Distance Learning Yoga Poseswith Turkey

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@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon


This FREE no print super cute turkey yoga pose activity is easy to download to any digital
device such as the iPad, eBook, computer, smart board, etc. for use. Whether kids celebrate
Thanksgiving or not, these cute turkey yoga poses are a great way to incorporate mindfulness
and brain breaks in the classroom.

What's Included:
*10 pages of colored scenes for digital platform (iPad, computer, whiteboard, smart board, teletherapy

Yoga helps kids to:

• Develop body awareness
• Learn how to use their bodies in a healthy way
• Manage stress through breathing, awareness, meditation, and healthy movement
• Build concentration
• Increase their confidence and positive self-image
• Feel part of a healthy, non-competitive group
• Have an alternative to tuning out through constant attachment to electronic devices
• Increase listening comprehension. (Children learn to follow directions to do the poses.)
• Learn animal vocabulary.

In a school setting, yoga can also benefit teachers by:

•Giving them an alternate way to handle challenges in the classroom
•Giving them a healthy activity to integrate with lesson plans
•Give them a way to blend exercise into their classes

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon 2

If you enjoy this freebie, you can find all
yoga activities by clicking the links below.
Yoga Activities
Yoga Bundle

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon 3

Stretchy Turkey Pose

Stand. Go down on one knee. Raise both of your

hands. Breathe.
@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon
Twisty Turkey Pose

Stand with your feet apart to make a triangle.

Spread your arms out to your sides. Lean to
the left and touch your left ankle/calf. Look up.
Repeat on the other side.

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon 5

Turkey Balancing Pose

Stand on one leg, bend your knee, place

the sole of your foot on your inner thigh,
and balance.

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon 6

Turkey Bridge Pose

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the
ground. Rest your arms down alongside your body, tuck your chin
into your chest, and lift up your bottom and back to create a bridge.
@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon
Downward Turkey Pose

From a standing position, bend down and place your

palms flat on the ground. Step your feet back to create
an upside-down V shape with your bottom high in the
air. Straighten your legs, relax your head and neck, and
look down between your legs.
@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon
Tall Turkey Pose

Stand tall look up and reach your arms

up to the sky.

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon
Calm Turkey Pose

Sit on your heels, slowly bring your forehead down

to rest in front of your knees, rest your arms down
and take a few deep breaths.

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon
Turkey Leg Pose

Stand hold both arms out the side. Lift one leg up.
Balance and breathe.

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon
Turkey Superman Pose

Stand on one leg. Lift the other leg, very slowly

lean forward and balance.

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon
Grateful Turkey Pose

Stand, Go down on one knee. Raise both of your

hands. Look up. Breathe.
@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon
7 Ways Kids Benefit Form Yoga

1. Awareness of the breath

Breathing exercises can energize kids or encourage relaxation, depending on what you teach. Different games
and techniques help kids connect to how their bodies feel as a result of deep breathing. Focus increases, as
does their breathing and lung capacity. Stress is naturally reduced and healthy hormones are released.

2. Strengthening and energizing

Kids think that yoga is great for stretching, but doesn't build strength. It's important for a teacher to include
conversations, as well as exercises around how helpful yoga is for building strength. Talking about the different
muscles used in poses and incorporating games and sequences will help build strength as well as body
awareness and coordination. Bodies that are strong digest food better, maintain a healthy weight and can
support the stress of carrying heavy loads, like a backpack. Bodies will also breathe better, work more
efficiently and protect the more fragile joints.

3. Balancing
Balancing poses teach children that with increased focus, you can increase attention naturally, even in kids
who struggle with different attention challenges. Poses and games focused on balancing skills, develop an
intrinsic strength, evoke a meditative feeling, and promote stillness and quieting of the mind. This can help
kids deal with the stress of living in a chaotic world where constant stimulation is a regular part of life.

4. Stretching and lengthening

It's great for kids to be strong, but a body that's only based on strength has no way to yield under pressure.
Strong muscles without accompanying flexibility can't move quickly, pulling on bones and joints. Yoga poses
stretch muscles and through integrating breathing and movement, muscles become warm and become more
flexible. They can yield when they need and support tender joints in a more functional way.

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon 14

5. Awareness and focus
Yoga helps create awareness in the body through deep breathing and movement. It gives kids a way to
express themselves, build a strong connection between what they hear and what they do. Children that
have healthy body awareness are more confident and strong, have better posture, breathe better and
have a sense of quiet strength.

6. Flowing, connecting and integrating

When we string poses together, we give kids a taste of what it means to move with ease. It also helps
them build the awareness that all our movements are a series of coordinated efforts between muscles,
bones, joints and nerves. Older kids are more able to isolate different muscle groups and get more
sophisticated about movements; things like keeping the arms lifted in Warrior 1, while at the same time,
dropping the shoulders to relax them. All these things together increase a child's sense feeling integrated.

7. Meditation and relaxation

Yoga is meditative by nature. So whether a child is holding a balancing posture, sitting in meditation or
moving through a series of poses, there's going to be a calming, soothing quality. Giving younger kids
something to do as they rest on their mats will help with their attention, such as suggesting they think of
a favorite color or toy. Older kids will find it easier to rest longer with less structure.

There are lots of tools you can use to teach yoga to children. The young ones like games, doing poses from
yoga books for children and singing songs with big, expressive movements. Older children love to create
their own poses, be challenged by balancing and learn about the muscles and other aspects of anatomy.

Excerpted from Stretched: Build Your Yoga Business, Grow Your Teaching Bare Bones

@Language Speech and Literacy: Linda Cannon 15

Thank you for your purchase! I
greatly appreciate your support!

TERMS OF USE : @languagespeechandliteracy: Linda Cannon

All rights reserved. Purchaser of this resource has purchased one license to use this item with the
purchaser’s classroom/caseload. You MAY make copies as needed to meet the needs of your
caseload/classroom only. You may purchase licenses at a big discount for other to use this resource.
Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom
website) is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). These items
can be picked up in a google search and then shared worldwide for free.


CREDITS : Thank you to these artists for creating design elements in this document.

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