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Res 2201

Problem Analysis and Research Method

Name: Rosemarie D. Obquia BSES 2-A

Instructor: Ian A. Navarrete, PhD

What is probabilistic and nonprobabilistic research

A probabilistic explanation is a type of reasoning that takes into account the

likelihood of an event occurring or the degree to which a person believes an event
or proposition to be true; in other words, probability can refer to either actual
events or to our level of belief in those events.

Nonprobability samples are those in which you do not have information on every
individual in the population under consideration. When each person in the
population does not have an equal chance of receiving an invitation to participate
is another way to put it.

A subjective way of selecting units from a population is known as non-probability

sampling. Non-probability sampling is a quick, simple, and affordable method of
collecting data because it doesn't call for a whole survey frame.

Nonprobability sampling differs from probability sampling in that it does not use
random selection, whereas probability sampling does.

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