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Nombre de equipo:

Giselle Iglesias Lerroux Matrícula: 2921730

Campus: Cumbres Proyecto: Proyecto Final
Fecha: 25/11/2022 Curso: Cultura Global lll
I’m excited about having a woman as my boss in a big and successful company like
I’m about to enter, where I come from is not very common to see women in such
high positions and I love the social advancement I will be witnessing in the country of
Finland, Because of this fact I have a good feeling that my progress within the
company will be very good.

An important aspect within this experience is communication, probably at the

beginning it is a little difficult for me because my colleagues are of different
nationalities, but with a little research about their traditions and customs, should have
no problem creating a working relationship with them.

Another situation that makes me quite happy about all this, is the fact that soon it will
be winter, right on my first day of work, I have to make sure I have all the knowledge
about this climate and its impact during the day, Since I need to know what clothes
are used to wear during this very cold weather, I hope my clothes cover me well
enough, although what worries me is the road from my village to work, I need to be
sure that the snow does not delay me.

Especially Espoo is the second largest city in Finland so it sounds like there are
many places to know and too many opportunities to build relationships with local
people, it sounds like it might be a little difficult at first, In such a big city it is not easy
to survive alone being a foreigner, but I plan to have my fellow residents give me
some tour that shows me the most traditional places of this city and of course! the

For now I have enough time to organize my trip, within the next 3 months I will have
to investigate the culture, traditions and the best way to communicate with my
colleagues and acquaintances, as well as learn a little of their language, but I plan to
continue studying once I get there, l also need to know about their routes, rules and
the routines that I will have to follow over there.
- In addition to buying airline tickets, what should you consider before
traveling to Finland? Justify your answer using at least 5 concepts
learned in this module.
You should consider investigating the importance of Equality, Ethic, religion,
culture and Justice within the country. These are important because it
represents the values of the country itself and what can you expect once you
get there from the people that live there and the security that making the trip
can assure you.

- According to the article, how would you describe the communication

style, and the way Finns do businesses and make decisions?
Finnish communication is generally recipient-oriented, which means that the
responsibility for successful communication lies more with the recipient than
the sender. The Finn tries to avoid being first to speak and emphasizes
listening (Sallinen-Kuparinen, 1987), also according to Johannes Kanaen,
professor at the Swedish School of Sciences at the University of Helsinki
"Being honest is a characteristic of Finnish culture, at least compared to other
Finnish business culture is based on high levels of capital imports, Finland is
one of the Nordic countries with a high rate of development and one of the
most industrialized economies in the region.

Describe 3 strategies you will follow to avoid culture shock.

- Accept the differences between your culture and the culture you are visiting
and getting to know, learn to adapt to your life and try to use them to surpass
- Act like the locals of that country and get out of your comfort zone, get
involved with people and learn their customs, skills and rules.
- Study the language of the country you will be visiting, either before or during
the trip, for better communication.

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