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Activity Guide

Time Activity Person in charge

7am – 9am Arrival and registration Joy
9am – 10am Opening Prayer
Praise and worship Surigao City
Biblical Reflection
10am – 10:30am Break
10:30am – 11am GTKY James
- groupings
Buddy game
11am – 12pm Indoor activity
- building for future Love
- purchase items individually
(first come, first serve
12pm – 1pm Lunch
Prepare yell and banner
1pm – 5pm Team Building By team (1-2 faci per
(4 hours) team)
45 mins Hop Scotch
30 mins Shape Lifter
30 mins Longest Line
45 mins Land Mines
45 mins Caterpillar
5pm – 6pm Dinner
6pm – 8pm Candle ligting/bonfire
- save/throw Love
- release and surrender
Buddy game + assignment

1pm – 2pm Recap game/ trivia James
2pm – 3pm Indoor activity Joy
3pm – 4pm Closing, give-aways, tokens,
certificate, photo opps

Team: Faci
A Joy & Mitch
B James & Arvin
C Lanie

Theme: Crossroads: Seeing new perspectives, making wise choices.

Bible Reference: Eph 5:15-16 (ESV)

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making

the best use of the time, because the days are evil. (ESV)
Target areas of development:
- decision making
- planning
- cooperation
- communication

Activity Materials Instruction Insights

Buddy Game Paper and pen
Indoor activity Printed items
for sale and
- banker
Team Building
Hop Scotch Printed clip art RH - 5 concentration
Masking tape LH - 5
Timer RF - 6
LF - 8
Shape Lifter Yarn/straw Attitude towards
Longest Line Decision making
Land Mines Obstacles Listening skills
caterpillar Blindfolds Cooperation;
Stick/pen/item communication
Candle lighting/ Bonfire
Buddy game +
Recap game
Indoor activity Bondpaper
- planning Pen
- accounting Coloring

Things to buy: Each person:

 masking tape (500 pesos)
 scotch tape  2 – 100
 yarn/straw  6 – 50
 crayons

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