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2 Citizen Media: The role of citizen journalism


Start by doing the self-correcting exercises which you can find in the classroom in the
Resources section: Citizen Media: The role of citizen journalism. You can find the
Resources section in the top right corner of the classroom. As you are working through the
exercises, take note of any new language you learn. You will need this to prepare the Task

When you have finished, share one thing that you have learnt from these resources (e.g.
vocabulary, expressions or grammar) to the I have learnt something today folder in the



Task type To do Where Length % CA mark

In pairs Speaking Tandem 15 minutes 70

In this task, you are going to do a Tandem session in pairs.


● Use the Discussion area in the Work group space to arrange who you will meet
and at what time (Classroom > Work group space > Discussion).
● You will also need to decide who will start the Tandem activity, as one of you will
need to invite the other person to the task CA3 Citizen Media.
● Please see Appendix for general information about your conversations.


● One of you should start the Tandem task by inviting your partner: 1) select your
partner’s name, 2) select the CA3 exercise, and 3) click “Start”. Your partner will
have 1 minute to accept the invitation.

CA3.2 Citizen Media: The role of citizen journalism
● Once you are in the session, your recording will begin automatically and will be
saved for your teacher to view. Please make sure you are recording with video.
● Introduce yourselves clearly at the outset of the conversation.
● Work your way through the on-screen exercises.
● There are three tasks in the Tandem.
● The tool automatically closes after 60 minutes.


Pay particular attention to the following: giving and asking for opinions and expressing


Please see Assessment and Feedback in the classroom.

Writing Tutorial 1

Your teacher will post more information about this optional activity in the classroom.

Error correction exercise 2

Your teacher will post more information about this optional activity in the classroom.

Pronunciation error correction

Your teacher will post more information about this optional activity in the classroom.

CA3.2 Citizen Media: The role of citizen journalism

Appendix: Tandem — General information

General information
During the Tandem session we do not expect perfection, so do not worry too much about
making mistakes. The most important thing is to demonstrate that you are able to
communicate your ideas effectively and use strategies to interact successfully with your

The activity should take you about 15 minutes to complete.

You should speak only in English. If you don’t know a particular word or expression, try to
describe what you want to say to your partner to see if they can help you.

Please note that you should NOT READ from a script. Remember that naturalness of your
intonation is one of the characteristics that will be taken into account when evaluating your
recordings, as well as the natural, spontaneous interaction with your partner.

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