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EE EEE EEE DN RR oO ln Nl Rl hat lili lca Ail BSB 34 Sets" Introduction In this chapter, we will learn about sets and their representation in roster form and set-builder form. ‘We will also leam about different types of sets, cardinal number of a set, subsets and universal set. Set A set is a collection of well-defined and distinct objects and every object of a set is known as its element or member. By ‘well-defined’ we mean that it should be clear (without any doubt) whether an object belongs to the set or not. For example, (@) ‘The collection of positive numbers less than 11” is a set because from the given numbers, we can always find out whether a number belongs to the set or not. (b) ‘The collection of intelligent girls in your class’ is not a set because in this case there is no rule by which we can find out whether a git] is intelligent or not. By ‘distinct’ we mean that no two members of the set will be same. For example, consider the set of letters in the word GOOD. We observe that O occur twice. So, the collection i.e., G, O, O, D is not a set. However, if we take O only once, then the collection of letters, i.e., G, O, D will form a set. Notation Asset is denoted by capital letters such as A, B, X, Y, etc. and its elements are denoted by small letters such as a, , x, y, etc. The symbol ‘<” (read as epsilon) stands for ‘belongs to’ or ‘is an element of” and the symbol ‘¢” stands for ‘does not belong to’ or ‘is not an element of”. For example, if x is a member of set X and y is not a member of set X, then we write x eX, y ¢ X, Example 1: Which of the following collections are sets? (a) First six months of a year (b) Alll the toppers of your class (c) All the negative fractions (@) Four good cricket players of India Solution: (a) The given collection is a set because the collection contains well-defined and distinct objects, namely, January, February, March, April, May, June. (b) The given collection is not a set because there is no rule to decide toppers of @ class and hence the elements (top students) are not well-defined. (©) The given collection is a set as it contains all the negative fractions, (d) The given collection is not a set because there is no rule to decide the performance of cricket players and hence people may differ in their choice in selecting good players. Representation of Sets ‘Asset can be represented in two ways. (a) Roster or Tabular form (b) Set-builder or Rule form fa poster or Tabular form this form, a set is represente cae i ft example, 4 by writing its members inside curly braces, separated by commas. (a) The set 4 of first three even —Oinio The order of elements of a set not importar A= {2, 4, 6}. natural numbers is given by (0) The set X of all the vowels is given by x= {a, ¢, i, 0, u} set-builder or Rule form Inthis form, a setis represented by writing a common ‘bi property describing the elements in curly braces. For example, set Y of natural numbers less than 10 is given by Y= (| xis a natural number less than 10} or Y={x:: x is a natural number less than 10} The vertical bar ‘| or colon ‘:*is read as ‘such that’. So the above set is read as ‘Y is the set of elements like x such that x is a natural number less than 10. Example 2: Write the following sets in the roster form. (a) The set of letters of the word ARITHMETIC (b) The set X of even prime numbers (©) The set ¥ of all the integers between -2 and 3 @ A= &|2P<5,xEN} (© X= (&|x=2n-1,n€ Wns3} Solution: (a) Distinct letters in the word ARITHMETIC are A, R, I, T, H, M, E and C. Therefore, the required set is given by {A, R, I, T, H, M, E, C}. (b) The only even prime number is 2. Therefore, X= {2} (c) The integers between ~2 and 3 are -1, 0, 1 and 2. Therefore, Y= €4, 0, 1, 2} (4) Natural numbers whose square is less than § are 1 and 2. Therefore, 4 = {1, 2} (e) Whole numbers less than or equal to 3 are 0, 1, 2 and 3. Putting n = 0, 1, 2, 3 in.x= 2n-1, we get Forn=1,x=2()-1=1 (2) -1=3 For n=3,x=2@)-1=5 Therefore, X= (1,1, 3, 5} Example 3: Write the following sets in rule form. (a) X= (3,6,9, 12, 15, 3 ) Y= (1,236) Ogee @ X= (0,1, 4,9, 16, 25} Solution; (a) X= {| xis a multiple of 3} or X= {| x3, ne N} (b) Y= {x | xis a factor of 6} = {x | xis a prime number} @ es e 5 js the square of a whole number less than 6} fel xan Wens5} — Exercise 34.1. -muoumanuscsmanmnannoniemmansnnmsii, 1. Which of the following collections are sets? (a) Days of a week (b) Alll the talkative girls of your class (©) Alll the whole numbers (@) Last four English letters of the alphabet (e) Five good players of your school 2. Write True or False. (a) Sets {1, 3, 4, 5}, (5,4, 3, 1} and {4, 5, 3, 1} are same. (b) IfXis a set of letters of the word ALGEBRA, then Y= {A, L, E, B, R, A}. (©) The set X of prime numbers in roster form is given by X=(2, 3, 5}. (@) A set of cubes of whole numbers in set-builder form is given by {x|x = 7°, n € W} (©) 20 € {x|x=4n,neN} ( 3 € (| xisa factor of 32} 3. Write the following sets in roster form. (@) Set of odd natural numbers between 20 and 26 (b) X= {x | xis a letter of the word EXTENSION} (©) The set X of all composite numbers between 10 and 20 @ Y= {ylyeNandy>7} (e) The set 4 of squares of first six whole numbers. (f) The set of factors of 12 4. Write the following sets in set-builder form. (a) X= {10, 20, 30,...} (b) A= (January, June, July} liad 7 rs @ B=4L5.55, (©) Y= {21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31,...} @ { 234 | Types of Sets Finite sets Aset is known as a finite set if it has a finite number of elements, i.e., countable number of elements. For example, (a) A= {|x is a natural number less than 25} is a finite set as it has 25 elements. (b) X= {x | xis a letter of English alphabet} is a finite set with 26 elements. Infinite sets A set is known as an infinite set if it has an infinite number of elements, ic., uncountable number of elements, For example, (a) The set of stars in the sky is an infinite set. (b) X= (|x is a composite number} is an infinite set. Empty set Aset which contains no elements called an empty set or null set. Iti denoted by 6 or {}. For example, (a) X= {x|x<1,x € N} is an empty set as there is no natural number which is less than 1, @) 4= (| F42=Lxe W} is an empty set as 5 +2=1 => F -1>x=-3¢p Mo Equal sets qwo sets are said to be equal if the write set X= set Yor Y=y y, y= {x|xisa letter in the word Cy have the same elements. If sets X and Y are equal, then we POW nbs, if X= (x |x is a letter in the word FOLLOW} and WL} then X= {F, 0, L, W} and Y= {F, O, W, L}. So, X= ¥. Equivalent sets wo sets are said to be equivalent if th s r ie number of elements in both Mathe-infos the sets is same. For example, ifX= (1,-1, 0} and Y= {a, b, c} then fe sets are always set Xo set ¥ (road as set X is equivalent to set ¥) or Xo. Point to remember Equal sets are always equivalent but converse is not always true. Disjoint sets ‘Two sets are said to be disjoint if they have no common element. For example, if A= (1,2,3,4, 5} and B= (6,7, 8, 9, 10}, then A and B are disjoint sets, Overlapping sets ‘Two sets are said to be overlapping if they have at least one common element. For example, if X= {x |x is a letter in the word INDIGO} and Y= {x | xis a letter in the word GREEK} then X and Yare overlapping sets as both contain the element G. Cardinal Number The number of elements in a finite set is known as its cardinal number. Cardinal number of an empty set is 0 and cardinal number of an infinite set is not defined. The cardinal number of a set say Y, is denoted by n(Y), For example, if X= (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai} then n(X) = 3. Example 4: Identify the finite and infinite sets among the following. Write the cardinal number of *Maths.Info oo If the cardinality of a set is 1, we call it a singleton set and if the cardinality is 2, we callita pairset. the finite sets. (@) X= (1,3, 5, Ton 49} (b) Y= | x=W+1,ne Ny © Y-blecdnne na) @X=Glx>5.2eM Solution: (a) Set X consists of all the odd natural numbers less than 50. So, Xis a finite set. Also n(X) = 25 (b) The set of natural numbers is an infinite set. So, set Y is also an infinite set. (©) Forn=0,x=2*0=0 Y= (0, 2,4, 6}. Thus Y is a finite set. Also n(Y) = 4 (@ In roster form, eee X= {6, 7, 8, 9,--}- So, X is an infinite set. Example 5: Identify the empty set, singleton set and pair set. (a) X= {x|x+5=4,xEN} (b) Y= | y+5=1Ly eM (©) A= {x|x7=9,x € Z} Solution: (a) x+5=4=>x=4-5=-1 -- There is no natural number which satisfies x + 5 = 4. So, X= => n(X) = 0. Thus, X is an empty set. (b) Y+S=1l > w=11-Soy= 2 Y= Q}=n(Y)=1 Thus, ¥ is a singleton set. (0) 7=9,xEZ =>x=3,-3 1 A= G,-3} > (A) =2 Thus, A is a pair set, Subsets If two sets, X and Y, are such that every member of X is also a Maths:Infor member of Y, then X is a subset of Y and it is denoted by Yc Y | the empty set @ is a subset of (read as X is a subset of ¥), It can also be said that Yis a superset [every set of X and is denoted by ¥ 3X. If all the elements of X are in set Y and there exists at least one member of ¥ which is not in X, then X is known as a proper subset of ¥ and is denoted by XC Y. Points to remember + Every set is its own subset. + Every proper subset is a subset but converse is not always true. + XcY=eitherXcYorX¥=¥ + Xo Yand YCX, thenX=Y + Xo Vand ¥CZ, thenX¥eZ + 1fXc4, then X= + All the subsets except the set itself are proper subsets of a set. Number of subsets Ifa set has » elements, then it has 2” subsets and 2”~ 1 proper subsets. For example, if X= {a, b}, then all possible subsets of X are , {a}, {b} and {a, b}. So, there are 4 (2) possible subsets. Also, proper subsets of X are 4, {a} and {b} which are 3 (2? — 1) in number. Universal Set Universal set is a set which contains all the given sets as its subsets. It is denoted by U or & (read pxi). Except the elements of the given sets, universal set may have extra elements also. For example, if A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} and B= {1, 3, 5, 6}, then the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10} is the universal set for sets 4 and B. In this case, we can also take J, the set of natural numbers as the universal set. fa Example 0: Write all the subsets of set Solution: Example 7: Write the set X= ( Solution: nv = a {0, 2, 4} There are 3 : 2, 4}. The required subse in the given set. So, there will be 2° = 8 subsets. S are}, {0}, {2}, {4}, {0, 2}, {2, 4}, (0, 4} and (0, 2, 4}. | 2x < 10} in roster f a (a)_N, the set of natural numbers form, when the universal set is: (©) W, the set of whole numbers (©) Z, the set of integers (@) Every member of set X must belong to universal set N, such that 2x < 10. So, x canbe 1, 2, 3 and 4, X= {I, 2,3, 4} (b) Every member of set X must belong to universal set IV, such that 2x < 10. So, x can be 0, 1, 2,3 and 4, + X= (0,1,2,3, 4} (©) Every member of set X must belong to universal set Z, such that 2x < 10. So, x can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and any negative integer. 1 X= (ry -2, 1,0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Exercise 34.2 . Classify the following sets as finite, infinite and null sets. (@) X= lx+3=LxeN (b) X= {x|x+5=5,x6 WY © y= &|x<5,x€Z} @ Z=9|y=9neNny (©) A={e|x<0,.xeM} () B= |yP=4,y eZ} Find the cardinal number of the following sets. (a) A= {x|x is a consonant in the word VOWEL} (b) X= {x|7-25=0,xE (©) Y= {y|yis a letter of the word EDUCATION} (@) Z= {x |x is an even factor of 12} (©) B= {x| xis a one-digit prime number} Let A= {1, 2, 3}, B= {4}, C= 3, 4}, D= {1, 2, 4} and £ = {1, 2}. Determine if the following statements are true or false. pap @) BcC @4sP @BcD oa ® CoE @4oB (ht) 46D Write the subsets of the following sets. @> () {a} © {ad} i f the following sets. 5 ue number of a pan age oases . Write the set X= {x | 2x + 1< 14}, when the universal set is: @N 4 @2 EEE ay + Asset is a collection of well-defined and distinct objects. + Asset is known as a finite set if it has a finite number of elements. + Asset is known as an infinite set if it has an infinite number of elements. + Asset which contains no element is called an empty set. + Two sets are said to be equal if they have the same elements. + Two sets are said to be equivalent if the number of elements in both the sets is same. + Two sets are said to be disjoint if they have no common element. + Two sets are said to be overlapping if they have at least one common element. + The number of elements in a finite set is known as its cardinal number. + Xis.a subset of ¥ if every member of X is also a member of Y. If there exists at least one member of ¥ which is not in X, then X is known as a proper subset of ¥. + Ifa set has 7 elements, then it has 2” subsets and 2” — 1 proper subsets. + Asset which contains all the given sets as its subsets is known as a universal set. Mental Maths 1. Write True or False. (a) Equivalent sets are always equal. (b) Every set is a subset of a null set. (©) Ifa set has 25 elements, then the number of its subsets is 25 (@ Every set is a proper subset of itself. (©) The cardinal number of set A = {0} is 1. (©) The number of subsets of a null set is 2. 2. Let X= (2,-2}, Y= {x |a=4, x € Z} and A = (-2, 0, 2}. State which of the following are true and which are false. (a) XcY (b+) ¥oX (©) AcX @) X=Y (@) YcA 3. Let A be the set of natural numbers which are multiples of 6 and less than 30. Fill in the blanks using € or ¢. (@) 2s (b) 36_ A (©) 30__4 @ 244 Solve and Answer 1. Write the following sets in the roster and set-builder form. (a) The set X of vowels of the word NATURAL, (b) The set ¥ of even natural numbers lying between 5 and 13 (©) The set A of odd numbers lying between 10 and 20 A

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