1.philosophic Basis

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Topics: What are the relationships among five

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One day in the surgical ward, there was a patient
with a chronic skin ulcer. The wound would not heal,
even after changing the dressing. An experienced doctor
in Chinese medicine, accompanied by Xiao Li, saw the
patient. He observed there was a palm-like ulceration in
the patient’s calf. When undressing the gauze bandage,
he found the surface of the skin pale and there was no
fresh red blood or granulation on it except for some
diluted secretion. When he saw this, Xiao Li asked,
Master, why wouldn’t the sore close the opening after
such a long time?“ The doctor replied, "The surface was
This results from an insufficient amount of Qi or
blood, thus the body has failed to produce a new layer
of skin.“ Then Xiao Li asked, How can we treat it?” The
doctor explained, In Wu Xing theory, lungs are metal
and are responsible for the skin; the spleen is the
earth and it is responsible for the muscle and the
spleen is the source of Qi and blood. The patient
cannot grow new skin because the spleen cannot
produce sufficient Qi or blood. In other words, the
earth cannot generate metal.
As a result, the wound cannot be healed and we
shall treat it by asisting the earth to generate metal.
“Then, the doctor gave the patient a prescription for
strengthening the spleen and replenishing his Qi,
while also emphasizing good nutrition and a
continuous intake of medicine. A month later, the
ulcer was cured. After this, Xiao Li thought Chinese
medicine was truly amazing.
Viscera and
• Five Zang-organs

• Six Fu-organs

• Extraordinary Fu-
Five Zang-organs
Learning objectives
1.Grasp the physiological function of
five Zang organs.
2.Be familiar with physiological
Situated inside chest and above diaphragm
Covered by pericardium
It looks round in shape and sharp at lower,
similar to lotus buds.
Physiological functions
1. in charge of blood and vessels
Heart qi dominates and regulates blood
circulating in the vessels, nourishing and
• Normal: heart qi
strong—coordination—regular heart
beating—not fast, not slow
• Abnormal: heart qi weak—imbalance of y-
y—irregular heart beating—loose
nutrition—palpitation, fullness in chest,
cardiac pain, purple lips, thread and choppy
2. Heart houses mind
commanding whole physiological function of
governing whole mental activities of body
① broad mind—the master and general manifestation
of human body’s activities;
narrow mind—indicating different mental activities
including spirit, consciousness, thinking, emotion,
②relations between “in charge of blood” and
“houses mind”

blood is the root of mental

In charge of Houses
blood mind is manifestation of mind

control whole body’s activities

that is what we called in TCM heart is “organ

of monarch”, “root of life”, “master of five
Zang and six Fu organs”.
Physiological character
Heart is Yang organ characterized as smooth
and clear
situates in chest, pertains to fire, yang
within yang
promotes heart beat, warming whole body,
keeps excitation of spirit

Free blood circulation is the root of heart

vessels. Heart yang warming and promoting,
heart yin keeping quiet and inhibition.

Clear is the key to heart mind. Heart yang

promoting and inspiring, heart yin keeping
quiet and controlling
Relations between heart and other
tissues and organs
constitution — vessels, manifestation on fac
orifice — tongue (meridians, blood, taste, sp
emotion — enjoyment(normal stimulation)
heart fluid — sweating(heart blood, heart mind)
blood and sweating have same origin
manifesting as sweating
season — summer
taste — bitter
Duodenal Mouth
ulcer ulcer
Xin xiang shi cheng: 心想事成

There is a story about this in the ancient

book Lie Zi. In the Spring and Autumn Periods,
during the time of the Warring States, there
was a famous doctor Bian Que. One day, two
patents Gong Hu and Qi ying went to see Bian.
He told them there was a disease hiden in both
of their bodies, and the disease would worsen
with age. “ I will help cure your disease, what
do you think?" he said.
Gong and Qi replied, “What disease do we
have? How can you treat it?"
Bian told Gong, “You are ambitious, thoughtful
and resourceful but unfortunately, you are weak-
minded because you always hesitate at crucial
moments and lose out on achieving success.“ Then,
Bian turned to Qi, ”You are the opposite. Though
you lack a plan for the future and are simple-
minded, you are strong in mind; not calculating,
but dictatorial.”
Bian finally suggested, “A heart exchange
between the two of you will make you both perfect.

After hearing Bian’s eplanaton, both of them
were willing to accept the heart-exchange
operation. Having drunk a kind of wine like
anesthetic, they went into acomatose state and
had their chests opened and Bian exchanged
their hearts. After that, Bian applied a magic
medical powder to their wounds, and waited
until they awoke and recovered. Feeling good as
new, they thanked Bian and left.
However, unexpected things occurred
when they returned home. Gong and Qi went
back to each other‘s homes and were not
allowed to enter. Quarrels arose and were
only resolved after Bian explained the
situation to both families.
Functions of Heart

1. In charge of blood and

2. Heart house mind
Relations between heart and other tissues
and organs
manifestation on ..
orifice is ..
heart emotion is ..
body fluid is ..
heart is communicating …

lungs are located in thorax cavity

covering on the heart.
It has two lobes, left separating into two,
while right into three.
Throat is the gateway of lungs, nose is the
orifice of lungs.
Lung meridian of hand-
Physiological functions
1. In charge of qi and breath
① In charge of breath air
Lungs is the place for air exchange. Through
respiratory function, lungs can breath in fresh
air, breath out turbid air, to accomplish air
exchange between body and external
Physiology: opening and descending
Pathology: fullness, cough,asthma
② In charge of vital energy (Qi)
In charge of formation and movement of vital
2. In charge of ascending and descending
opening upward function on qi
Ascending: Lungs
spreading and
outward body fluid
breathing out turbid qi
head, face,
body fluid upwar orifices
distributio d moiste
n outwa n skin hair,
rd muscle
warming muscles, filling up skin, which strengthen
both skin and muscles
change to in charge of
transporting to skin,sweating opening and
muscles control and closing
Descendi descending and purgation
ng: function inward downward
breathing in fresh air, and descending
the pectoral qi to below umbilicus for
assisting primary qi
fluid transporting
Nutrients inward and
from spleen cereals qidownward
moistening other
transporting turbid liquid downward to
kidney (urinary bladder.)
source of urine
3. In charge of water metabolism
“regulation of water passage”
liquid up head,
nouri face
Cereal out sh skin and
Lungs Qi muscles
qi change to
Transporting to skin, sweating
defensive qi regular sweating

transporting inward, downward to

Lungs Qi “dantian”
transporting the metabolized turbid liquid
downward to kidney
“Lung is the upper source of
4. Meeting with all the vessels, coordination
① meeting all the vessels
Through opening and descending, lung’s
function on air exchange, and send fresh blood
to whole body by hundreds vessels.

Assisting heart to promote blood circulation

through regulating qi movement
Vessels (get togetherbreath

All blood lungs e Air exchange
4. Meeting with all the vessels, coordination

fresh air via qi

passing heart vessels
to promote blood
cereals qi from n
② In charge of coordination
keeping coordination to maintain regular
respiration qi, blood, and body fluid.
② In charge of coordination

Upward, opening
Respiration Qi movement maintain respiration to
keep regular air
Qi Downward, exchange
regulating descending
Qi movement of whole body: free flow of qi

basic movement of qi :ascending, descending, going out,

meetinginwith hundreds of vessels
Blood: assisting heart to promote and regulate the circulation of
water administrating and regulating
metabolism descending the distribution and excretion
of body fluid
Physiological characteristic
1. Lung as florid canopy
a. It is known as “florid canopy”, locating in
the thorax cavity, covering on the five Zang
and six Fu organs, occupying the topmost
b. lungs occupy the topmost position promote
water metabolism, so it is called “the upper
source of water”
c. covering on the five Zang and six Fu
organs, lungs open defensive qi to the
superficies for protecting body from
evils attack.
2. delicate organ

a. Physiological : lungs is clear and empty organ,

easy to be full when breathing in, and easy to
be empty when breathing out. It is florid
canopy and the meeting place with vessels
b. Pathological : cough, short of breath,
c. Therapy : light and brand herbs to be used for
opening and dispersing, which over-cold, over-
warm, over-moisten, over-dryness are not
(3) some relations between lungs and other
tissues and organs

manifestation — skin and skin hair

orifice — nose
lungs emotion — worried(sad)
fluid — Snivel(running nose)

season — autumn
Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Novel
Coronavirus Pneumonia
(Trial Version 7)
(Released by National Health Commission & State
Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine on March
3, 2020)
Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment
This disease belongs to the category of plague(疫) in
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), caused by the
epidemic pathogenic factors. According to the different
local climate characteristic and individual state of
illness and physical conditions, the following treatment
Protocol may vary. The use of over-pharmacopoeia
doses should be directed by a physician.
• During medical
Clinical manifestation 1: fatigue and gastrointestinal
Recommended Chinese patent medicine: Huoxiang Zhengqi
capsules (pills, liquid, or oral solution)
Clinical manifestation 2: fatigue and fever
Recommended Chinese patent medicine: Jinhua
Qinggan granules, Lianhua Qingwen capsules
(granules), Shufeng Jiedu capsules (granules), Fangfeng
Tongsheng pills (granules)
• During clinical treatment (confirmed cases)
• Lung cleansing & detoxifying decoction
Scope of application: It is suitable for light, moderate
and severe patients, and can be used reasonably in
combination with the actual situation of patients in
the treatment of critically ill patients.

Recommended prescription: Mahuang9g, Zhigancao 6g,

Almond 9g, Shengshigao 15-30g (fried first), Guizhi 9g,
Zexie 9g, Zhuling 9g, Baizhu 9g, Fuling15g, Chaihu16g,
Huangqin6g, banxia 9g , Shengjiang 9g, Ziwan 9g,
Kuandonghua 9g, She gan9g, Xixin6g, Shanyao12g,
Zhishi6g, Chenpi6g, Huoxiang9g.
Suggested use: Traditional Chinese medicine decoction
pieces for decocting in water. One dose per day, twice
in the morning and evening (forty minutes after a
meal), take with warm water, and three doses a course.
If conditions permit, the patient can take half a bowl of
rice soup each time after taking the medicine, and can
take up to one bowl if the patient has a dry tongue and
is deficient in bodily fluids. (Note: If the patient does not
have a fever, the amount of gypsum(Sheng shigao)
should be decreased.
If having a fever or strong heat, the amount of gypsum
can be increased). If the symptoms improve but do not
fully recover, then take the second course of treatment.
If the patient has special conditions or other underlying
diseases, the prescription of the second course of
treatment can be modified based on the actual situation
and the medicine should be discontinued when the
symptoms disappear.
Source of prescription: Notice on Recommending the Use of
‘Lung cleansing & detoxifying decoction’ in Treatment of NCP
by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine by the
Office of the State Administration of Traditional
Chinese Medicine & the General Office of the National
Health Commission. (2022 No.22)
LUNG Qi Deficiency
“Yin ren zhi yi ”means that we should use
correct methods to solve problems according to
the differing needs of the individual patient
involved. This personalized method is widely
used in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses in
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
One day, when an old TCM doctor was treating
his patients with his student Xiao Li, there came a
young man and a young woman. The woman said,
“Doctor,we both have colds. Could you please
write us a prescription for a larger dose of
medication so that we can share it? Can you
really take the same medicine?“ the old doctor
We both have a cold, so why can’t we share
the medication?” she responded.The doctor
glanced at them and continued, “Whether or
not you can share it depends on whether or
not you have the same symptoms."
Then, the doctor began to examine their
symptoms. After a while,he told them, “You
have different symptoms. One of you has a
runny nose, chills, fever, body aches, itchy
throat, coughing with white mucus, and profuse
sweat. According to the theory of TCM, it is the
wind-cold type, and ‘warm’ anti-cold medicine
should be taken.
The other has a sore throat, cough with
yellow mucus, overt fever, and no chills. It is
wind-heat type and ‘cold’ anti-cold medicine
should be taken. So you can't share the same
kind of medicine."
With this explanation, the woman
immediately asked, “Doctor, we are a newly
married couple, living and eating together like
two peas in a pod. How is it possible that we
The doctor explained patiently, “It is because
you have a different body constitution.’’ Then,
he gave them prescriptions separately.
After they left, the old doctor continued to
explain to Li, “The male is extroverted, impetuous,
afraid of hotness, and usually fond of cold food.
Therefore, he has a‘warm’ body constitution, and
his cold is wind-heat type.
On the other hand, the female is an introvert
with cold hands and feet. She is fond of the quiet
and hot food, so she is of the wind-cold type.
Hearing this explanation, Li nodded and said, "I
see, Sir.”
It can be seen that this personalized method of
treating patients, advocated by TCM, proves to be
more effective in the diagnosis and treatment of
illness because it takes into account the individual
Xiaoli and Xiaoming were good friends who
decided to lose weight together. At first, they
both used the same method - eating only apples
instead of meals. However, after some time,
Xiaoli successfully lost 3 pounds while Xiaoming,
rather than losing weight, began to have
stomach aches every now and then.
Xiaoming felt confused and they both went to
the doctor. The doctor examined them carefully
and said, “Not all people can use the same
method to lose weight. You two have different
constitutions. So you need to apply diferent
methods to keep fit.
Spleen is located in middle energizer, below
diaphragm, left to the stomach. Spleen is
connected with stomach through membrane and
The Spleen in Traditional Chinese

Physiological functions
1. in charge of transportation and transformation
(1)promoting digestion and absorption of food,
transportation of essence

Chyme Chyme cereals essence

foo (stomach (small absorption
d intes.) turbid descends to
) L.I
Spleen Reach other four zang
Qi organs
promoting change into Qi,
growing blood, liquid
postnatal keeping life nourish organs,
root activity tissue
(2)absorption, transportation and regulating
of water essence
water essence from
Going up to
a.spleen digestion and absorption lungs
Qi of stomach
absorption in L.I.
transporti Opening and
re-absorbed water after
ng descending
kidney steaming
again to
whole body
2. Spleen governs blood
Spleen qi controls blood circulating inside
vessels without bleeding
Spleen qi nutrients Whole body’s Qi
plenty promoting
Normal Qi powerful in
transportation controlling
and blood protecting blood in
transformation vessels from
to produce bleeding
2. controlling blood

Spleen fails to in charge of

blood blood stool, blood urine,
metrorrhagia and metrostaxis,
subcutaneous hemorrhage
Physiological character
1. in charge of ascending nutrients
a. cereals qi , nutrient
Spleen qi ascends to heart and
lung—changing qi and blood
Deficient spleen qi fails to ascend
cereals qi
dizziness vertigo
turbid retention, abdominal
loose stool or diarrhea
b. to maintain internal organs in regular
position, and prevent them from prolapsed
2. desire for dryness and aversion to
water essence spreading
spleen transport
dry spleen is basic condition for regular
transportation and transformation
Relations between spleen and other organs
and tissues
constitution is muscles, in charge of four
opens to mouth and manifestation on
emotion is
splee clear saliva from spleen essence,
n watering out from the corners of mouth

spleen communicating to
seasonslate summer(the summer
solstice—the limit of heat)
18 days of each season
Ji XX, male, 53y, went to see a doctor on
December 25, 2002.
It has been more than ten years since he
suffered from duodenal ulcer and epigastric
pain. In the past two months, epigastric pain
has continued, and he has black stools. He is
suspected to be cancerous. It has been proved
by gastroscopy that he had not cance. However,
the doctor recommended surgical treatment,
and the patient refused , he wanted to take
traditional Chinese medicine.
The symptoms are epigastric pain, like warm
and pressing, no appetite, abdominal distention
after eating, losing weight , cold limbs, thin
body and tired spirit, dizziness and fatigue,
yellow complexion, tender tongue, thick white
fur, and slow pulse.
liver is located in abdominal cavity, below the
diaphragm and in the right rib-side
Liver meridian of foot-
Physiological functions
1. In charge of dredging and dispersing
Liver qi dredges the routes and regulates
movement of vital energy so as to promote
the transporting of nutrients, ascending
and descending of spleen qi, secretion and
excretion of G.B. bile, keeping happy
Physiological functions

regulating the movement of qi

keep the free flow of vital
maintain the
coordination of Zang-fu
Liver qi fail to dispersion

Qi stagnation-chest pain, breast or abdominal

distension .
Liver qi fail
to dispersion

• Qi is the motive
force for the blood
circulation, qi
stagnation will
cause blood stasis-
chest pain , lumps,
poor menstrual flow,
dysmenorrhea and
spreading of blood circulation
body fluid
and body fluid spread
n promoting
ascending and
Regulating spleen function descending of
qi and secretion of spleen qi
bile secretion ,
Disharmony between the liver and the
loss of appetite, indigestion,nausea,hiccup,
 suffused with acid, abdominal distention,
diarrhea, etc. which is called "disharmony
between the liver and the stomach" or
"disharmony between the liver and the
spleen" in traditional Chinese medicine.
blood is the root neither
of emotion depress
blood and nor
Qi stagnation
Dispersio emotions
in harmony in emotion
n promotin
Regulating Dredging in mutual
ejaculation and
liver coordi
ovulation Storing in nation
If the liver function is normal, the
human body can better coordinate its
spiritual and emotional activities, which
are manifested as happy spirit,
comfortable mood and sensitive sense.
If the dispersion is not enough, it is
manifested as mental depression, worry,
desire to cry, sigh, chest distention and
If the dispersion is too much, it is
manifested as excited state, such as
irritability, dizziness and pain, insomnia
and dreamy.
2. in charge of storing blood

storing blood, regulating the amount of

blood, preventing bleeding

a.to change and nourish liver qi to keep regular

b.to distribute blood to different parts where it is
If the liver blood is insufficient and the
muscles don’t have enough nutrients. The
joints couldn’t bend and stretch, the limbs
will be numb, the hands and feet will
tremble, and the body will lose its fitness.
2. in charge of storing blood

c. Nourish related tissues and organs, such as eyes,

d. Essential to menstruation
sufficient liver qi consolidates
e. Prevent bleedingblood
y-y coordination keeps liver
in regular function
ouqi juhua
less menstrual
Physiological character

1. liver is unyielding organ

ascending, movement, unyielding, restless
a. mechanism:liver Qi is characterized by
smooth, stretchdesire to
b. physiologysmooth
aversion to
minister fire
Physiological character

c. pathology: dizziness,red face,irritability,

convulsion,spasm, opisthotonus

d. Liver is opposite to delicate organ of lungs,

promotion of strength and flexibility, liver fire
affecting lungs
2. in charge of ascending and promoting

ascending yang qi to inspire different organs, to

regulate and promote qi movement

a. mechanism:full of vitality
b. physiology:inspiring the organ qi, promoting
qi-blood circulation to keep vigorous activities

c. pathology: both liver qi and liver yang are

commonly excess
Relations between liver and other organs

constitution is tendon, manifestation on

live opening
nails areinto
the eyes
extension of the tendon
r emotion is anger
body fluid is tears
communicating to spring
Qin XX, male, 35 y, was hospitalized on October 26,
Three days ago, there were distending pain in
hypochondrium after drinking, and the right side was
more severe. The symptoms are followings: alternating
cold and fever, distending pain in hypochondrium ,
suppression in the chest and nausea, loss of appetite,
bitter and disgusting mouth, short and red urine,
unsmooth stool, red tongue tip, yellow and greasy fur,
and slipper pulse.
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
Longdan Xiegan Decoction
Right crop for right time(yinshizhiyi-因
Right crop for right time(yinshizhiyi-因
This means that when we come across
difficulties, we may need to use differing
methods based on the time or season.This
personalized method is widely used in the
diagnosis and treatment of illnesses in
Traditional Chinese Medicine.It requires that, in
order to achieve results, the doctor apply the
appropriate methodology based on the rules of
One winter morning, an old TCM doctor was treating his
patients with his student Xiao Li. There entered a patient
who said, "Good morning,doctor. I caught a cold recently.
Last spring, I had come to see you for my cold and
recovered after five doses of herbal medicine. I have
brought the prescription you gave me. Would you please
give me a refill?
Oh, how did you catch a cold this time? How do you feel
right now?" the old doctor asked as he looked through the
reports and prescription.
“I feel stuffy, so I slept with the air-conditioner on.
That’s probably why I caught another cold. After
getting up yesterday morning, I began to feel sick,
sniffling with a runny nose and coping with a terrible
headache. I also had bodyache, sensation of chill, a
fever and was sweating,” the patient answered,
“Let me have a look at your tongue.”said the doctor,
as he felt the pulse of the patient. “Xiao Li, come and tell
me what the tongue coating looks like.”
“It is thick and white, sir,” the student replied.
“You can't take the same medicine this time,” the
doctor told the patient.
“Why?” the patient asked, puzzled.
“From the theory of TCM, your cold is different from
the one you had last spring. So we need to give you a
new prescription.“The doctor wrote a new one for him
and advised him to drink more water and get more
After the patient left, Li asked: "Sir, why is dift ant-
medicine used in different seasons?
“This is a concrete application of Yin Shi Zhi Yi in
clinical TCM. TCM regards humans as creatures of
nature. Different characteristics of climate will make
an impact on a person’s physiology. Thus, in clinical
treatment, we should take into consideration its
impact upon people’s health, and find a solution,
according to the patients’ clinical symptoms.
As for this patient, he contracted the wind-heat
cold in spring with obvious symptoms of fever,
sweating, sore throat and thirst. Now it is winter, but
he paid little care to keeping warm, and fell ill from
wind-cold. Although he did have the basic symptoms
of a cold, like the sensation of chill, he had no sweat
or other obvious symptoms like a sore throat or thirst.
So I can’t offer him the same treatment. Xiao Li
Five days later, the patient came in for a follow-up
visit. All his symptoms had disappeared except for a
small cough. The doctor offered another prescription
and the patient left satisfied.

kidney is located in the waist, both sides of spinal

column, one in each side. “The waist is the house
of the kidney”
Physiology functions:
1. storing essence, in charge of production and
reproduction, qi changing
(1)essence: basic materials to constitute and
maintain human body life
Origin of essence

Congenital essence: from parents genetic
materials, storing in kidney
Postnatal: cereals qi from spleen and stomach
the surplus of Zang-fu essence
transporting to kidney ,to replenish
congenital essence
Kidney qi plenty or not is directly related
to human growth and development, and
even the whole process of aging, as well as
related to human reproductive ability.
Relation of congenital and postnatal essence

Congenital essence is
kidne assistant congenital qi,
y in primordial qi
essen activity
ce Postnatal essence is supplements:
replenishing of postnatal essence
function is ripe for reproduction
changing to reproductive essence
(2)in charge of production and rep.

kidney essence is in charge of bone change
production ts hair

Childhood: enrich kidney essence, fast growth of

hairs, transition of milk teeth, bone growing
gradually with height increasing
youth period: abundance of kidney essence,
permanent teeth produced, bone is strong
enough, the body is provided with reproductive
(2)in charge of production and rep.

mid-age and prime period: peak of kidney

essence, strong tendons and bones, hair shiny,
sturdy build, and rich vitality
old-age period: kidney essence gradually
declines, shedding of hair, withered teeth, loss of
reproductive function

(3)to promote and regulate qi change
Kidney essence
Kidney Yin:cool, quiet, inhibition,
and coagulation

kidney Qi Kidney Yang:warming,promotion,

root of organ’s
(3)to promote and regulate qi change

“true” and
Kidney essence: primordial
and true essence
mean congenital
Kidney Qi: primordial and root of life
true qi
Kidney yin: primordial and root of zang-
true Qi organs yin-yang
Kidney yang: primordial and
true Qi
other organs’ chronic diseases will affect kidney
in the end
2 . In charge of water
governing and regulating water metabolism
①kidney qi promotes the organs in charge of
water metabolism
②producing and excreting urine
turbid liquid after water metabolism
lung water spreading downward
steaming up to lungs, rejoin water
turbid to urine
through the function of kidney and U.B
excreting out of body
3. In charge of reception of qi
holding fresh air from lungs to keep deep breath
and prevent superficial respiration
fresh air from
inspirationunder the reception of qi reflects the
g of lung of storage of storage function of kidney
qi in respiratory movement

to keep certain deep
benefit to air exchange
Physiological Characters:
hibernation and concealment
hiding, storage, conceal. it is a summary
for storing essence
Aversion to dryness
Water-fire house
Relations with other organs and tissues
constitution is bone, teeth is extension of bone ,
manifestation on hair, hair is extension of blood
opening into the ears, the external genitals and
fear produced internally
sticky saliva secreted below tongue with
sticky constitution, and mainly spitting out
of mouth
communicating to winter
Peng x, female, 29y, she went to see doctor
on August 20, 2001.
Over four years after the marriage, three
abortions occurred, the time between 3-4
months after pregnancy. Every one month after
pregnancy, there will be bleeding, lassitude in
loin and legs, dizziness and so on. Although
several times to protect the fetus, taking
vitamin E and injection of progesterone, but it
has not been effective.
The pregnancy has been more than two
months, fatigue, waist and knee weakness,
dizziness and tinnitus, abdominal drop,
occasionally vaginal bleeding and urinary
incontinence, pale tongue and thin coating,
weak pulse. Due to the loss of confidence they
want to try Chinese medicine.
Syndrome type:
Syndrome of non-consolidation of kidney qi
Prescription:shoutai pills or zishenyutai
Zhang X, male, 64y, he went to see a doctor
on January 20, 2002.

It has been more than 20 years since the

attack of asthma. In recent years, it has been
hospitalized 4 times for each cold or fatigue
induced attack. This time, it recurred due to
the preparation for the Spring Festival
The symptoms include coughing and wheezing,
can’t lying down, opening mouth and lifting
shoulders, breathing couldn’t continuously, and
even wheezing when moving, accompanied by
sore back and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, low
and timid voice, and dry mouth. The body was
thin and weak, the tongue was pale, less coating,
and the sublingual collaterals were thin and
Syndrome type:
syndrome of non-consolidation of kidney
qi(deficiency of both qi and Yin)
Prescription:Jinguishenqi pills
Kidney yin deficiency patients should pay attention to what

Ear rubbing helps to tonify kidney

Six Fu organs
Concepts, functions and
concepts:gallbladder, stomach, urinary
bladder, large intestine, small intestine,
the energizers
same function: transportation food

food—mouth—stomach—small intestine

the clear being the turbid being

transported to four eliminated out of body
organs for nourishment through feces
Concepts, functions and
the same function: transportation food

the clear leaping up to

the turbid liquid lung
descends to kidney urine eliminating out
Six fu-organs are enrich food without
characterized by taking remain of food and
unobstructed as its essence
function, taking
descending as its favor
Gall Bladder
Gall bladder is located right rid-side,
attached to the underside of the liver
Main functions

(1)storing and excreting the bile

accumulation Dredging of liver

of the surplus bile gall.b
excretion to
part of liver intestine
it plays an important role in
qi digestion
taking descending as its favor

(2)in charge of decision-making

G.B functions on accurate judgment, firm
determination during the mental activities
(2) extraordinary Fu organ
vesicular organ filling
with bile the digestion and
promoting Six fu organ
absorption of food
clear, purified “ the essential juice”
character is similar to “storing essence ”
of Zang organs Extraordina
It does not directly contact with food ry organ
and water, which makes it different
from six fu organs
It is also called” the fu-organ of essential juice,
clear and clean, lucid juice”


Stomach is located upper part of abdominal

cavity, connected with the esophagus in the
upper and the small intestine in the lower
stomach between the upper and middle
cavity parts
Main functions
1. receiving and holding food
Stomach Qi Sea of cereals and Tai
2. in charge of decomposition of food
It refers to the initial stage of digestion,and
then the chyme is transmitted to the small
Physiological character
1. the stomach governing descent
①receiving and holding food
②the chyme is transmitted to the small
nt ③remains of digested food descend to
form feces in L.I
④feces being eliminated out through anus

failing to descend, stomach qi influences the

descent of six Fu, as well as the ascending and
descending of free flow of vital qi
Physiological character
1. the stomach governing descent
coordination of spleen
stomach qi tends to and stomach in
descent ascending and
spleen qi tends to descending will
ascent supplement each other,
and promote the
digestion and
absorption of food and
2. preference to moisten, aversion to dry
To maintain sufficient body fluid for receiving and
sufficient body
receiving promotion and fluid to
and steaming maintain
decomposi moisten of body receiving,
tion fluid decomposition,
yang earth, preference to moisten, aversion to
dry, tends to dry heat damaging yin
yin earth, preference to dry, aversion to damp,
tends to cold damp damaging yang
Small Intestine

It is located in the middle of the abdomen, its
upper end connects with pylorus which
communicates with stomach, the lower end
connects to ileocecum which communicates
with L.I. It is a long, tortuous tubular organ.
Main functions
1receiving and receiving chyme
changing digest the chyme by
spleen qi and small
2separating the clear and the turbid
Clear nutrient spleen qi transporting to body
the waste being transported to LI via ileocecum by
turbid stomach qi
S.I.absorbs more water during absorption —in
charge of body fluid
turbid water to
uretha promoting urine to treat diarrhea
remains to anus
Large Intestine


Large Intestine is located in the abdomen.

Its upper end connects with the small intestine
via the ileocecum(railing portal), and its lower
end is the anus(daring portal).
Physiological function
1. in charge of transportation of remains,
receiving the food remains and absorption of
water to form stool
separating clear and turbid
descent of stomach qi
descent of lung qi
remains transportation and
transportation steaming
2.in charge of body fluid
dryness function—absorbing water when
receiving the food remains from SI to form
Participatng in water
Urinary Bladder

It is located in the lower abdomen,
occupying the space underneath the
kidney and the front of the large
intestine,and is a hollow capsule-shaped
organ. Its upper end is connected to the
kidney by the ureters, its lower end is
connected to the urethra, which opens to
the external genitalia.
main physiological function

1.Turbid liquid descends to kidney, and then to U.B.

after steaming

2.regular excretion of urine relies on the

stimulation and consolidation of kidney
and U.B.

stimulates the formation of urine, controls the

Kidney excretion of urine
and promotes the contraction of U.B. and the
bladder excretion of urine
Three energizers
1 Solitary fu organ, containing all
internal organs
2 Functions

①passage for all qi movement

pectoral qi in chest
from below to above to
from above to below, to
body Qi
chest, spreading to replenishing
whole body primordial qi using
primordial qi in kidney Three
②passage of water transportation in wholeenergizers

(3)classification and physiological characters of San-
jiao in location
locations charact functions
  above Ascending and
upp diaphragm—heart, upper- dispersing
er lungs, head and face, jiao is
arms like fog

  Below diaphragm—sp.st. Transportation and

middl middle-
liver and and gall transformation of
bladder jiaois nutrients
  below umbilicus —S.I. L.I. Kid. lower-
tion Get waste and turbid
lowe U.B. uterus, essence room
jiao is out of body
r like
Extraordinary fu-
Definition of extrordinary
function is similar to Zang because of
storing essence, morphology is similar to
Fu because of middle-empty tubular
All of brain, marrow,bone, vessels, gall
bladder, uterus is produced by earth,
stored in yin and manifested as earth.
That is why it is called extraordinary fu
organs due to storage but not
sea of marrow, house of
primordial mind
(1)primordial mind (instinct)
It is produced by congenital essence, enriched by
primordial qi
(2)in charge of spirit, emotions and thoughts
(3)in charge of sensation and motion
sensory organs are located in head and face,
connected to brain via meridians

Brain transmits the motion qi to tendons
and joints(limbs) via meridians. Brain also
constantly regulates the movement of the
limbs to keep rhythmical and accurate

Uterus is located in the lower abdomen,
occupying in front of rectum and back of
urinary bladder. Its lower opening is
connected to the vagina, being a female
reproductive organ. It looks like a inverting
Physiological function

(1) blood and Tian-gui function on uterus

(2)Uterus is the organ for pregnancy and

nutrition of baby
ovulation after menstruation, combination of both essence,
Menolipsis after pregnancy, blood pouring down
to Chong and Ren meridians to nourish baby

Tiangui is a substance
means humans sex
Relation with Zang-fu meridians

(1) relation with zangfu and tian-

Heart in charge of
blood is the blood production
root of Liver storing blood
Spleen controlling blood controllin controlling
menstruation g
is changed kidney storing essence turning into regulating
from blood blood
Lungs connecting with all
Men’s sperm
Tian-gui’s coming
Relation with meridians
• Thoroughfare Vessel
• Conception Vessel
• Belt Vessel

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