Portfolio ARW1

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Student: Toribio Bobadilla, Carlos


Professor: Vargas, Diego

Course: ARW 1

Institute: ICPNA


Savant: Stephen Hawking is considered a savant because of contributions to physics.

Estimated: It is estimated that 7 out of 10 young people have problems with socializing.

Flexible: My math teacher is not really flexible, we have to obey his orders.

Benefit: Playing sports has a lot of benefits, for example, you can lose weight and have a
balanced life.
Anxiety: Prior to the pandemic, anxiety wasn't considered a serious problem, but now is the
most important worry in the society.

Predictable: The movement of the chess player was very predictable for his rival.

Interaction: One of the most things that the fans love about meeting their idols is the


Meager: He comes from a meager family, his parents did not have enough money to afford
his studies.

Yearn for: He always yearns for a good future, despite his bad luck.

Ashamed: I was very ashamed when I broke my neighbor's window.

Struggle: I was struggling with an unexpected situation, my little brother had forgotten to turn
off the kitchen.

Accountable: He is an accountable person, he always does his homework on time.

Dilapidated: There are many dilapidated houses in my neighborhood because of the


Tormented: He had a tormented childhood, he lost his mother and his father abandoned him.

Impact: The pollution generates a great impact on the environment.

Reliable: On the internet you can't find reliable information because most of the time they are
not certified by experts.

Interaction: When Leo met his girlfriend, they did not have a good interaction.

Risk factor: To not sleep properly is a risk factor for mental health.

Advocate: He is an advocate of animals, he is tired of animal abuse.

Revolutionized: The Internet has revolutionized communication, nowadays people can

communicate easily by social media.

Consensus: The congressional assembly reached a consensus, they will support meager

Write your topic sentence + supporting sentences

Steve Jobs was considered one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century in the
technological revolution and entertainment, however many people don't know how
he did it and what their contributions were. Since their childhood, Steve was
fascinated by electronic engineering and gadgets. His curiosity made him participate
in different workshops, after that he created his first device which was really
impressive for that time …


Steve Jobs was considered one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century in the
technological revolution and entertainment, however many people don't know how
he did it and what their contributions were. Since their childhood, Steve was
fascinated by electronic engineering and gadgets. His curiosity made him participate
in different workshops, after that he created his first device which was really
impressive for that time but it did not have complex tools. When he was in the
university, he availed his time and enrolled in calligraphy lessons which were
inspirations for design of the typography for the first Mac. However he never finished
his studies, then he worked together with computer engineers and created a home
computer with basic tools whose name was Apple I, and Jobs became a good seller
and more involved in business. Years later, Steve would found the Apple Company
with his colleague, and launched the Apple I, however his expectations were wrong
because he did not sell the sum expected. Their sales were not encouraging, so he
decided to leave the system company and be part of the cinematographic company
Pixar. This new project would be a success, he collected a lot of money with his
cartoon movies such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monster Inc, and others. He
became a revolutionary in the movie industry, however through the years, he left the
business and sold all copyright to Disney. The Apple Company was going through
bad moments, so it decided to contact him, he restored and increased the sales, also
he launched new devices such as iMac computer, iPod players, and a digital store
whose name is iTunes store. Those days were memorable because that was the
beginning of the digital revolution and his contributions improved our lives. In
conclusion, Steve Jobs was an authentic genius who helped society with their
inventions and opened a new era where we can enjoy them and facilitate our jobs,
furthermore the fantastic and nostalgic movies which will be part of our lives.

Write your topic sentence + controlling idea + supporting sentences

My pre-university phase was one of the most challenging and overwhelming

moments from my life because I had to face many obstacles, but the feeling of
overcoming it is incomparable. All this started when I finished high school. At that
moment I was not worried about what I would do next because I thought everything
would be all right. However, I didn't expect that my family did not have enough
money to afford a private university. At first I didn't react because I was shocked, but
then I decided to apply for a public university. So I looked on the web for some public
universities which had any of the majors I was interested in. and I decided to apply at
UNMSM. Many people talked about him, his admission exam is one of the most
difficult in our country and takes some years of preparation to pass it. At the
beginning, I was not aware about this…


My pre-university phase was one of the most challenging and overwhelming

moments from my life because I had to face many obstacles, but the feeling of
overcoming it is incomparable. All this started when I finished high school. At that
moment I was not worried about what I would do next because I thought everything
would be all right. However, I did not expect that my family was going into poverty.
They could not afford a private university. At first I didn't react because I was
shocked, but then I decided to apply for a public university. I looked on the web for
some public universities which had any of the majors I was interested in. And I
decided to apply at UNMSM. Many people talked about him, his admission exam is
one of the most difficult in the country and takes some years of preparation to pass
it. At the beginning, I was not aware of this, but when I took it for the first time, I
realized this would not be easy, So I had to put more effort. The first try was not
surprising for me, I knew I would not do it because I did not prepare enough. But the
second try, I prepared a lot in an academy for 6 months, but the outcome was not
what I expected, I failed it with a terrible grade. I was so mad and ashamed of
myself. I laid down on my bed for a week. I was stuck and I did not know what I
would do. My family was worried about my situation and they decided to take me to a
psychologist. I took some sessions and I learnt how to face emotional problems such
as anxiety, nervousness, sadness and others. I returned to study for the third time.
The result was better than the last time but not enough. I was so close to passing it. I
knew if I tried one more time, I would do it. But unfortunately, my family would pass
because of a shortage of money. I did not have the cash to afford my studies, also I
did not have the funds to pay for the exam, so I had to get a part time job as a
cashier in a supermarket, also I obtained funds selling desserts to my neighbors. The
exam came, I was so confident because I studied very well and I was willing to pass
the exam. When the exam finished, I got out of the university with a smiling face. I
knew that It was accessible. By the end of day, I got the results, I saw my name on
the list as approved. At that moment, the tears came down, I screamed in my room
and I hugged my parents. It was an emotion that I can't forget. It was incomparable.
Now, I am taking the second semester in college and I am having a spectacular
journey in this new phase. To summarize, perhaps life can be tough, you can find
many obstacles on the road and sometimes you feel that you want to give up, but I
tell you that you have to continue purchasing your dreams or goals, there are no
limits. The feeling of making has no comparison, you always remember this. So be
persistent and do it.

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