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1. What is the title of the research.?

- Stress Experienced by Turkish Nursing Students and Related Factors.
2. Discuss the issue or problem that the researcher wants to investigate.
- To determined Turkish nursing undergraduates may affect stress levels and stress they
experience during their studies to determine the socio-demographic variables.
3. Identify the type of research done by the researcher.
-This study, which descriptive cross-sectional in design study was completed with 821
students. The data was collected using the information, forms and Stress in Nurse
Education Questionnaire-SINE are collected.
4. Discuss the steps taken by the researcher in the research process.
-The information form and SINE were used as data collection instruments. Questions that
were prepared by researchers and pertained to students’ sociodemographic attributes were
presented in the information form. as a modified form of the Nursing Stress Scale, which
was developed by Gray-Toft and Anderson.

- The score range for this questionnaire is 0–96, and higher scores indicate greater stress.
The factors together explain 37.1% of the total variance for the original study. The validity
and reliability of the Turkish version of the scale were confirmed by the Karaca et al. in
The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin value of the Turkish version of the scale was found to be 0.93.
The chi-square value, obtained using Bartlett’s globalization test, was significant [c² (774)
=7050.137; p=0.00]. The two factors had eigenvalues over 1 and explained 32.7% of the
total variance.

- All items had factor loadings of 0.33 and above. Confirmatory factor analysis showed
that the error variances for the variables were 0.88 and below. Cronbach’s alpha reliability
coefficients ranged from 0.81 to 0.93, interclass correlation coefficients between total and
subdimensions of the questionnaire were 0.76 and above, and total item score correlation
coefficients were over 0.30.
5. Does the research extend your understanding of the research issue(s)? Explain your
answer with examples and recommendations.

-To my understanding, this study had extended my understanding of the research issue by
This start when students start their nursing education and have an impact on their
academic performance and quality of life. Stress is a common issue for nursing students
and compared to the general population and students of other health disciplines,
undergraduate nursing students are more likely to experience mental health issues. Taking
on the responsibility of caring for a sick person, coming face to face with death or a dying
patient, lacking support in clinical practise, and lacking self-confidence during clinical
practise are some of the common stress sources that have been identified by studies on
stress in the practical application of nursing education and student training. Three major
groupings can be used to analyse the pressures nursing students endure.

• Academic strain (e.g., being tested, fear of failing in the application of training,
and problems related to the field of study)
• Clinical pressures, include connections with others at an institution, studying, fear
of making a mistake, fear of getting a bad reaction from a dying or suffering
patient, etc.
• Personal or societal difficulties (such as a lack of money or an imbalance between
work from home and school).

My recommendations will be students should receive adequate clinical and academic

support and attention is paid to raising their level of self-awareness, they will be less
vulnerable to the detrimental effects of stress throughout their educational career.
Therefore, planning interventions to improve students' capacity for stress management
throughout vocational education is essential and will provide them with security in terms
of enhancing their biopsychosocial health.

6.Arcticle attached (1)

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