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Determination of Planck's Constant


Determination of Planck's Constant by Photocell

Components of Planck's Constant Apparatus

Power switch; AC cable; fuse holder; power monitor; LED; gain switch; zero ADJ trimmer;
a meter terminal; LED select switches; switch; voltage trimmer; volt meter terminal; light
source LEDs; filter holder; phototube


Planck's constant is a number that describes the size of quanta that are present within the
light. These quanta are also known as photons.
Planck's constant is denoted by "h" and it is expressed in Js. Its value is 6.63 ×10−34
The emission and absorption of light was an early subject for investigation by the German
physicist Max Planck. As he attempted to formulate a theory to explain the spectral
distribution of emitted light based on a classical wave model, he ran into considerable
difficulty. Classical theory (Rayleigh-Jeans Law) predicted that the amount of light emitted
from a black body would increase dramatically as the wavelength decreased, whereas
experiment showed that it approached zero. This discrepancy became known as the
ultraviolet catastrophe. Experimental data for the radiation of light by a hot, glowing body
also showed that the maximum intensity of emitted light departed dramatically from the
classically predicted values (Wien’s Law). In order to reconcile theory with laboratory
results, Planck was forced to develop a new model for light called the quantum model. In
this model, light is emitted in small, discrete bundles of energy or quanta, later called
photons. The relationship between the classical and quantum theories for the emission and
absorption of light can be investigated with our apparatus. In combination with a mercury
vapor light source an accurate determination of the ratio h/e and thus of h, Planck’s
constant, is possible. This constant has turned out to be one of the most important
fundamental constants in all of modern physics.

Historical background:

When we see towards the end of 19th century, the physicists were unable to observe black
body radiation. In 1900 Max Planck created an equation by assuming an electrically
charged oscillator in a cavity that has black body radiation which could only changes its
energy in an increment "E" and this "E" was proportional to the frequency of the associated
electromagnetic wave. Planck successfully calculate proportionality constant "h" and this
constant was given name Planck's constant in his honor.

He said that energy was not continuous quantity, we cannot have any absolute value of
energy until light contain packets of energy of particle size. He was right and so he was
awarded a Nobel prize in 1918 for his great effort and work on black body radiation. The
energy of a photon is equal to the frequency multiplied by the Planck's constant. The
equation that explains the Planck's constant is known as Planck-Einstein relation.
E = hf (3.1)
Where "E" is energy of packets of light, measured in Joules. "f" is frequency of light,
measured in hertz and "h' is obviously Planck's constant.

The Planck’s constant describes how to take frequency of light and use it to determine the
size of containing packets of energy. The energy “ E “ is very small. As we know that
frequency ”f “ is equal to speed of light “c” divided by wavelength “ λ


So, the eq.(3.1) can be written as


The de Broglie wavelength “ λ i


Where p is the liner momentum of a particle such as photon.

In many applications where angular frequency is commonly used i.e. frequency "f" is taken
in radian per second instead of cycle per second or hertz, it is useful to use a factor 27t in
Planck's constant. Then the constant obtained by this is known as reduced Planck's
constant. It is denoted by "h" and is read as h-bar. Hence

ħ = h/2 π

The value of “ħ” is 1.054 ×10−34

From eq. (3.1)


And from eq. (3.5)

h = ħ2 π

Putting the values of h in eq. (3.1), we get

E = h2 πf

We know that

ω=2 πf



This is the energy of photon with angular frequency ω=2 πf

Measuring the anode-voltage and photoelectric current characteristics of the

phototube by the light intensity

1) Make sure that the POWER switch is turned of
2) Removing the shielding cover. Attach the diffusion filter to the filter holder provided
in front of phototube.
3) Connect the DC voltmeter and the micro ammeter to the corresponding terminals
4) Set the GAIN switch to LOW
5) Attach the shielding cover.
6) Set the LED select switches to Intensity and OFF respectively
7) Turn on the POWER switch
8) While setting the anode voltage to the full scale on the minus side (approximately -
2V)adjust the zero point of the micro ammeter.
9) Adjust the VOLTAGE trimmer to decrease gradually the anode voltage ,and read the
photoelectric current at that time.
10)When the voltage reaches 0V, change the polarity using +/- switch and increase the
voltage further more.
11)Change the number of lighting LEDs from 0 to 4 in the increment of 1 ,and record
the anode voltage –photoelectric current characteristics at each time.
12)Plot the measuring data in a graph whose X-axis is the anode-voltage and the Y-axis
is the photoelectric current.

Table # 1
Photoelectric current with different intensities
Anode Voltage(Va)
I1 ( μA ¿ I2 ( μA ¿ I3 ( μA ¿ I4 ( μA ¿
-0.15 3.5 6 10 14
-0.10 6 14 20 27
-0.05 9.8 22 33 44
0.00 12 31 47 63
0.05 14 40 59 82
0.10 16 46 68 93
0.15 18 50 75 100

Graph 1: photoelectric current characteristics with different light intensity




60 I2


-0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Measuring the anode-voltage and photoelectric current characteristics with
different wavelengths

1) Make sure that the POWER switch is turned off
2) Remove the diffusion filter.
3) Connect the DC voltmeter and the micro-ammeter to the corresponding terminals
4) Set the GAIN switch to HIGH
5) Attach the shielding cover.
6) Set the LED select switches to COLOR an FOFF respectively
7) Turn on the Power switch.
8) While setting the anode voltage to the full scale on the minus side (approximately -
2V)adjust the zero point of the micro ammeter.
9) Select the LED of the desired wave length (color) of the LED , Adjust the VOLTAGE
trimmer to increase the anode voltage gradually and read the photoelectric
current at that time.
10)Change the wave length (color) of the LED, and record the anode voltage –
photoelectric current characteristics at each time
11)Plot the measured data in a graph whose X-axis is the anode voltage and Y-axis is
the photoelectric current.


Photoelectric current with different wave length

Anode Voltage RED Anode Voltage Orange Anode Voltage Green Anode Voltage Blue
(V1) (volts) I1 ( μA ¿ (V2) (volts) I2 ( μA ¿ (V3) (volts) I3( μA ¿ (V4) (volts) I4 ( μA ¿
-0.27 2 -0.47 2 -0.55 2 -0.89 2
-0.17 13 -0.37 15 -0.45 13 -0.79 15
-0.07 41 -0.27 69 -0.35 48 -0.69 48
0.03 68
Graph 2: photoelectric current characteristics with different wave length

Determination of the stopping voltage

LED Red Orange Green Blue
Stopping Voltage 0.26 0.47 0.62 1.02

Graph 3: Frequency –Stopping voltage characteristics

Stopping Voltage (V)

f(x) = 0.243 x − 0.0149999999999999
R² = 0.955253579228343




5.07 5.29 5.81 7.46

h φ
Vo ¿ e v− e



Δy V o 2−V o 1
m= ⇒ m=
Δx v 2−v 1


φ=( 0.015 ) ( 1.6 ×10 )


φ=2.4 ×10

m=0.243 × 10−14

h −14
=0.243 ×10
−14 −19
h=(0.243 × 10 )(1.6× 10 )
h=0.3888 ×10

h=3.88 ×10−34 Js

Percentage error:
Actual value−calculated value
% Error= × 100
actual value

6.63 ×10−34−3.88 ×10−34

% Error= ×100
6.63× 10−34
2.75 ×10
% Error= ×100
6.63 ×10−34

% Error=41.47 %

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