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Neo-Romantic ( Apocalyptic ) School

This modern Romantic School appeared during the Forties .The best
representative of this school is the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas .Unlike
traditional Romantic poetry , the poetry of this group is not written for the
common reader .The Neo-Romantic poet is not a ‘ man speaking to
men’.The Neo means new which means that the poetry of this group is
R.omantic in spirit but the treatment is new .In form (style) it is new but the
themes are Romantic.Unlike Georgian poetry which is Romantic in form but
Modern in contentAs Imagism is similar to Cubism in painting ,Neo-
Romantic School is similar to Surrealism. The New-Romantic poems
partakes some common characteristics :

1-The setting and atmosphere of the poem

2-The themes are Romantic such as the beauty of nature,memories of

childhood and interest in the supernatural

3-The Neo-Romantic poetry is psychological in spirit .It deals with the

subconscious and the inner workings of the mind

4-The poetry of this school is highly imaginative and intellectual in addition

to being lyrical

5-The style is highly poetical(using images,symbols and figures of speech)

6-The poets employ allusive style ( using allusions)

7-They use words to give strange metaphorical meanings


Saad N.Al-Khafaji (PhD)

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