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APRIL 4, 2065

Thought Criminal On MADDISEN

The Run
APRIL 4, 2065 | MINISTRY OF HOPE | 184-326-7590

First and foremost... Before we had Smoke Day, there were

moving picture boxes called TVs. Everyone
Your Ministry Of Hope weekly paper has had them in their house and they could
arrived once again! The only newspaper in record and listen to everything you said. The
Airstrip Two that provides you with honest, worst part was that you couldn’t turn the TVs
uncensored accounts of The Black Eye’s war off. Some people, like Winston, thought they
crimes and its criminals. As we approach the could hide from the TVs in certain alcoves in
anniversary of Decade Day, we at MH their homes. This was foolish of them as the
decided this week's feature would be TVs had small mirrors that reflected a person
Winston Smith. into view.

The Story Of Winston Smith

Winston was convicted of ThoughtCrime in
1984 by the ever-notorious inner party
member, O’Brien. If the name sounds Convicted Persons:
familiar, you might have learned about his Winston Smith
hanging in school or heard your 39 years of age
Grandparents talk nonsense about his good
Winston Smith was born in the year
deeds! 1984 was quite the year for Goldstein's
1944. He worked at the Ministry of
followers. Many members of The Brother Truth, and was tasked with rewriting
Hood had been taken in by O’Brien’s charm various documents so they would say
and all-knowing attitude. Winston, unbeknownst to himself, was fond correct or new “facts”. He had an ex-
of Facecrime when he hid away in his little wife, no children, solemn any friends,
Winston Smith started rebelling when he alcove. Letting his expressions wonder as he and a lover who he betrayed out of fear.
bought a dairy from, whom he knew as, wrote. He was keen on tracing the words and
numbers he wrote with his eyes, following He was held in the memorial buildings,
lovely and lonely Mr. Charrington. The dairy formerly known as the Ministry of Love,
became Winston’s thought house where he the strokes of his pencil. O’Brien had been
for 10 weeks before being released. It is
wrote nonsense, copied textbooks, wrote able to discover who Winston’s lover was and recorded that his brain had crumpled
where they were meeting by reading the out of fear and that if he had recovered
some of the only living accounts of
diary when Winston wasn’t home. fully would have been granted full
Goldstein’s book, and showed how hope for
Fortunately, for O’Brien, Mr. Charrington was inner party membership.
the future always lay with the proles.
willing to work with him to capture Winston
It was noted by O’Brien in his following, and Winston was monitored for 11 years
and J.
monitoring of Winston that he hated women before his kidneys drowned in Victory
and during his time at the Ministry of Truth Very little is known of Winston’s lover. The Gin and his heart turned to mush.
always, at best, half-heartily engaged with initial, J, their loose mentality, their utter lack
His lover, we know only of the initial J,
the Two Minutes Hate. Winston often did of hope for a future without The Black Eye, was monitored for 3 years before
well on his work and was proficient in and their suicide are the only solid things committing suicide by repeatedly
imitating The Black Eye, but refused we’re certain of. Not many people cared mashing her head on the printing
Newspeak words and only found the making about them as they were deemed unworthy presses during lunch. It’s recorded in
their eulogy that J was plagued by the
of them interesting. That interest was the of remembering.
constant imaging of rat squeaks.
first giveaway of his future crime.


APRIL 4, 2065
Thought Criminal On MADDISEN
The Run
APRIL 4, 2065 | MINISTRY OF HOPE | 184-326-7590

O’Brien first initiated contact with Winston

about 3 years prior to talking to him. O’Brien
woke Winston well he was still in a dream
state, saying “We will meet in the place
where there is no darkness”. Slowly, O’Brien
became closer and closer to Winston by
sharing conspiratorial glances and actively
choosing to be near him during important
moments, such as the Two Minutes Hate.
Until finally O’Brien made his move.

He approached Winston in the hallway of

The Ministry of Truth. O’Brien asked Winston
about his scholarly interest in Newspeak, and
Winston rebutted claiming to be nothing
more than an amateur. O’Brien was insistent
and made his false alliance with Winston
known by claiming to remember the name
of Winston’s vaporized friend. They talked
awhile more, O’Brien gave Winston his
address and told him to come by for the
newest edition of the Newspeak dictionary.

O’Brien accounts that Winston and J came

together to retrieve the dictionary. They were How one room could hold the power to
He had his men beat both viciously and then
shocked about the TV being turned off and change the very way a person thought,
O’Brien came to them to “explain” to them
awed at the knowledge O’Brien had about despite holding out through weeks of
what was happening. Mr. Charrington had
Goldstein. O’Brien was natural with his lies starvation, beatings, and therapy, is beyond
written in his notes on the case that O’Brien
and involved a war criminal whom he had even us. Room 101 seems to be the only thing
had a shining for flare he thought annoying
rendered mute, a fake name of Martin was in existence that is truly one size fits all.
and unnecessary.
given and soon after he was dismissed
O’Brien had him killed.
For days after his capture, they starved All we know of what happened in Room 101
Later in the day Winston and J made
Winston and brought him to rooms full of was that Winston had betrayed J. Some cruel
promises to not betray each other no matter
war criminals, thought crime committees, and unjust thing happened to J because
what horrors they might face.
and regular old poles who lacked in Winston couldn’t, or wouldn’t, take what
everything but records with the police. O’Brien thought his dues. The only clear
record of this is a medical statement of plastic
At week 4 he was brought to his own cell
surgery the same day Winston was taken to
where O’Brien introduced what he called,
the hospital for sedation and reintegration
‘Breaking Beatings’. The amine of these was
into normal life.
to keep him alive enough he could
participate in eclectic shock therapy so they Both Winston and J survived. Winston was
could fix him, but down enough that he given a nonsense job to provide him with
wouldn’t dream of fighting back. fulfillment and something to do. J was given a
At week 6, they brought him in for his first husband to help tame their manner into
session of therapy. He looked much like the something The Black Eye could manage. It
personification of cancer would look. In week was also reported that they had supposedly
8, they gave him a pencil and paper to see birthed a child, but that could have been an
what he would write. O’Brien was trying to effort to hide their suicide.
mimic the thoughts he wrote in the diary to
aid in Winston’s therapy. O’Brien had fallen Well, that’s it for this week! We here at the
so deep under The Black Eye’s lies he Ministry of Hope paper hope you enjoyed this
Within the following week, Winston was genuinely believed he was doing the right week's edition and are looking forward to next
given a copy of Goldstein's book. He read thing. week's!
aloud to J and it was in one of these We would like to thank Winston and J, and all
On the first day of week 10, Winston was
moments that Mr. Charington, or as Winston the members of The Brother Hood who died
brought to Room 101. It is said that everyone
and J would come to know of him as we do for us and gave us the power to choose
knew what was in Room 101. If we here at MH
now, the head of the thought police in freedom.
had to guess what was in there we would
AirtStrip 1, had stopped being so compliant As always, don't forget to check out our
come up short of ideas. O’Brien had brought
with O’Brien. Mr. Charington stormed the sponsors for this week's edition of Ministry of
many people there in the years of his inner
room where Winston and J had been Hope news!
party membership, and every time, it seemed
to work.


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