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Soil Mechanics

CBE 421

Lecture # 6
Soil Compaction

Building & Construction Department

High Institute of Engineering
6thf October city
 Benefits & Applications of Soil Compaction

 Factors Controlling Compaction

 Laboratory Compaction Tests

 Field Compaction
 Soil Compaction
Is a rapid reduction in the air voids under a
dynamic load of short duration.
 Applications (examples):
 Soil replacement
 Earth dams & Embankments
 Pavement structures
 Benefits of compaction:
 Increase soil’s strength
 Reduce soil settlement
 Reduce soil permeability
 Soil compaction is measured in terms of its
dry density where:
𝛾𝑑 =
Factors Controlling Compaction

 Water Content

 Energy Of Compaction

 Soil Type
 When water is added to the soil during compaction,
it acts as a softening agent on the soil particles. The
soil particles slip over each other and move into a
densely packed position.

Air Air

Water Water

Solids Solids

Loose soil Compacted soil

 The dry density – water content relationship (Compaction
Curve) passes through 4 phases during compaction:

 1. Hydration
soil particles absorb water to
saturate particles + provide
minor lubrication, 𝛾𝑑 increases
 2. Lubrication
water forms thin films around
particles, acts as lubricant, 𝛾𝑑
increases, densest packing
 3. Swelling
adding more water causes
solid particles to move away
from each other, 𝛾𝑑 decreases

 4. Saturation
adding more water fills most
of the voids between particles,
𝛾𝑑 , sample is close to
 From compaction curve, get:
 𝛾𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = maximum dry density
 OMC = optimum moisture content


Ɣ dry (gm/ cm^3)





4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
W.C. %
 As the compaction energy increases:
1. 𝛾𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑥 increases
2. O.W.C. decreases

𝐸1 <𝐸2 <𝐸3
 Different soil types compacted at the same energy:
OWC clay > OWC silt > OWC sand > OWC gravel

As the O.W.C. is at end of

lubrication stage. Lubrication
is directly proportional to the
surface area of solid particles
 To draw 100% saturation curve, substitute Sr = 1 (𝑛𝑎 =
 100% saturation curve never intersect compaction
𝐺𝑠 1 − 𝑛𝑎 𝛾𝑤
𝛾𝑑 =
1 + 𝑤𝐺𝑠
Gs  w Gs  w Gs  w
 ZAV   
1 e 1
wGs 1  wGs
1. Standard Proctor Test
2. Modified Proctor Test
Standard Proctor Modified Proctor

Diameter of mold 4” 4”
Volume of mold 1/30 ft3 1/30 ft3
No. of layers 3 Layers 5 Layers
Weight of hummer 2.5 kg 4.5 kg

Falling distance 12” (30.5 cm) 18” (45.7 cm)

No. of blows/
25 blows/ layer 25 blows/ layer
Energy 593 KJ/m3 2682 KJ/m3

• KJ = kN * m
 Soil is compacted in layers, 20 to 30 cm thick.
 Based on laboratory defined compaction curves, target
field water content is defined to obtain target field dry
 Equipment for field compaction
 Smooth-wheel rollers (Static compaction)
 Rubber-tired roller
 Sheep foot rollers (Kneading compaction)
 Vibratory rollers
 Vibratory plates
1. Smooth-wheel roller 2. Pneumatic roller
3. Sheep foot roller 4. Vibratory roller
5. Impact roller
 In most specifications, it is required to achieve a dry density
not less than 95% of maximum dry density obtained from
standard or modified Proctor tests.
 This is a specification for relative compaction:
𝛾𝑑 𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑
 Relative Compaction = 𝑥 100
𝛾𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑥

 Field dry density can be determine by conducting “Sand Cone

I. Lab work
 The weight of sand filling the cone (Wc)
 The density of the sand (γsand)
I. Field work
 The weight of the sand filling the hole (Wh)
Wh = W1- W2 – Wc
W1 = the weight of sand cone before pouring in the hole
W2 = the weight of sand cone after pouring in the hole
 The in-situ density (γbulk )
Vh =
γbulk =
 Examples (1)
The following results were obtained from a standard
compaction test. Plot the compaction curve. Find the
maximum dry density and corresponding optimum
moisture content. Plot also zero and 5 % air voids curves.
Take Gs = 2.68.
 Solution:

Gs  w (1 - n a )
d 
1 w Gs
 From the compaction curve:

 𝛾𝑑 (max) = 1.813 t/m3

 O.W.C. = 15.4 %
 Examples (2)
Results of a compaction test are given. If the
minimum allowed degree of compaction is 95 %, find
the range of water content which can be applied.
Assume that in-situ compaction is carried out using
the same energy as that used in the test.
From the compaction curve :
 d (max .)  1.88 t/m 3
O.M .C.  14 %
 d (in  situ )
R.C. 
 d (max .)
 d (in  situ )
 0.95 
 d (in  situ )  1.786 t/m 3
Range of water content
which can be applied :11.55 to 16.7 %
 Examples (3)
The sand cone test is used for determining the in-situ density of soil . The following
data are obtained. Find the in-situ dry density of the soil.
Lab work
Determination of the Weight of Sand Filling The Cone (Wc)

Wc = 45 gm
Determine oF The Bulk Density OF Sand (γsand)
γsand (gm/cm3 ) =1.92
Field work
The weight of excavated soil (𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 ) = 1676 gm
The weight of sand cone before pouring in the hole (W1) = 9912 gm
The weight of sand cone after pouring in the hole (W2) =8145 gm
W.C.% = 8.6

𝑊ℎ = 𝑊1 − 𝑊2 − 𝑊𝑐 = 9912 – 8145 – 45 = 1722 gm

Wh 1772
Vh = = = 896.9 cm3
γsand 1.92

Wexcavated 1676
γbulk = = = 1.87 gm/ c𝑚3
Vh 896.9

γb 1.87
γd = = = 1.72 gm/ c𝑚3
1 + Wc 1 + 0.086

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