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Lambunao National High School

SHS Department

Name: ________________________________ Section: ___________ Score: ______________

(Exponential Equation)

Part 1: SOLVE for the following value of the given Exponential Equation. Example: 33 = 27 [2 pts each]

1. 10 = _____ 4. 43 =_____ 7. 62 =_____

2. 21 = _____ 5. 52 =_____ 8. 73 =_____

3. 32 = _____ 6. 23 =_____ 9. 30 =_____

Part 2: GIVE the exponential equation of the given number. Example: 27 = 33 [2 pts each]
1. 36 = _____ 4. 25 =_____ 7. 27 =_____

2. 4 = _____ 5. 9. =_____ 8. 73 =_____

3. 16 = _____ 6. 8 =_____ 9. 30 =_____

Part 3: FIND for the value of x in the given exponential equation. [5 pts each]

1. 2x = 4 2. 3a = 27

Bonus: [2 pts each]

___________1. What is the one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agree is between
heaven and earth? What is it?
___________2. What letter comes next: O T T F F S S ?
___________3. What common English verb becomes its own past tence by rearranging its letters?
___________4. It occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in an hour.
___________5. If a rooster lays an egg on the exact peak of a barn, which side does it fall?

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