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2^3 Full Factorial Array (Similar to the Taguchi L8 Orthogonal Array)

By Kim Niles. (See accompanying article at 2 levels of 3 factors with up to 8 reps = (2^3) x 8 = 64 or less data points; Change only yellow boxes

Factor Assignment
Run Order G=ABC

Response Table (Data)

Quick Calculations

Main EffectsInteractions (i.e. AxB). Replicates used to normalize the data


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 3 4 1

A B C - - + - - + + + - - + + - + - + + + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

R1 100 50 28 46

R2 88 55 21 54

R3 16 18 11 12

R4 22 33 44 55





Ave. 56.5 39.0 26.0 41.8 -

Std.Dev . 43.65 16.87 13.88 20.24 -

SignaltoNoise (S/N) 0.11 0.36 0.27 0.31 -



Reference Key to Factor Selection

Factor A = Your factor: Factor D = Your factor:AB Interaction? ;B= ; E = AC Interaction? ;C= ; F = BC Interaction? ; G = Error

Confounding Column Information (for alternative factor assignment considerations)

The Taguchi L8 array is very similar to this arrray but has slightly different columns that confound with each other. This array does not have confounding columns. Using the L8 array requires an uderstanding of column confounding.

Calculating the Significance of Main Effects (Solving for Means)

Factor A Runs Where A is + : Runs Where A is - : 39 57 + + 42 26 + + + + = 81 / 4 = Ave= = 83 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = = 68 / 4 = Ave= = 96 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = 20.19 20.63 -0.44 16.94 23.88 -6.94

Factor B

Runs Where B is + : Runs Where B is - :


26 57

+ +

42 39

+ +

+ +

Factor C

Runs Where C is + : Runs Where C is - :


+ +


+ +


+ +


= / 4 = Ave= 0 = 163 / 4 = Ave= 40.81 Total Effect = Difference = -40.81

Calculating the Significance of Main Effects (Solving for Standard Deviation)

Factor A Runs Where A is + : Runs Where A is - : 17 44 + + 20 14 + + + + = 37 / 4 = Ave= = 58 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = = 34 / 4 = Ave= = 61 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = 9.28 14.38 -5.10 8.53 15.13 -6.60

Factor B

Runs Where B is + : Runs Where B is - :

14 44

+ +

20 17

+ +

+ +

Factor C

Runs Where C is + : Runs Where C is - :


+ +


+ +


+ +


= / 4 = Ave= 0 = 95 / 4 = Ave= 23.66 Total Effect = Difference = -23.66

Calculating the Significance of Main Effects (Solving for Signal-to-Noise)

Factor A Runs Where A is + : Runs Where A is - : 0.4 0.1 + + 0.3 0.3 + + + + = 1 / 4 = Ave= = / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = 0.17 0.10 0.07 08/12/2011 10:43:50 65087764 23 KN

Factor B

Runs Where B is + : Runs Where B is - :

0.3 0.1

+ +

0.3 0.4

+ +

+ +

= 1 / 4 = Ave= = / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = = / 4 = Ave= = 1 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference =

0.15 0.12 0.03 0 0.27 -0.27

Factor C

Runs Where C is + : Runs Where C is - : 0.1

+ +


+ +


+ +


Calc. the Sig. of 2nd Order Interaction Effects or Aliased Effects (Solving for Means)
Factor D (AB) uns Where D is + : R Runs Where D is - : 57 39 + + 42 26 + + + + = 98 / 4 = Ave= = 65 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = = 83 / 4 = Ave= = 81 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = = 96 / 4 = Ave= = 68 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = 24.56 16.25 8.31 20.63 20.19 0.44 23.88 16.94 6.94

Factor E (AC) Runs Where E is + : Runs Where E is - :

57 39

+ +

26 42

+ +

+ +

Factor F (BC)Runs Where F is + : Runs Where F is - :

57 26

+ +

39 42

+ +

+ +

Calc. the Sig. of 2nd Order Interaction Effects or Aliased Effects (Solving for Std Dev.)
Factor D (AB) uns Where D is + : 43.6 R Runs Where D is - : 16.9 + + 20.2 13.9 + + + + = 64 / 4 = Ave= = 31 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = = 58 / 4 = Ave= = 37 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = = 61 / 4 = Ave= = 34 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = 15.97 7.69 8.28 14.38 9.28 5.10 15.13 8.53 6.60

Factor E (AC) Runs Where E is + : 43.6 Runs Where E is - : 16.9

+ +

13.9 20.2

+ +

+ +

Factor F (BC)Runs Where F is + : 43.6 Runs Where F is - : 13.9

+ +

16.9 20.2

+ +

+ +

Calc. the Sig. of 2nd Order Interaction Effects or Aliased Effects (Solving for Sig-to-Noise)
Factor D (AB) uns Where D is + : R Runs Where D is - : 0.1 0.4 + + 0.3 0.3 + + + + = / 4 = Ave= = 1 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = = / 4 = Ave= = 1 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = = / 4 = Ave= = 1 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = 0.11 0.16 -0.05 0.1 0.17 -0.07 0.12 0.15 -0.03

Factor E (AC) Runs Where E is + : Runs Where E is - :

0.1 0.4

+ +

0.3 0.3

+ +

+ +

Factor F (BC)Runs Where F is + : Runs Where F is - :

0.1 0.3

+ +

0.4 0.3

+ +

+ +

Calc. the Sig. of 3rd Order Interaction Effects, Error, or Aliased Effects (Solving for Means)
Factor G (ABC) Where G is + : Runs Runs Where G is - : 39 57 + + 26 42 + + + + = 65 / 4 = Ave= = 98 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = 16.25 24.56 -8.31

Calc. the Sig. of 3rd Order Interaction Effects, Error, or Aliased Effects (Solving for Std.Dev.)

08/12/2011 10:43:52 65087764 23 KN

Factor G (ABC) Where G is + : 16.9 Runs Runs Where G is - : 43.6

+ +

16.9 20.2

+ +

+ +

= 34 / 4 = Ave= = 64 / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference =

8.44 15.97 -7.54

Calc. the Sig. of 3rd Order Interaction Effects, Error, or Aliased Effects (Solving for Sig.-to-Noise)
Factor G (ABC) Where G is + : Runs Runs Where G is - : 0.4 0.1 + + 0.3 0.3 + + + + = 1 / 4 = Ave= = / 4 = Ave= Total Effect = Difference = 0.16 0.11 0.05

Calculating Confidence
ANOVA analysis is used to compare "within variation" with "between variation". Hypotheses: Ho= All means are equal; HA= They are not equal Linear contrasts is a method used to test any two levels or combinations of two levels against each other. Degrees of freedom is always 1 for testing two items. Calculating the Grand Average Row Number: 1 2 3 4 Row Averages: 56.5 39.0 26.0 41.8

5 -

6 -

7 -

8 -

Grand Average (GA) => 40.81

Factor Sum of Squares (Linear Contrast Effect)^2/((1/n low level)+ (1/n high level)); n = number of data points Factor A = -0.4 ^2 / (1/2) = 0.4 Factor B = -6.9 ^2 / (1/2) = 96.3 Factor C = -40.8 ^2 / (1/2) = ### Factor D (AB) = 8.3 ^2 / (1/2) = 138.2 Factor E (AC) = 0.4 ^2 / (1/2) = 0.4 Factor F (BC) = 6.9 ^2 / (1/2) = 96.3 Factor G (ABC) = -8.3 ^2 / (1/2) = 138.2

Total Sum of Squares Row Number: 1 2 3 4 Row Averages: 56.5 39.0 26.0 41.8 GA - Row Average: -15.7 1.8 14.8 -0.9 (GA - Row Average)^2: 246.1 3.3 ### 0.9

5 -

6 7 8 Total SS Groups Sum of (GA - Row Ave)^2 = 469.67

ANOVA Table Is there a statistically significant difference between factors, rows, and error? Df = Degrees of freedom MS = Mean Sum of Squares SS = Sum of Squares F = F-test characteristic Alpha = F-test probability SS Factor A Factor B Factor D (AB) Factor E (AC)
0.4 96.3

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7

0.38 96.26

0.00 0.70

Alpha Conf.
0.967 0.557 0.128 0.500 0.967 0.557 3% 44% 87% 50% 3% 44%

confidence that this is significant confidence that this is significant confidence that this is significant confidence that this is significant confidence that this is significant confidence that this is significant

Factor C 3331.3
138.2 0.4

3331.32 24.11 138.20 0.38 96.26 138.20 1.00 0.00 0.70

Factor F (BC) 96.3 Factor G (ABC) 138.2 Total 3801.0

Additional Comments
Note #1: If the data is known to be normally distributed, analyzing the within run data as design replicates yields higher confidence in the results. Unfortunately this matrix is not set up to do that. Note #2: Error in the results increases as columns contain greater amounts of partial data. For example, if two reps are taken for each run, then columns R1 and R2 should be fully filled out.

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2^3 Full Fact. Factors Runs C

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P (

A + + + +

1 2 3 4

B + + -

+ + -

+ + -

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