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SALTY SEADEVIL alifaux’s cecans are relatively unexplored territory but there is something haunting about them. Just like the vast sheets of dark water covering much of Earth, these places hold an allure that no imagination can resist for long. Most believe the sailers’ tales and stcries of pirates, plunder, and underwater beasts are things of the past, whose chapter has come ane ended, In truth, these stories are only just beginning, With the Gibbering Hordes’ arrival and consequent infestacion in the Adantic, oceanographers, scientist, and biologists have come to a dreadful conclusion; ifsuch monsters came from Malifaux, what other threats lie beneath the realm’s uncharted oceans? Exploration has ‘been slow; researchers kave struggled to convince patrons how critical itis that Earth understands the full extent of threats Malifaux’s environs pose, Scientists with means have taken to charting the waters themselves; others ‘weave stories to creditors about the unclaimed economic ‘opportunities and slip away through the Breach. Some even go so far as to whisper about treasure glittering beneath the dark, mirrar-like oceans. These stories are the siren-song that keeps scrip flowing into the researchers’ pockets. Each week sees aquatic pioneers forging their way lauds fs not without incredible dange-s, but they pale in comparison to what Earth might one ‘day have to sutler. To these academies, finding a way to combat the monstrous Gibbering Hordes Earth-side is worth every sacrifice. y. Traversing Malifaun’s wilde When the attacks began, most didn't give it a sec: ‘ond thought. Death was nothing especially in Malifaus. It wasn’t until ships slougaed into the har. bor, hulls torn open and crew missing that folks began to take sar the oper. ocean. Now only the well-armed, or insane take to these cursed waters notice and desperat Something had called them to the shores, and they were not the only ones that answered © 200.2019, Wd Mine LL Salty Seadevil Enforcer (8), Living, Beast Might Grace Speed | Resience 3 1 2 1 Charm | Inielct | Cunning | Tenacity 5 r 1 1 Defense Walk Height | Initiative £(12) 5 2 5(13) Willpower | Charge | Wounds a1) 7 10 Skills: Pugilism 2, Notice 1, Intimidate 4, Auhletics 2, Stealth 4, Toughness 2, Acrobatics 1 Grappling 1, Wilderness 3. Hard to Wound +1: Damage fips aguins this character sulfler 6. eee ree et ete cee ee reduced while swimming, andl it ean take the Charge Actioa while underwater, I'it resolves ct nena eta Pugilism as 4nd the target must sueceed on a “IN 10 Evade Ducl or reduce their Focused and feces ortatoetesO Rancid Mucus: This characteris immune the Poison Condition, Attackers that target i with atleast one Close Combat attack gain Poison +1 after resolving any such action. (1) Angler Jaws and Claws (Pugilism) AV: 5 (13) Rg 2 Resist: Df “Target sullers 3/4/5 damage. X Chum the Waters: When damaging the target, this attack’s Damage Flip gains ® if the target suffered any Damage this round. (2) Projectile Vomit (Thrown Weapons) AV: 19) Ree 6 Resist: DE “Target suffers |/1@ 2% &. Characters damaged by this attack gain Slow and Poison +1 X Bffluvia: Enemy characters hit by this attack o its blasts suffer to all Ranged Combat ard Magical Skills until the start of this character's Salty Seadevil ‘The Salty Seadevil is intended t0 give adventurers the feeling of being stranded, circled by a predator that only strikes when the time is perfect. A splash, a roar, and screams cut short are the only evidence of an attack. along with the occasional freshly. sev bloody frothing water, of course. As these creatures are it will di limb and normally found only in Malifaus’s wettest are fall to the Fatemaster on incorporating a Seadevil into their campaigns while ensuring the besst’s abilities can sul shine, Te drives in areas with Tots of water, where its Aquatic Hunter Talent ‘ets it move fast and hit very, very hard, Coordinated attacks might be enough to drive the ‘creature underwater lor a bit, Dut the Seadeval will make an explosive re-entrance whenever a Fated’s guard is down, Ambush predators through and through, these oversized anglers should have Fated always checking over their shoulders and fearing every puddle they come across. Ofcourse, if you're looking to make your big fish abit more flavorful, feel free to use some of the additional special rules: become a true ambush predator with Hunter Under the Water, drag dinner effthe side of a boat with the aptly- named Watery Grave Trigger, or just be extra seary with ‘Terrifying. Whatever you choose to do with your new Seadevil, remember: just adel water! a ADD-ONS 11 you would ike to make the Salty Seadsvil more of a challenge in your advsnture, fel fre to add any oral ofthese addtional options to spice things up Hunter Under the Water: If his characteris fly fashion before the Iniiatve Flip, it may merge im mediately anywnere ajacent ots body of water afer the Initatve Flip (before characters begin resolving thei urn in order) and make an Angler Jaws and Clava attack. This atack gains to the Attack lp Watery Grave (Angler Jaws and Claws # ‘eigger: Afr damaging, the taetis raged below the water Gf applicable), Each round, che eangee must take an Opposed Grappling Check. On a faire, the character gains Suffocation +1 and Paralyzed. On See area tal Daren ey Seadevil and can ac as normal during their turn “Teevifying (Living 11) tmost pas a TN 11 IL inemy Living characters or Duel when they end their tum within chs character's engagement range oF target this character with a harmful ation

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