BAPE 1-2 Fuentes Final Examination

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Congress cannot usurp the power to appoint of
the president.
The president appoints regular members of the
Judicial and Bar Council.
The president may grant clemencies on certain

Judiciary Legislative
Has rule on the constitutionality of Has the power to propose, enact,
laws and treaties and in charge of the amend and repeal laws.
application of laws. Senate approval is needed by the
The president can appoint members president to make treaties.
of at least 3 nominees prepared by The president shall approve the laws
the Council. passed by the Congress.
The judiciary enjoys fiscal autonomy.
The appropriation for the judiciary
may not be reduced by the

Is there a more powerful branch among others? None. Because all of

the branches are equal in power because of the check and balance
policy of the consitution.

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