fourth which requires 2 weeks to reach completion [9]. In
soybean variant, designated ti, apparently contains the presence of 9 M urea only slight changes in the
none of the Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor [5-6]. structure of the molecule are observed [10]. Ther-
The most common variant is Ti a which is present mal denaturation of the molecule at neutral pH
in 88.8% of 3039 tested soybean varieties in the does not take place until temperatures exceed 60°C
USDA soybean germplasm collection. The Ti b, Ti c [11]. There are no unusual structural features of
and ti alleles were found in 10.9, 0.3 and 0.06%of the molecule which can readily explain this re-
the tested varieties, respectively [7]. The associa- markable stability [12]. The present study of the
tion equilibrium constant of the soybean trypsin thermal stability of genetic variants of soybean
inhibitor variants for trypsin are 2. 109M-I, 2. trypsin inhibitor was begun in the hope of eventu-
107M -I and 3-101°M -l for Ti a, Ti b and Ti c, ally identifying those structural features of the
respectively [8]. These large differences in affinity molecule which are of particular importance for
for trypsin suggest that these molecules might pro- thermal stability.

Materials and Methods

* To whom correspondence should be addressed at: 4051
Bethel Drive, No. 39, St. Paul, MN 55112, U.S.A. Glycine max. v. Steele soybeans (lot LA 1-4)
Abbreviations: SBTI, soybean trypsin inhibitor; TAME, tosyl- were purchased from Olds Seed Co., Madison, Wl.
arginyl methyl ester. Varieties T-245 and PI 246.367 were obtained

0167-4838/82/0000-0000/$02.75 ~ 1982 Elsevier Biomedical Press


from Dr. T. Hymowitz, Department of Agronomy, Results and Discussion

University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. Trypsin from
bovine pancreas (Type XI), soybean trypsin in- The thermal stability of three genetic variants
hibitor (type I-S), and p-tosyl-L-arginine methyl of the Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor was ex-
ester-HCl (TAME) were purchased from Sigma amined by monitoring the inhibitory activity of
Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO. the molecules against trypsin after exposure to
Isolation of Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor. elevated temperatures for varying periods of time.
Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor was isolated from As can be seen in Fig. I, the stabilities of the
each soybean variety and from a commercial pre- molecules are noticeably different at 60°C in
paration of Ti a using ion-exchange column chro- 0.08 M Tris/0.02M CaCI 2, pHT.0. Ti a is quite
matography as previously described [8]. Discon- stable under these conditions but both Ti b and Ti c
tinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of each lose most of their inhibitory activity at a fairly
purified inhibitor showed a single band [8]. rapid rate. These differences are less pronounced
Thermal denaturation of soybean trypsin inhibi- but are still evident at 67°C (Fig. 2) where de-
tor. Temperature-difference spectral measurements naturation of all three molecules is quite rapid. It
were carried out on soybean trypsin inhibitor using should be noted that not all of the inhibitory
the following apparatus: a Beckman Model 25 activity of the molecules was lost during these
Spectrophotometer with a thermostat-controlled experiments. 20 to 30 percent of the activity of the
cell holder was used; water at 20°C from a re- inhibitor remained even after prolonged incuba-
frigerated Haake water bath was circulated through tion at the elevated temperature. It could be that
the cell holder to maintain a constant temperature the thermally denatured molecule retains some
in the reference cuvette. A savant water-jacketed inhibitory activity against trypsin but more proba-
cuvette was used for the samples. Temperature in bly these results suggest that a significant per-
the sample cuvette was varied by pumping water centage of the inhibitor molecules exist after ther-
from a second water bath. Temperatures of solu- mal denaturation in a form which readily refolds
tions in both cuvettes were continuously moni- to the native conformation when the temperature
tored using copper-constantan thermocouples. is reduced. Some additional evidence which sup-
Soybean trypsin inhibitor solutions were made ports this suggestion was obtained by a more
by dissolving protein in 0.3 M KC1/0.02 M potas-
sium phosphate buffer adjusted to pH 6.5. Protein
concentrations were determined by measuring ab- lOG

sorbance at 280 nm and using a molar extinction

coefficient of 9.44 [13]. Final concentrations of
soybean trypsin inhibitor were near 1.6 mg/ml. 8c
Solutions were filtered through a 0.45-micron Mil-
lipore filter to remove particulate matter. er
Samples were heated at approx. 1°C/min until
a maximum temperature of approx. 85°C was
observed. Changes in absorbance were recorded
every 5°C early in the experiment and at 1- or
2-degree intervals in the range of rapid absorbance
4G r
Esterase activity assay for trypsin inhibitor. The
20 I I I
esterase activity of trypsin was measured with an 0 10 20 30
assay similar to the one described by Walsh [141
Fig. I. Heat inactivation of soybean trypsin inhibitor variants
using TAME. Details of this assay appeared in a
in 0.08 M Tris/0.02 M CaCI 2, pH 7.0. at 60°C. The loss in
previous paper [8]. inhibitor activity was calculated from changes in the extent of
inhibition of trypsin under conditions where inhibition should
be stoichiometric. See text for details. 0 . Ti~: A . TiB: I . TiL

IOO' I00 ' I ' I ' 1 ' I '-~ F '~f

v 8O 80 ! -

• ~ 60-

p- /+Or- ~, Ttr=63°C -

_z 2~
4 6
] I
20 30 ~3 50 fW3 70
TIME ( M I N U T E S )
Fig. 2. Heat inactivation of soybean trypsin inhibitor variants Fig. 3. Thermal denaturation of Ti b in 0.3 M KCI/0.02 M
in 0.08 M Tris/0.02 M CaCI 2. pH 7.0, at 67°C. The loss in potassium phosphate, pH 6.5.
inhibitor activity was calculated from changes in the extent of
inhibition of trypsin under conditions where inhibition should
be stoichiometric. See text for details. O, Tia; A Tib; I , Ti c.

of this kind is commonly defined as the tempera-

ture at which the percent of maximum absorbance
careful examination of the thermal unfolding of change equals 50. The shapes of these curves sug-
the molecule. gest that at least two distinguishable processes are
Thermal denaturation of soybean trypsin in- taking place. Even at the lowest temperature,
hibitor is accompanied by large changes in the changes in the absorbance of the molecule can be
absorbance spectra of the molecule. Three 'peaks' observed. This lower-temperature transition is,
which increase with increasing temperature are however, not readily separable from the more pro-
present with maxima at 245nm, 288nm and nounced transition which begins at higher temper-
298 nm. There is, in addition, a 'valley' between atures.
260 and 280 nm which decreases with increasing Transition temperatures were obtained from
temperature. The wavelength chosen for further multiple runs with each molecule and these data
difference spectra measurements (298 nm) is the are presented in Table I. The transition tempera-
same as that used by Wu and Scheraga [11] and ture obtained from four runs on Ti a was 64.4-+
corresponds to the high-wavelength maximum in 0.5°C. This is in fairly close agreement with a
the thermal difference spectra. Our data, therefore, measurement of 63.8°C reported by Wu and
probably reflect environmental changes experi- Scheraga [11] using the same buffer, ionic strength
enced by the aromatic amino acids in the mole-
The effect of increasing temperature on the TABLE I
absorbance of Ti b at 298 nm is shown in Fig. 3 and
is typical of the curves obtained for the three N A T U R A T I O N OF SOYBEAN TRYPSIN INHIBITOR
varieties. The rate of heating in our experimental (SBTI)
system was fairly constant over the period of the
experiment. The absorbance of the solution at Sample Temperature
298 nm, however, increased gradually at the be- (°C)
ginning of the experiment, then.increased rapidly SBTI-Ti a 64.4-+0.5
at the temperature range of approximately 55 to SBTI-Ti b 62.3 -+ 1.2
65°C and then stabilized again at higher tempera- SBTI-Ti c 57.4-'- 2.3
tures. The transition temperature for a transition

i I i I I I i I l
5.0 is equal to the percent of total absorbance change
at that temperature times the protein concentra-
tion. The concentration of the native species at
this temperature is 100 minus the concentration of
the denatured species. Fig. 4 shows a typical Van't
2.0 Hoff plot from our data. Thermodynamic data
from Van't Hoff plots for Ti a, Ti b and Ti c are
z 1.o summarized in Table II. Although resolution of
z the Van't Hoff curves into two distinct lines is
J 0
somewhat arbitrary, it can be seen that there are at
least two separate events occurring during thermal
denaturation of soybean trypsin inhibitor. The first
(low-temperature) event has an enthalpy in the
range of 11-14 kcal/mol and an entropy of 30-40
-3.( cal/mol per K. The second event, which occurs in
the transition temperature range, has a much higher
-4.0 ' I = I I , I I I I enthalpy with values more typical for protein de-
2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 34
I031T naturation (85-127 kcal/mol). The enthalpy value
for Ti a (97-+ 24 kcal/mol) is consistent with the
Fig. 4. V a n ' t H o f f plot of thermal d e n a t u r a t i o n of Ti b.
value of 1 1 0 - 5 kcal/mol reported by Donovan
and Beardslee [15] from calorimetric studies. The
presence of two separate and distinct regions of
and pH. The average values for transition temper- the Van't Hoff plot for soybean trypsin inhibitor
atures for Ti b and Ti c were slightly lower than that suggests that thermal denaturation of soybean
for Ti a. The value for Ti b is roughly 2°C less than trypsin inhibitor is not a simple two-state process.
that for Ti a and the value for Ti c is 7°C less than Significant levels of at least one intermediate form
that for Ti a. These observations are consistent of the molecule must accumulate during thermal
with the relative stabilities observed using the en- denaturation.
zymatic assay. The reversibility of the thermally induced
Van't Hoff plots of the thermally induced ab- changes in the absorbance spectra of soybean
sorbance changes in the three variants of soybean trypsin inhibitor was examined to see if the low-
trypsin inhibitor were made by plotting In K against temperature transition differed from the high-
1/T where K is the molar ratio of 'denatured' to tempeature transition. A solution of Tia was heated
'native' molecules ( D / N ) and T is the absolute to an elevated temperature and the absorbance
temperature in degrees Kelvin. The concentration change at that temperature was recorded. The
of denatured molecules at a particular temperature solution was then cooled rapidly to the reference


L o w - t e m p e r a t u r e transition H i g h - t e m p e r a t u r e transition

AH AS AHapp S.Sapp
(kcal/mol) (cal/mol per K) (kcal/mol) (cal/mol per K)

SBTI-Ti a 13 -+ 3 37-+ I 0 97--+24 288-+71

SBTI-Ti b 13-+2 3 6 -+ 4 92-+ 8 275-+25
SBTI-Ti c 11 -+4 31 -+ 12 122--+27 365-+78

I ' I ' I I
which has been defended in detail by Privalov [16],
among others. There is no doubt that the high-
temperature transition can be studied indepen-
dently of the low-temperature transition either by
the procedure described in connection with Fig. 5
< 0.10
or by picking a wavelength at which the ab-
sorbance is unaltered by the low-temperature tran-
0.08 sition (see Ref. 17). The magnitude of the ab-
< sorbance changes observed during the low-

5~ 0.06 temperature transition and the enthalpy associated

t,n with the change suggest, however, that a signifi-
0.04 cant change in the structure of the molecule has
taken place during the low-temperature transition.
| i

30 40 50 60. 70 80
TEMPERATURE(°C) This research was supported by the College of
Fig. 5. Reversibility (O O) of thermal denaturation of
Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of
Ti a. Upper curve (O O) shows change in absorbance Wisconsin, Madison.
after heating to the indicated temperature. Lower curve
([] []) shows absorbance change after cooling to 20°C
from the temperature indicated on the abscissa. References
1 Singh, L., Wilson, C.M. and Hadley, H.H. (1969) Crop Sci.
9, 489-491
temperature and the absorbance change was again 2 Hymowitz, T. and Hadley, H.H. (1972) Crop Sci. 12, 197-
noted after waiting 5 min. This cycle of heating 3 Hymowitz, T. (1973) Crop Sci. 13,420-421
and cooling was repeated several times, each time 4 0 r f , J.H. and Hymowitz, T. (1977) Crop Sci. 17, 811-813
using a temperature 5°C higher than that used in 5 0 r f , J.H. and Hymowitz, T. (1979) Crop Sci. 19, 107-109
the previous heating cycle. The results of this 6 Freed, R.C. and Ryan, D.S. (1978) J. Food Sci. 43, 1316-
experiment are shown in Fig. 5. The upper curve in 1319
7 Hymowitz, T., Orf, J.H., Kaizuma, N. and Skorupska, H.
this figure shows the absorbance changes observed (1978) Soybean Genet. Newsl. 5, 19-22
at the highest temperature in the heat/cool cycle. 8 Freed, R.C. and Ryan, D.S. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta
The lower curve shows the absorbance changes 624, 562-572
observed after cooling the sample back down to 9 Leach, B.S. and Fish, W.W. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252,
20°C. The lower curve represents, therefore, the 5239-5243
10 Edelhoch, H. and Steiner, R.F. (1963) J. Biol. Chem. 238,
expected curve for the thermal denaturation of Ti" 931-938
if no readily reversible events occurred during I I Wu, Y.V. and Scheraga, H.A. (1962) Biochemistry 1,905-
heating. Clearly, the low-temperature transition 911
observed in the Van't Hoff plots corresponds to an 12 Sweet, R.M., Wright, H.T., Janin, J., Chotina, Ch.H. and
event which is readily reversed by lowering the Blow, D.M. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 4212-4228
13 Zahnley, J.C. and Davis, J.G. (1970) Biochemistry 9, 1428-
temperature. We have made no attempt to ex- 1433
amine in detail the apparent irreversibility of the 14 Walsh, K.A. (1970) Methods Enzymol. 19, 41-63
high-temperature transition. It is clearly, however, 15 Donovan, J.W. and Beardslee, R.A. (1975) J. Biol. Chem.
not a readily reversible transition. The question of 250, 1966-1971
whether or not the readily reversible low- 16 Privalov, P.L (1979) in Advances in Protein Chemistry
(Anfinsen, C.B., Edsal, J.T. and Richards, F.M., eds.), Vol.
temperature transition can properly be referred to 33, pp. 167-24t, Academic Press, New York
as a denaturation event is of central importance to 17 Khechinashvili, N.N., Privalov, P.L. and Tiktopulo, E.I.
the so-called 'two-state' hypothesis of denaturation (1973) FEBS Lett. 30, 57-60

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