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Course move in a particular direction, კურსირებს

Flow (of liquid) move steadily and continuously

Wastes term for unwanted material, ცვლის პროდუქტები

Enable make something possible აძლევს საშუალებას

Essential extremely important

Deliver to transport to a particular direction

Nutrients any substance that plants or animals need in order to live or grow (carbohydrates, proteins,
vitamins, minerals, water, lipids (fats)

To clot to harden, coagulate, solidify, congeal(become semi-solid, especially on cooling)

Suspend hang so as to allow free movement, to cause floating ( ტივტივი)

Numerous great in number

Granule a small piece like a grain having an irregular shape (მარცვალი)

a clot solidified mass of blood, თრომბი

lay term non-professional ,non-technical term

to lack(Verb) მოკლებულია, განიცდის დეფიციტს

lack (noun) დეფიციტი, ნაკლებობა

collapse to discontinue to function დაზიანება

biconcave curved or hollowed inward

nucleus (sing) nuclei (pl)

ingest to take in and absorb as food შთანთქმა

prevalent predominant, common in a particular area

clump to gather to form a group, შეჯგუფება

site area

debris /ˈdɛbriː,ˈdeɪbriː/ fragments of something destroyed or broken, ფრაგმენტები, ნარჩენები

be involved in to take part in… ჩართულია, მონაწილეობს

response საპასუხო რეაქცია

to clog to block or become blocked, დახშობა

fungus (sing) any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including
moulds, (ობის სოკო)yeast,( საფუარის სოკო) mushrooms…. ( pl) fingi

A plug an object used to fill a hole tightly საცობი

Seal close securely დახურვა

To adhere to to stick firmly, მიკვრა adhesive plaster

To promote to help

Tend to ახასიათებს ტენდენცია

Spleen ელენთა

Node კვანძი

Stem cell ღეროვანი უჯრედი

Further დამატებით

To penetrate to move into or through with difficulties and delays, შეღწევა

Smoothly easily and without interruption or difficulty, თავისუფლად, შეუფერხებლად

Mature fully developed, full-grown ( adj) მწიფე

To mature (Verb) მწიფდება

Immature მოუმწიფებელი

To originate to begin to exist, appear for the first time, წარმოშობა

Ultimately finally, in the end

Blood transfusion სისხლის გადასხმა

To order to say what must be done, as it is necessary, ჩათვალოს საჭიროდ, დანიშნოს

Prescribe treatment

Single მხოლოდ ერთი და მეტი არა

Stem cell ღეროვანი უჯრედი

At birth

Mediastinum a space in the thorax that contains a group of organs, vessels, lympatics and their
surrounding connective tissue. შუასაყარი BLOOD DRAW

Little, a little, few, a few


(A)little and (a) few are quantifiers meaning ‘some’. Little and few have negative

meanings. We use them to mean ‘not as much as may be expected or wished for’.
A little, a few with a noun
We use a little with singular uncountable nouns. We use a few with plural
countable nouns:
Mary said nothing, but she drank some tea and ate a little bread.

 What is the difference between "few" and "a

“Few” and “little” usually have a negative connotation, while “a few” and “a
little” usually have a positive connotation. 
 If you say `I have a few friends', you are simply saying that you
have some friends. However, if you say `I have few friends', you are
saying that you do not have enough friends and are lonely.

Few, a few, little, a little: grammar exercise

Complete the following sentences using little, a little, few or a few.

1)We have got quite ………………… . friends there.

2) Would you like to try ………………….. wine ?

3) His theories are too complex that only ……………………… people understand them.

4) You don’t need to go shopping. We have got …………………… eggs and some rice.

5) Very …………………… people can speak a foreign language perfectly.

6) ………………… politicians are really honest.

7) ‘Would you like some more soup?’ ‘Just ………………………, please.’

8) Give the roses …………………… .. water every day, if you don’t want them to die.

9 ) We have got a ………………… steak, if you are really hungry.

10) ______________Does he speak Russian?

Yes, _____________

11) Ted’s very lazy. He does _________________________ work.

12) The TV networks aren’t very good. There are __________________ good programs to watch

13) ————— public gardens that we have are not properly maintained.

14) —————– days’ rest is all that I need.

15) I can’t express my gratitude in —————words.

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