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Juan Diego Rojas Riveros

Daniel Ramírez Rodríguez

Juan José Castillo Vindas

Darwin Gene Mobley Salas


Artificial Intelligence

1. What is the name fo the TV news show?


Tech Talks

2. What props are you going to use?



IA examples

T-shirts and shirts

3. What characters are you going to play?


Juan Diego Rojas: Against

Juan José Castillo: expert on IA

Darwin Gene: Interviewer

Daniel Ramírez: In favor

4. What visual aids are you going to use?


Power point presentation

Amazon Echo dot

Siri and Cortona

5. What vocabulary are you going to use?


6. What information (articles) are you going to use?


Articles about IA, they talk about the pros and cons of IA and what
basically IA is.

7. What grammar are you going to use?


Brain storm.
Automatic, technology, artificial, human, artificial brains, Sophie, Alexa,
Siri, Weaponry, human substitution, future, self driving driven cars, traffic
control, robots, war, drones, speed, transportation, etc…


How can IA help humanity?

Do you think IA would be able to harm humanity?

Do you think that IA its going to be the future of humanity of there would
be another technology replacing it?

Is there any possibilities that IA can dominate humans? If you think so,
what do we can do to stop that tp happen.


1- Presentation of the tv show(Tech Talks).

A. Introduction.

1- Good morning

2- Host presentation

B. Topic present.

1- Presentation of the expert.

2- Presentation of the invited people.

2- Development of the TV show.

A. Expert talk.

1- Explanation of what is IA

2- Benefits from IA

3- Examples of IA

4- Future IA technology

B. In favor invited.

1- Presentation of what does he think of the IA

2- Benefits of IA

3- Examples of technology

C. Against invited.

1- Presentation of what does he think of the IA

2- Benefits of IA

3- Examples of technology

3- Debate of IA in daily life.

A. Questions from the Host

1- 2 questions to the expert

2- 2 questions to the in favor invited

3- 2 questions to the against invited

B. Point of view of the Host

4- End of the program

A. Conclusions of the host

B. End of the program

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