Symbaroum Bestiary

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_ RUINS OF | SYMBAROUM Destiny LEAD GAME & SETTING DESIGNERS ‘Mattias Johnsson Haake, Mattias Lilja, Jacob Rodgers COVER ART & ILLUSTRATIONS ‘Martin Grip CONTRIBUTIONS Paul Baldowski, Isak Strom, Niklas Lundmark GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT: EVENT MANAGER Dan Algstrand ‘Anna Westerling Ibaseden ebro iy nha Neh) PR MANAGER PROJECT MANAGERS SieSeree ‘Mattias Johnsson Haake, Mattias Lilja srandon Bowling, Martin Lund, Stefan Fatey Doug shure, Matthew jowett (CUSTOMER SUPPORT Jenny Lebto, Daniel Lehto Alea Rance Albesto eon Alen lottorats”ancalns, Agee Hb lanaone, Andra, Aen Deyaoks Ben Fabia, ra Hey, rede, Bet Sa, CadenK, Chester Malmberg Clas 8 Cistoen Dan'Crelriow Grif, Daa rice, Daniel2, Dla Bucks, Dojeaa CW. Dr Sefebsson PhD, cakes, zn Bua, fc nr Lea, rick Cart, Eick Ten Eee Cure, Gavi Cl Gat Deen (cerdon Mle Guido Conld,siilaune izardmas” Mouseaue Gar (ie Darko), ta cbse, mC Nedut. eb sper, Jer Sith json Rese.) newt, Joey Snes Jonathon fy. jon Sts, stn erst, Ra Wick. ehioenRler:Keh mer ennelt Pl, He M, Ae Wad, Lacan Sarde Inkaes ankus, sro Paging Mates here, Noten Zhe an” Sast-Zam amchnl Kier, wiebel “Hasson Laver, Miguel algo, Mike obs, Narae, cae lle Wok Kart ter Manges, Fork Py Rafal Gores Toros Richer’ Mao, Richard Rath, Rabi, ator f Lage, Rohn Hgblom, lan Kara, By Wire A S.A Hastnann, Shor Stphon fascr, Steven} Mathel Svante Mer, Ts Redoph Ul lo, Urrslnnes, Ys ends snssvesaea2 svapdare prea UAB 2021 anc tenet: Th lien es Rec dei x Puc est, adele Dp Game iene vei Da, Seton I) andare nel Open Content all sens, puope amen acai, lace une), rls, em, Tackgiunds, places dassceseework, sebus, and eae dros Qpea Gan Contest Th Open cote ins ook sles nate "akon ios testes Befsece Docuaet Nb ober orion of hs wos ia be epruducel nan en wihost pera. Symbaroum isa registered trademark of Fria Ligan AB, Introduction, : 3 4 HORDES OF THE ETERNAL NIGHT Arachs, 8 ‘Bestia, sd loss, fi 16 Ccorvupted Nature, 20 Darkding 24 Death Prince... 28 Dragon, 32 hermit, 38 Glimmer. 42 clint, 48 owann, 50 Ilgoblin, 54 King Toad... 2 E 58 Luving Thome ea ‘Managaal 6s Maslit, 70 Nefarant, sd Nightmare. 7 Night swarmers & Ravenous Willow. 86 Seorner so Skallbiter, 94 Sly River Hunter, os spite 102 ‘Teoll Shadow. 406 ‘Vengefil Terrain, ‘ a0 ‘World Serpent, 314 BEASTS & MONSTERS “Abominations, 320 Blight born Template uaudas, BBlight-born Aboar, age Blight-bor Elle am light-born Fairy, 12a Blight-born Human, ce cla Blight Worm, 135 Black Plague Termites 133 chasm Stag. Primal alight Beast, The wily, Amphibians & Aquatics, Gave Ray, : Drilling Leech, Hammer Eel, Nipper skullan Vapaya, Flera, Brimstone Oak, elder Killer Sheub, | Hexbivoves Darak, Moose, Rock Buick Predators ‘Ahoas, Eaiagorn, Eeamon, aod cat Ferber swarm. Fey Beast, Garou, Hanger WelF, Jakauar,battle-trained. Jakaar, wild Kanaran, : Kotha. ‘Mare Cat, - Mosey Munk, Orahaug ‘Stone Boar, Vearon, Spiders, . etterherd swarm, Fray Spider, Hunting Spider ‘Shelsb sriclesting. undead crypt Lovd, ceyptwalker, Dragout : Frestlight, ostling Necromage, ‘Snow Wraith, Wraith, winged creatures, Blaze Bug crystal Fly Dragon Fy, : Hornet, Raskaal, Violing Wraith Owi, 124 134 127 127 127 128 130 430 a3 11 132 12 133 133 135 135 136 136 136 138 18 138 139 140 140 141 141 142 142 143 144 145 146 148 148 150 150 151 152 153 134 154 156 159 157 158 158 159 160 160 161 161 162 163 165 ADVERSARIES Champions of Fries Black Cloak, Black Cloak, Experienced, Plagellant itarg. ‘Templar Theurg, ‘Whip of Prioe, Elves, =f, spring, lf, Early Summer. lf Late Summer. If, Autumn, Lords of Ambo, ali Kaight, Lord or Lady, Squire = orda Magic, Adept of the Order Artifact Crater, Magistrate, “Master of the Order, Novice of the Order. Panzer Alchemist. Ritual Master Outsiders, f cult Eollawer, cult Leader, Fortune Hunter. Pickpocket, Plundeses, Robber Robber Chief Thug, People of Davokar Goblin, Goblin Chicftain Goblin shaman, Goblin Wasser Monster Hunter Queer’s Ranger, Queer’s Ranger, Captain, Village Guard... Village Warrior Village Witch, ‘Wildsenes: Guide witch, Keeper, 168 168 168 168 170 270 an ana 173 174 174 475 176 176 176 a77 a17 178 178 178 178 280 180 180 181 a2 183 183 185, 185 186 186 187 181 188 188 188 189 189 190 290 191 192 192 194 194 195 oople of the Queen, Ascher Farmband, Horse Horse, battle-trained, Infantry Soldice Officer Pike Soldier. Queet’s Spy Sapper “Townsfol, amisan Deug Peddler Drankerd, Guard Dog. annkeeper, Medicus Noble Brat Witch hunter, Teols, ‘Asch Troll Liege Teall dountatn Troll Pale Crawler, Rage Tecll, Fa age Trell, ished, “op Living, ADAPTION & EXPANSION ‘Monster Categories, ‘Monster Fentres, Features and Traits Late actions, Legendary Actions Reactions Swarms ‘Tervain Features, Citkes and Towns Tarmlands Forett, Mountains Swamps Underworld, Waters Using Other Resources. 296 106 196 107 197 198 108 199 202 203 203 204 204 205 205 207 207 209 “309 214 235 215 233 225 25 235 226 226 237 327 228 228 229 Introduction ‘WELCOME TO BUNS of Symbaroun’s Bestiary, a book featuring collection of astonishing creatures and remarkable mon- sters which can be encountered in the vast forestof Davokaz and ts surroundings, Between ts covers, you willgettomect angers unknown, oratloast ot yet described, monstersand adversaries whore very eagerto put your players and their characterstonew and toughertests. You willalsefind rales and guidelines that wil be helpful when you are creating your own, unique monstresitiesor when you are designing intereoting challenges in Ambria, veka or the mountains ‘We hope that the detiary will demonstrate our expects tions fer RuinsefSprbaroum:. Put simply, themonsters (both those examined sn detail in Section and those provided sn overview ferm in Section?) are designed te occupy the very ledge of each challenge rating, Even in a balanced combat, they should prove dangerous and even deadly, and such ‘Tur fight’ should be a rare thing in the most dangerous corners of the setting. Tae Adversaries chapter, however, contains both potential allies and enemaies (and one may shlftfromclly to enemy, quite easily) eo their statistice are more average far each challenge rating ‘The book is divided into four sections, entitled Hordes of the Eternal Night, Beasts & Monsters, Adversaries, and Adaption & Expansion ~ sections that are complementary ‘while being di:forent in content; and that should provide nisterial for many, many thrilling (and probably dangerous) ‘ the gaming table. SECTION 1: HORDES OF THE ETERNAL NIGHT “The opening section is in many respects based on its name- sake ~ the original work written by the famous monster scholar Father Almagast, Initially, vee had plans to base _most af the sections descriptive texte on the words of the venerable Black Closk, but we soon noticed that hie analy- ses, accounts and judgments woitld convey anall toa biased and overconfident description of the creatures in question, Instead, we have striven to apply abroader, les categorical ‘perspective, so that the presentationsare morein line with the uncertainties that actually exist when it eames to their history and nature, also supplemented with examples of the reports, depictions and legends which the Black Cloak, Asew from in his work, It should also be mentioned that we have kept much of ‘the style and design that signifies the oviginal, in honcr of Father Almagast. and maybe also in the hope that he will {Forgive us for diverting front his portrayals tosuchadegree. “The twenty-seven parts of Hordes of the Eternal Night describe one eresture each, Often two of more versions of ‘the same creature are introduced (with ditferences in age, ‘size or capabilty), and sometimes the parts present dier~ cent typesof whit may seem tobe one anid the same creature. But on the whole, the ides is that each part will serve two isin ends: it should eay something about and deepen the “understanding of the Ruins of Symboroum setting, while at the same time introduce adversaries that can challenge the suming group in new ways, soclally or tactically Finally, each part presents an adventure set-up. The Gamemacter can choose otakeitasit isang developitintoa playablescenario, orletitactas inspiration and an example ‘of how the various creatures can be put into action, SECTION 2: BEASTS & MONSTERS ‘The second section of this book: aims for quantity rather ‘han depth, Ambria, Davokar and the mountain rangesare ‘mhabited by creatures whoall regard the area they eccupy asthotre their valley thet villago, their bog or cave. Any- ‘one who claims otherwiee or ties to influence the site in some tindesirable way is considered an adversary. o even anenemy. If they also happen to be strangers ina way that makes them difficult to understand and communicate with, they risk being thought of ay monsters, ‘The Beasts & Monsters zaction contains short deseip- ‘ons and stats for a large number of creatures, many of which woukd most likely view each other as adversaries as ‘well as monsters, That a town guard in Ambria era wilder css guide in Davokas cals the Blight Worm monster is only tobe expected. But de not forget that the Flight Worm, cconding ta ite own bestial logic, probably regards explor~ lrsand others who encroach on its territory ae monstrous Intruders; eneuntes who mustbe fought, driven off, or pref erably destroyed. As Gamemaster itis your Job to portray this diverse arsay of creatures and how they relate to the player characters of your gaming group. ‘The creatures are arranged by type: abominations, am~ phibians ae aquatics flora, herbivores, predators. spiders, undead, and winged creatures. The list shardly exhaustive. Instead, our hope is that the content will serve asa starting, ‘point for the Camemaster to draw from when designing their own creatures, challenger and adventures, and it should also be approached in a creative way. For example, adding an undead feature or trait te the Stone Boar (page 1145) will change both the challenge level and feel of an encounter with such a monster, There i no right er wrong ‘hers; only more of less exciting encounters! SECTION 3: ADVERSARIES ‘This section begins with an overview of the cultural beings, most of them humans, such asthe champions of Prios, the lords of amiss, Ondo Magica, cutsiders, peoploscf Davokar and of the queen, townsfolk, and finally the elves and the strange trols ~ said to have a secret society of their own beneath the forest. “The same advice about using these entries.s inspiration applies when creating new types of monsters or adversar- les, For example, by replacing the Village Witch's shape- shiflerand Nature'sLullaby with Nature's Embrace and Lay on Hands you gota witch who has chosen the red path of ‘witcheradt instead of the green one. ‘The Town Guard desceibed here smerely anexample, ar are the Village Witch and the Whip of Prios. If the Game- aster wants to change traits, eatures, and other details (Gor instance to give the individual more unique nature or adjust ite valucs to better suit the player characters) thisis of course periectiy alright! SECTION 4: ADAPTION & EXPANSION ‘The inal section of the Ruins of symboroum Bestiary features vanity of additional information. The first part provides alisting of monster categoriesand their features, trait, lair actions legendary actions, reactions and swarm capabilities ~ enough to build hundzeds of creatures that challange the characters incitferent ways. Thisallovs you to mixand match such features asyou customize monsters for your group. All the beasts, undead and abominations that the player characters may encounter in Symbaroum’s game world are Aistingulshod by the category they belong to and what mon “trou tats they have ~characteristies that only inthe rarest ‘ceasions are assoctated with humans and other culturalbe- ngs. The ability scores and skills aze the same for everyone, ‘batt is only Ambria and Dave's most dreaded creatures ‘that can tunnel through the ground, spew cascades of fire, acid or purest Corruption, or that are eo enormous thay can swallow a player character whele, with weapons drawn ‘Thislast section of thenesttaryalso providestherulesneed- ‘ed to put the monsters aad adversaries of previous sections | inte play. Most notably we include fll ules on involving, terrain features as pat of a combat, whether gamed outon a table-top with maps and miniatures ardane in your imagl- ‘nation. as theater of the mind’ This prevents combats from becoming a straight set of opponents lined up against each other, bashingon each other until someone's hitpointsran out. ‘The final chapter provides rulee and suggestions far ex- panding the number of creatures you can wee. We have sug- gestions forhow youcan draw on existing OSLresources in ‘onder to produce unique challenges for your players. I'you shave materials forthe original Symbaroum game, we also shave a sot of rules cuggestions simed at helping you bring a particular creature or NBC over to Rulneof Symbsroum. Incenchuston, we wish you much fim with this book, and owe hope that it will Live up to our high ambition: that is content will provide material forhundeedsof unforgettable _geming hours, in aorld that the same material makeseven, ‘more marvelous and captivating! ‘Metin, Mattias & Jacob SECTION 1 Hones of the ara ei Itis likely true that few people, if any, know as much about the Lawgiver's enemies as Ido. I know them all, from the hugest abomination to the smallest glint, from the oldest arch troll to the youngest blight spawn. I've heard the legends, studied the accounts, examined both cadavers and living specimens. Still, [have no definite answer to the question that meets me more often than others: which is the most abominable monster under Prios’ sky? ‘The candidates are many, but naturally there are those who stand out from the rest. The ancient blight beasts which have ravaged and ruined since long before the fall of Symbaroum display both the darkness and strength to be qualified con- tenders. For sure, the same can be said about the world serpents, especially if the World Serpent itself should awake; also the dragons, supposing that the rumors of their return can be taken as truth. Additionally, there are more devious, and in that respect vile, beasts, such as ravenous willows, parasitical glints and lurking night swarmers - all immensely hungry, all cunning and calculating in their hunt Fagen However, one must wonder if there sr’t another creature that overshadows them Cece ae ne eae ea ce eRe cea the Eternal Night. Even if this creature revels {n light, it can be seduced to blacker aoe ae eee ee ee De dee ee oo LL ee oe) Crea Excerpt from Hordes of the Eternal Night, Father Almagast /AEPREDATORY ARACHS comprise theremains ‘the Spider King’s subjects, surviversof the sealm that was finally crushed by the 2 High Chieflains of Karvosti. The existence ofthe arachs ‘closely linked to the Spider Kingand itwas commonly assumed that they bad been destroyed along with their ruler. Howover, in recent years there have been reports, dible groups of axplorers,climing that the arachs still live and are active in the deeper partsof Davokar. Some say they haveencounteredarach hunting partis in the woods or scouring foractfactsin some rin; others teetify that members of their group have been abducted, presumably to be used as slaves ‘or eaten, According to the wildest sumors, inhabited pyramids have been found as grand as Serand’s but ‘uncharted, sunken and overgrown with dense forest ‘THESE sPoRADIC, BUTall the more frequently occurring, reports and rumors have triggered spacalations about the people of the Spider King being ready to rise again, A legend told among the clans warns of precisely this that the arachs will resusvect their fallen monarch and Jnuncha new warof conquest, spreading fearand death ‘mDavokar. But such adevelopment ishighly unlikaly. majority ofthe eye-witnessaccoants describe the arachs as certainly dangerous but basicaly nething more than, the pitiful remains ef a once glorious race, new roaming the forest much like other predatory beasts ro jon icha ramamasters Te preety 50 the us ete volves a ceremony ee Pe aces trivially, an oge-shaped: PUT itis Guide) pesfredit nr rch en al’ poe and ane cocoon oe eric egg wait ap toa yea Forphase Mr given ageldentaster treme i placed within ee agate suet econ sean he Recetas esa ors er tron rk ee Heda acm theeocoon stonly prisoner f S915 £4 that the humanotd aroche can be mistalken for humans from a distance, expecially if they doese inhuman garb. But on closer inspection, there iso ‘staking their spider-Lke attrbuies:fourspider-eyes ‘ma row, jaws with polson channels, limbs with seven jointsthat end in three claws rather than fingers, bodes covered in bristling hairs, itmay even be that there are different kinds of arachs. A fou statements atfiem that threatened arachs have rubbed off their hairs so as to create an Lltating or even polsenous cloud around them; other witnesses claim that sometimes a single acachhass back coveredin wast like spinnezets able to produce spicier webs. Hence, ons thecry is that arache ‘evolve towarils the more and more spider-Kike, without ‘knowing if this changehas te do with maturation, orf itis an effect that comes with elevated social standing ‘rsome kind of holy exaltation. Adventure Set-up HE EXALTED ARACH Maz-at-tez2 hasstacted spinning the gospel of spiders ina sunken, partially collapsed and completely over- {grown muin at the border hetween bright and dark Davokar. Her Poisoners have banished (or killed) all beasts and a goblin tribe from the area, and started their most important tacke - hunting for artifacts in nearby mins and ensuring the growth of the prin cete'army. Thelattersachieved by talanghuman prisoners to the bottom level of the pyeamsd to be transferred, ‘The player characters might get involved when people start vanishing from some out post or village atthe border of Davokar. tay be one ofthe banished goblins can he found and tells shout che ruin itlived in; maybe the characters visit the goblins’ former home ‘and encountera group of treasure hunting Palsoners? Why not lt them come across Lemelio Starak’s letter in the rain, to give ‘them a hint of what s happening? If so, their next task will be to find the over ‘grown pyramid, getinsideand try to free the prisoners that are yet to transform likely with heavy resistance from Ainz- ar-tera and ber waretors Lem thing legen tom, inside ony chee reay,wth-a dying condln ag ny ony serce of fread ler the parchment ap fe peisen ypreadg MATTE, her boy parsed by ry fused etc, afitawalital angles, and.ben face healtves the spiders foue YF lv as tow. Hen jeu are pottonceip mandibles one ef Mare brchen aad ellen tr ng Pgh NY ether hand ie syvessing the Tear cree un called. an ancteat symbol of vee w Tete thi Tuten tenplacpin te syne of | Angathal Thar whose realm once stielthed, cul arciind a netitenk, of lypraruide randh Pyournideis known. and. aurtieyed, bal T found. anwitan, piphen, ‘nie the grednde aad unléuched foe centric The Tene -cooge was my hoy, the Wag ‘alt the pyramid, down. 16 the lorbp Chaetbers and. the golden ogg. Ok, hen! it fang al ny lech few i epened ip, threads by frrad, © obpse Ur emp ilencw "han ihe watchors cae climbing L fied: in: here Wareid contain death, Stas net Ot oe lat Tealjed Bal Wi ap hn ta doen ete Gelansbip, Thear ter caging oul tere, heaee and wth Calling pe, Tatly Pie hap tep bmw ar bln ina Pra acre ab he vidiat. Dvilé ban sfern, Luill die and be rebetn. as one ef fern, Yoo heave ‘eng slr plese eke ny st ta tah of Te Geter, fe house nn geare, endo yo rf hss Ue pulp ott, Seplnass nde dreams of he dar King fate been deaf nfs hu any, and The ret tine wb reel yeu poise wendy Will be nething compared the toner ef rious Ripelilly, Lelio Gatat (crumpled up letter, found on. dead arach, slain in the depths of Oavoler) Arach Exalted ler of Many. Arach exalted are often accompa- eg ne zy, can, om initiative count 20 (losing all ties) release ee Mediurn amenatd (rach) ‘Armor Class 19 (chitin armor) Hit Points 142 (1548 « 75) Speed 40 fe, climb 40 f STR DEX CON INT WiIScHA 20 (+0) 18(-4) 20(+5) 15(42) 14(02) 6(-2) Saving Throws Dex <8, Con +9 ‘Skills Perception +6, Stealth +8 Senses dorkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 16 Languages The languages it knew before being trans formed: Spider-tongue Challenge 9 (5,000 X® profisiency bonus +4) Manner proudly cbserving Shadow rusty-brown with golden stripes, like unpa: Ished amber (Corruption: 0/6) Equipment — bitin Armor. The arach's armor class is equal t910 plus its Dexterity modifier and its Constitution modifier ‘Legendary Resistance (2/day). I the arach exalted f -Arach exalted can climb citfeule including upside down on ceilings, without needing, to make an ability check Web sense. While in contact witha web, the arach ex tlted knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web, ‘Web Walker. The arach exalted ignores movern.. ‘exalted cannetuse this airction if ite incapacitated orctherwise can't take actions. f surprised, itcantuse it until after ts rst rum in the combat. Arach Poisoner These creatures are responsible for collecting ‘yelun- teers’ for the golden cocoons and also serve as guard and warnors for older arachs, ‘Tactics. The poisoner tries toencircleand flank the enemy to gainadvantage, after which they rely on their venomous bites "e Geen spi Bas Sessuning, De tn ene. CThetBacad ein ees — esoentiat, anSesEBn, uncSarsing: Wend to mers with end, Gesinningsiovoid end is oad, and ehaé whic ended Secomies eternal. Gos Galle Se day, £9. AnyatBat Caas, sue sovereign and Bed oftBerwiald. Excerpt from Taar's Prophecy. ACTIONS ‘ite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 0h, reach ft, one ‘creature. Hit: 13 (248 +4) piercing damage and the éreeture must make 2 DC 17 Constitution saving threw er become poisoned fr Iminute. A poisoned ‘reature takes 18 (48) poison damage a the stort ofits turn and can repeat the sevng throw at the endof ts tutr, ending the effects on a success Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weopen Atack 8 to hit ‘ange 30/60 f, one Medium or smaller creature Ht The creature restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained creature an make a DC14 Strength check escaping fom the webbing on» uecess, The fect also enc ifthe webbing is destroyed. The webbing has ACI0,15 hitpoints, vulnerability to fre damage, and immunity to bludgeoning olson, and poythie damage LEGENDARY AcTions ‘The arach ealted can take 2 legendaty actions, choos: Ing from the options below. Only one legendary action ption can be used ata time and only at the end of am. ather creature's turn The arachenalted regains spent legendary ections at the start ofits tum, Command. The each exeleed can select another arach hich tales ts turn net, instead of at Re neva initiative count. This effect lasts for only one round ‘Attack. The arch exalted can male a bite attack Recharge Costs 2Actions). The rach exalted automate cally recharges its web feature, ‘CconpING 70 THEIR own tales, the age-old ace of shapeshifters calling themselves bes- iaalshegan asalliesto the hiamansof symba- oun, but eventually became thelr slaves uid eneraies Judging by some of the feggmentty miosals found! at (Odsban, assumed to tell about the siege of Symbar, the bertiaal fought against the humane, slongeidetheelver Ittook the scholars many yearsto realize that the multi- shaped creatures depicted in the mosaics were of the same kind, sometimes winged, sometimes not;at times talland sturdy, atother times tay and seemingly harm esa, besticals natural form - the one they wake up ‘sm every moming and assume at the moment of death ~ishuman-like with beastly features, sparse fur anda hnalrlesstall. Because of thelr shapeshiflingabibity they ‘may assume a variety of formsand traits, thusadjusting, to the requirements of the situation APrER THEYALLof Symbaroum, the shapeshifers with- ‘drew tnto isolation amongst the Ravens. Lately they hhave reappeared in regions occupied by humans first ‘im Vejvod, then spreading to the west and south, Tacie agenda, if they indeed have acommen one, unkown. ‘The individuals encountered in Bright Davokar and in Ambion border settlements sad outposts seem te act aloneorin small groups, as hunters, ormare precisely as predators, According to many horrific stories, not ‘even humans ate sale froma their appetites, nom waar 1s known almost all members ofthis ace are capable and dangerous in combat Hever there ae cone aes desta estas wo rex! respect: Individuals feared even by olbesnof thes kind. "Brauner hemstrof emma bey veloped shapealiing bility males them expabl o cease ls {see page 46). So far, no such glint-carrying bestiaals he dannltention othenaeheson Ania ol and ‘hist foreumatesince they ze sido be bet lightning fast and extremely tough. On the other band, there are ‘Hones from both Thiet Holdand Kato about betas having vanished or been found slaughtered afer lim- sng to have glt-earsiers on their Wal Mabe thezes some truth to th analysis of Onde: Maser ufsynda, that montbestanls found in Ambra eonthe thatthe glit-caries are sent from oné oF more etle- ments hidden inthe vale of the'Ravens?. if didn’t understand the odd looks and signs of protection that were aimed at us in Thistle Hold, and ittooh a long while before J realized that they actually were about our choice of guide. The masked: girl was reclusive and careful not fo showher face in view of others, but there is no doubt she was qualified ~she found the ‘quickest route through the forest. and on several, occasions her instincts led us unharmed, past ambushes and traps. Sure, she trached the a dog sniingclong ke ground, bul his isa method also practiced hy barbarians, ‘Honestly, I couldn' see whatcaused theclarmand worry until we were surrounded bydragouls. The girl grew wings and flew over us with her bow singing, to later diue to the ground and launch into battle, suddenly tall, muscular and with long, razor- sharpclaws.1 must that moment our guide became the most ‘interesting thing about our expedition, 4 Brother Erbalmer “Aa “expedition leader in the name of Prios Se x Bestiaal (Clawing Fighter) ‘Mediu humanoid Gestiodl) “Armor Class 15 (leathery skin) Hit Points 51 (6d3 +24) speed30 A STR DEX CON INT Wis CHA 20(05) 17(¢3) 18 (44) 10(40) 14(42) 10(+9)_ Sas Peceton +4 Suelo senses pessivefeopton it {Stguager Ambra Srv Beta Ghakenpe> sox, prfeenc bone 2) Manner pupostly arene ; ‘low ty unalactve gy ies wen ure iced Comin 0) Eauipment “loge echarge 4) The best Bede gush se ceingorcorg erase ae cacepovey pein dove sata 1 dasuge ole aaa Weer Lectin. Tne betes ror clans equ 012 ae deneiymedie ere ew or uctaorpheay The tert cane a bons cen © Fane a bdy channel 9 Srna forbes genom Pa useeite bonus ACTIONS “Multiottack. The bestiaal makes two claws attacks ‘laws. Melee Weapon Attack: 47 tohit, each 5 fey one creature. Hit 9 (148 + 5) slashing damoze. Adventure Set-up les ceecesesecmye ere em ioesececgmaatt meee tig ete reset oc kp a ka ol ct ke lay cee! Secale Talat (yi) ony okt pee eatin ee piety on oe oor cecenctnte teas merce ey to tacked by something entirely different (predators. rage tells ox clea), bt ts soon event thatthe could aot chased the opens (aces eg tae cols Gane nha fy 6 fan a core rns foatads Gi beese ggg ree 1 us caret Iver they eck at they ue chagees pee ocala lee, nad hat the fist orci sed a ict of the children capnwe and feresthem fed with cl ct peter tea Ths derail have fy chonec ohcties ali) at acacepety hcp them {Sl es ot cariey gM Uae aren fiat a atagee ie Way Pe tod EPS “EZ Bestiaal (Glint Carrier) sdium humencid (Bestiaal) Armor Class 17 (leathery skin) Hit Points 24 (948+ 54) Speed 30 f STR DEX CON NT WIS cha 20(+5) 20(+5) 22(46) 10(s0) a2(ex) 12(+1) Skills Perception +4, Survival 4 Senses passive Perception 14 ‘Languages Armbrian, Barbarian, Bestiaal Challenge 6 (2.300 XP, proficiency bonus +3) Manner shifts between calm ané furious Shadow decp gray with ery streaks, like a firtly lowing lump oF lead (Coup Equipment. ‘agressive. The bestiaal ‘move adistance equal creature itcan see, Stood Frenzy. The bestisehas melee attack rolis against ary cresture that currently hes less than its maximum hit points. Enlarge (Recharge 5-6). The bestoal uses is bonus ‘ction to nerease in size one step, along with ariy= thingitis wearing orcarying for minute it gains 9 temporary hit points. t does an addtional 144 damage on melee attacks while enlarged, Leathery Sia, the bestaa's armor clas sequel to 12 plus itsdexteriy modifer Metaimorphesis. The bestaal can usea bonus action tochangeits body, changing its ogzressive, blood frenzy, enlarge, or leathery skin traits out for ethers sven on page 15. ACTIONS ‘Multiattack. The bestaal makes wo ace attacks ‘xe. Molec Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach fe, one creature. its (148- 5) slashing damage REACTIONS Parry. The bestial adds 3 tots AC against one melee attack that would itt. To do so, the bestial mast see the attacker and be wielding e melee weapon. Bestiaal (Clawing Fighter) ‘This bestioal has adapted itself for melee combat, ‘Tactics. Moves over the field of battle to reach the fenemy/s archers and mystics. Whoa these are down, i takes on themelee fighters Bestiaal (Glint Carrier) “The estial has a symbiotic nelatonship with the glint, giving tore power, making t more dangerousandcrie. ‘Tactics. Walks straight towards the enemy's stron- est Bighter to clay it with Hashing strikes, When the slint-carver dies glint ie released and immediately attacks (seepage 48). Metamorphosis Craits Abestiaalcan activate one or more ofthese features a2 a bonus action on their turn, Normal bestiaals can have no more than three features available, while alin earier can have four ‘Agzressve ‘The bestinal can use its bonus action to move distance equal toits speed towards ahostl creature it can see ‘Awareness = __The bestial has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) chadle that lyon ewelL Blood Frenzy = ‘The bestina| has advantage on melee attack rolls against ary creature that is __Curtertiyhas ess than its maximum hit points os Strorex The bestisal makes an atackagsinetotorgct wihin See ToMMTC Broficlency bonus (2 or 3 fr glin-carier) pus the chosen ability mockfer nah, itdoes 148 plus chosen ablity mocferin percing danreoe Claws StrorDex The bestse makes an atack against target within 5 fect Ta itis Re rofcieney benus (2, 73 fr glint-cartier) pls the chosen ebilty mod fer - Ona it does 148 plus chosen abilty moder slashing dame, tangs ~The bestna uses ts Bonus action to increars in ze one ate, along wih (Recharge 5-8) thing it wearing orcarying for] minut. It gins temporary mit points cual tots murmber 2 Hit Dice. It docs an addtional 1d damoge enipce attacks while enlarged, LeatheySiin Deg The bests areca equal to ss Devlety @oTROS Reduce =" _Tebestnal este bonus action to reduce in dan by one eociny tus ation to reduce in die by one wisp along wih (Recharge 5-8) anything tie ering caring ntl the hegnningctenee tie Cetrentand:maximum hit pins re educedby he number lec om minimum of hitpoints mele stack doce the minimum prec ge (ef the bestia led a1 onall damage de) Wings = Tha bento gains a figheapend af 3b eee Playing a Bestical YT 15 FULLY possible, though challenging, to play a Ginette o's besten cee Ir cate be epee fortes ha pee in ls ost fiventolein Ambra naling them dificult portray, esa et le ccktgecyce ea Todle the fetlity provided bythe tit Motancr eas scald ea ynaceorerel Gace Bg ee dca cameo e Uemrdly ae my prove very rewarding to ply. BESTIAAL TRAITS All bestiaals shore a set of inborn tendencies and festures, * ability Score Increase. Your Conststution score Increases by 2. Increase any other ability score by 1 * Age, Besticals are adults at 15; few know how long they live naturally but seeing an active 20-year old bestiaal isalmost unknown, + Size. Bestiaals average somewhere around 6 feet high and around 200 pounds of dense bene and rvecle, Your sizes Medium ond you have a d8 Hit Die. At first level you have 8 hit points plus your ” Constitution modifier. When you gaima level inany class, you gainan additional HitDie and 5 (148) plus: yc Conelitationaediies it plats + Speed. You have a bare speed of 20 fet + Metamorphosis, You can shapeshift adéing new featuresto your body See the chart above. + Pariahs. Bestssl re poorly treated by thoae few iho claonledga tis citenee Voubave lace top chi charm checks wet ete eect ¢ Languages. Bestzals have theirown languageand now a little of the local tongues (Goblin, Ambrian, Barbarian), BESTIAAL NAMES ‘Native bestiaal names sound to many other-cultural beings like backing orgrowling sounds, Bestinals wosk= Ing with others tend to adapt nicknames, which often benr more than a passing resemblance to the sorte of names given to pets, BESTIAAL BACKGROUND UUse the goblin Wild background and adapt it for the bestisal Colnssi Well, sure, youd better believe I have seen a coloss up close, terrifyingly close. Itwas on one of those days when you'd rather stay in the tent ~a gushing rain fellon the treetops; the droplets smashed into a wet mist or assembled on the leaves to fallin heavy sheets that truly harumered against the scalp, But Fbuckled on my quiver and forced myself out to check the traps. One of the traps wes placed close to the ruin of the Anchor Cross, and it was there I found him. That he was a witch, knew immediately, from his clothes and the mask of bark Lifeless. Asif dead. No visible wounds but with black stains on the face, as if from acid or possibly... well, from death? Anyway, Thurried to feel his pulse. The heart was beating, though faintly. Shortly after 1 started dabbing his face with an herbal cure, Iheard it~ a loud creaking bang behind me, asf asturdy tree branch slowly broke asunder. I turned my neck, was met by an abysmal bellowing and a foreleg that was raised to crush me. I froze. Completely paralyzed. ‘At that moment the witch awoke, and the coloss froze, like me. ifthe herbal cure had taken one single breath longer to work, I would have become one with the soil, and you ~G would not exist. Thats the truth oft! ‘MONG AMBRIANS AS well as most bazbarian clans, the legendary mounts of the witches are called Coloes. These massive carnivores that ool ikea blend of weod and lesh, instill fearand espect m any and ll, but maybe these feelings would beeven stronger those meeting tiem knew their true origin. intruth, the calosslare not beastslikeall others. ‘They are created. ‘THE awsr1cal CEREMONY used by the witches in thiscon- ‘eat isa well-preserved seeres, oly known by the most ‘experienced among them ~the Huldra, the Keepers of the clans and their equals, When speaking to cutsiders, the initiate claim that the colossi came with the Iron Pact fromthe west which ssupposedly why they use he tiven ‘werd forthe creatures eliend, as oflenas they say coloss ‘THE ACT OF creation starts with a witch who is bal sancingon the edge of becoming blight-bora, and who Grandpa Toste brags to his grandchildren over a pint of beer at The Rusty Dragon, Kastor willingly agrees tobe sacrificed in order to continue fighting. During the ceremony that transforms the ‘witch into a hybrid of flesh and wood, the subject is cleansed of all Corruption, and stripped of memo- ‘ies and will. All chat remains is the unruly hunger of the colossanda desire to serve the witeh the ritual bound ito ‘THIS ALSO EXPLAINS why wild epecimens are 50 rare, Lonesome colass| are always the result of their witch Deing hlled or otherwise hindleved tn caring for theix ‘reation. Such individuals are instinctively drawn to places where beasts or cultural beings gather, with the sum of finding a new master, worthy af their loyalty and assistance. They often linger nan area for an ex- tended period of time, and if they do not get help to satisfy their hunger for fresh meat, they will sooner or later attack -to feed before they journey onwards toaomecther place. eax) Walemnaap) AG cine he Ge Adventure Set-up IHE CHARACTERS ARRIVE at 2 settlement around which a lone and hungering caloss king, Initially tracks are found fn the vicinity; later, lod ereaks are heard when the frus~ trated beast beats dovrn fully grown trecs, followed by actual observations. Then come the first attacks (pos- sibly against livestock). soon followed by the slaying, of acultural being. One of the authority figures in the settlement asks the characters for help in dealing with the situation. “This can be done in several ways direct combat is pos~ sible, but a passed DC 16 intelligence (Religion) check opens up the option to feed, and hence calm, the crea ture, Whatever they do, a sericus complication is re ‘vealed: someone recognizes a piece of equipment on the colors (a witch's braid, facial mask or similar) and knows who used to ride and care forthis particularan- imal: the witch ayda. ‘This is deeply worrying, since every fall (or at ome other suitable time) the settlement suffers problems associated with 2 passing monster (arch troll, winter lf, indworm or similarly powerful being), ayda has always helped the residents to divert the attention of the hungering, threatening monster when it passes the settlement; with her gone, maybe dead, the residents aren serious danger. ‘The player characters are asked to track dawn ayda. ‘Asa suggestion, they find her dead, afler having been captured or ambushed, but among her belongings they discover instructions on how to divert the monster's attention from the settlers. Putting these instructions into practice also falls on the characters, and if they fail they must prepare for areally tough fight ~or they candecidetorun avray, knowingly leaving hundreds of children, women and men in great peril The witch's coloss can carry The witch's colove can trample Bich and scratch and chew, indeed, Yes, thar is what the colossi need. Popular children's songin Davolar ‘This construct is given life by & ceremony that trans- forms an almost blight-born witch inta a creature of unending hunger and violence, ‘Tactics. The coloss charges forth, trampling its en~ ‘emies to death. Huge construct ‘Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 133 (142 + 42) Speed cof. STR DEX CON Ww Wis cia 24107) 10(60) 36649) 6-9) aDbe) 20) Sing hows 5 i, Cony Skills Rhee +, Peeyon a Senses passe Pech respon Languages — Callenge (000 5000 XP profieny bonus Manner stoically enraged a i Shadow trembling bright eee, le beard lichens in the wind (Corruption; 0/4) Eesiprent ~ en ne Teo ‘Siege Monster. The coloss deals doul : objects and structures, ac ‘one creature, Hit: 20 (2412 + 7) bludgeoning damage the optensbe Orpen geen eee actions at the start of its. nt ee Attack. The coloss.can so ake ahooves atiack een (gues 2ection) Attacks against the colose 1s Seadantage onthe begining ofthe eae 3 two hooves attacks at Corrupted Mature We had the witch surrounded, and she knew it. She had nowhere to run; with the face of the cliff on one side and the swamp on the other, she retreated into the gorge and had her cursed thorn beasties hinder our advancement. Several of our guides hesitated when ordered to follow her dourn into the shadows, but I pressed on. Admittedly, the floor of the gorge offered a disheartening view - ashen gray, as f the rock itself had been incinerated and no life later returned; even the air was dry ina way which suggested that the winds could not bring moisture into this valley of cinders, A befitting place for the death of a witch, I thought. It was not until we started our attack that realized that her withdrawal was carefully plarmed, that she too knew she would die and had decided to take us with her. As our warriors moved in, we spoke our prayers and weaved our spells while the witch called upon her dark allies to combat us. The Corruption oozed in the air, as unavoidable here as everywhere else. We knew what we were doing - fire may be fought with fire, by those who are disciplined enough. Or so we thought. Then and there, we were totally wrong. Corruption fell to the ground like black teardrops, and where each drop landed, a daemon appeared to immediately attack ~us or the witch; they did not discriminate in deciding who to tear asunder: The last sound I heard before my squires dragged me away wounded ‘was the witch laughing, a laugh that turned into a scream when she and the rest of my troop were destroyed in the depths of that cursed gorge. ermplar Arale Patio, statement after the return to Templewall HERE 18 No doubt that in the deeper parts of Davokar, there are places which are very Aissimilar from what normally passes for antuse, Whoever claims that similar phenomena can be encountered in the mountains and on the rolling fields of Ambria isalsa correct. No matter' the xrea's Discovering. Corrupt Dope aiares with corupt mat Take sso IS Wien canbe not ea {Gece} check ayeneerth Duhon ‘corruption has long been evident. thas bloomed shadowesight- Wah Bushors te flr centaties in fallow or if recently came tobe, toc annaturet and dangerovtt wieisalao possible to perceive reat ground and wate. be acsmales afew hundred zs. andl of wiles a0 posabietotumback sat the cost of slzes that the pa swith Shadow 8h the Corruption inthe Corrupted areas ean pacer otas large asahandl the checkin ecw sand find away around thea Tonger route (rid12 hour) | thereare places that should not be visited places whose ‘wrath threatens all that live, Unfortunately the malice can be difficult to notice before its too late CORRUPT NATURE APPEARS in maay different forme ~itmay be dense fog banks that slowly drift throagh the woods, places wharethe ground and all vegetation. ahh on Boe ee have blackened, wetlands recking of putrefaction, oF ‘areas suffering from tears in the physical structure of the world. The witches eal such places by names like ‘light Mists, Night Mirrors. Black Lands and World ‘Wounds, and claim that they all vary in strength and size, There are tales of World Wounds thathave turned {nto gaping Doom Chasms, linked to the Yorderworld and spewingout hungering daemons: of creamy mists hhoveringabout and following monstrous primal bight benats:even of grounds stained by dacleessso vile that they con thoroughly conupt travelers end beasts at fiest bresth. ai common Fox all these types of blighted nature is. that chey can harm the living in many different ways: they can infect with Corruption, amplify outbreaks of Corruption or embody Corruption in the physical form of shorninationsand daemons. Regarding the at- ter, the beasts may appear in diférent ways ~at times they ral out of the Black Land's mises; at times they seem to materialize from the fog; and sometimes they {force their way through the tears ofthe world wounds. >Che uncultrvated man is Be a mre sicP unth corcuption: reeFing, tecrtfyung and full of abomunable impulses. Eufrynda, notorious Order Master Combating Corrupt Nature “The feature Nacute’s Lullaby an always be use ieee gt refer eeay ote ele after which itreturns to {un)normal. How mu rE ere oon eet ineete raat sin the een ikea corrupted nates of such iva ong Forgotten Adventure Set-up NE WAY To give corrupt nature, clear role in Jan adventure isto lets person that the char- actersare hunting flee into the mists. out onto the blackened or putrid grounds, orto anarea plagued by World Wounds, Maybe the prey justhappens toend ‘up there, ort isa caleulatad move - the enemy traste itself to find the way out and hopes that the hunting characters will no As forthe characters, the question is whether they perceive the danger orif thoy unknowingly rum into the soen and risk getting lort. Chances are that both hunt- ‘exs.and prey get stuck in the area: maybe the situation {orees them to negotiate a temporary truce sothey can {ace the dangers of Corruption together? Corrupted Land Effects ‘When encountering corrupt nature, the following ta- bles are tced to determine what dangers are found in ‘the area, Tae Gamemasterrolle 2d’ ~ 1, this the num- beraf rolls forthe Conmupt Land Etfectstable. several rolls are to be made, the same result may not appear fivice: if this happens, roll again. Likewise, only one ‘outcome resulting in Virulent Goreuption is allowed. Finally; note that if more thon one roll seeults in en ‘counters with attacking creatures, these will appear im waves with 148 + 1 rounds between them - always with the weakest first, and then in accordance with ising might. reas of corrupt no to traverse the effecte of Vralent Cot ne vil keep ats distance sith spell Uke hallows main safe while trae atthe Virlent Crrupsion is ale yea (the Gamemaster decide), i of ancient debated 1 6 8 20 Virulent Corruption Virulent Corruation Retaliation Retaliation Retalistion Retaliation Fetaliation Retalistien ‘Materalization Naveralization Naterialiation Materalization Matetialization ‘Naterialization ‘Materalization ization ‘Mareralization Materialization Effect For each Rout, pasta OC 10 Constitution saying throw or gain 1 temporary Corruption, For each hews, pace Dc 10 Cansttution saving throw or gain 1d4 temporary Corruption. For each hour, passa DC 15 Consiltution saving throw or gain 1d4 temporary Corruption. For each Reus, passa DC 15 Constitution saving throw er gain J permanent Corruption. Double the ammount of temporary Corruption ined inthis a ‘Wile you gan Corruption this area you tahe necrotic damage equal to the Corruption aewall For cach pent of Corsuption you gain inthis area you take 144 necrotic damage a ell. Everytime a erature gains Corruption @ Scorer Daemon (p58 90) appears and attacks arndom target Hallucinations you must succeed t= DC 10, Wiedom saiig throw tthe tart of your turn ruse your turn to ight imaginary threats. Greater hallucinations ~you must euccoed at DC 18 wor caving throw athe start of ‘your turn oruse your tun to ight imaginary threats 2 daemons with the stat Block of Blight born Humans (page 122) 248 daemons with the stat block of elight= born Humans (page 122) 14a daemons with the stat block of Bight bon aboars (page 129) 1148 daemone wth the st block of Blight- born aboars (page 120) ‘dt daemons with the tat block of Elight- born ele (page 121) 18 daemons wth the ant Block of Bligh born Ele (page 123) ‘daemon with the sat block ofa Primal alight Beast oage 124) T corner Dacor (page 90) 1a scammer Daemons (page 80) Lintreder Daemon Ge below) Pe A ie |

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