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Activity 1, p61 surname; fst 3 genie 4 mental 5 divorced; 6 nationality; 7 occupation:8 bith, ‘Activity 2, pa | rsidence: 2kin3 ethrics4 distinguish ‘Aetivity 3, paz Hatscury svalgn,dartvelond, bald, shoulder fenath, very. dyed) Options about appearance: pretty beeutfu, aivactwa good looking, hherésome, vay: Distinguishing features tattae, cierced 2215, scat wines spotty, tanned, recles; uid: skinny, obese, overweight, musculay sim otume. ‘Aetivity 4, pBt | put on, do ue; 2 go ona diet'3 cutdown a4 ake Ups 5 go fr Activity 5, p8: | ec; 2peint 3 plaks #.g0es,steighters Sget Activity 6, pS: | recoding; 2 shaven 3 piewng: 4 distinguishing: euburn:6 loose: 7 parting 8high; 8 clear: 1Ocheckoones, Aetivity 7, pS: Words under the wrong heading Clos tatan.bel ‘Accestaies pyjamas, gol; Patterns and mater: wabstcoat, nechace. ‘Twomore for each column Clothes pyjarnes velstcoat ‘Accessories necilace, belt Patterns and mateials: gold, tem, students onn answers, udents own areners 1 saplass 2 lacy 3 long-sleeved; 4 smart; Scolar Sckessirg: 7 bracelets; ball Activity 1, p6t careess;2 unselishy 3 dishonest ‘nt. 5 impatient 6 impolite; 7 unseciable- 8 urvelatle;S unhelp‘u 10 unimaginative, Aetivity 12, pé:suuserss own arsine ‘Activity 13, p6s | azy:2 mears 3 talkstive;¢ reeligen: Sas, Activity 14, pé: dents ovmersaers, Activity 15, p61 sympathies? bossy: 3 modest AmatcralticsS sensitive 6conardly, 7 sporty, Aetvity 16, p6t | bored 2 ov horas exhausted, 4 wowed, 5 upset;6 nervous; 7 bad mood. Activity 17, p71 very tired, 2 ver surptised 3 very tec ‘avery pleased 5 vay Fightenee, Activity 18, p7:stucenty'onn answers Activity 19, p7: | hobbies:2 stand: nto: ian; Sheer hopeless Aetivity 20, p7: 10:24; 37:40, Activity 21, p7: | euthanasia, genetic engineering 3 death penalty 4 ftaadom of speech; 5 cambing Activity 1, p&: stucents'oun answers Activity 2, p8: 1 unsociale:? Few. Activity 3, 98: 1F:2F: 37 (Audiescipt 0159) Aetivity 4, pB: 1:77; 36,46, 57 Activity 5, pB: 1 in; of 3 across 40n;50n; Sup; 7 up, Binto Activity 6 p8: 1.3 ands Activity , p8:siucents' ov answers Activity 1, p9: 18 (usioscript 153) Activity 2, 99: 1D 24/3C;4E Activity 3, p9: bizare: eccenvi eek oud, oddbal, vee, weit unset uneasy ~sightly nersous wevted or upset Lunaiing~ 90: narlng ta do stor refusing v0: ‘idiculous -sily or unreasorable and deserving toke aughed at stunned - very shocked or upset so that you ae unable toact normaly wwhizzked ~2 young poison who is vey iveligent or successful Activity 4, pB: 1 courage; 2 comserstion;3 person ines Seas nature: 7 eroured Aetivity 1-3, p1O:siudents/own answers. Activity 4, p10: Activity 5, p10: A~ ncowect as places where |store the photo are ‘mentioned bur na dfeent context only to emphasise how imporant this photos forme uit isnt the focus ofthe peragarh, ‘C—incomect ashsppy period in fe mentioned, not a ‘moment, Dusit nat the gist of te whole text, Aetvity 6, p11 16:20, 38:44, Actluity 7, p11: Imacine the situeton, These ate people ‘oho have the unusual bity(..)2itdoesrit matter ‘wha the person laoks tke now, Winds, new sears Tattoos give them new appearance, but the “super tecogrisers cat stllecagnise them, 3.) ts semething you ae born with (,.) his ability can be used fora ver practical purpose eet Activity 8, p112A huge;B complete onnoste;C biel D seo I huge: 2 spot 3 oreb-¢ccmpleve oppaste. Activity 9, p14 complete; 2 bie J brief 4 complete, Scomglete:6 biel Activity 10, p11: 1 realsec 2 ecognise:3 tem a Wlenis remember Activity 11, pM:siucerts'onn ansnes ‘Aetivity 1, p12¢ 1, ea. Many people think that new babies now hele mother’ fae straight aay 2.29 But realty renbor babies identi thelr mother rainy by ecognisng thei voice, 3.29 According to specialists thsi been prover whether chiran under che age of thrae weet can Fecoanise anything by sig oF not. 4.89 Aneatorn baby carat see clay but eyesight gradually improves unl tbecaines ideal atthe agecttwo. Activity 2, p12: /C; 28:36 48 Aetivity 3, p12:A = This seems to be uite 2 common Cexpeience 8 ~As they watched te person change Sophsticeted equipment scanned the voluntecrs| brains 10 see which pets ofthe brain were ighting up. = While cre section ef te brs locks a the prysical et pat identifies the face as kro unknown, AUtbesame tine, a thr part of te bea is checking out the namo... human beings can store a5 ‘mary as 10600 feces in their memories and ost ef es ‘ah tecognise about ninety percent of our classmates bol Aetvity 4, p12: | nagging feeling: 2eantcuite place; 3 common expetience 4 aise questions 5 sopnsicatat 6 cerned Activity 5, 12s 1 doubt: 2a; 3 voice; language: a text age 13) Activity 1, p13: suilents'ovm ansivors, Activity 2, p13: 1 69, In te hotoarenty can see a feshiowiby diessed midala-aged woman 2e. The teenager in the picture looks ikea mode!;3 ea Today lem veering a checked shit, nen tausers ata leether sandals; 4 e9. The photograph shows an adery man who looks sed ‘Activity 3, p13:No information about who isin the picture and hese this peison bh Activity 4, 5 and 6, p13: scents o9n answers ‘Ativity 1, p14: stucents oon answers, ‘Activity 2, p14: 13; 24:3 3B AN SA TC, 28:34; 48 6c students‘onn answers Aativity 1, p15: 1D. 2636.48 Aectivity 2, p15: |; 24; 395 Aativity 1, p16: scudants own answers Activity 2, p16: | 29 Ayan Gosting s my favours ca 2e9,1have alotof respect for my mather 3 2g The thing! most ke about Leo Messiishis modesty 4.09, Just Timberlake isthe most attractive parson t have eer seen § 8g, admre Anger Joie for hercharity werk Activity 3, p16: Aetivity 1, p17:students'own answore Activity 2, p17: eg. In mycrinen celebrities should be tole medels for young people. 2¢.The fisting | dic today wes tohewee shower 36, flloaectthat ty having a quick brea’as.4 e's hard tobeleve but Ive never eater tomato scup. 5 eg. Justin Bieber has recenly behaved badly in a public place, Activity3, p17: 1A —no. interesting =i shor, caicty f hs thes that games 1C— cute formal end uneteesing, 2A boring; 28 evant C= Aeelates to the USE OF ENGLISH, Z Aetivity 1, p46: stucenis'onn answer. Activity 2, pas: 1 Activity 3, p46: 18, 2C; 34,40; $8 Aetivity 4, pa6e 14 28,26, 48;9C Activity 5, pa7:scudenis own enswers. Aetivity 1, pa7:stucents'oan answers Aetivity 2, pA7s 1 noun —variety;2 adjective — typical 3 roun -bohaviour,4 noun ~ lecturers S adjectives — deighted, Activity 3, p47: | convict 2 widely: 3ureatures éraiticgant Activity 4, p47:1 disappointment; interesting; 3knnwledge; 4 different Activity 1, pa8sstudonts'onn answer Activity 2, p§8: | ec. | have cently vsited tre school | attenced ten yeers ago; 2 eg. The reason lent there was to vis my Od teachers: 3 e.9. The school hasnt chenged very much, ssl gotoright spaccus lsstooms anda lage soomts feld:4e9 I's much better equipped now, A lot ofnew equipement hasbeen bought: €9. shrkthe schaolisa great place to suey, Activity 3, pAB:studonts’owm answers Activity 1, page stucents‘own answers Activity 2, p49: | eg There are several ways of ookrg at the problem of eachina fore lanquagesto yeung thicken: 2 29. One eevantagecf teaching a exeign CANIS Sa 3g fered language to children i they leer new skile very casi 3.09.0n the other hand, it may be a betterides to master your native lnguage first; eg. There'sne simple answer to this question kecause ne dar know everything about the human ming, Activity 3 and 4, p49: si.dents'onn answers VOCABULARY OVERVIEW, page 51: | secondary 2 classmates; 3 cantoen4 gymnasium; 5 joined; 6 member, 7 betong; 8 tant 9 dsciping; 10 detention; T suspendiad; 19 tess: 13 exams; 14 term 15 revise, 6 timetable; 17 mecta: 18 mock 19 pass 20 wasked, | True:2 Fab; 3 True; 4 False 3 Fae Soe TEIG3A Students ovin answers We) 18; 20;34;4E Ey 10,28 30-48 esr A {Weng dackionshas never been] Why did you tl 2isabuays leaving histhings ¢ a soon as he appoated Ee Studenis‘oun enswers, GA Studen's‘own answers, Aetivity 1, p36: | Sloingy: 2 maths: 3 music: £ geogianry “Spiysicel education PA 6 physis: 7 ar8 history: ‘chemistry IDreligcus education; 17 information technology 7), 12 foreign languages tivity 2, p36: Humanities: story, foreign lenqueces Scionee subjects: ology maths, geography physics chemistry information echrology (Th Ait subjects at Imusic, Other subjects: prysicl eevcation (PE), teicious cedcation, Activity 3, p37: | environmental 2 design: 3 medi ‘A sports 5 economic Aetivity 4, p37: studenis evn answers. Activity 5, p37: I revising, 2 take, 3 coursewaik & goes; S grade; 6 yeas 7 cia, 8 copied: 9 cauch 19 rock HT memocsing; 12 pass 13 pas ‘Aetivity 6, 37: 18 2C; 348 SF: 6A: 7CSBA 9B 106; 114, ity 7, p37: students own answers p37! 105 2F; 28:4, $C Activity 9, p38: | check, hanc:? working tho: 3 gue, re ‘miss eporteck 5 take/make. gv. 6 make. work 7ealch,suspendect &layed, Activity 10, p38: | timetable; 2 be 3 absens;¢ notebook; Shomawork 6 decication; 7 packed: € break 9 & 1Dsick 11 concentrate; 12 term Activity 11, p38: 1 canteen, Zlibiary, 3 laboratory: 4 conidor, 5 gyrmasum: 6 satoom: 7 playground. Activity 12, p38: | head? accor 3 prefect & depuy, Slecturer Activity 13, p38: | cuiting 2 perlods;3 attendance; ‘taking; 5 ounctualy; 6 detention 7 raised; 8 sell Activity 14, p39: 1 extrac ticular? societies: 3 ain 4 belong; 5 members 6 wins; 7 voluntary: Stake, 9 fundraising. Activity 15, p39: suderts/on answers, ‘Activity 16, p39: | nursery: 2 secorcary 3 state + college; Spoublic 6 coeducational? grarvmat 8 comprehensive Activity 17, p39:5\usenss!own answers, Activity 18, p39: (e=%:2 sreamecs t boarding, 4.99 pprenbceship: 5 public Gas Activity 1, pa0:studorts'own ansiners Activity 2, p40: thoseare eso mentioned but theyare not the main addressees ofthe ernouncement; 8 hela is mentioned, etrough ina afferent conten: hase who stl] need it may contact the scheal office ard get it theteS no mention of sudents who have algady askee for help. C~ correctansvr, Activity 3, pA0: 8: js wrong but hae disractorithe biology or chemisityteacherls) mertioned in the recording; is wrong but alse has disractors Mies Bale and her students doing 2 project on famous sculptors or painters rexioned in he recording, ‘Aetivity 4, p40; 1C;26, 36.25, 58)58 Activity 5, p41: | entertaining? interactive; § - body language: looting down; ‘A= ivheuse tring: team building days, seminars (C~valuedhis employees feedback: comments and suggestions welcomed and conscerec, Activity 2, p64: 1,36: 30344 Activity 3, p64: | rneke the heaclines:?yeary 3 sta rmorale:4 contagious § content Activity 4, p64: | siif momie, made the headlines; 3.contagicus:4 content L-sracna Activity 1, p65: studentyoan answers Activity 2, BOS: | 89, happened year 200: 2.20 It happened while was doing an interview with 3 mous pevson duting the surnmer holidays; 3 0g Fils | did kaow hat 10 do,-4eg.To my surprise, tie job was quite sliessl:5 ea. eared enough money to buy'a new Computer and Iwas very proudet myset!;6e.,| did fed stressed atall Activity 3, p65: | I happened not so long goo: 2 Ai fs 31496 bi unsure: had prepared; to my surprise: Bl ietwery proud of myselt Activity 4, Sand 6, p65: susdenis'onnersiers Activity 1, p66: siuder's'onn answers, Activity 2, p66: have nolea /have no clus /Im not su, Activity 3, p66: ¢ Activity 4, p66: I) 24:30:48; 5 Aetvity 5, p67: 1C; 24:34 48:54 Activity 1, p67: | should have tocdme —past | wore 2ate you supposed to have to present - 2words;3 has been looking fr suteble cancidetes past contirued il present 2 words, ‘Aetivity 2, p87; | are reg2x6e escental:2 wes working on, am nat Used to working 4 |hac just graduated rom Activity 3, p67: | ould have been better if? is supposed orell mevus/nin/her/them: 3m not used 10 doing; 4 wouint be capable of Activity 1, p68: siudents own answers, Activity 2, p68: 1 e9.sav an interesting ad for 2 temporary job online yesterday; 22.9, Aly brother gets ‘on my nerves because he is aways taking my things ‘without asking for permission, 3 ¢9. relly get on wth “Jom because he helps ine at shock: 4 eve Jus a iy fis: summer 0: 529, 1am panning to save sore money forthe next holiday, ivity 3, p68: After mowing the lean, Ihavetodig the gatGen ag plant some Nawets:2 My JOD Invaes printing out (eters aswell a sending them; 3 The employees not only got two days week ff buts sxweek paid leave;4 Although it dificult job | really enjoy doing i Activity 4, p68: cic some babysiting ast week sister’ children. Although | love young kids, The kids these ones werea nightmare. They refused to eet ~anyihing | gzve them for thelr tea They tea as elles refused 10.90 tabee! Nhe | wwas wasting up. They up, they drew all ever my homework notes. Before going tobabysitfor tam acain next weok,Fist weet, buy lots of sweets tokeep them quiet! Activity 1, p69: | e9, satin on lessons with primary schoo! Children: 2 eg, At fist simply coserved the teacher 3eg.Thoreare wo ways oflooking ot this problem; 4eq.From my pointof view, tise use! skl: 5 ‘Treresponsibllty yoy leemn is invaluable; 6 eg, You can Ccovelon alot of practical sll in thisjob, ‘Activity 2, p69:2 VOCABULARY OVERVIEVY, p71: I vacarcies iver iowss “3 earn, 4 tay 5 experience, 6 journalit;7 colleagues B permanent 9 premotiery 18 income, 1 pensiny 12 feslancer, 13 boss; 14 rewarding 15 living: 16 cr: 17 offerect 18 pertsime: 19 ips 20 nghy paid Fy Activity 1, p72: 19:26 3: 40:58:60 Activity 2, p72: 1 generation: 2 engagement 2 adolescence; 4 retiement Activity 3, p72:sidents'ovrn answers, Activity 4, p72: | ate: 2 hears 4p 4 nate 5 terry fiversh: 6 turne, age: 7 geting Aetivity 5, p72: 1 twin 2 aunt; 3 son74 cousin Sablings 6 only;7 separated; 8 fancé; 9 engaged; 10 granny. Names (top ftom let: Jules fie, June, Cain, Deve, Joanne; (bottom from kit}: Helen, Martin, ohne, Madey Activity 6, p73: 2 partner 3 single parent ther6 foster child; 7 brother in- Activity 9, p73: 1 swvoin; 2 best;3 comovete:4 immediate $ Wentical 6 dbtant 7 fan ‘Aetivity 10, p73: | nake; 2 tty: 3 take 4 bushy Sake: 6 get 7 have: 8c; 9 play; 10 rel Activity 11, p73: | get 2 set: 3 lay:4 clear S load pus 7 do; check: 9 dar 10 have. AB; BIG, C4; D7, £2,F5, G6 WH ‘Activity 12, p74: | eshen;? run; 3 pur on:a.pice:s helps Aativity 13, p74: go:cuisding, sxirmming out forameal, Jogging: do crossword same drawing, gymnastics, an evening course; pay: tennis cards computer games, golf take: photographs, she dog far awwalk, up a hobby, 2 bea. Activity 14, p74: | neighbours 2 spend 3 round: 4 5 have6 chill? go 1,8 throw: 9 soxiable Activity 15, p74:stidents' own ansiners Activity 16, p74: 7; B3;C3; D451 0; FO; G2s45; 1 Activity 17, p74: | handsheks:2 vea 3 fancy; greetings Activity 18, p75: | church: 2 reception 3 ring: 4 sence: 5 hymn: 5 bridesmaic? vow: 8qroom:9 best man ssi Activity 19, p75: 1 erqurvent2revelion 3 behaviour, 4 ciepline 5 hsagreerert Aetivity 20, p75: | sick, getting: Shad env Stakes Aetivity 21, p75: 1 up: Zou 3 on:4 out, out 5 up together eur Activity 22, p75:studenis'onn answers Activity 23, p75:talk nines throughs sto9 thelr allowances lay down some qraurs rules 9a helt: push the ime ‘ee against your hertar judgements get your point across gneyouthe lent treatment Activity 25, p75: ) push thelinits:2 laydownsome gourd rules: 3 gobalistic 4 giveyou she silent treatment tlk things through;6 against your better judgement, ? step theirallowerce: 8 get your pan: across Gn Activity 1 and 2, p76: studenis'ovin ars Activity 3, p76: 4 ~ Neither ofthe two spealers complains aoout hisyher parents, [Activity 4, p78: 18:20; 38:44 Activity 5, p76: 1 on; 2 behind; 3 for, ¢ up: So6up, Activity 6, p76: |jezl0us 2 ental: 4 ection understanding: 5 solutions Activity 7, p76:stucents own answer, Activity 1, p77: 10,20:3 N40; 314 Activity 2, p77! 16: 26:38:60.5 Aetivity 3, p77: 1 Playing, 2 socialise 3 ignores ¢ value S consider; 6 reflect on Atvity 4, p77: 5: ought: find: view: 50 fer agen, gpalong Activity 1, p78: sues onn answet Activity 2, p78: 1 Alsc; 2 Alternatively; 3 However: 4 In adeltion tons Activity 3, p78: 24:28 38 PSA Activity 4, p78: 1E 20,36 Activity Sand 6, p79: siucenisovin answers ‘Activity 7, p792 1 in,2 ornentic: 3 simply 4 permissions Scross Activity 8, p79: s.udery own answers, Activity 1, p80: /=pe2coct mind: 8: an adcitional cost: esi: downside Activity 2, 980; 16,26, 34, <¢ Activity 3, p80:s:udente own answers Activity 4, p80: cr cbsolue fortune; 2 the equivalent of 3 an ostentatious. ¢ t actually came dawn to KS went for 6 backcrop;7 te the know; 83 ot offs Activity 1, p81:siudenisovin ansirs Activity 2, p81: 1.05 fl ware you, ld 367 up for this ‘course: 2.09.1 suggest you should do akarse course witha friend beceuse tS much ease ta exerese together: 3 eg. |thinka graphic desan course would be perfectfor you 4eq Myadvice isto join a pilates class because ts good for your mind nc body, Activity 3, 4and 5, pet: sixdenis'ow answers es ‘Activity 1, p82: sturents!onn arses ‘Activity 2, p82" 1:23 ‘Aetivity 3, p82e 1B; 2C; 34 4C;5C Activity 4, p82; 1:23.34, 45,58 Activity 5, p83: stdents'o4n answers Activity 1, p83: 1 discqreemens; 2 acultood: 3 unsoclables intolerant ‘Activity 2, p83: | choices:2 approvel;3 unively: 4emationally Activity 3, p83: | valuable: 2 ntmacy 3 Ascussions precisely Activity 1, p84: susents‘oan answers Activity 2, pB4: | 23. My grancina vsed to be tall and sim, butshe has grovm older lt lately; 2 eg! would realy ‘iss my frends fom school if ived abroad.:3 6.9, fn really close tomy family and it would oe har for met move; 4 8g,The highlight of te summer holidays was shen we went to Opener Festival together § e.g, Nove its my tum tonite my fends to perty;Ge9, Itshoh time you took ue joagina, Activity 3, p84: }ca.g7, took: interesting, excallent 3 received, cbtzined 4 enjoyed, loved 5 tvel, commure; 6 terble awful 7 bought, purchaseet 6 large, spacious ‘Activity 4, p84: | ploasani:2hing:3 calclous 4 an interesting: beautiful 6 lovely Activity 1, p85: 1c. lke ;ocongyatulaie youon the creat binthdey perty; 22g believe tha eis important to LISTENING pages 108-109 | Activity 1 and 2, p108:si.do0's'owin answers, Activity 3, p108: | Fore number of eas0ns; 2 ‘hopping centres usual offer ferertaivactions atthe same time, under one 1 so there ae shops bur also «aiés, sports feciives and tee wi 3.) teenagers go ‘whopping centies because they're bored andi have nowhere ese to spend thet fee time.) Activity 4, p10B: | False: 2 Thue Activity 5, p108: 1 Tue 2 False 3 Fase\ True 5 Tue Activity 6, p108: 17; 2°; 3°,47 5P; 6? Activity 7, p109: | about,2 of 3 on, or with: Son Activity 8, p109: students own answers Activity 1, p109: | Stores invent more and more sophisticated techniques wth the aim of seducing yous Zihisidea may sparkoff heavy crticism; 3 Financial problems stom flem overspending: 4 Debt often generates more debt. Activity 2, p108: Speaker I: because; Speaker 2 resulis i, gives ie to Activity 3, p109: 10:28 2 «c Activity 4, p109: ctr: he things that you weaesuch sahil dresses, rousers ere; means ~ 2 method for ‘daing or achieving semething, premises ~ the builsings and|and that ausiness or organisation uses; goods — ‘bjects produced forsale Activity 5, p109: | pare and parcel tobe an aspect of something that has o be accepted 2 peace and quiet — 2 calm quiet stuatian in which youve not annoyedby noise o other pecple: 3 sick and tied ~ very unhappy coout something; ¢ pick end choose = tohave the ‘chance to choose the things thet you prefer rather than simply acceot what someone gives your 5 Nt-and-miss ~ ot planned or done n an organised wey, Sr Activity 1 and 2, p110: stusents'onn answers, Activity 3, p110: 4 Activity 4, p110:B -is better because it focuses on the ees ‘that tis not reliable the wtercan'tbe sure rat what he/sya's ordering wil be ight He/She is reluctent'to shop tke ths. ‘Aisnot good because akhough it mentions complains; itincluds the words you can get what you want even if you haveto complinyimplying 2 postive arttude. rs ANSWER KEY Activity 5, p1112 16525: 340 4F Activity 6, p111:1 prove; avoid: 3 go°4 meets do * Activity 7, p11: without: 2 within: 3 ee: 4 under: 5 about oo! Activity 8, p11 tsstuderis own ansnies, Activity 1, p192: 14; 23,35; 48)54;54 Activity 2, p192: 18; 24; 34/4 Activity 3, p192 1C;20 2A“ 58/ cultural events 2 staple fonds: common practice; 4 formidable ‘opponent 5 strateac positions Activity 1, p113:students/onn ansaos, Activity 2, p13: | €9.To my mind, the wormanin the Dictue wil st dovin to restate shoppinas 2 eq. itlooksilke tne fiends wil go fora coffee: 3eg To my mind, she may ask for trousers ina different colour, 4&4, ‘wouldnt be surprised f this woman forgot to take her eit card vith her; eg. cant be sure us they may Duy this cx Activity 3,4 and 5, p113zstudenss xn ansnes, ISH p I Activity 1, p14: students own answers Activity 2, p14: have co/past simpletYasterday' had to spend almost 100 on French coursebooks: 2 be able ‘/futue simp willbe able (ogo stopping vith you inthe afternoon; 3 had betterYou had better rt lend him any money. ‘Activity 3, p11421C: 24; 38; 44 5C Activity 4, 114216; 24:38:48 Activity 5, P115:sudents Onn ansives Activity 1, P1152 buy fiom you, present perfec: continuous Ive been buying from youorthree years; 2 makea purchase af (sth) ~ I made a purchase a! te Item last week: 3 We have to change active voice into pessive voce, ~The old shopping malls being pulled downy 4 The man denied stealing arythingfrorn the shop. The man denied having stolen anything from the shoo. Activity 2, B15: ) wert shopping waslast week: 2 going shopping; 3 Thad ever used ¢ is belng but Activity 3, p115: 1 ntouch with; 2 bettet explain 3 the price of 4 ne point/sense in buying Activity 1, p116: suuden's‘own ansivers. Activity 2, P1165 | eg | started theday nity a meetng at ‘the shopping mall, and then I went shopping in the high street; ? eg. | was on my way tothe busstop whens ny friend Irom the primary school: 320, Wha | realy tke about shopping ai weekends is tat dontt need to humty, 4 e9, Unfortunately, the shopping mall ges realy crowded on Saturday afternoons; § eg. Da youfancy shopping cniine” 5 e.g. Why dort you tell me wha! your ‘opinion about shopping with parents 6? Activity 3, p116: | Wate borgin2\Whatalong day 3 What an interesting show What big surpil 5 What a kine marl Activity 4, p116 1 24:36: 40:58 ‘Activity 6 and 1, B117:stecents oun answers, Activity 2, 1175 | e., The documentary covered many aspects of acherisngaired atchiden; 2 eo, The programme incluced inzeries wth bath parents and children: 3.29.The fn made me aware that advertising affets usin mary veys:4 ec Terelsro cleer-cut sclution tothe probiems caused by acverising industy. 5... My opinion is based'on what 'e read about marketing techniques; 6 9, know! only 0 nl rom frschard ecperience inst aovertsing makes uswant more and mere Hing, Activity 3, p17: VOCABULARY OVERVIEW, p119: | boroains:2 queving: 3orline: 4 departments5 al6 quality; lows 8 cer 9 frau 10 cousin 11 recur; 12 fauly: 13 complaint 1 feeabec; 15 selon; 16 oy; 17 counch IBrenewng 19talance; 20 spam 18, 26,30, Sens IDI 34 4c esa 1B; 20, 3.405 Ge) Gents‘ oven answers 1B: 20,34 4A: 6A 18.20.2044 1 As soon as eft 2 take pride in teling; 3 l would have told 4hatesbeing tlked to Gilg} ‘Siudenty own ensviers Gs Students ovm answers Activity 1 and 2, p124:studerts’onn answers Activity 3, p125:studanis own answers Activity 4, p125: 15,2 31/40; 562 Activity 5, p125: | ebsorbed: 2 absorbing; 3 agreeable 4 appeal § astonishment 6 boredom 7interest;B imiting; 9 stunned; 10 stunning Activity 6, p125: | adjecive: stunning, 2 adjactva/ver: absorbed: 3 nouns invtation 4 veto: appcat 5 adjective bbored/uninterested;6 adlective:agreeable/nteresting; 7 noun dlsccreements Activity 7, p126:| scuba diving:2 rock climbing; 3 mountain biking; 4 horse riding: 5 trekking /Fiking: ‘yachting Activity B and 9, p126: stulerts ow anew, Activity 10, p126: | have; 2 koep:3 made; 4gve:5 making pay ‘Activity 12, p127: | have lun, 2 wake a mistake / make rmistakes:3 keep on eyo er 4 pay attention, 5 give (youl advice; 6 make (the) arrangements Activity 13, p1Z7: students oun ansners Activity 14, p127: suggested answers ‘Team sports [Ballgames | Trackand | Other fekdavents Teatbel [foots [righiima | swimming taskettal — |astetns! | ongjumo | boxing rug cues facus wrest cee xetal | stor pt gymnastic bascost oat 00meties race | figue skating voleytal | tableternis veshtfing vwater pola | hanabal ving lo ketboxng Activity 1, p128: 1 Primary Schook staring at ages. ending at age 10,7 Loser Sacondary Schon: stating at age 10, ening at age 16; 3 Upper Secondary Schadisstartng at age |S, ending at age 18; 4 Vocational Secondary Schoo! starting at age !Ssendingat age 20 Activity 2, Sand 4 p12Bss\ucen's own answers, 1 Speaker; 2 Speaker 4:3 Spealer 2-4 Activity 6, p129: suderteown answers, Activity 7, p1295 Acourerts iv favou of vocational training: Not everyone is acaderncaly gifted; Students need 19 be courrped for ta werld of works We need people 0 de essential jobs ‘Activity 8, p129: 1 Well fist ofall. .12 Secondly, those who are apainst i say that. 3 Another argument (2gainst IS that 4 Fist t seems obvious tomathat.:5 And thats my second point: 6 Thirdly, we need Activity 9, p19: students own answers Activity 10, p129: 1.2.5; 3G48:5 4 Aetivity 1 and 2 p130:stusents own answers, Activity 3, p130: suggested answers: Is hurckedscl yeas ‘ld, exemely old; 2n the evening aftercark. a/by hight: 3 tarling, amazing; in Decervoer, january, etc 5 sreallyolesanciant ‘Activity 4, p1.30; There's alivays something happering in Lat [Activity 5, p131: 1 sims:2 give helo to:3 publicies: + modem 5 oragressve\ 6 works of et Activity 6, p131:4 -Promecting the ars Likaine Activity 7, p13121 port;2 such; 3 covers cevelopment Sideniity

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