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Submitted by: ASFAND HUSSAIN 84
Submitted to: HAMMYUN ADIL
Semester: 01


• The Illuminati order grow to be a mystery society based totally on the 1st of may additionally
1776 in Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany through the preceding Masonic Adam Weishaupt.

• The Illuminati is a thriller industrial organization employer of the most powerful and
influential elite worldwide.

They pass lower once more for loads of years and hold the same bloodlines. They may be
composed of elite men, who manipulate the worldwide Bankers for evil features, to control the
entire international.

: • Illuminati is a plural of Latin global “Illuminatus” which means enlightened. • it is a call given
to numerous actual and fictitious businesses. • historically it refers to Bavarian Illuminati, an
Enlightenment thriller society founded in 1776. • Illuminati is related to New international
Order/New a long-term Order. • consistent with this order, secretive effective elites are
conspiring to rule the arena thru authoritarian authorities
“Holders Of slight”
• They will be effective and those of the elite class

. • They need an entire manipulation over the arena.

• They want to reshape everybody via a way of controlling their minds.

• They manipulate worldwide suggestions of economics, religion, and politics

. • They need to seize the exquisite minds to act upon their plan of Illuminati.

• Illuminati started when Hazrat Adam and Hawaa (A.S) was send to the earth due to
conspiracies by devil

. • Consistent with powerful religious books, the Illuminati received its height sooner or later
during the reign of Egyptian Pharaohs who have been whole of injustice and devil-worshipping.

• according to fashionable context, Illuminati became reshaped or based completely thru Adam
Weishaupt in the town of Bavaria, Germany

. • He began it with 5 (5) participants, influential deciders, rich industrials, powerful noblemen
and mysterious occults, and it was modified into named “Bavarian Illuminati”

 Bavarian illuminati consist of three grades.
a. Novic.
b. Minerval.
c. Illuminates Minerval.

 Entry level members are introduced to order with occult theories and vocal wisdom.
 Identity of superiors are kept hidden form new members.
 They don’t know much about main aim of their organization.
 They work as agent.

 Initiates are lectured on spiritual principles of the order.
 They have little knowledge of true aim.
 They are permitted to meet superiors and motivated by superiors illuminats.

Illuminated Minerval
 Special persons are selected among minerval,given special permissions.
 They are given special tasks to accomplish in order to take part in real action of world
 They are superiors that’s why identity is kept hidden.
 All elite persons and brilliant students which are trapped to come under the control of
illuminati are used as agents and placed behind all government as their expert.
 Those agents advise top executive to adopt such policies which would serve secret plan
of illuminati.
 They make such plans which results as destruction of religions and government.
 They obtain control of press so all news and info could be slanted to convince the masses
that one World government is only solution to all problem.

 Monetary bribes was to be used to control minds of people already at high risk in society.

 Once a person trapped , then they blackmail by physical harm ,public exposure and even

 Illuminatists on educational level cultivate students possessing special mental power.

 They just wash minds of brilliant students by these words that they can rule over the
world because they are God gifted and are chosen one.
 They also provide them scholarships

What are symbols?

As you all know everything has its own symbol which is a represntative of what
they doing and what are they aiming in their minds.

There are six basic symbols of illuminate secret organization

which are explained down below:

 All Seeing Eye

 Owl
 Sun
 Pyramid
 Pentangram
 Lightning Bolts


seeing eye is a main representative of illuminate secret organization which is an eye enclosed by
a triangular shaped and lighted up by lights so the triangle shape is shown as the pyramid and the
light is shown a sign of glory and the eye is shown as the eye of God watching/keeping eye on
human kind and on their activities by this symbol illuminate think themselves as God who are
keeping eye on everything in the world and watching every activity of human kind.

 OWL:
The same thing goes with the second symbol which is a symbol of an owl by this symbol
illuminate thinks themselves as most wise and intelligent people ever walked on the earth by this
they even think that they can predict future there are many example of that such as attack on
muslims country jews coming in power against muslims countries etc.

 SUN:
Rising sun holds a great importance over illuminates because they consider the rising sun a
lucifer the morning star as you know lucifer was an angle which was thrown out of the haven,
because of his disobedience to God he refused to bow against god most loved creature he had
ever made His refused to prostate to the first man God made Hazrat Adam

The rising sun is also a symbol of glory towards the illuminate they think that rising sun a sign of
ultimate glory.

The pyramid was the birth place of illuminate. Its was the first place where illuminate came I
existence as you all know pyramid hold great secret beneath it. The pyramid also shows the
command structure of illuminte. The 13step pyramid shows the 13 family of illuminate. They
show that support to the evil and the worshipper of evil the satan and taunt the Almighty God the
cross of christ is typical taunt to God.
inverted pentagram or reversed pentgram holds a very strong belief over illuminte. Pentagram is
a sign of evil. They shows that how evil this secret society is and they warship the devil or satan.
However this pentagram shows a devil with two horns trying to attack the heavens and attacking
the every believer who has a strong faith in God.

As you know
lightning bolt is sign of power illuminate use this sign to show their power and hold on the world
they also believe that lighting power is considered as the fallen angel who refused to bow against
the mortal by refusing god he was punished and thrown out of heaven as illuminate supports evil
they also believe lucifer as a sign of power.

 Goals of Illuminati
There are some most important goals which, Illuminists want to achieve and
are achieving successfully.

• Worship of Dajjal/Anti-Christ/Devil.
• Rule the whole world.
• Rule the economy.
• Rule the military.
• Rule the Politics.
• Rule each & everything which is present in this universe.

 Worship Of Dajjal
• Dajjal is anti-Christ which will come near demolition of world and will have
Allah like power through which he will make people believe that he is real

• Illuminatists worship Dajjal and they are his fellows.

• They are preparing for the Dajjal to come and give them a life of happiness,
full of power and guilt free sin.

• As soon as Dajjal will come to the sight, they will aid him to misguide people
towards him and they are still doing so.

Who Actually They Are ?

 Many people think think that they belong to all the religions like Hindu
Jews,Christians, other than Muslims are Illuminati
 But in reality these people have their own religion. They don’t
worship any God but they worship devil and Dajjal. But in other
religions people worship God like Muslims worship Allah.
 The people who join this secret society think that they are the elite
class of the society. These people think that they are superior of all the
masses and they want to impose the new world order. In which they
can easily r rule the entire planet.
 They want to run the planet according to their own point of view in
which people worship devil and dajjal.
 These people think that they are not like ordinary people on like other humans.
The thing that they are born special and so they want to rule the world.

What they want?

 They want the one world order in which everything is done according
to thei point of view.
 They also want only one president who can rule all over the world.
 They want only one government and all the members in the
government are the members of illuminati

HAZARAT MUHAMMAD(‫)ص لی ہللا علیہ وآلہ وس لم‬

Talked about Dajjal:
 It is narrated that once of companions of Holy Prophet asked P.B.U.H ,when will anti
christ will come to earth.
 Last Prophet said He’s alive and He’s patrolling here and there .He will be revealed
when these signs will appear.

Respect for teachers and parents will cutback.
Innocent will be killing common ,one who is killing other wont know why He’s
killing ,one who is killed wont know why he’s killed.

Three earth quakes will shake the earth ,one in east and other in west and last in Arabian

Literacy rate will be increased and Religious knowledge will be decreased.

Sign of Dajjal:
 Always keep one thing in mind Dajjal is one eyed and ALLAH’S not Saeker (‫صلی ہللا علیہ‬
‫ )وآلہ وسلم‬further added that Dajjal will remain on earth for 38 days.

 One day will be like 1 year 1 day like a month and rest days will be like normal earthly

 Think about it, they are controlling us , Always believe in ALLAh (‫)سبحان و تعالی‬.

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