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Jian Karlo R.

Sta Maria
Photo documentation of Zero-waste project
Jian Karlo R. Sta Maria
Photo documentation of Zero-waste project

Going into this project, I had little to no expectations, but after the project I managed to learn new things and got productive
in collecting information and pictures, props just to post and share with people, because although I am a lazy slug, I find
these types of actions very important, this not only affects my everyday life, but planets life too. When I was done with this
activity, I realized how much wrong I have been doing throughout my everyday life, I have become more aware on what to
consume and how much of it to consume. Unfortunately, I did not get any proper responses in the comments as shown in
the pictures, its my friends trying to play tricks on me. However, the most important part about my post is for it to get to
people out there, people that are misinformed, people that need these types of information. I tried my best in keeping my
zero-waste project as minimal as possible so my friends and family that see the post, can get involved as well, without the
worry of having to buy materials, the practices I showed also were able to show how our house is filled with objects that we
can reuse to make into something more useful, something that will last us at least a year, instead of a plastic bag that just
lasts hours until we throw it away. Overall, this project has given me more awareness and a better picture on the importance
of my decisions in my everyday life, hopefully it did the same for at least one individual who has seen my post.

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