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Lesson Number: 1

Grade: 1

Date: January 23, 2023

Subject: Integrated Studies

Unit: 1

Term: 2

Duration: 90 minutes

Focus Question: How do family members care for each other?

Topic: Caring for family members

Attainment Target: Recognize the contributions of individuals who have helped to

shape Jamaica’s development over time.


Students should be able to:

1. Identify ways in which family members care for each other.

2. Discuss the ways in which family members care for the physically challenged or
older members of the family.

3. Explain the importance of caring for each other.

5. Compose simple sentences to tell the importance of family members evaluation


6. Create and label a drawing to show different family members performing a caring

Instructional Materials: Pictures of family members caring for each other, Teacher-
Made video of family members

Engage: Students will be shown a pictures/interactive video of adults or different

family members caring for children and older people. At the end of the video, students
will be asked what the people in the pictures were doing and why.
Explore: Students will be asked to look at pictures showiumg different ways in hich
family members take care of each other. They will be asked to identify some other
ways in ewhich family care for one another. A discussion will then take place about
the ways in which family members care for the physically challenged or older
members of the family.

Explain and Elaborate: Students will be asked to tell and explain the importance of
family members caring for each other. They will be shown presentations showing
adults providing physical care for children for example buying clothes, transporting
them to school/doctor etc. They wil be asked to role play their experiences to show
how their family makes these provison for them.

They will be asked to write a prayer to thank the creator for caring for them.

Evalaute: Students will create and label a drawing to show different family members
performing a caring role. They will make a thank you card to a member of the family
who takes care of them.

Lesson Number: 2
Grade: 1

Date: January 24, 2023

Subject: Integrated Studies

Unit: 1

Term: 2

Duration: 90 minutes

Focus Question: How do family members care for each other?

Topic: Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of different family members.

Attainment Target: Recognize the contributions of individuals who have helped to

shape Jamaica’s development over time.


Students should be able to:

1. Define the terms, rights, roles and responsibility in their own words during the
engagement stage.

2. List at least 2 rights and responsibilities of different family members during

exploration activity.

3. Discuss the rights and responsibilities of family members during explanation


4. Distinguished between right and responsibilities during the explanation activity.

4. Explain the importance of roles, responsibilities and rights during elaboration


5. Compose simple sentences to tell the importance of family responsibliltiesr during

evaluation activity.

6. Create and label a drawing to show different family members doing their roles and
working together at home during the evaluation activity.

Skills: Discussing roles and responsibilities, Defining roles and responsibilities

Instructional Materials: Pictures of family, Teacher-Made video of family members

Engage: Students will be shown a interactive video showing different family

members doing different tasks together. The students will be asked to pay keen
attention to the video, as it is played twice. At the end of the video, students will be
asked different questions in relation to the video.

1. What do you call the group of people seen in the video?

2. How are they connected?
3. Who were some of the members identified in the video?
4. What were some of the tasks or activities that these individuals were seen
5. Why were the family members doing these different tasks or activities?
6. What do you think would happen if the mother and father in the video were
not around to complete these tasks within the family?

The students will then be given a meaning for the terms rights, roles and

Explore: Students will be shown a series of pictures of different family members

doing different chores or taking on other responsibilities around the house. Students
will be asked to identify the activity that each member is doing and who are the
people in their families who complete these tasks. A discussion will take place based
on questions which will be asked to the students. Students will then be asked
questions such as: ‘What roles does the father play in the family? What role does the
mother play? What role does the children play? How does each member of the family
help one another with their roles and responsibilities? Why is it important for each
member of the family to help one another?’

Explain: Students will be asked to tell what they understand about the different roles
that each member of the family does. They will be asked to explain ways in which
they believe each family member helps each other to survive. Questions such as;
‘What are some of the things that your parents or grandparents do for you everyday?
Who helps you to be able to get ready and come to school this morning? What are
some of the things that a family member did for you before coming to school? And
what do you think would happen if these family members were not around to help
you?’. They will be asked to tell the rights of different family members.
Elaborate: Students will be asked to tell the different tasks that each member in their
family does and to tell who else does some of the same tasks or how one family
member task is similar to that of another. Teacher will check to see if students are
doing the correct thing, then clear up any misconceptions that students may have.
Teacher will then tell students more ways in which family members are important to
us, why it is important for each member of the family to have a role and responsibility
and students will also be informed that when family members depend on each other
for any type of help or support, that is called interdependence.

Students will be given an activity to complete.

1. Write 2 sentences to tell the roles of your parents or guardian in your family.

2. Write a sentence telling how members in the family takes care of you.

3. Read the following and complete the activity below.

Sam lives with his mother, father and two sisters. Each member in Sam’s family has a
role to play. Sam and his sisters role is to help around the house with chores such as
washing the dishes and sweeping the yard. Sam’s father goes to work everyday while
mother cooks the food, takes care of the children and go shopping for grocery.

Mom’s Shopping List and cost of items

Items Cost

Milk $15

Eggs $8

Bread $80

Rice $10

Chicken $20

Orange Juice $10

1. How much did the eggs and juice cost all together?
2. How much does bread and orange juice cost?

Evaluate: Students will be asked to create a drawing depicting the members in their
family doing different chores and their roles and responsibilities. Students will be
asked to label their drawing by writing the names of each member of the family and
tell what role they are playing.

They will be given the activity below to complete.

Lesson Number: 3

Grade: 1

Date: January 25, 2023

Subject: Integrated Studies

Unit: 1

Term: 2

Duration: 120 minutes

Focus Question: How do family members care for each other?

Topic: Family Rules

Attainment Target: Recognize the contributions of individuals who have helped to

shape Jamaica’s development over time.

Students should be able to:

1. Define rules in their own words during the engagement stage.

2. Discuss at least 3 rules in their family or at home.
3. Identify 2 consequences for breaking any rules.
4. Explain why family has rules.
5. Distinguish between the impacts of following rules and not following rules
during elaboration stage.
6. Create a chart with a list of important rules that help in the school during
the evaluation activity.

Key Vocabulary: Rules, Instructions, Protect

Content: Rules can be described as the guidelines or instructions of doing something

correctly. They are the principles that govern the conduct or behaviour or a person in
an organization or country. Rules tells us the way things are to be done.

Rules are established to protect the weaker class of people in society. Rules are set in
accordance with the desired results. Rules are important to keep people safe.
Following certain rules helps to protect people from danger.

Skills: Identifying importance of rules

Instructional Materials: Teacher-made pictorial chart

Engage: Students will be engaged in a game of ‘Simon Says’. The teacher will give
them several instructions using ‘Simon Say’ as a command. The students who does an
action without the command “Simon Says’ will be the first ones out of the game.
They will be called to come stand at the front of the class. At the end of the game the
last person to be out, will be the winner. Students will then be asked questions in
relation to the game.

1. Why were the students standing at the front of the class the first ones to be out
of the game?
2. What did they do wrong?
3. Did they follow the correct way of playing the game? Why?
4. What do you think these students did differently from the person who won?
5. What do you think would happen differently if these students did exactly as
they were instructed?
6. What do we call the instructions that we must follow in order not to get in
7. How do you know what to do or not to do in the classroom?
8. What do we call the instructions that tells us how to behave?

Teacher will allow students to share their responses then clarify the definition of rules.

1. Explore: Students will be asked to tell some places that they know have rules.
They will be asked to tell some of these rules at these places. Students will
then be shown a story about someone disobeying rules. Students will then be
asked to identify some of the rules given in the story. They will then discuss
some rules in their family and talkk about who makes these rules. they see in
the picture.

Explain: Students will be given a scenario with several rules. They will be asked to
tell why it is important to follow these rules or the reason for following rules?

Students will be asked to tell the dangers of people disobeying the rules at family.

Elaborate: Students will be given a list of rules. They will be asked to tell where
these rules are normally set and some of the consequences people could face if they
do not follow the rules. Students will be given an activity to complete.

Activity 1. Write at least two rules family rules.

2. Match the words on the left with the correct antonyms on the right.

Respect Incorrect

Obey Misbehave

Responsible Inappropriate

Behave Irresponsible

Appropriate Disobey

3. Find the hidden rule by solving the following math problems. Each answer
matches a letter. For example, the answer 6 matches the letter S.
(S) 3+3= 6 (G) 11+22= (K) 9+2= (I)

(N) 13+61= (O) 4+3= (M) 34+14=

_____ __S__ ____ ____ _____ ______ _____ ______

74 7 6 48 7 11 28 74 33

Evaluate: Students will engage in a little quiz call ‘Name the Rules”. Students will
listen to the questions being asked on the speaker and wait their turn to correctly
answer the questions. They then be asked to design a creative piece or chart with
some rules that they must follow.

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