Effects of Food Delivery Services On Customers' Satisfaction

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Donald Rhey Villarosa

Jasedin G. Tomo

Jhon Rhey G. Yodong

John David Villanueva

Lovely Dela Rosa

Rayven A. De Guzman

Sarah O. Halupit

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc.

EC 322 BSEnt III

Don Z. Moronia

August 22, 2022


This research paper entitled EFFECTS OF FOOD DELIVERY SERVICES ON

CUSTOMERS’ SATISFATION prepared and submitted by Donald Rhey
Villarosa, Jasedin G. Tomo, Jhon Rhey Yodong, John David Villanueva,
Lovely Dela Rosa, Rayven De Guzman in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the degree Batchelor of Science in Entrepreneurship has been examined and
recommended for ORAL EXAMINATION.

Don Z. Moronia
Research Adviser


Approved by the Panel for Oral Deliberation on June 7, 2022



Mrs. Amor S. Artiola, MAIP, RPm Mrs. Jinella Marie Cardenas

Member Member

Accepted and approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship.


College Dean

The food delivery service industry is growing up and has a good potential rate in the
Philippines and globally now. With social distancing the new norm, consumers are
demanding to have takeout food delivered in parallel with government standard
procedure in the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted to examine the
satisfaction of customers by using online food delivery services in

Philippines using a quart iterative method. It will deal with consumer behavior, needs,
and user requirement elements in analyzing their perceptions and satisfaction that will
give the best-indicated system to understand the consumer stability for the
accomplishment of this research, the survey was distributed to the public via online. The
development of instruments based on the guideline of System Usability Scale (SUS), the
reliable tools for measuring and evaluating and a wide variety of products and services.
Some modification in basic instruments was done to meet the requirement study. A Full-
fledged questionnaire was distributed among the

Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Online Food Delivery, Food Delivery



Praise God from whom all blessings flow! It is acknowledged that the Lord Almighty has
been the source of all the wisdom, guidance, strength and resources to accomplish this

The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to the following people
who provided help and inspiration for the completion of this research undertaking:

Mr. Don Z. Moronia, our research adviser, for his patience, passion, encouragement and
knowledge on our research journey. Our research paper would not have been possible
without his guidance. Thank you for being a great listener and an efficient adviser to all
of us. 

Engr. Wenifreda R. Templonuevo, PhD., the College Dean and Chairman of the Panel for
Oral Deliberation, for her time and beneficial critiques on our research paper. We are
extremely grateful to her sincere and valuable suggestions and patient guidance all

Mrs. Amor S. Artiola, MAIP, RPm, Mrs. Jinella Marie Cardenas our course Adviser and
members of the Panel for Oral deliberation, for their suggestions for the improvement of
our paper. 

We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to our parents, for their love and
encouragement. We appreciate your patience and support during the process and final
deliberation of our research study

The Authors


Title Page

TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………………………..………..i

CERTIFICATION/ APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………..……. ii



TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………….…………………..…...v

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………….…………………………….….vii

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………….……………………………..viii

Chapter 1: Problem and its Background

Introduction ………………………………………………………………… …………………………1

Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………………………………………..3

Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………………………. ………4

Statement of the Problem.…………………………………………………………...................4

Hypothesis………………….. …………………………………………………………………. ………5

Scope and Limitation of the Study ……………………………………………………. ……….5

Significance of the Study ……………………………………………………………………………6

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………………………...........6

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies


Information Quality (IQ)……………………………………………………………………………9




Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies…………………………………………….………10

Chapter 3: Methodology of Study

Research Design ……………………………………………………………………. …………………….11

Population and sampling Techniques……………………………………………………………….11

Research Instruments……………………………………… ………………………... ………….…….11

Data Gathering Procedure …………………………………………………………. .………………..12

Statistical Treatment of Data ………………………………………………………. ……….……….12

Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


Information Quality (IQ)……………………………………………………………………………….15




Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

Summary of Findings ……………………………………………………….. ………………………….20

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………... ……………………………..23

Recommendations …………………………………………………………………………………………23

References …………………………………………………………………………………………………24

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………………………….26

A. Standardized Questionnaire……………………………………………………………………..26

B. Certification of statistical Data…………………………………………………………………..30

C. Permit to Conduct Survey………………………………………………………………………….31

D. Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………………………………….32


Table Page

1 Convenience …………………………………………………………………………….14

2 Information Quality (IQ) …………………………………………………………...15

3 Price…………………………………………………………………………………………..16

4 Promotion……………………………………………………………………………………17

5 Satisfaction………………………………………………………………………………….18


Figure Page

1 Food Delivery Services affecting Customers’ Satisfaction……………4

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Online food delivery service (OFDS) can be defined as any food delivery transaction with
monetary value that is done through mobile handheld devices, such as smartphones or
personal digital assistants. OFDS is a common platform in 2020 due to the growth of
internet users. Academicians, marketing managers, and even retail industries are
continuously engaged in the enhancement of OFDS, aiming to minimize the costs while
maximizing the number of users. (J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021) 

In the Philippines, the revenue generated by online food delivery increased by more than
100 million U.S dollars in 2020 compared to 2020 to over 250 million. By 2025, the
Statista Digital Market Outlook estimates this value will increase to approximately 481
million U.S. dollars. (Statisca Research Department, 2021.) 

According to a survey on food services and cloud kitchen conducted by Rakuten Insight
in August 2021, 85 percent of respondents in the Philippines stated that they would
continue to order as often as they did during the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown
because of its convenience. The same survey revealed that FoodPanda and Grab Food
were the most popular food delivery apps among Filipino consumers. According to the
survey conducted by Rakuten Insight, the most number of respondents says food delivery
services are convenient. Second is they want to limit their social or physical contact with
other people.  This explains that people have different reasons why they choose to stick
with Online Food Delivery Services. To the times that a deadly virus can be spread by
increasing the physical contact, they choose OFDS to minimize the physical contact. (J.
Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021) 

This study aims to discuss the Effects of Food Delivery Services on Customers’
Satisfaction to attract people by the advantages provided by OFDS apps. These OFDS
apps provide almost everything that customers need in buying food & beverages which
can be done by only using a finger. Only by a finger, customers do not need to go out by
themselves or make a call to the restaurant to order food. Customers are able to look for

all nearby restaurants, see the menu, and select the food or beverages that they want.
Furthermore, OFDS apps nowadays have also been equipped with digital payment
instruments to make purchasing steps even easier. Because of this new behavior, in order
to attract customers and increase brand awareness, a lot of restaurants have been
available on OFDS apps. (J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021) 

However, restaurant availability is not the only factor that influences customers’
satisfaction in using OFDS apps. Other factors such as ease of use, navigational design,
and performance expectancy will also influence customer satisfaction. For example,
several studies have analyzed factors of consumers’ initial app adoption during the early
usage of OFDS apps. As time goes, customers become more familiar with the apps and
they become adapted to the apps without experiencing technical issues. Since technical
issues are decreasing, it will be irrelevant and not enough to solely observe technology
acceptance factors. (J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021) 

Additionally, several studies have already discussed behavioral factors that influence
customer satisfaction and loyalty towards OFDS apps. Yeo et al. analyzed convenience
motivation, price, and time-saving orientation as well as hedonic motivation towards
OFDS. In addition, Prabowo & Nugroho, also discussed prior online purchase experience
to determine factors that influence attitude and behavioral intention to OFDS.
Furthermore, Gunden et al., also explained habit factors which influence intention to use
OFDS. Thus, OFDS apps have been an important topic in the past few years. (J. Open
Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021)

To investigate the Effects of Food Delivery Services on Customers’ Satisfaction.

Specifically, this study aims to: Determine the (1) Convenience brought by OFDS. (2) The
quality of Information that the OFDS is giving their consumers. (3) Consumer’s behavior
and perspective towards the price of the products in OFDS. (4) Consumer’s behavior,
perspective and buying behavior when there is a promotion or discount available. (5) The
satisfaction brought by OFDS after making a transaction. 

This study is conducted to determine the Effects of Food Delivery Services on Customers’
Satisfaction during pandemic. Benefitting from the study are the following: 

(1) Community – The community would be knowledgeable about the satisfaction,

conveniences and benefits brought by OFDS during pandemic. 

(2) Online Food Delivery Businesses– This study can be used as a basis for making the
required modifications and adjustments to the OFDS program's existing policies. 

(3) Food businesses that don’t offer delivery services- This study will encourage them to
engage and take risks in OFDS. 

(4)  Future Researchers – Future researchers who undertake a similar study can use the
findings of this study as a reference. This study will give statistics and supplementary
information for a review of the relevant literature and other studies of a similar nature.

(5) Government- This study will significantly highlight the hard work of the people who
are the masterminds of OFDS and therefore help the economy to strive. With this study,
they would be able to recognize the OFDS industry and adjust policies in favor of these
services. For example, creating laws to avoid scams like fake orders.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored with the customer satisfaction by Philip Kotler (2018) as a
person's feeling of pleasure or disappointment, which resulted from comparing a
product's perceived performance or outcome against his/her expectations'. The purpose
of this theory is to presume that customers make purchases based on their expectations,
attitudes, and intentions (clute journals 2020 ). Later, during or after consumption, a
perception of performance occurs as customers evaluate the experience. This framework,
according to Kotler, refers to “the form taken by human needs as they are shaped by
culture and individual personality”. The Food Delivery Services on Customers’
Satisfaction is to help sell the product rather than to participate in making a great
product with the right price, features and distribution. The model also recognises that
products are merely a means to satisfy customers' varying needs or wants. ( Kotler
2020) . Customers will choose a product based on their perceived value of it. Satisfaction
is the degree to which the actual use of a product matches the perceived value at the time
of the purchase. A customer is satisfied only if the actual value is the same or exceeds the
perceived value.

Conceptual Framework

Effects of Online Food Delivery

Customers’ Satisfaction

Information Quality



Figure 1 Food Delivery Services affecting Customers’ Satisfaction

Figure 1, presents the conceptual framework of the study.

Food delivery services is the independent variable with two domains: convenience and
information quality (IQ):customers’ satisfaction as dependent variables with three
domains: price; promotion and satisfaction.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Effects of Online Food Delivery Services on the
Customers’ Satisfaction in the barangay of Masangkay, Tondo, Manila. Specifically, this
research to answer to the following questions:

1. How may the Effects of Online Delivery Services on Customer’s Satisfaction

to be described in terms of:

1.1. Convenience
1.2. Information Quality
1.3. Price
1.4. Promotion

2. How the level of satisfaction of the customers’ may be described?

3. How may the Effects of Online Food Delivery Services significantly affect

Customers’ Satisfaction?

4. What business implications can be drawn from the study?


The null hypothesis of the study was tested at a 0.05 level of significane:

H0: There is no significant effect between online food delivery services and customers’

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to know the effects of online food delivery services on customers’
satisfaction. The target respondents of the study were one hundred consumers using
online food delivery services within the area of Masangkay, Tondo Manila ranging from
the age of 18 to 60 years old that will give out questionnaires. The survey’s results will be
looked at, and the average answer will be taken as the study’s result.

Significance of the Study

This research can be beneficial to the following:

Delivery rider. Delivery riders would know exactly what their customers' needs and
wants are, including their preferences. Delivery riders would be able to know how they
will be able to satisfy their customers, and that will eventually help them to maximize
their profits and salaries. 

Customer. In the Food Delivery Services, the offered information would let clients
know exactly what to do. Clients will leave this course with a better understanding of how
to deal with stressful situations in the Delivery Services. Customers would be able to be
more considerate towards service providers.

Business Owner. The given details would guide the Food Delivery Service Providers
and Owners on what to do and what customers prefer to gain satisfaction. At the end of
this study Food Delivery Service Owners would understand how to cope and manage the
circumstances in their Food Delivery business.

Future researcher. As we manage the awareness of affecting the customers in the
COVID-19 outbreak, the number of people who use Food Delivery Services becomes
more. Its understanding of customer satisfaction and behavior that in the future, it will
help the companies deal with the similar situation to support the Food Delivery business.
Future researchers who undertake a similar study can use the findings of this study as a
reference. This study will give statistics and supplementary information for a review of
the relevant literature and other studies of a similar nature.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally to have clearer understanding of the study:

Customers – People that use Online Food Delivery Services as their means of online
purchases of products such as food, necessities, etc.

Income- form of monetary or non-monetary payment of customers.

Delivery Rider- A person that delivers order from OFDs to the customers.

OFDS- Acronym for Online Food Delivery Services.

Convenience- the state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter features literature and studies related to Effects of Food Delivery

Services on Customers' Satisfaction. The related literature and studies are presented
thematically and according to the variables of this study. 

Convenience- The convenience of place is unique value propositions, to test and

analyze the effect of confidence of place and unique value proposition to customer
loyalty. The convenience of the place is positive and significant to customers ( Heri
Erlangga, 2021). 

Eugene J Kelley (2021). Four aspects of place convenience are analyzed. The planned
shopping-center movement and other related adjustments in the metropolitan retail
structure are discussed, as well as the possible effects of the higher consumer assessment
of convenience considerations. Moreover Convenience costs influence consumer
patronage. One key to understanding shopping behavior is the increased importance. 

Information Quality-information quality factors influence online delivery, however

secureness was the most influential factor online retailers can ensure that consumers'
cost of searching for goods are reduced. (Michael Colin Cant,2017). Since the
development of the Internet and the web, various aspects of society have changed,
including the way business is conducted, how information is shared and gathered, and
how goods and services are purchased (Shanthi and Kannaiah, 2017). Therefore
information quality is to identify the determinants of continuous use intention for
delivery software applications. (Suk Won Lee, 2019) . Furthermore, information quality
had an indirect impact on continuous use intention via performance expectancy, habit,
and social influence as a factor and use intention for food delivery application.
(Sustainability 11,2019).

Price- Warren Buffett has said, “The single most important decision in evaluating a
business is pricing power. If you’ve got the power to raise prices without losing business
to a competitor, you’ve got a very good business. Companies and OFD have a full-time
function dedicated to pricing, according to data from the Professional Pricing Society, the
world’s largest organization dedicated to pricing. This neglect is puzzling, as numerous
studies have confirmed that pricing has a substantial and immediate effect on company
profitability. (Andreas Hinterhuber,2018)

Promotion- Promotions influence the psychological processing that precedes impulse

buying. Marco Mandolfo (2022). Promotions characterized by different rewards
(monetary versus nonmonetary) and gratification typologies (immediate-reward versus
delayed-reward) show that impulsive responses are influenced by promotion-induced
affect and individual differences, while reflective responses differ depending on the
reward typology. Implications for retailers and promotion concerning the formulation of
effective promotion strategies are discussed. (Debora Bettiga, 2022) 

Satisfaction- The customer satisfaction experiences are considered a key differentiating

factor for companies as products and services have become similar in terms of their
functional attributes. Moreover, individuals' choices are increasingly influenced not only
by rational factors, but mainly by emotional factors. (Inês Santos do Carmo, 2022) .
Therefore satisfaction is influenced positively and directly by affective and sensorial
experience and loyalty is influenced positively and directly by affective and behavioral
experience, also indicating the existence of an indirect relationship between the sensory
experience and the affective experience with the loyalty having the mediating effect of
satisfaction. (tandfonline, 2022).

Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies

The food delivery service industry is growing and has a good potential rate globally now.
Because of the new norm, consumers are demanding to have takeout food delivered in
parallel with government standard procedure in the Covid-19 pandemic. This is to
examine the satisfaction of customers by using online food delivery services. It will deal
with consumer behaviour, needs, and user requirement elements in analyzing their
perceptions and satisfaction that will give the best-indicated system to understand
consumer stability. (Norshita mat na yan, 2020). According to Heri Erlanger (2021) The
convenience of the place is positive and significant to customers. It's very important to
have an advantage of the place so that the customer can make it easier and convenient
and they have a positive impact on business. Also if there's an information quality in the
food delivery service. (Sustainability, 2019) The information quality had an indirect
impact on continuous use intention via performance expectancy, habit, and social
influence as a factor and use intention for food delivery application. According to Warren
Buffett has said, “The single most important decision in evaluating a business is pricing
power. If you’ve got the power to raise prices without losing business to a competitor,
you’ve got a very good business. Being a business owner you have power to raise if you
make the lowest price to make customers satisfied and also the services you have to offer.
Promotion concerning the formulation of effective promotion strategies are discussed.
(Debora Bettiga, 2022) Promotions characterized by different rewards (monetary versus
non monetary) and gratification typologies (immediate-reward versus delayed-reward).
(Marco Mandolfo,2022). Satisfaction is influenced positively and directly by affective and
sensorial experience and loyalty is influenced positively and directly by affective and
behavioral experience, also indicating the existence of an indirect relationship between
the sensory experience and the affective experience with the loyalty having the mediating
effect of satisfaction. (tandfonline, 2022).

Chapter 3

Methodology of the Study

This chapter features the research method, population and sampling techniques,
research instruments, data gathering procedures and statistical treatment of data utilized
to generate results of this study.

Research Method

In this study, Quantitative Causal research was applied to establish a cause-and-

effect between two or more variables (Hitesh Bhasin 2020). Identify the effects of online
food delivery services on the customers’ satisfaction. This research method assists in
determining the effects of a change in process and existing methods.

Population and Sampling Techniques

The researchers used convenience sampling to pick their corresponding

respondents.  Convenience sampling is defined as a method of collecting research data
from a conveniently available and it is commonly used in large populations. The target
subjects of the study were 100 respondents from Masangkay, Tondo, Manila.

Research Instrument

The instrument used by a researcher was to make a survey questionnaire's checklist

to gather necessary data from the consumers using online food delivery services which
contains a Five-point Likert scale. Five-point Likert scale is a type of psychometric
response scale in which responders specify their level of agreement to a statement
typically in five points; (1) Strongly Disagree; (2) Disagree; (3) Neutral; (4) Agree; (5)
Strongly Agree. Likert Scale used to collect respondent’s opinions and to eliminate the
point ordinal scale option, which then helped the researchers get precise responses.

Data Gathering Procedures

This study was conducted and validated to identify the respondents of the study
within the area of Masangkay, Tondo, Manila, the data was collected using Google forms.

Before the researcher’s send out the link of the survey questionnaires, the researcher’s
first identifies if they are qualified as the respondent’s study. Then, the respondents
consent letter must be sought out to assure their confidentiality to guarantee the
respondents privacy. The surveys were distributed properly and retrieved from the after
giving them ample time to accomplish the survey questionnaires respondents, forwarded
it to their Messenger chats and the respondent can be redirected to research survey

Statistical Treatment of Data

All data that the researchers gathered were analyzed and interpreted through the use of
the following statistical treatment.

Weighted mean is used to get the average scores of the Effects of food Delivery
Services on Customers’ Satisfaction.


Mean formula

Where as

X- Represents the sample mean

∑x - Represents the sum of all scores present in the sample

n- Represents the number of respondents

Each rating of the respondents in terms of quality and assurance, a numerical
weight or indicator wherein 5 being the highest and 1 is the lowest among them was built.

The weighted means were interpreted based on the Likert’s scale concept of 
boundary of numerical: 

Numerical Verval Mean

Description       Interpretation Value

5     Strongly Agree 4.50—5.00 

4 Agree 3.50—4.49

3 Neutral 2.50–3.49

2 Disagree 1.50—2.49

1     Strongly Disagree 1.00—1.49

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter discussed the detailed analysis and results of the study. The following are
findings and summarized tables  that presents the effects of food delivery services;
convenience; information quality; price; promotion and satisfaction on customers’

 Table 1. Convenience

Statements Mean Interpretation

I can use OFD to make an order anywhere and 3.90 Agree


I feel that using OFD can reduce my travel 3.58 Agree

effort to buy food/beverages

I think that OFD helps me to save my time 3.85 Agree

instead of buying food/beverages by myself

Total Mean 3.72 Agree


Score Interpretation

4.50—5.00 Strongly Agree

3.50—4.49 Agree

2.50–3.49 Neutral

1.50—2.49 Disagree

1.00—1.49 Strongly Disagree

Table 1 shows the convenience with a total mean value of 3.72 and interpretation
of agree. The following statement such as I can use OFD to make an order anywhere and
anytime with a mean value of 3.90, followed by I think that OFD helps me to save my
time instead of buying food/beverages by myself with a mean value of 3.85, and lastly,  I
feel that using OFD can reduce my travel effort to buy food/beverages with a mean value
of 3.58 shared an interpretation which is agree.

Convenience perceived time, value and effort required to facilitate the use of OFD
system. Research has shown that convenience was seen as an ongoing barrier that affect
the future intention (Seiders et al, 2005)

Table 2. Information Quality (IQ) 

Statement Mean Interpretation

I find that OFD provides me with up to date 3.60 Agree

information related to restaurants, food and

I enjoy using OFD because it gives me 3.59 Agree

believable information

I think that OFD app provides information at 3.59 Agree

the right of detail that I need

I feel that information in OFD app is in an 3.67 Agree

appropriate format

Total Mean 3.61 Agree


Score Interpretation

4.50—5.00 Strongly Agree

3.50—4.49 Agree

2.50–3.49 Neutral

1.50—2.49 Disagree

1.00—1.49 Strongly Disagree

Table 2 presents the information quality (IQ) with a total mean value of 3.61 and
interpretation of agree. I feel that information in OFD app is in an appropriate format
has the mean value 3.67, followed by I find that OFD provides me with up to date
information related to restaurants, food and discount with the mean value of 3.60 and
lastly I enjoy using OFD because it gives me believable information and I think that OFD
app provides information at the right of detail that I need with the mean value of 3.59
and interpretation of agree.

Information quality refers to the extent to which a system provides the user with useful
and significant information in a speedy and accurate manner. Better information quality
may elicit enjoyment and positive behavioral intention. Consumers form a positive
perception of information quality when the information meets their expectations during
the decision-making process and is provided in an adequate manner. (2019)

Table 3. Price

Statements Mean Interpretation

I think delivery price of OFD services is 3.78 Agree


I think that tax price in using OFD services 3.52 Agree

is reasonable

I feel that OFD services overall price is 3.58 Agree


Total Mean 3.62 Agree


Score Interpretation

4.50—5.00 Strongly Agree

3.50—4.49 Agree

2.50–3.49 Neutral

1.50—2.49 Disagree

1.00—1.49 Strongly Disagree

Table 3 shows the price with the total mean value of 3.62 and interpretation of agree.  I
think delivery price of OFD services is reasonable has a mean value of 3.78, followed by I
feel that OFD services overall price is affordable with a mean value of 3.58 and lastly I
think that tax price in using OFD services is reasonable with a mean value of 3.52 and
interpretation of agree.

Price is neither too high nor too low sends a positive message to the customer about the
quality of the product and the value of their purchase. Customers still perceive that they
are buying a valuable product.(Melanie 2017)

Price is one of the biggest factors that can affect a customer’s satisfaction. Pricing is
complex and has many components, but it is important to keep psychological pricing in
mind. Sometimes customers aren’t looking for the cheapest products, because a low price
can be associated with low quality. (Min-Jee 2017)

Table 4. Promotion

Statements Mean Interpretation

I feel that discount provided encourages me 3.79 Agree

to use OFD services

Terms and conditions of promotion are 3.75 Agree

important to me before I use OFD services

I think that promotion expiry date influences 3.69 Agree

me in making an order

Total Mean 3.74 Agree


Score Interpretation

4.50—5.00 Strongly Agree

3.50—4.49 Agree

2.50–3.49 Neutral

1.50—2.49 Disagree

1.00—1.49 Strongly Disagree

Table 4 shows the promotion with the total mean value of 3.74 and interpretation of
agree. I feel that discount provided encourages me to use OFD services has the highest
mean value of 3.79, followed by Terms and conditions of promotion are important to me
before I use OFD services with the mean value of 3.75 and lastly I think that promotion
expiry date influences me in making an order with a mean value of 3.69.

Promotions are another big factor that affect customer satisfaction. Providing the
discount can chemically make a customer happier, resulting in a more satisfied customer,
who may spend more in the future and can become a loyal shopper. (Min-Jee 2017)

Table 5. Satisfaction

Statements Mean Interpretation

I am satisfied with the way OFD app carried out 3.80 Agree

I always subscribe to OFD promotions 3.62 Agree

I will promote the OFD to other people 3.90 Agree

I will use the OFD again in the future 3.65 Agree

I will share the testimonial of using OFD to the 3.72 Agree


Overall, I was satisfied with the OFD services 3.78 Agree

Total Mean 3.74 Agree


Score Interpretation

4.50—5.00 Strongly Agree

3.50—4.49 Agree

2.50–3.49 Neutral

1.50—2.49 Disagree

1.00—1.49 Strongly Disagree

Table 5 shows the satisfaction with the total mean value of 3.74 and interpretation of
agree.  I will promote the OFD to other people has a mean value of 3.90, I am satisfied
with the way OFD app carried out transaction with a mean value of 3.80, Overall, I was
satisfied with the OFD services with a mean value of 3.78, I will share the testimonial of
using OFD to the public with a mean value of 3.72, I will use the OFD again in the future
with a mean value of 3.65 and lastly

Satisfaction is a measurement that determines how happy customers are with a

company’s products, services, and capabilities. An organization’s main focus must be to
satisfy its customers. (ASQ 2022)

Table 6. Effect of Food Delivery to Customer Satisfaction

Variables R2 β p- Decision Interpretation

Effects of
Online Do not There is
Food .001 reject significant effect
Delivery 0.320 0.209

Table 6 shows the regression analysis to determine the significant effect of food delivery
services to the customers’ satisfaction. The analysis revealed that food delivery services
has no significant effect to customers satisfaction (β= 0.209, p<.001). Food delivery

services accounts for 32% of the variance in the respondents’ customers satisfaction. This
leads to the decision to do not reject the alternative hypothesis and arrive to the
conclusion that food delivery services has significant effect to the customers satisfaction.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations of the Study

This chapter features the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations

of the study derived in the conduct of the study which is to probe the effects of food
delivery services on customer satisfaction. It also provides recommendations that can be
purchased by the customers.

The respondents of the study within the area of Masangkay, Tondo, Manila, and to all
delivery riders, customer or the consumer to online food delivery. It employed
quantitative research and Causal method was applied to establish a cause-and-effect
relationship between two or more variables.  The researchers used convenience sampling
to pick their corresponding respondents.

The Statistical tools used were mean, dependent and independent tests.

Summary of Findings

1.Convenience of OFD:

The table 1 shows the convenience with the total mean value of 3.72 and interpretation of
the respondents agreed in the OFD is conveniente.

1.1 OFD Can make an order anywhere and anytime,

The following table shows as I can use the OFD to make an order anywhere and anytime
with the mean value of 3.90 and the interpretation of the respondent is agree.

1.2 OFD Can reduce travel effort to buy food/beverages,

And they followed by I think that OFD helps me to save my time instead of buying
food/beverages by myself with a mean value of 3.85 means the respondence agree

1.3 OFD Helps to save time instead of buying food/beverages by themselves.

And to table number 4 is I feel that using OFD can reduce my travel effort to buy
food/beverages with a mean value of 3.58 shared an interpretation which is also agree.

2. Information Quality (IQ) presented by OFD:

Table 2 presents the information quality (IQ) with a total mean value of 3.61 and
interpretation of agree.

2.1 OFD Provides with up to date information related to restaurants, food

and discount,

I find that OFD provides me with up to date information related to restaurants, food and
discount with the mean value of 3.60

2.2 Enjoyable because it gives believable information,

I enjoy using OFD because it gives me believable information and I think that OFD app
provides information at the right of detail that I need with the mean value of 3.59 and
interpretation of agree.

2.3 Provides information at the right of detail that consumer needs,

I think that OFD app provides information at the right of detail that I need with the mean
value of 3.59 and interpretation of agree.

2.4 Information is in an appropriate format.

I feel that information in OFD app is in an appropriate format has the mean value 3.67

3. Price:

Table 3 shows the price with the total mean value of 3.62 and interpretation of agree.

3.1 Reasonable,

I think delivery price of OFD services is reasonable has a mean value of 3.78

3.2 Tax included is reasonable.

lastly I think that tax price in using OFD services is reasonable with a mean value of 3.52
and interpretation of agree.


Table 4 shows the promotion with the total mean value of 3.74 and interpretation of

4.1 Discounts provided encouragement,

I feel that discount provided encourages me to use OFD services has the highest mean
value of 3.79

4.2 Terms and conditions of promotion are important,

followed by Terms and conditions of promotion are important to me before I use OFD
services with the mean value of 3.75

4.3 Influence of expiry dates.

lastly I think that promotion expiry date influences me in making an order with a mean
value of 3.69.

5. Satisfaction:

Table 5 shows the satisfaction with the total mean value of 3.74 and interpretation of

5.1 Satisfied with OFD app it carried out transactions.

I was satisfied with the OFD services with a mean value of 3.78

I am satisfied with the way OFD app carried out transaction with a mean value of 3.80

5.2 Always subscribe to OFD promotions.

I always subscribe to OFD promotions with the lowest mean value of 3.62.

5.3 Will I use again in the future?

I will use the OFD again in the future with a mean value of 3.65 

5.4 Will I be promoted to other people?

I will promote the OFD to other people has a mean value of 3.90

5.5 Will share Testimonies?

I will share the testimonial of using OFD to the public with a mean value of 3.72

5.6 Satisfied with the OFD.


    This study concludes that the food delivery services have a significant effect on the
customers satisfaction. It supports previous related studies that stated the effects of food
Delivery services on customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction experiences are
considered a key differentiating factor for companies as products and services (Inês
Santos do Carmo, 2022). All of the respondents shown  the customers satisfaction  all
agree to food delivery services and satisfaction that will give the best-indicated system to
understand consumer stability.(Norshita mat na yan, 2020).


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following are recommended by the

1. The Online Food Delivery Services (OFDs) may have its continuance on their apps to
have good income to the delivery riders.

2. The local government may establish OFDs to help more customers and to provide
intensive information. It is important to integrate customers during the pandemic
because sources of information were found to be relevant.
3. The recommendation of the researchers to the Business Owners that use Online Food
Delivery Services may try coping and managing its applications used. Also, customers
may be more considerate towards service providers. Through this, delivery riders may
know exactly what their customers' needs and wants and may satisfy their










Journal of Marketing Advances and Practices (researchgate.net)






Standardized (Questionnaires)

DOMAIN 1: Convenience
Items 1 2 3 4 5
1. I can use OFD to make an order anywhere and anytime
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
2. I feel that using OFD can reduce my travel effort to buy
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree

5. Strongly Disagree
3. I think that OFD helps me to save my time instead of
buying food/beverages by myself
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
DOMAIN 2: Information Quality (IQ)
4 I find that OFD provides me with up to date
information related to restaurants, food and discount
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
5. I enjoy using OFD because it gives me believable
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
6.I think that OFD app provides information at the right
of detail that I need
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
7. I feel that information in OFD app is in an appropriate
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
DOMAIN 3: Price
8. I think delivery price of OFD services is reasonable
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
9. I think that tax price in using OFD services is
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
10. I feel that OFD services overall price is affordable
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
DOMAIN 4: Promotion
11. I feel that discount provided encourages me to use
OFD services
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
12. Terms and conditions of promotion are important to
me before I use OFD services
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree

5. Strongly Disagree
13. I think that promotion expiry date in fluences me in
making an order
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
DOMAIN 5: Satisfaction
14. I am satisfied with the way OFD app carried out
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
15. I always subscribe to OFD promotions
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
16. I will use the OFD again in the future
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
17. I will promote the OFD to other people
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
18. I will share the testimonial of using OFD to the public

Strongly agree
1. Agree
2. Neutral
3. Disagree
4. Strongly Disagree
19. Overall, I was satisfied with the OFD services
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree



This is to certify that the undersigned managed the statistical data in the research
entitled, Effects of Food Delivery Services on Customers’ Satisfaction by Donald Rhey
Villarosa, Jasedin G. Tomo, Jhon Rhey Yodong, John David Villanueva, Lovely Dela
Rosa, Rayven De Guzman. This certification is issued on the 11th day of August, 2022.

Gary Castro

Expert’s signature over printed name



Permit to Conduct Study

July 11, 2022

Mr. Don Z. Moronia
Adviser, Market Research & Consumer Behavior
Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc.
Dear Mr. Moronia,
We are third year college student of Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc., are currently
working our research study entitled “Effects of Food Delivery Services on Customers’
Satisfaction” in partial fullfillment for the degree of Batchelor of Science in
In this regard, we would like to request permission to be allowed to gather data of
consumer using online food delivery services in Masangkay St. Tondo MAnila. Rest
assured that any information gathered will be kept in utmost confidentiality and will be
used for academic purposes only.
Your approval for this matter will be appreciated. Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,
Donald Rhey Villarosa Jasedin G. Tomo Jhon Rey Yodong
Resercher Researcher Researcher
John David G. Villanueva Lovely A. Dela Rosa
Researcher Researcher
Rayven De Guzman Sarah O. Halupit
Researcher Researcher
Approved by:
Mr. Don Z. M oronia


Donald Rhey Villarosa

216 Calle Madeid St. Bunlo, bocaue, Bulacan



Birth Date: July 20,1999


To work in an environment which encourages me to succeed and grow

professionally where I can utilize my skills and knowledge appropriately.

Educational Background

Tertiary: Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc.

Secondary: Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc.

Primary: Bunlo Elementary School


Defying the odss

Jasedin G. Tomo

AFP-PNP Housing Batia, Bocaue, Bulacan



To work in a company that would be to utilize my strong organizational skills,

knowledge and ability to work well with people. Which will allow me to grow personally
and professionally as well.


Tertiary: Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc. (2019-Present)

Secondary: Alternative Learning System (ALS) (2019)

Primary: Dongos Elementary School (2006-2012)


Can work well with others

Open for improvement


SSC Entrepreneurhip Representative (2019-2020)

Amateur Radio Signal of the Philippines (DX3 ARS PH) (2019-Present)

Philippine Airforce Reserved (PAFR) (2020-Present)

Anti-Crime Devotees (ACD) (2021-Present)


Massage Therapy NCII (2017)

Hilot (Wellnees Massage) NCII (2017)

Amateur Radio Orientation (2019)

Special Basic Citizen Military Training (SBCMT) (2019-2020)

Intelligence Security Orientation Training (ISOT) (2020)

Health Emergency Management Staff (HEMS) (2020)

Gun Safety and Responsible Gun Handling with live firing (2020)

Defying the odds (2021)

Basic Incident Command System (BICS) (2022

Jhon Rhey G. Yodong

216 Calle Madrid St. Bunlo, Bocaue, Bulacan



Birth Date: October 2, 2000


To be able to utilize abilities, acquired knowledge and collective experience in

order for me to find a better opportunity in the near future.

Educational Background

Tertiary: Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc.

Secondary: Senior High: Sta. Maria National High School

Junior High: Lolomboy National High School

Primary: Bunlo Elementary School


Defying the odds (2021)

John David Salvador Villanueva

160 Masagana st. Bunlo, Bocaue, Bulacan



Birthdate: May 25, 2000


To enhance my professional skills, capabilities and knowledge in an organization which

recognizes the value of hard work and trusts me with responsibilities and challenges.

Educational Background

Tertiary: Jesus is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc.

Senior High: Jesus is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc.

Junior High: Jesus is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc.

Elementary: Jesus is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc.


Financial Management skills

Sales Activity Skills

Marketing Skills


Defying the odds

Lovely A. Dela Rosa

132, Bernardo St. Bolacan,Bocaue,Bulacan

Birthdate: March 13, 1998


Birthdate: March 13, 1998


I seek challenging opportunities where I can fully use my skills for the success of
the organization.

Educational Background

College: Jesus Is Lord College Foundation Inc.

Senior High: Sta Maria National High School

Junior High: Sta. Maria National High School

Elementary: Bolakan Elementary School


Defying the odds (2021)

De guzman, Rayven

0413 Batia, Bocaue, Bulacan



Bithdate: January 21, 2000


My aim is to work in a challenging manner to give significant contribution for

organization where my knowledge and skill carefully utilize for attending excellent result.

Educational Background

Primary: Batia, Elementary school 2005-2011

Secondary: Taal High School 2012-2015

Sacred Heart Academy



STI Balagtas

ABM Student


Tertiary: Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation

101 Bunlo, Bocaue, Bulacan

Able to do things specifically with reports and paper works.
Excellent in managing and handling responsibilities regarding to the given works.

Sarah Ocuralis Halupit

Block 24 Lot 36 PH2 AFP/PNP Housing, Batia, Bocaue, Bulacan



BOD: January 10, 1991


I am a highly driven recent business school graduate seeking a full-time position

in finance where I can lend my knowledge of market analytics to help your organization
improve profitability.

Educational Background

Tertiary: Jesus is Lord Foundation, Inc.

Secondary: Alternative Learning System ( ALS)

Primary: Crossing Mandaing, Elementary, School




Defying the odds


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