Examen 2 de Enero

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Nombre y apellidos: DNL: Teléfono de contacto: INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA REALIZACION DEL EXAMEN Responda todas las preguntas en la hoja de examen, incluidas las preguntas tipo test (no utilice hoja de lectura dleben responder en el espacio arrollo y la transcripcién fonética Gptica). Las preguntas cortas ded proporcionado. Puntuacién total del examen: 6 puntos (8 puntos si no se ha realizado Ia PEC), 1. Read the following questions and tick the right answer. Only one answer is correct. (Puntuacién: 2 puntos, 0.2 por respuesta correcta. No penalizan las respuestas incorrectas). 1. Which of the following features is not a suprasegmental feature? b. aspiration c. accent d. intensity a, stres 2. Nasalised vowels ate produced with ... a.alowered velum b. a raised velum c. nasal friction d. a nasal approximation 3. Which of the following pairs a. [e9, au] b. fer, 8u} c. [Ua,at] d. [91, 19] of diphthongs does of contain a centring diphthon| 4, [h] is a ... consonant. a. voiced, velar, fricative b. voiceless, velar, fricative c. voiecless, glottal, fricative d. voiceless, glottal, approximant 5. The words mpe [UP] and robe [reUb] are distinguished in English by the .. a. place of articulation of the last consonant b. manner of articulation of the last consonant c. vibration of the vocal folds of the last consonant —_d. duration of the vowel 6. Velarization is a case of .. articulation. a. primary b. secondary c. single d. double 7. In which of the following sequences is it possible to produce an in/rusives? a. I see it b. I saw it c. Ishow it d. I chew it position as a result of a stress clash in a 8. The relocation of the primary stress into a secondary str sequence such as “Japanese *friend is called ... a. b, stress reorganization c. stress movement A. stress fixing 9, Which of the following nonsense words can never be an English word according to phonotactics? a. [i] a. flo:l] c. [pef] d. [poh] 10. Tonicity deals with . a. pitch range differences in an utterance b. the tone inventory of a given language c. the distribution of accents in an utterance d. the location of prosodic boundaries in a text 2. Questions with short answers. (Puntuacién: 2 puntos, 0.5 por respuesta correcta). 1. Complementary distribution and free variation, Define and give examples. 2. Aspiration in English, Define and give example: 3. Explain how plural endings are produced in English. Give exampl 4, Differences between /one languages and infonational languages. Define and give examples. 3. Transcribe the following text with stresses, weak forms and connected speech processes. (Puntuacién: 2 puntos. Sino ha entregado la PEC este ejercicio computa sobre 4 puntos). ¢Has entregado la PEC de esta asignatura? Osi ONo Summer is the warmest of the four seasons. It is known for the longest days and short starts on different dates in different cultures based on astronomy. Summer is traditionally ssociated with hot dry weather, but this does not occur in all regions. Activities such as traveling to the beach and picnics occur during summer months.

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