IX Passive Decembar

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Active to Passive A

Her students have sent her flowers. _______________________________________________

We teach our students English and German. __________________________________________
She solved all her problems. ____________________________________________________
Somebody should do the work. ___________________________________________________
Passive to Active
The computer is used by Patrick. __________________________________________________
The parcel should be sent today. __________________________________________________
He has been given the bad news. __________________________________________________
Their projects will be finished. _________________________________________________
Rewrite the following passage in the Passive.
Somebody has stolen a bus from outside the school. Some children saw the thief. The police
must find the bus. They will use the children’s descriptions to catch the thief.

Active to Passive B
Ben will direct the show. _______________________________________________________
They treat and cure people in hospitals. ______________________________________________
Settlers built this town in 2002. _____________________________________________________
They have offered Sarah a very good job. ________________________________________________
Passive to Active
This room is used for our guests. __________________________________________________
The projects can be finished on time. _______________________________________________
The house was destroyed by the storm. _______________________________________________
Tom has been taken to hospital. ___________________________________________________
Rewrite the following passage in the Passive.
Somebody has stolen a bus from outside the school. Some children saw the thief. The police
must find the bus. They will use the children’s descriptions to catch the thief.
Active to Passive
He must give the message to the right person.________________________________________
They showed the tourist the sights of Athens._________________________________________
Mum hasn't washed my jeans since last month._______________________________________
People have fought wars throughout history.__________________________________________
They treat and cure people in hospitals.______________________________________________

Passive to Active
The dictation was written without mistakes.___________________________________________
The exercises is completed by the teacher.____________________________________________
The news wasn't sent by e-mail.____________________________________________________
A decision will be made at the meeting.______________________________________________
The date of the meeting has been changed.___________________________________________

Rewrite the following passage in the Passive.

Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night. They reported it to the police. The
army sent a helicopter to look at it more closer. The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed
both men in it. People have given photographs of the UFO to the police.

Active to Passive
Los Angeles will host the 2028 Olympic Games.______________________________________
Millions of people around the world love football._____________________________________
Someone has already paid the workers._____________________________________________
The shop assistant offered a refund to the customer.____________________________________
He had written three books before 1867.____________________________________________

Passive to Active
The boxes will be sent to you next week._____________________________________________
These plants have never been watered._______________________________________________
Some valuable jewels were stolen last night.________________________________________
A lot of work is done in Asia by children.__________________________________________
The suspect was seen entering the building.___________________________________________

Rewrite the following passage in the Passive.

My uncle painted this picture. Someone has offered him a lot of money for it. He will deliver the
painting tomorrow. When they give him the money, he will tell them the truth. He painted it one
night while he was sleepwalking!

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