Examen de Ingles

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Fecha: Nombre y apellido: Año y sección:


1. Complete con la frase verbal correspondiente:

Bring up Look after Look down on Put up with Fall for

Settle down Get along Break up Hit on Go out.

a. John loves her, but _________ because she doesn´t love him.
b. She loves her country, but she must _________ in another country for work
c. My friend was __________ my sister the last weekend.
d. we was friends for long time, but we begin to________, we have 7 months in
falling love.
e. David ________ Maria as soon as met her. They are engaged since then.
f. Maria can't ____________ when her husband tickles her.
g. Andres must ____________ the children while his wife is sick.
h. My grandparents ____________ me because my parents was very busy.
i. He _______ on people who smoke.
j. You must learn_______ with the other guest.

2. Selecciona:

Grow up Pick on Take after Fall out Look up to

3. Responde:

a. What´s your sister love situation?

b. What’s your love situation?
c. What’s Mrs. Emilia love situation?
d. What’s your best friend love situation?
e. Tell a break up lines.

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