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Effects of Aerobic Conditioning

and Strength Training on a
Child with Down Syndrome:
A Case Study
Cynthia L. Lewis, PhD, PT, and Maria A. Fragala-Pinkham, MS, PT
Department of Physical Therapy Education (C.L.L.), Elon University, Elon, NC; Research Center for Children with
Special Health Care Needs, Franciscan Hospital for Children and Boston University, Health and Disability Research
Institute (M.A.F.), Boston, MA

Purpose: To determine the effects of a home exercise program of combined aerobic and strength training on
fitness with a 10.5-year-old girl with Down syndrome (DS). Measurements included cardiovascular variables,
strength, body composition, flexibility, and skill. Methods: The subject participated in a home exercise pro-
gram: 30 to 60 minutes of moderate- to high-intensity exercise five to six days per week for six weeks. The
cardiovascular variables monitored were heart rate, respiration rate, and oxygen consumption during a
submaximal treadmill stress test. Other measures included 10-repetition maximal strength of selected muscle
groups, body mass index, flexibility, Gross Motor Scales of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency,
and anaerobic muscle power. Results: Improvements in submaximal heart and respiration rates, aerobic
performance, muscle strength and endurance, gross motor skills, and anaerobic power were observed for this
subject. Body weight and flexibility were unchanged. Conclusions: For this subject, a combined aerobic and
strength-training program resulted in improved cardiopulmonary functions not observed in previous studies
of subjects with DS. (Pediatr Phys Ther 2005;17:30 –36) Key words: child, cardiovascular system/physiopathol-
ogy, case study, Down syndrome, exercise test, oxygen consumption, physical fitness, physical therapy/

INTRODUCTION impair upper extremity midline movements and gait, noted

Down syndrome (DS) was the first genetic disorder by shorter step lengths, increased knee flexion at foot con-
attributed to a chromosomal abnormality (trisomy 21) and tact, decreased single-limb support, and increased hip flex-
is the most common genetic form of mental retardation.1 ion posture that can contribute to the higher energy cost of
The syndrome is characterized by several clinical symptoms gait in persons with this disorder.2 Children with DS have
that often include orthopedic, cardiovascular, neurological, decreased pulmonary function and physical fitness com-
cognitive, hormonal, and visual perceptual impairments. pared with peers who are typically developing.3
Individuals with this disorder have hypotonia and Obesity is common in postpubescent males and fe-
ligamentus laxity, which contribute to orthopedic impair- males with DS. They have a shorter stature and a higher
ments. Hypotonia and muscle weakness are theorized to percentage of body fat, and a greater body mass index than
age-matched peers.4 Despite comorbidities, life expectancy
for individuals with DS has significantly increased over the
past three decades. More than 80% of individuals with DS
Pediatric Physical Therapy survive past 30 years of age.1 However, with this increased
Copyright © 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. life expectancy come other secondary disorders, including
increased incidences of diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer-
Address correspondence to: Maria A. Fragala-Pinkham, PT, Research like dementia after age 30 or 35 years.5,6 Individuals with
Center, Franciscan Hospital for Children, 30 Warren Street, Brighton,
MA 02135. Email: DS are more sedentary than their siblings.7,8 Higher inci-
DOI: 10.1097/01.PEP.0000154185.55735.A0
dences of diabetes and obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are
primary risk factors for cardiovascular disease.9,10

30 Lewis and Fragala-Pinkham Pediatric Physical Therapy

Researchers have demonstrated the beneficial effects ments in endurance but not in cardiovascular function in
of aerobic conditioning in preventing, delaying the onset, subjects with DS. The high correlation of strength to VO2
and the management of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, during treadmill stress testing would suggest that a com-
and obesity in populations without DS.9 Aerobic condi- bined strength training and aerobic conditioning program
tioning may also help reduce these risk factors in the pop- may be more effective for enhancing cardiovascular func-
ulation with DS. However, although many characteristics tion in individuals with DS than aerobic training alone.
of DS are documented, less well understood are the effects Muscle weakness and muscle fatigue may be limiting fac-
that these characteristics have on exercise performance and tors in aerobic training programs in subjects with DS that
aerobic training. are not observed in subjects without impairment.
At submaximal workloads, individuals with DS have The purpose of this single case study was to investi-
higher heart rates (HRs), oxygen consumption (VO2), and gate the effects of a six-week home treatment program for a
minute ventilation (VE) than peers with mental retardation 10.5-year-old girl with DS. The program combined aerobic
but without DS and peers without impairment.10 However, conditioning and strength training for 30 to 60 minutes
at maximal effort, individuals with DS have lower mean daily at 70% to 80% intensity six days per week.
peak HRs and lower VO2, suggesting a lower level of aerobic
conditioning.11–13 Individuals with DS were found to have
two thirds the mean force in hip abductor strength and half
the mean force in knee extensor strength when compared Subject
with peers with mental retardation but without DS.14 Sub- The subject was a 10.5-year-old girl with DS. As a
jects with DS had a high correlation (r ⫽ 0.84) between third grade student, she received consultative physical
lower limb strength and oxygen consumption during max- therapy services once monthly through the school system.
imal treadmill stress testing that is not observed in individ- She participated one hour per week in sport skills activities
uals without impairment.15 Thus, skeletal and respiratory through the Special Olympics Organization that included
muscle weakness may be contributing factors to lower swimming, basketball, and soccer. She had cognitive im-
maximal oxygen consumption observed in individuals pairments but was able to follow two-step commands. Her
with DS during treadmill stress testing. Although a tread- parents’ concerns were that she was overweight and fa-
mill stress test is designed to examine the maximal perfor- tigued easily. She was unable to keep up with her siblings
mance of the cardiovascular system rather than the skeletal on family outings. The parents’ goals for the program were
muscle system, in persons with DS, muscular fatigue may increased functional endurance and weight loss. The sub-
occur before the cardiovascular system is maximally ject’s interests were music and dancing.
stressed. As an infant, she had surgery to repair a ventriculosep-
Individuals with DS may benefit from aerobic condi- tal defect, and, according to the cardiology consultation
tioning, but the program’s frequency, intensity, and dura- report, she did not have any residual cardiac problems. At
tion need to be modified from the general recommenda- the time of the study, she had no medical problems and was
tions of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).9 on no medication. Physician approval and parental consent
Researchers have demonstrated the improvements in car- were received for the subject to participate in a home ex-
diovascular function in sedentary individuals without im- ercise program.
pairment who participated in aerobic training for 30 min-
utes at 65% to 75% maximal VO2 three times per week.9
Cardiovascular benefits with aerobic conditioning include Design
a lower resting HR, lower submaximal HR, respiration The study was a single case study design. Assessments
rates (RRs), and VO2, and higher VO2 at maximal were done before and after intervention. Her program con-
workload.16,17 sisted of a physical therapy consultation to monitor
When persons with DS participated in aerobic train- progress and update the program once per week and a daily
ing programs following the ACSM guidelines, they im- home exercise program for six weeks. Her home exercise
proved their endurance but showed no changes in cardio- program took place initially four to five days per week
vascular function.18,19 Miller et al18 conducted a 10-week increasing to six days per week. By the third week, she
jogging program and Varela et al19 carried out a 16-week performed aerobic activities three days per week alternat-
upper body ergometry-rowing program with young adults ing with strength training three days per week. She contin-
with DS. Subjects participated in aerobic activity 30 min- ued to receive once-monthly physical therapy consultation
utes at 65% to 75% VO2 maximum three times per week. with the school system for academic-related concerns.
Following aerobic training protocols, subjects with DS in-
creased their aerobic endurance but showed no changes in
cardiovascular variables such as resting HR or submaximal Testing
HR, VO2, and VE. Subjects, however, walked longer on the The subject was assessed in the following areas: car-
treadmill or rowed longer on the upper body ergometer, diovascular function, body dimensions, flexibility, gross
indicating increased aerobic performance. motor skills, anaerobic power test, and muscle strength
Aerobic conditioning programs produced improve- and endurance.

Pediatric Physical Therapy Conditioning and Strengthening in Down Syndrome 31

Cardiovascular Testing. Oxygen consumption was apeutic ball that she could complete without stopping for
measured to assess aerobic performance during a submaxi- more than a three-second rest. A 10-repetition maximum
mal treadmill stress test following the protocol of Rose et (10 RM) was employed to assess shoulder flexion and ab-
al.20 The subject had one practice session on the treadmill duction; hip extension, adduction, and abduction; and
one week before testing to familiarize her with walking on knee extension bilaterally for upper and lower limb
a treadmill. She performed three-minute stages starting at strength and endurance, respectively. A 10 RM is the max-
23 m/min (0.8 mi/hr) and increasing 14 m/min (0.5 mph) imal amount of weight that the subject can lift 10 times.9 A
at each successive stage.20 She was encouraged to complete 10 RM was a safe assessment to employ with this subject as
each stage and progress to the next stage. The testing ended less weight is placed on the joints when compared with a
when she indicated that she did not want to go to a higher one RM or three RM, the maximal amount of weight that
stage or could no longer walk at the current stage before can be lifted one time or three times, respectively.
running. After testing, she did a cool down period at slower
speeds. Home Exercise Training Protocol: Aerobic
Expired gases were analyzed using a Medgraphs Met- Conditioning
abolic Cart. A Hans Rudolph Mask of appropriate size was Intensity. Maximal HR of individuals with DS is less
used for collecting expired air. Individuals with DS have than that of peers without the disorder.13,22 Using the
decreased facial muscle tone, and using a mouthpiece to ACSM guidelines of maximal training HR (220 ⫺ age ⫽ age
collect expired gases to prevent expired air from escaping predicted maximal HR)9 would overestimate the HR of in-
can be challenging. The subject practiced walking on the dividuals with DS. According to Fernhall et al,22 maximal
treadmill while wearing the mask to become familiar with HR of young adolescents with DS has was found to be
the procedure before testing. approximately 170 to 180 beats per minute. Initial aerobic
Body Dimensions. Height and weight were mea- training intensity was 60% of 180 or a target HR of 101
sured and body mass index was calculated. Body mass in- progressing to 70% at a HR of 126 up to 80% at 144 beats
dex was determined by dividing her body weight in kilo- per minute.
grams by her height in meters squared (kg/m2) and was Frequency. The initial aerobic program was per-
used to indicate overall body composition.9 formed twice weekly increasing to three times per week.
Flexibility Measurements. Flexibility was assessed Duration. Initial program required 10 to 15 minutes
by the sit and reach test, ankle dorsiflexion with knee ex- daily increasing to 45 to 60 minutes daily.
tension, Apley scratch test, and goniometric measurements Activities. Aerobic activities consisted of ribbon
of hip internal rotation. wand exercises, walking through an obstacle course, and
Gross Motor Assessment. Gross motor skills were stair climbing. The subject was videotaped doing the rib-
assessed using the Gross Motor Scales of the Bruininks- bon wand exercises and dancing, and she used the video-
Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP). The Gross tape to guide exercises at home. Music was used for moti-
Motor Scales consist of four subtests to determine running vation during the movement activities.
speed and agility, balance, strength, and bilateral coordina-
tion. A composite score was calculated from these four Strength Training
subtests. Intensity. Intensity was progressed by increasing the
Anaerobic Power. A modification of the Margaria- number of repetitions of sit-ups and trunk extensions and
Kalamen power test was used to assess anaerobic capacities increasing the number of repetitions and weight exercises
or muscular power.21 In the modified power test, the sub- designed to strengthen the limbs.
ject ascended a flight of stairs as quickly as possible one Frequency. Initial strength training was performed
step at a time. In the typical Margaria-Kalamen power test, twice weekly increasing to three times per week by the
healthy young athletes climb three steps at a time. Power third week of the study.
was determined by multiplying the subject’s body weight Duration. Training began at 10 to 15 minutes daily
in kilograms by the change in vertical height in meters and was increased to 30- to 45-minute sessions.
divided by time21: P (power) ⫽ [F (force), weight in kg] ⫻ Activities. Strength training included eccentric sit-
D (vertical displacement]/T (time). Units are kilogram ups and concentric trunk extensions over a therapeutic
meters per second (kg·m/sec). The vertical height was the ball; knee extension and flexion and hip flexion in sitting;
vertical rise from the base to the top of the flight of stairs. leg lifts in side-lying, prone, and supine positions; squats,
Muscle Strength and Endurance Measurements. toe raises, and heel raises; and hip abduction in the stand-
Timed sit-ups in supine and back extensions in prone were ing position using Theraband for resistance. Upper limb
used to test trunk muscle strength and endurance. The exercises included resistance training using cuff weights
tests were modified because the child could not perform a and Theraband in diagonal patterns, shoulder abduction/
standard sit-up or push-up independently even while using adduction, and shoulder flexion/extension.
a 30-degree wedge. Assisted sit-ups were performed having Documentation. The subject and her family kept a
the subject focus on eccentric lowering of the trunk and daily chart of her exercise program, recording activities
upper body. Back extensor strength and endurance were performed, intensity, and duration. The child’s age, cogni-
determined by the number of prone extensions over a ther- tive level, motivation, and general physical status were

32 Lewis and Fragala-Pinkham Pediatric Physical Therapy

considered, and exercises were altered according to these her exercises during the once-weekly physical therapy in-
factors. If she became bored with an activity, it was adapted tervention for carry over at home, and using a sticker chart.
to maintain her interest. The child’s mother supervised and assisted her throughout
Data Analysis. Mean values are reported for HR, RR, the training program, which contributed to the success of
and submaximal and peak VO2. Absolute values are pre- the home exercise program. Her parents did indicate diffi-
sented for the body mass index, flexibility, BOTMP Gross culty in continuing this type of program. They were
Motor Scales, Margaria-Kalamen power step test, and pleased with the success but could not keep up the inten-
strength training. A paired t test was used to determine sity. After the study ended, with input by the physical ther-
differences in pre- and posttraining performances where apist, they switched to a treadmill training program five
applicable. The p value was set at p ⫽ 0.05 for level of days per week for 30 minutes per session and strength
significance. training two days per week for 20 to 30 minutes with a
monthly physical therapy consultation. A few months
RESULTS later, they reported continued success with endurance, en-
Changes in posttraining submaximal treadmill tests hanced community mobility, and weight management.
are in Table 1. The subject demonstrated significantly This subject was able to demonstrate both aerobic and
lower HR (p ⫽ 0.008) and RR (p ⫽ 0.038) posttraining. strength improvements by performing a combined aerobic
However, her VO2 did not significantly change during ei- and strength exercise training protocol. Of the three car-
ther the submaximal protocol (Table 1) or highest VO2 diovascular variables, HR, RR, and VO2, she demonstrated
reached (Table 2). improvements in two areas: lower HR and RR at all stages
Body mass index did not change during the training on the submaximal stress test post training. No differences
period either (Table 2). Flexibility was within normal lim- were found in VO2. Not all cardiovascular changes occur at
its for the sit and reach test, ankle dorsiflexion with knee the same rate. Adaptation in HR and RR can occur more
extension, and Apley scratch test. She had a slight decrease quickly than changes in VO2.23 The program was conducted
in hip internal rotation at the beginning of the exercise for six weeks. A training program of longer duration may
program that was unchanged posttraining (Table 2). have resulted in enhanced VO2.
She demonstrated significant gains in gross motor These cardiovascular findings differ from those re-
skills posttraining (Table 2). Her composite point score ported by Miller et al18 and Varela et al.19 In those two
changed from 2 to 19 on the Gross Motor Scale of the studies, subjects were adolescents and young adults with
BOTMP. She demonstrated an almost 60% increase in an- DS who performed a 10-week program of walking/jogging
aerobic power as measured by the modified Margaria-Kal- and a 16-week rowing ergometry training regimen, respec-
amen power test (Table 2). Strength gains were observed in tively. The frequency was three days per week, and the
all measurements for the trunk and upper and lower limbs intensity was initially 55% progressing to 70%. In both of
(p ⫽ 0.014) (Table 2). these studies, subjects demonstrated increased endurance
posttraining by performing one minute longer on the max-
DISCUSSION imal stress tests, but subjects had no changes in cardiovas-
Factors contributing to the success of this program cular variables. The duration, intensity, and frequency fol-
were individualized exercises and parental support. Pro- lowed in these two research studies were those
gram adherence was 93% as calculated by the number of recommended by the ACSM for subjects without impair-
recommended sessions and the actual number of days that ment: 30 minutes per day, 60% to 80% intensity, three days
exercises were reported. Strategies used to motivate the per week.
subject were allowing her a choice of activities, videotaping Differences in this study compared with previous re-
search may result from differences in exercise training pro-
tocols. In this study, aerobic training intensity was higher,
TABLE 1 65% to 80% maximal HR versus 55% to 70%, duration was
Submaximal Treadmill Test longer (30 to 60 minutes vs 30 to 45 minutes), but the
Submaximal frequency of aerobic conditioning was the same (three
Treadmill Test Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 times per week). Possibly the difference in findings in the
(mean values) (1.3 mph) (1.8 mph) (2.3 mph) (2.8 mph) current study and previous reports was the inclusion of the
Heart rate strength training program on alternate days of the week.
Pretraining 137 147 149 156* The subject in this study increased her 10 RM from three to
Posttraining 126 133 142 148† (p ⫽ 0.008) five pounds in knee extension as well as increasing her 10
Respiratory rate RM in hip extension, adduction, abduction, and increased
Pretraining 46 48 52 59*
Posttraining 43 45 47 50† (p ⫽ 0.038)
number of repetitions of sit-up and back extensions. Im-
VO2 mL/kg/min provements in trunk and lower limb strength could result
Pretraining 5.2 9.4 11.7 12.7* in a lower energy cost of gait as demonstrated by lower HR
Posttraining 8.8 8.9 10.4 12.7† and RR and increased performance time on the treadmill.
* Walked 1 min at stage 4. Because of the high correlation of leg strength to max-

Walked 2 min at stage 4. imal VO2 (r ⫽ 0.84) in subjects with DS, the rate limiter in

Pediatric Physical Therapy Conditioning and Strengthening in Down Syndrome 33

Pre- and Posttraining Measures

Measure Pretraining Posttraining

Submaximal treadmill test, peak VO2 17.6 ml/kg/min 18.6 ml/kg/min
Body mass index 28.2 kg/m2 28.2 kg/m2
Sit and reach WNL, touched toes Maintained
Ankle dorsiflexion with knee extension WNL, 0–20 deg Maintained
Shoulder backward reach WNL, finger tips touch Maintained
Hip internal rotation Slight decrease 0–30 deg bilaterally Maintained
BOTMP gross motor subtests
Composite point score 2 19
Margaria-Kalamen step test (mean of three trials) 14 kg 䡠 m/sec 22 kg 䡠 m/sec
Trunk flexion 0 sit ups, 3 eccentric sit ups with assistance 3 sit ups, 16 eccentric sit ups without assistance
Trunk extension 3 reps holding each for 3 sec 12 reps holding each for 5 sec
Hip extension 8 reps (R), 7 reps (L) 0 lb 2 sets of 10 reps with 3 lb
Hip adduction 9 reps bilaterally, 0 lb 2 sets of 10 reps with 3 lb
Hip abduction 1 set of 10 reps with 0.5 lb 1 set of 10 reps with 3 lb
Knee extension 1 set of 10 reps with 3 lb 1 set of 10 reps with 5 lb
Shoulder flexion 1 set of 10 reps with 1 lb 1 set of 10 reps with 4 lb
Shoulder abduction 1 set of 10 reps with 0.5 lb 1 set of 10 reps with 4 lb
WNL ⫽ within normal limits; BOTMP ⫽ Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency; reps ⫽ repetitions.

treadmill and upper body ergometry stress testing may be the subtests were walking heel-toe on a line and on a bal-
skeletal muscle fatigue rather than cardiovascular fatigue.15 ance beam, unilateral stance with eyes open and closed on
As previously noted, maximal stress is designed to strain and off a balance beam, jumping up and down with and
the cardiovascular system before causing muscle fatigue. without clapping hands and with and without touching
Individuals with impairment in the respiratory system or heels, standing broad jump, and running speed and agility
musculoskeletal system may fatigue these systems before over a 45-ft distance.
fully stressing the cardiovascular system during a stress She improved her score on the modified Margaria-
test. Kalamen power test from 14 kg·m/sec to 22 kg·m/sec. Since
Fernhall et al24 demonstrated that adolescents and her body weight did not change, the increased score would
young adults with DS had reduced cardiovascular endur- require her to ascend the stairs more quickly. Her im-
ance when compared with peers with mental retardation proved balance, running, and coordination as noted by her
but without DS. Cioni et al25 and Horvat et al26 measured increased Gross Motor Scale score and by increased trunk
decreased isokinetic torque, average power, and flexion/ and lower limb muscle strength and endurance as noted by
extension ratios in subjects with mental retardation when her increased number of repetitions and 10 RM measure-
compared with subjects without disabilities. However, ments could account for her faster speed in stair climbing
these measures of strength were even lower in the group for an improved anaerobic power score. However, stair
with DS than in peers with mental retardation but without training was also part of the aerobic program, and she may
DS. In these studies, subjects with DS demonstrated even have experienced a practice effect.
lower cardiovascular and strength measures when com- Since the program was six weeks in length, the
pared with peers with mental retardation but without DS. changes in muscle strength and speed are a result of en-
In 1994, Dyer27 conducted a circuit weight-training hanced neural recruitment rather than changes in in-
program in an A-B-A design with 10 children and adoles- creased muscle fiber size.28 Typically, prepubescent chil-
cents with DS. She reported that subjects demonstrated a dren do not demonstrate changes in muscle fiber size, and
lower mean resting HR, lower mean resting blood pressure, increased strength results from enhanced neural recruit-
and lower peak HR to a three-minute step test after a 13- ment and timing.
week strength training program. Oxygen consumption was Two measurements were unchanged: flexibility and
not measured in this study. This strength training program body weight. Although change in flexibility was not a goal
resulted in changes in cardiovascular variables as noted by of the program, decreased body weight was. Although she
lower resting HR and blood pressure. did not lose weight, she did not gain weight either. To
The subject in this study displayed not only gains in demonstrate changes in body weight and body mass index,
cardiovascular variables and strength measures, she also this training program would have needed to include a pro-
demonstrated improved balance, coordination, and power gram of dietary management combined with the exercise
in gross motor tasks. Her score on the Gross Motor Scale of training protocol. Researchers suggest that exercise train-
BOTMP increased from 2 to 19. This scale consists of four ing alone will not make significant changes in body weight
subtests that measure running speed and agility, balance, and body mass index without dietary changes.29 Measure-
strength, and bilateral coordination. Activities included in ment of the percentage of body fat would have provided

34 Lewis and Fragala-Pinkham Pediatric Physical Therapy

information on body composition. Since we did not use been effective. At the end of the study, the home program
skinfold measurements to assess body composition, we was modified and the parents continued to carry out an
cannot make any conclusions about body composition aerobic and strength program with their daughter. (4) The
changes after intervention. program was adapted to the interests and attention level of
The resting metabolic rate (RMR) also contributes to the subject. She could choose from a variety of activities on
the incidence of obesity in individuals with DS. The RMR is a daily basis. Videotaping the weekly physical therapy in-
the caloric expenditure to maintain homeostasis. The tervention program assisted the parents and child in fol-
lower the RMR is, the fewer calories that the individual lowing through with the program. (5) Physical activity has
expends in maintaining body temperature, energy cost of to become part of a lifestyle for children and adolescents
respiration, and other physiological functions at rest. With with DS because of their higher risk of chronic diseases that
a lower RMR, an individual is more likely to gain weight is worsened by obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
even with a normal caloric intake. Luke et al reported that
prepubescent children with DS had significantly lower SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
RMRs than peers without DS. The two groups were In this case study of a child with DS, a home program
matched for age, weight, and percentage of body fat. Al- of combined aerobic conditioning and strength training of
though aerobic exercise does not significantly change the moderate to high intensity, 30 to 60 minutes per day for
RMR, it is higher in individuals with greater muscle mass.30 five to six days per week resulted in changes in cardiovas-
As previously noted, although prepubescent children can cular variables not reported in other studies employing
improve their strength, this increase is thought to be en- aerobic conditioning only. In individuals with DS, in
hanced by neural recruitment and not increased muscle whom muscle strength and VO2 is very highly correlated,
mass. Increased muscle mass is related to increased sex combined aerobic and strength training protocols may be
hormones, especially testosterone.28 Future research on necessary for the improvement of cardiovascular function.
the effects of strength training on the RMR in adolescents Future research is need to investigate this hypothesis in a
with DS would be important to note for lifestyle manage- larger group of children with DS compared with age- and
ment to prevent the high incidence of obesity often seen in gender-matched peers without DS. A combined exercise
postpubescent individuals with DS. training protocol of longer duration of 10 to 12 weeks and
A limitation of this case study is that we did not have using a maximal stress test may result in enhanced VO2 in
information on the subject’s thyroid function. Yearly thy- subjects with DS that the authors did not document in this
roid screenings from infancy to adulthood are recom- study.
mended for individuals with DS because of the high inci-
dence of hypothyroidism.31 Signs of hypothyroidism REFERENCES
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36 Lewis and Fragala-Pinkham Pediatric Physical Therapy


1. Tratamentul recuperator, trebuie sa raspunda cerintei de baza a dezvoltarii si

cresterii copilului.
2. In perioada de dezvoltare a deprinderilor motorii de baza se pune
fundamentul dezvoltarii motorii viitoare.
3. Este obligatoriu sa tinem seama ca interventia kinetoterapeutului sa aiba loc
in aceasta perioada.
4. Un aspect important, dar si elementar de stiut este ca in aparitia limitarilor in
comportamentul motor in cazul copiilor cu Sindrom Down este
incapacitatea-dizabilitatea - de stabilizare a posturilor.
5. In programul specific kinetic trebuie dezvoltata fiecare deprindere
neuromotorie de baza, trebuie stimulata postura primara de baza.
6. Terapia prin joaca in cadrul procesului de recuperare are un succes mare in
randul acestor copii.
7. Sedinta de kinetoterapie trebuie sa inceapa cu manevre de masaj terapeutic,
acest lucru favorizeaza apropierea copilului de catre kinetoterapeut si apoi se
va continua cu un program de exercitii care contribuie la dezvoltarea fortei
musculare, a echilibrului, a mobilitatii articulare si a orientarii in spatiu.

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