Ud10 RD-WR

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10 scans @ ill. Reading ). Lee el siguiente correo electrénico y contesta en espafiol a las preguntas que apare- cen a continuacién para comprobar tu comprensién. ¥ Inbox Dear John, ¥ SentMal . , * Drafe, I'm writing to let you know a little more about the candidates and the inter- view process. So far this month we have interviewed ten candidates. Five of ‘them haven't finished their degree yet but they think they will have finished their studies by June. Two of them have been unemployed since 2006 and the other three have been working for over 5 years. They have never used English at work but all of them speak the language quite well. In fact, six of, them have been studying it for over ten years. Tl tell you more about it when T see you next week Regards, Pete a) @Por qué le escribe Pete a John. b) iA cudnta gente han entrevistado?. ©) dnel periodo de cuanto tiempo?.. 4) Qué pasa con cinco de los candidatos?. €) Qué piensan que puede pasar en junio? f) Qué ha pasado desde el 20067... 9) 2Qué han estado haciendo durante mas de cinco afios? hh) gCuantas veces han usado el inglés en el trabajo? i) {Saben hablarlo? i) ePor que? 10, En uno de los controversial statements de la seccién Today's Talking Point se afirma que las redes sociales de internet se crearon con el fin de conseguir un montén de datos per- sonales para las empresas y los politicos. El siguiente texto trata sobre ese tema. Léelo y contesta a las preguntas que aparecen a continuacién: Everyone knows that big corporations use the information on social networks to find out what the latest market trends are, based on what users like or dislike. It’s an incredibly valuable tool for marketers. In fact, a lot of them consider it the most reliable source of data for their research However, on a smaller scale, anyone can manipulate the information on the Internet in their own interest. Say someone opens a new restaurant or a hotel. They can sign up toa social network under thousands of invented identities and start raving about this new place and, at the same time, pretend to try to keep it secret from other users. This usually makes the place more appealing, since it makes the place seem «underground» or clandestine. Doing this, they get real clients to come to their restaurant or hotel and later leave real feedback ontine. If that feedback isn’t good, they can always counter it by inputting some fake positive feedback of their own. 1. How can you know what kind of information is reliable? 2. Do you believe the information we receive is always inevitably biased depending on ‘the source? 3. Can you name at least 5 positive aspects and 5 negative ones about the most popular social networks? Have you seen my pet giraffe? 64 wna 10 BW. Writing 11. Escribe cuatro post-its para dejar en las mesas de los compaiieros de trabajo con la informacién que te facilitamos: pri ry 8) Quieres saber cuantas horas ha tra- b) Quieres saber cuantas horas trabajé bajado Peter en lo que va de mes. Samantha el mes pasado. 4) Quieres decirle a Sebastian que el puesto de acuerdo en cuanto al precio rnimero de teléfono que te dio ya no (to agree on the price). existe, 12. A continuacién te planteamos un nuevo controversial statement que también tiene que ver ccon el tema que se plantea en el Today's Talking Point de la unidad. Léelo con atencién y, a continuacién, escribe un parrafo defendiendo tu opinién y otro parrafo defendiendo la opinién contraria.

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