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(Electrical and Electronics Engineering) UNIT 01 MID EXAM AUG 2011

1 a) What do you mean by state? What are state variable? How would you form state equation? b) State and prove the properties of STM 2 a) Explain the network topological method for developing the state equations. b) Write the state equations and develop the state model using network topological method for the network shown in below figure.

3 a) A system is described


Where y (t) is the observed output and u (t) is the input. Find the state and output equations of the system. b) Explain the equivalent source method for developing the state equations.

4 a) A system variables for the state variable representation of system are

Determine the complete state response and the output response of the system for the initial


b) Obtain the state model of the electrical network shown

5 a) The state equation of a linear time invariant system is given by

Obtain the state transition matrix b) For the network shown below obtain the state space model



AUG 2011

6 a) What are the different wave symmetry ? Describe the even function symmetry with Examples. b) State and explain Parsevals theorem 7 a) What is Fourier transform? Discuss Fourier transform relationship with Laplace transform b)Discuss about the important properties of Fourier transform 8 a) Find the Fourier transform of a gate function and draw its magnitude and phase Spectrum. b) Find the Fourier transform of the signum function and plot its amplitude and phase Spectrum.
9 a) Determine the trigonometric form of Fourier series for the following wave form.

b) Determine the exponential Fourier series for the following wave forms

10 a) Find the trigonometric Fourier series and exponential Fourier series coefficients for the wave form shown below

b) Obtain the exponential Fourier series coefficients for the waveform shown below.



AUG 2011

11 a) Derive the expression for average power of complex wave which is expressed in terms of Fourier series. b) Discuss the effects of harmonics on electrical components / Explain the effects of harmonics on the electrical systems 12 a) Discuss the method of computing the effective value of a non sinusoidal periodic waveform. b)A series R-L circuit in which R=3, L=0.02H has an applied voltage i(t)=200+30sin250t+500sin750t. Find V0(t) and average power across the resistance when 0=250 rad/sec

13 a) Determine the RMS and average value of the voltage shown in below figures

b) Determine the resistance, impedance, average power and P.F of a circuit whose Expression for voltage and current are given by

14 a) Determine the effective voltage , effective current and average power supplied to a passive network if the applied voltage is v (t)=100+50 cos ((10+30).+ 25 cos (30t+60) volts and the 0 0 resulting current is i(t) =2 cos (10t+75 )+3 cos (30t+78 ) Avg. b)A series RLC circuit with R=25 , L=1 H and C= 10 F is energized with a source V(t) = 15 sin 100 t +20 sin 200 t +5 sin 300 t. Determine the effective value of current and the average power consumed by circuit. 15 Find the expression for current in an impedance of R=10 ohms, , L=0.0318 H with applied voltage n V(t)= (100 sin 314 t +20 sin (942t +30)+10) volts. Also determine the rms voltage, current and power factor of the network



AUG 2011

16. a) Define Laplace transform. in what way it is useful in the analysis of network system? b) If this voltage is applied to an RL series circuit with R=2 and L=1H, find the current i(t) Obtain an expression for current i(t) from the differential equation i(t)=0 with the initial conditions

17 Write short notes on: i. Initial and final value theorems ii. Application of Laplace transforms in network analysis 18 a) Assuming that the stair case shown in below figure is not repeated, write an equation for it in terms of unit step functions.

19 a) By means of convolution integral, evaluate the inverse L.T. of the following

b ) Determine the inverse transform of

By convolution integral and compare the results by finding the inverse transform of H(s) 20. Find the expression for the current of RL series circuit with R=2 and L=3H, when each of the following driving voltage is applied Assuming current in inductor initially is zero. (i) unit step voltage u (t-2) (ii) unit ramp voltage r (t-3) (iii) unit impulse voltage (t-2) (iv) Pulse of width a and magnitudes 3 volts beginning at time= 2 sec.

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