B1+ Unit 1 Workbook

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LANGUAGE GRAMMAR: Simple present and con uous; action and state verbs 1 choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Then write A for action verbs and S for state verbs, 1. Look, that's Hugo! He's coming / He comes over to see us. a 2 Should we open the window? I's feeling / It feels hot in here. es 3 I think we should get a bigger TV and Toms agreeing / agrees withme. — __ 4 How often are they going / do they go to the gym? = 5 It’s great to see youl Are you having / Do you have a good time? —__ & Anna needs some help, she's not understanding { doesn’t understand what to do. = 7 My brother is working f works in the US. at the moment, = 8 I'm sure that jacket is belonging belongs to Marcia, = Complete the sentences with the simple present or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. Use two verbs twice, have go make think exist hate 1. Hannah believes that ghosts really 2 I didn’t have time to cook sowe takeout pizza. 3 We. to the supermarket once aweek 4 You look happy! What you about? 5 Marco cooking for other people. 6 My sister that | should call our parents more often. rae eyo alarge apartment? 8 The children a lot of noise because they are very excited, Communication | VOCABULARY: Communication 3 Match the two parts of the sentences, It's very rude to check Luckily, he was able to access Over 100 people commented Michael till keeps ‘The couple shared asked Monika to give A lot of people 90, When i get aon Suk’ latest post. b in touch with a lot of friends from home ee © mea calllater. 4 atext message, my phone makes a loud noise, e online to get medical advice. £ the Internet from his hotel room. some of their photographs on social media. your phone during dinner with friends. 4. Complete the text with the comect words |. You never see Ethan without his smartphone. He tp | about 80 texe messages a day, and he likes toto |) them immediately. Ifyou try ro $s___to hitn face-to-face, | it can be really annoying because be’ always checking his | 4p_____1 He uses Facebook to keep in Sx______ wih his friends, and he «___ it regularly, He 7. Jos of photos on it and often &___ on his friend posts, Ethan's parent live in a ural area where ie difiele 0 %1___the Internet, so they don't see his Facebook poss. J However, he does 9g __thema call ewicea weeks PRONUNCIATION: Sentence stress 5 ii) Read the sentences. Underine the aunilary verbs tht should be stressed. Listen, check, and repeat. 1 Flora and James are 5 Fatima is studying Pryse having a party. in college, 2 Does Kart play the piano? 6 Brett and Owen ster staying in the same hol 3 Maria isn't teeing very well today. 7 Ben doesn't haves tet 4 Sasha and Lucia don't fortbeshow want to play tennis, 8 Gavin's parents arelt vid ios —beth tne vay reaturos in sane a vats uy (on se se esl Kn yates 6 cy coments by ushg a compu rte ot at tho comments seotion of any nine |] gap 7a the second type at work, leaving =f foe NE Na massages on a sors of saben, | ara cee spvec, ane ofcourse thes | ass 8 trong dsagreement and messages that Grin ine bet eptable But, basicaly, if someone's 5207 eee ate and Hes 0 upset or embarrass ran! 0 to scaro the person, that person is tro so use Sodal media, YOu are sure to have nee of rong sone oar. Tos need oo oy il tern any eno space wero sop communicate PUDIC Hen ou oat one reir that he abit to make fl] Aways rrrenber that tetris the one th the problem, pad iva ol -so don't feed them! Tots are Wl nt you. t's obvious that nobody who hides behing a Ses pont, They cont acualy went aeasonable | keyboard o we ings her she would newer dae Sey Ferree mrsro poh at alin tying to have one. face-toface can bea happy and sacure person. Infect Fee pooner treten vols, but hey wl ce} neasoape repos of poopie wo have been taken 0 cout re ee rioing ther game," and they are mere ikely to for threatening or napproprita toting lmost always seem ee unt than stop. They are ont thing to upset you, } to describe cad and ional ves. Tolls make us furious, but theif you don't ave them a response, they have aied. $sympathy would probably be a more appropriate emotion. | 1 Read the tile and look at the pictures. What do you Itis possible to use social media sites think the article will be about? ‘without seeing messages from trolls, 5 Only very intelligent people become trolls. 6 Trolls dont lke it ifyou post angry replies, —__ 7. Trolls always make a great effort to keep. their names secret. a 2 People who post unpleasant messages online. bb What todo if your computer is broken. __& Workers who spend most oftheir ime at a computer 2 ‘Ress te fist sentence of each paragraph, Which of oats cin neo) poco | A-D do you think will make these points? 1 tsumaly best not to reply to trolls pi 2 We should probably feel sory for trols. ease 4 You should ty not to have contact with trolls. —— 4 Icon sometime metimes be difficult to decide if someone is actualy a trol A Complete the sentences with your own ideas, 4 [thought Maria was 2 vegetarian, but, actually, 2 Philippe told everyone he was a pilot, when he was actually Rea, a eee i the sentences, Write T for true sentences, F for 3. Sara's house doesn't have four bedrooms. In fact. semten "ences, and D when the article doesn't give " €nough information to-be. ‘4. | thought polar bears lived in the Antarctic, but, in fact oa sure. 2 Honene Mot has more than one meaning, —— ae st comments on online ten by trol onne Newspapers are § | didn't expect Raj to have many Twitter followers, but, He can som a oes 4 times seem rude when © stro Ng opinions, = 6 The doctors thought she had the flu, but, actually, GRAMMAR: Question forms 41 Complete the questions with the words 7 the box iG Did Does What Have Were who Howlong De Why 4 you have a good time: yesterday evening? pee dic the meeting go on for inthe end? ee Should we have for dinner tonight? as the ety of Tjuana in Mexico or the us? 5 you spoken to Peter at all today? 6 did Liam decide to become 8 vegetarian? To your brother have a job? — Alice and Ben pleased when You told them the news? 9 were you taking to when | $241 YOU this moming? 10 ____-you know where the caste Is? 2 Complete the questions. Use verbs from the answers inthe correct form. i) ee motorcycle? B She keeps her motorcycle in the garage ____— you for your her yf birthday? B He gave me a book A No, Henry can't play the guitar. nee ne test movie yet? B Yes, I saw it last week. ———— _ the concert? B Yes, | really enjoyed it. Gia this etter from my bani? itwas private. B L opened it, sory, | thought it was for me Ursula? B itwast VOCABULARY: say, tell, speak, and tay and talk 3 complete the phrases with say, ti plete the P 2, tel. speak oy ty (pi se corny goodbye ___ jokes + more slowly sel you're sorry a someone a story 7a ___ to someone about a problem the truth 9 that you are hungry 49 thank you {1 ___—-someone a secret 42 Tike things to someone 4. complete the sentences with the pasts tell, or speak imple of ay 4 Barbara that she wanted to dione. aha 2. | wonder what Pat so angry? 3 Orla hello and sat down, to Karl tommake him 4s The man 50 quiet that nobody ca hear him. oa § Michel us lie, and now were not friends. «Pir usualy English at schoo and Spanish at home 7 Kmsure that Matt ‘ruth. 8 Louis’ boss — performance at work. the police officer he to him about his 9 Who congratulations on passing Yo% 40 Leon that the concert is on Satud# night. PRONUNCIATION: Question intonation ifthe intonation nk 5 ia Read the questions. write (Ui a oo tose Listen Ci eaxine: Making small talk $P = 3 OB Rudy, seta, and Carina often give extra judy, Bella, and Carina meet at a party. Listen tetheir conversation. Check (v) the phrases you heat. 1 Isanyone sitting here? 2 Idont think we know each other. 3 The food's delicious, isn't it? Iima friend of Cristina’. ‘Are you from around here? So, what do you do fora living? ‘And what does that involve? ‘re you having 2 good time? ove your shirt Isitnew? Great to meet you. Nice talking to you. ates Have a great evening. wae 2 Lookst the phrases you checked in exercise 1, Write S ifthey are used to start a conversation, Aif they are Used for asking about a person or situation, and E if they are used to end a conversation. information when they answer questions. For each uestion, identity the main answer and the extra information from a~j, Listen again if you need to. Have you been dancing? Main Extra __ ‘Are you from around here? Main Extra_ So, what do you do fora lving? Main Extra 4 And what does that involve? Main Extra ‘Are you having a good time? Main Extra__ 42 Unfortunately, though, | have to be at work at sic tomorrow morning, s0 Ineed to leave ina minute. But | moved back to Quebec. Wel, | work with people to help them get in shape. Yes, am. Hove this music. tim a personal trainer. Ihave clients ofall ages from eighteen to 80! No, | used to live here. ve been doing it for about three years now. Yes, for hours! Complete these conversations with your own ideas. ‘Add an extra piece of information to the answer, and then add a positive comment, as in the example. 1. A Are you having a good day? B. Yes, thanks. | played tennis this morning. and ‘Oh, great! Id love to play a game with you some time. ike your phone. Is it new? Yes, itis. Do you enjoy classical music? Not really, to be honest. Where do you work? I work downtown,

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