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Fuel–Air Cycles and their Analysis 121

Worked out Examples

3.1 What will be the effect on the efficiency of an Otto cycle having a
compression ratio of 8, if Cv increases by 1.6%?

ηOtto = 1−
Cp R
Cp − Cv = R; = γ and γ−1 =
Cv Cv
η = 1−

1−η = r−R/Cv
ln(1 − η) = ln r

1 R
− dη = ln rdCv
1−η Cv2

(1 − η)R ln r
dη = − dCv

dη (1 − η)(γ − 1) ln r dCv
= −
η η Cv
η = 1− = 0.565 = 56.5%

dη (1 − 0.565) × (1.4 − 1) × ln 8 1.6

= − ×
η 0.565 100
= −1.025% ⇐=

3.2 What will be the effect on the efficiency of a diesel cycle having a com-
pression ratio of 20 and a cut-off ratio is 5% of the swept volume, if the
Cv increases by 1%. Take Cv = 0.717 and R = 0.287 kJ/kg K.

1 1 rcγ − 1
ηDiesel = 1−
r γ rc − 1

1 rcγ − 1
1−η =
γ rγ−1 (rc − 1)
122 IC Engines

Taking logarithm

ln(1 − η) = − ln γ + ln(rcγ − 1) − ln(rc − 1) − (γ − 1) ln r

γ−1 =

γ = 1+

Substituting this in the above equation

R ( R +1) R
ln(1 − η) = − ln + 1 + ln rc Cv − 1 − ln(rc − 1) − ln r
Cv Cv

Differentiating we get,
R ( R +1)
R rc Cv ln rc dCv
Cv2 dCv
dη Cv2 R
− = R
− + ln rdCv
η Cv + 1
( CRv +1) Cv2
rc −1
dη dCv R 1 − η
= −
η C v Cv η
⎛ R

Cv +1
1 rc ln(rc ) ⎠
× ⎝ R + ln r − R
+ 1 Cv +1
Cv rc −1

dη dCv 1−η 1 rγ ln(rc )

= − (γ − 1) + ln r − c γ
η Cv η γ rc − 1

γ = 1.4
= r = 20
V1 = 20V2

Vs = 20V2 − V2 = 19V2

V3 = 0.05Vs + V2 = (0.05 × 19V2 ) + V2 = 1.95V2

V3 1.95V2
rc = = = 1.95
V2 V2
1 1 rcγ − 1
η = 1− γ−1
γ r rc − 1
1 1 1.951.4 − 1
= 1− × × = 0.649
1.4 20 1.95 − 1
Fuel–Air Cycles and their Analysis 123

dη 1 − 0.649
= −0.01 ×
η 0.649

1 1.951.4 × ln(1.95)
×0.4 × + ln(20) −
1.4 1.951.4 − 1
= −0.565% ⇐=

3.3 A petrol engine having a compression ratio of 6 uses a fuel with calorific
value of 42 MJ/kg. The air-fuel ratio is 15:1. Pressure and temperature
at the start of the suction stroke is 1 bar and 57 ◦ C respectively. Deter-
mine the maximum pressure in the cylinder if the index of compression
is 1.3 and the specific heat at constant volume is given by Cv = 0.678 +
0.00013 T, where T is in Kelvin. Compare this value with that obtained
when Cv = 0.717 kJ/kg K.

Solution Consider the process 1-2

p2 V2n = p1 V1n
p2 = p1 = 1 × 61.3 = 10.27 bar

p2 V2 10.27 1
T2 = T1 = 330 × × = 565 K
p1 V1 1 6

T 3 + T2
Average temperature during combustion =
T3 + T 2
Cvmean = 0.678 + 0.00013 ×

Assuming unit quantity of air

Q2−3 /kg of air = = 2.8 MJ
1 16
Mass of charge = 1+ = kg/kg of air
15 15
Q2−3 = Cvmean ṁ(T3 − T2 )

T3 + 565
2.8 × 103 = 0.678 + 13 × 10−5 ×

× × (T3 − 565)
T3 = 3375 K
T3 3375 Ans
p3 = p2 = 10.27 × = 61.35 bar ⇐=
T2 565
124 IC Engines

For constant specific heat

2.8 × 103 = 0.717 × × (T3 − 565)
T3 = 4226
4226 Ans
p3 = 10.27 × = 76.81 bar ⇐=
3.4 The air-fuel ratio of a Diesel engine is 29:1. If the compression ratio is
16:1 and the temperature at the end of compression is 900 K, find at
what cylinder volume the combustion is complete? Express this volume
as a percentage of stroke. Assume that the combustion begins at the top
dead centre and takes place at constant pressure. Take calorific value of
the fuel as 42000 kJ/kg, R = 0.287 kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.709+0.000028 T
kJ/kg K.

Cp = Cv + R

= (0.709 + 0.000028 T ) + 0.287

= 0.996 + 0.000028 T

dQ = mCp dT
For unit mass, Q = Cp dT

For 1 kg of fuel the total charge is 30 kg

CV 42000
Q = = = 1400
30 30
= (0.996 + 0.000028 T )dT

0.000028 2
= 0.996(T3 − T2 ) + T3 − T22
= 0.996 × (T3 − 900) + 0.000014 × T32 − 9002

T3 = 2246.07 K
T3 2246.07
V3 = V2 = V2 = 2.496 V2
T2 900

Vs = V1 − V 2 = V 2 −1 = V2 (r − 1) = 15 V2

V3 2.496 × V2 Ans
= × 100 = 16.64% ⇐=
Vs 15 × V2
Fuel–Air Cycles and their Analysis 125

3.5 An oil engine, working on the dual combustion cycle, has a compression
ratio of 13:1. The heat supplied per kg of air is 2000 kJ, half of which is
supplied at constant volume and the other half at constant pressure. If
the temperature and pressure at the beginning of compression are 100

C and 1 bar respectively, find (i) the maximum pressure in the cycle
and (ii) the percentage of stroke when cut-off occurs. Assume γ = 1.4,
R = 0.287 kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.709 + 0.000028T kJ/kg K.


p1 V1γ = p2 V2γ
V1 2
p2 = p2 = 1 × 105 × 131.4 = 36.27 × 105 N/m
T 1 V1 = T2 V2γ−1

T2 = T1 r(γ−1) = 373 × 130.4 = 1040.6 K

For unit mass :

Consider the process 2-3,
Q2−3 = × 2000 = 1000 kJ
Q2−3 = m (0.709 + 0.000028T )dT

1000 = 0.709 × (T3 − 1040.6) + × T32 − 1040.62
T3 = 2362.2 K

T3 2362.2
p3 = p2 = 36.27 × × 105
T2 1040.6

2 Ans
= 82.34 × 105 N/m ⇐=

Consider the process 3-4,

Q3−4 = × 1000 = 500 kJ
Cp = Cv + R = 0.996 + 0.000028 T
Q3−4 = m dT

500 = (0.996 + 0.000028)dT
126 IC Engines

= 0.996 × (T4 − 2362.2) + × T42 − 2362.22
T4 = 2830.04 K

T4 2830.04
V4 = V3 = V3 = 1.198 V3
T3 2362.2

Vs = V 1 − V3 = V3 (r − 1) = 12 V3

V 4 − V3 V4 − V3
Cut-off % = × 100 = × 100
Vs 12 V3
1.198 − 1 Ans
= × 100 = 1.65% ⇐=

3.6 A petrol engine with a compression ratio of 7 used a mixture of iso-

octane and hexane as fuel. The pressure and temperature at the begin-
ning of the compression process is 1 bar and 55.22 ◦ C respectively. If
the fuel-air mixture is 19.05% rich and the maximum pressure developed
is 115.26 bar then evaluate the composition of the mixture (in percent-
age weight). Take Cv = 0.717 kJ/kg K, (CV )hexane = 43 MJ/kg,
(CV )iso-octane = 42 MJ/kg and pV 1.31 is constant for the expansion
and compression processes.

Suppose every kmol of iso-octane is mixed with x kmols of hexane. The
stoichiometric equation is

xC6 H14 + C8 H18 + y(0.21 O2 + 0.79 N2 ) →

(8 + 6x)CO2 + (9 + 7x) H2 O + (0.79y)N2

Equating number of oxygen atoms on both sides

0.42y = 2 × (8 + 6x) + (9 + 7x)

y = × (25 + 19x)
As the fuel-air mixture is 19.05% rich, for x moles of hexane and 1 mole of
iso-octane, number of moles of air present
= = (50 + 38x)
The combustion equation may now be written as

xC6 H14 + C8 H18 + (50 + 38x)(0.21 O2 + 0.79 N2 ) →

aCO2 + b CO + (9 + 7x) H2 O + 0.79(50 + 38x)N2

Equating number of carbon atoms

Fuel–Air Cycles and their Analysis 127

a+b = 6x + 8 (1)

Equating number of oxygen atoms

2a + b = 8.96x + 12 (2)

On solving Eqs.(1) and (2)

a = 2.96x + 4

b = 3.04x + 4
nf 56.5 + 43.02x
ni 51 + 39x

State 2:
p2 = p1 rn = 12.796 bar

T2 = T1 rn−1 = 600 K

Now, consider (50 + 38 x) kmols of air

Molecular weight of C6 H14 = 86 kg/kmol and molecular weight of C8 H18 =
114 kg/kmol. Therefore,
Heat added = 86x × 43 × 103 + 114 × 42 × 103

= (3698x + 4788) × 103 kJ

Total weight = 28.97 × (50 + 38x) + (86x + 114)

= (1186.86x + 1562.5) kg

Qs = mCv (T3 − T2 )

(3698x + 4788) × 103 = (1186.86x + 1562.5) × 0.717 × (T3 − T2 )

3698x + 4788 4208.6x + 5460
T3 = 600 + =
0.851x + 1.120 0.851x + 1.120
T3 nf
p3 = p2
T2 ni

12.796 4208.6x + 5460 43.02x + 56.5

115.26 = × ×
600 0.851x + 1.120 39x + 51

Solving this we get x = 0.1. Therefore, percentage weight of iso-octane

114 Ans
= × 100% = 93% ⇐=
114 + 86x

Percentage weight of hexane

86x Ans
= × 100% = 7% ⇐=
114 + 86x
128 IC Engines

Review Questions

3.1 Mention the various simplified assumptions used in fuel-air cycle anal-
3.2 What is the difference between air-standard cycle and fuel-air cycle anal-
ysis? Explain the significance of the fuel-air cycle.
3.3 Explain why the fuel-air cycle analysis is more suitable for analyzing
through a computer rather than through hand calculations.
3.4 How do the specific heats vary with temperature? What is the physical
explanation for this variation?
3.5 Explain with the help of a p-V diagram the loss due to variation of
specific heats in an Otto cycle.
3.6 Show with the help of a p-V diagram for an Otto cycle, that the effect
of dissociation is similar to that of variation of specific heats.
3.7 Explain by means of suitable graphs the effect of dissociation on maxi-
mum temperature and brake power. How does the presence of CO affect
3.8 Explain the effect of change of number of molecules during combustion
on maximum pressure in the Otto cycle.
3.9 Compare the air-standard cycle and fuel-air cycles based on (i) character
of the cycle (ii) fuel-air ratio (iii) chemical composition of the fuel
3.10 Is the effect of compression ratio on efficiency the same in fuel-air cycles
also? Explain.
3.11 From the point of view of fuel-air cycle analysis how does fuel-air ratio
affect efficiency, maximum power, temperature and pressure in a cycle.
3.12 How does exhaust temperature and mean effective pressure affect the
engine performance? Explain.


3.1 Find the percentage change in the efficiency of an Otto cycle having a
compression ratio of 10, if Cv decreases by 2%. Ans: 1.22%
3.2 Find the percentage increase in the efficiency of a Diesel cycle having a
compression ratio of 16 and cut-off ratio is 10% of the swept volume, if
Cv decreases by 2%. Take Cv = 0.717 and γ = 1.4. Ans: 1.23%
3.3 The air-fuel ratio of a Diesel engine is 31:1. If the compression ratio is
15:1 and the temperature at the end of compression is 1000 K, find at
what percentage of stroke is the combustion complete if the combustion
begins at T DC and continuous at constant pressure. Calorific value of
the fuel is 40000 kJ/kg. Assume the variable specific heat, Cp = a + bT ,
where a = 1 and b = 0.28 × 10−4 . Ans: 15.68%
Fuel–Air Cycles and their Analysis 129

3.4 An engine working on the Otto cycle, uses hexane (C6 H14 ) as fuel. The
engine works on chemically correct air-fuel ratio and the compression
ratio is 8. Pressure and temperature at the beginning of compression
are 1 bar and 77 ◦ C respectively. If the calorific value of the fuel is
43000 kJ/kg and Cv = 0.717 kJ/kg K, find the maximum temperature
and pressure of the cycle. Assume the compression follows the law
pV 1.3 = c. Ans: (i) 4343.6 K (ii) 99.28 bar
3.5 Find the percentage change in efficiency of a dual cycle having com-
pression ratio = 16 and cut-off ratio of 10% of swept volume and if Cv
increases by 2%. Given TT32 = 1.67. Ans: 0.68%
3.6 It is estimated that for air operating in a given engine the γ decreases
by 2% from its original value of 1.4. Find the change in efficiency. The
pressure at the end of compression is 18 bar. Ans: 4.5%

Multiple Choice Questions (choose the most appropriate answer)

1. The actual efficiency of a good engine is about

(a) 100%
(b) 85%
(c) 50%
(d) 25%

of the estimated fuel-air cycle efficiency.

2. With dissociation peak temperature is obtained

(a) at the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio

(b) when the mixture is slightly lean
(c) when the mixture is slightly rich
(d) none of the above

3. With dissociation the exhaust gas temperature

(a) decreases
(b) increases
(c) no effect
(d) increases upto certain air-fuel ratio and then decreases

4. Fuel-air ratio affects maximum power output of the engine due to

(a) higher specific heats

(b) chemical equilibrium losses
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above

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