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Article 2

1. What is the title of the research?


2. Discuss the issue or problem that the researcher wants to investigate

- To analyse the stress factors & stress levels among B-school faculties in Mumbai,

3. Discuss the steps taken by the researcher in the research process

- A rigorous strategy of purposive sampling was utilised all throughout the selection process
for the participants.

- Who had expressed interest in participating in the study, we invited them to fill out the survey
questionnaire. The sample size for this study was one hundred. This study employed a
descriptive research survey as its method of inquiry. Secondary sources compiled from research
articles, dissertations, and blogs and websites associated with business schools.

4. Does the research extend your understanding of the research issue(s)? Explain your answer
with examples and recommendations.

- This research has extended my understanding of the research issue such as strengthen the
existing interpersonal ties between the superior and the faculty will give the majority of the
faculty members believe that their stress levels are manageable. Family-related stress was
scored as being extremely low, indicating that the faculty does not have many issues in this
area as a result of the faculty's intrinsic characteristics and the fact that everyone knows and
respects one another.

- To inspire and urge the students to participate in the learning process, the faculty members
must take the initiative to be innovative and creative in their teaching approaches, as a result,
these stressors must be taken seriously, and measures ought to be made to lessen them. If not,
teaching staff productivity will decrease. The results of this study are incredibly important
because they will serve as a wake-up call to the institution's administrators and teaching
personnel, alerting them to the possibility that any sort of stress that a person experience may
not be treated promptly.

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