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Business and Technical English Writing (Eng201)

Fall 2021
Assignment No. 2

Muhammad Ali Tabassum (BC210203938)

Q1: Tables are one among the important visual aids used for presenting and recording the
data in a business organization. Suppose you are working in a company as Manager and
the CEO has asked you to present the progress of the previous one-year company. How
will you make your presentation in a table form? Draw a table to show the data of the
company’s one-year progress.

(10 marks)


Suppose I as a manager has been asked to present him a progress report of the previous year of
the company.

So, my 2nd and company’s overall 24th annual progress report was prepared by me on the 30th
December 2021. To Mr. CEO,


This report covers almost everything about the previous year of the company. Particularly facts
and figures of the projects undertaken by the company. It also covers the future plans for 2022
and some useful recommendations. This report will serve the function of updating you, Mr. CEO
about the whole year passed by the company.

Facts and Figures

no of Project About Starting and hurdles Unexpected

projects name project ending dates things
1 Wc21 A small Jan 2 to Feb 23 Too much rain Prices of the
bridge for a materials gone
private up
society dramatically

2 Rli23 A big flyover Feb27 to Aug 11 Lack of The project

for the communication and rejected once
government machinery wear and in between by
tear the
and then
again to build

3 Ml300 A motorway May 2 to Oct 29 Shortage of skilled Few workers

for the labour died due to
government fight

4 Bit213 A small Apr 1 to Aug 15 Labour protest Some workers

private against work tried to
housing management damage the
society project and
then ran away

5 Fe273 A big plaza Sep 13 to Feb 12, Issues with the day Change in the
for a private 2022 and night shifts terms of the
party deal after one
month of

6 Sv174 A small Oct 20 to Dec 30 Issues with the Workers

museum for documentation irregular
the behaviour

status Project % Total Total achievements remarks

satisfaction budget revenue

100 % 94% 103500 $ 197000 $ Managed to It was a very fine

complete build the project at the start
project in of the year 2021.
low price after
the prices of
materials gone

100 % 95% 1000000 $ 1500000 $ Got an Good project,

complete excellence tested company’s
award from full strength.
the regional

100 % 93% 1780000 $ 2025000 $ Got Overall good

complete appreciated by project despite
the some problems.

100 % 98% 1560000 $ 2400000 $ Got Proved to be very

complete appreciated by good project for
the residence. the company,
generated a
handsome profit.

70 % So far 90% 2000000 $ 2900000 $ Got So far, so good.

complete recognition
around the
that we are a

100 % 99% 800000 $ 1188000 $ Chief minister It was an excellent

complete appreciated project.
the work

Future plans Recommendation conclusion

There are some projects to There is a continuous Overall the year 2021 was a
be undertaken by us in the SWOT analysis from time success for the company.
future as you already know. to time in this modern age The company grew 11% as
Particularly, the company to perform better and make compared to the previous
will build a large-scale the most of the year. We feel that we are in
housing society in 2022 opportunities we get. There a strong position right now
which can take 10 to 12 is a need for some up- and we hope that the
months. We will also build gradation of the old company will carry out the
3 underpasses as well as 2 machinery. There are some good work in upcoming
bridges. There are also a legal issues that should be years to grow more and
few small projects about solved as early as possible. more.
which your approval will be We also need to increase the
obtained. advertisement.

Q2: Read the following statements carefully and select the correct option

(2 x 5 = 10 marks)

1. Ali is writing a feasibility report and needs to include information about the history of the
company and specific regulations that affect their work. Which section of the report
should include this information?

a) Introduction
b) Background
c) Conclusion
d) Recommendation

2. It is customary to end a feasibility report by answering the decision-maker’s question

“What do you think we should do?” Sometimes feasibility report relates directly to the
course of action you studied: “Do this” or “Don’t do it”. What kind of information shows
the above statement?

a) Introduction
b) Background
c) Conclusion
d) Recommendations
3. Zaid wants to develop a research study to determine the effects of games on children's
health. His institute does not have enough funds to support his project. Which of the
following should he write to request support from a government?

a) Research Proposal
b) Progress Report
c) Business letter
d) Feasibility report

4. The document presents the project parameters and defines the potential solutions to the
defined problem, need, or opportunity. Having brainstormed a variety of potential
solutions, the project team expands on each of these potential solutions, providing
sufficient detail, including very high-level costing information, to permit the project
leader to recommend to the approving authority all of the viable potential solutions that
should be further analyzed in the next phase. Project constraints and limitations of
expenditure are among the various factors that will determine viability. Identify the
above situation and select the correct option:
a) Research Proposal
b) Progress Report
c) Business letter
d) Feasibility report

5. John wanted permission to undertake a special project. He thought that his employers
should develop a computer system that employees could use to reserve conference
rooms. He concluded that his company required such a system as she had arrived for a
meeting several times only to find out that the room was reserved. As he is employed to
write computer programs, he is well qualified to write one. However, he cannot work on
it without the permission of his boss. Consequently, he wrote a document to them. What
kind of document he wrote? Select a suitable option.

a. Research Proposal
b. Progress Report
c. Business letter
d. Feasibility report

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