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Importance of Climate, Soil, and Water in Tree northern slope.

If early blossoming is desired

Crop Production and when there is danger of typhoons which
might destroy trees, consider planting on the
Good judgment and efficiency are needed to
southern slope.
succeed in tree farming Several factors must be
considered in order to prosper in this kind of Types and Drainage of Soil
activity. Experienced fruit tree growers consider
- Fruit and tree crops grow in all types of soil
climate, soil, temperature, and humidity as
provided these are not sandy, rocky, shallow
factors that contribute to successful tree
or wet. The roots of trees must deeply
penetrate the soil. The soil must be properly
Climate drained and have a good texture. Good
texture means that it is fine and mellow, not
- Different tree species grow best in certain
hard or lumpy.
climatic conditions. The different climatic
conditions wherein trees are exposed to Different Methods of Plant Propagation
include rainfall, sunshine, high temperature.
Sexual Propagation of Plants
low temperature, humidity, and wind.
- Of all the above-mentioned conditions. long - Propagation by Seeds
light rain is the most suitable for tree crops - Seed propagation is the most common and
because water penetrates the soil and keep easy method of propagating plants. In
it moist for a certain period of time. propagating fruit trees, the use of seed is not
- Temperature affects the growth of crops. A advisable because of the varying
high temperature ripens fruits before they characteristics of plant seedlings.
should and affects the fruit tissues. Fruits spoil - Propagation by seed is, however, practical
easily and the color and taste are affected in these instances:
by heat.
1. Seeds are used by plant breeders who
Soil need a large seedling population with
different characteristics from which they
- Soil is the material that holds the tree and
select good varieties.
provides it with water and nutrients in order
to grow. The roots of a tree anchor to the soil. 2. Seeds are used by nursery men who need
The roots also absorb nitrogen, phosphorus, a large seedling population as rootstocks for
potassium, and other nutrients which the certain outstanding varieties.
tree needs to live. Leaves and organic
materials improve the texture and fertility of Asexual Propagation
the soil. - Asexual propagation is done without the
- The best kind of soil for fruit and tree crop help of the sex organs of the plant. In the
growing is dry, warm, porous, sandy, and asexual method, plants multiply in different
loamy. ways, as follows.
- Growing of fruit and tree crops in sticky soil
or clay is not advisable because it is wet,
cold, and slow to dry after the rain. By suckers which are stems or roots that grow
Water from a subterranean portion of a plant or tree.

- Water has an important role in the life of - Banana

plants. Water is very much needed in the - Strawberry
formation of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, By rhizomes or creeping stems which produce
minerals, and other nutrients and in roots along their surface and develop new
transporting these elements from the leaves plants from buds on the upper side.
of the tree to the roots, trunks, branches, and
fruits. These nutrients must first dissolve in - Ginger
water before they are absorbed into the
By underground runners or ratoons
tree body.
- sugarcane and pineapple.
- Water is also used in transplanting crops.
Water supply must be below the level of the
By the germinating tissues of the leaves which
tree plantation and surfaced by means of
come in contact with the damp surface of the
stand pipes and s reservoir.
- If late blossoming or ripening of fruit is
- Begonia
desired, planting should be done on the
By rootstocks through which the plants
reproduce by division and separating some of Steps in Marcotting
its roots. 1. Remove a ring of the bark below the
- Orchids and other herbaceous plants node 3-5 centimeters long.
2. Scrape the cambium layer but not too
By tubers which are thickened stems, bearing deep into the wood to prevent healing
buds or nodelike scars. before root formation takes place.
- Sweet potato and yam 3. After callus formation has taken place,
wrap the cut surface with a moist, but not
By bulbs, which are modified leaves folded wet sphagnum moss. If sphagnum moss
around one another. is not available, use moistened soil and
- Garlic and Onions wrap with coconut husk.
4. Cover securely with plastic and tie
Methods of Artificial Plant Propagation around on both ends with a cotton twine
to prevent the drying of the rooting
New plants are produced and multiplied by medium. When using wrapping material
cutting. other than plastic, water the marcot
regularly to prevent the drying and
Asexual plant propagation is an artificial hardening of the soil.
method of propagating plants through which 5. When enough roots grow, cut off the
new plants are produced and multiplied by marcot just below the ball of sphagnum
using the parts and buds of selected mother moss or soil that holds the roots. For plants
plants. that root easily, this can be as short as
one month.
Artificial plant propagation is done by: 6. After cutting the marcot, place in a pot
A. Cutting. New plants are produced and big enough to provide sufficient room for
multiplied by cutting and planting parts the roots to develop further before
of the plant. The plant propagated is a transplanting to the field.
"cutting." The different cuttings used are 7. Place in a cool and shady place to
tubers, stems, leaf, and root and hasten recovery.
D. Grafting. This is an artificial plant
a. Tuber Cutting - Thickened portions of the leaf propagation through which a stem of
or stems are used in propagation. one plant, called the "scion" (top
b. Stem Cutting - This is used in propagating portion), is inserted into the rootstock of
annuals and perennials. another plant, so that the two will unite
c. Leaf Cutting - To start a new plant, the blade and grow together as one plant. The
leaf and petioles are used. Plants that develop scion and rootstock must be compatible
germinal tissues from the leaves are for them to unite permanently.
propagated by this method.
d. Root and Rootstock Cutting - Plants that tend - Grafting is classified into cleft, side, whip or
to grow sucker sprouts from the roots can be tongue, saddle, bark, and crown grafting.
propagated this way. For fruit growers, cleft grafting is most
commonly used.
Kataka-taka – propagates through leaf cutting. - Cleft grafting is used when grafting a new
top of a tree which is several years old."
B. Layering. A part or branch of the tree is
introduced into the soil to develop roots
while being fed by the parent plant.

C. Marcotting. In marcotting, the stems are

induced to take roots while still attached
to the mother plant.
Steps in Cleft Grafting Steps in Inarching
1. Select a clean, smooth limb between 2 to 3 1. Select an actively growing rootstock and
cm in diameter and saw it off. bring it to the branch you intend to graft.
2. With a sharp narrow blade, split the stub 2. Cut a longitudinal slit half its thickness on the
through the middle, taking care to make a branch, and make a similar cut on the scion.
clean slit. Then fit them together.
3. Cut two scions with three buds each and 3. Tie firmly with a string or cotton twine.
about 10 to 15 cm. Sharpen the lower end of 4. Cut the scion below the point of union, and
each scion to form a long, evenly tapering the rootstock above the union when the two
wedge. have been united. Make the first cut about
4. Open the cleft in the stub by forcing a chisel half the thickness of the scion stem.
or any similar instrument into its center. 5. Make the second cut after a week.
5. Insert the wedge-shaped end of a scion so 6. If the scion does not show any sign of wilting
that its innermost bark lies against the after the second cut, cut it off completely.
innermost bark of the split stub. Except for the regular watering of the
6. Cover all cut surfaces immediately with soil. rootstock, no other treatment is needed for
Let both scions grow from one to two years. inarched plants after they are tied together.

E. Budding. This method makes use of a Proper Methods of Germinating Seeds of Fruit
single bud as the scion instead of the and Tree Crops
stem bearing several buds. It is
transferring the lateral bud from the Many tropical and subtropical variety of fruits
scion to the stock of the same family or are propagated from seeds. The hard covering
genus. It is generally used on young of most seeds makes it necessary to propagate
plants or smaller branches of large plants before they are planted. Some seeds such as
where the buds can be inserted into the coconut, mango, or mabolo which are left
shoots 1 to 3 cm in diameter. The most on the ground under the tree are covered by
common form of budding are shield, dry rotting leaves. The tough seed coat which
patch, plate, and chip budding. are kept moist, softens during the rainy season
and the seed germinates. Other kinds of seeds
Steps in T-Budding need special preparation to germinate before
1. Pick well-developed buds from the terminal planting.
growth of a variety.
2. Clip off the leaves immediately to stop Common ways of seed germination are as
evaporation. follows:
3. Select a smooth area and cut a T-shaped slit 1. Stratification, Seeds are placed between
through the bark. layers of moist sand following these steps:
4. Insert the bud and cut a bud from the bud a. Fill the bottom of a shallow box 8 to 12
stalk with a shield-shaped piece of bark and cm with at least 3 cm of sand.
a very thin layer of wood under the slit. Slip b. Place a thin layer of seeds on top of the
the bud on the stock and shove it into sand.
position. c. Follow this with another 3 cm of sand.
5. Tie the bud securely above and below with Continue filling the box alternately with
a soft cord and a plastic sheet or raffia. sand and seeds until the box is filled up
6. If union has taken place after two weeks, cut to the rim.
the raffia on the side away from the bud to d. Bury the box up to its rim in a well-
prevent girdling. A living bud is greenish in drained space outdoors and cover
color, while a dead one is blackish. with straw or place under the shade of
7. Cut the stock smoothly when it reaches the a tree.
height of 30 cm. Cover the surface with pine e. Keep the sandbox barely moist, not
tar or house paint to prevent decay. wet.

F. Inarching. In this method of 2. Freezing. This method hastens the

propagation, the scion is made to unite germination of seeds. It is most Tapplicable to
with the rootstock while growing on their fruits with many seeds such as chico, atis,
own root systems. Inarching is usually kaimito, santol, and mabolo.
done on branches where the scion stem
is of the same size as the rootstock.
3. Use of seed boxes. Before sowing the seeds Fishery Tools and Their Uses
in the seed box, make small furrows for the
seeds. Fishery Farm Tools
a. Use a piece of wood about 2 inches There are different types of hand tool which
wide and 1/2 inch thick to measure designed for specific purposes. It was used
and mark the rows. The space throughout the world by industry. Each hand
between rows should be about two tool is designed for a particular job and should
to four centimeters. be used for those purposes only.
b. Press the top of the wooden stick on
the soil lightly, making a U-shaped Classification of hand tools according to use
furrow. Then press deeper into the soil
to the desired depth and remove. - Hand tools can be classified into four different
Repeat the procedure as needed. sections according to various purposes and
c. Sow the seeds evenly and thinly after uses.
the furrows are made.
d. Cover the seeds with pulverized soil. 1. Cutting, Pinching, Gripping Tools
Press the soil into the hole and water - these tools are used for cutting, pinching,
the seeds. and gripping purposes. Cutting tools are
e. Keep the seed box in a shady place used not only to cut a physical object but
until they have sprouted. During the also used to removed metal or wood from
dry season, cover the box with a the work piece by means of sheer
sheet of paper to keep the moisture deformation and for gripping objects by
and prevent the soil from drying. using leverage. Examples are pliers and
4. Use of seedbeds. Use a stick to make
2. Striking Tools
furrows in the seedbeds for the seeds. Sow
- these are the most widely used tools and
the seeds and sprinkle with water before
most often abused tool. Chiseling, punching
covering them, following the same
and riveting can be done properly using
procedure in germinating seeds in seed striking tools. Hand-held striking tools have
boxes. been used in a variety of disciplines as
leverage devices provided striking force to
complete endless variety of tasks. Examples
Germinating Seeds in Cans or Plastic Bags are hammers and chisels.
1. Prepare germinating tin cans or plastic
bags by removing top lid of the can. 3. Driving Tools
Puncture holes at the bottom for - these are tools designed to insert, tighten,
drainage. If plastic bags were used, cut loosen, and remove screws, bolt, nails and
holes at the bottom. other pointed objects or hard turn items by
2. Prepare a germinating medium. Use a applying torque. Examples are screwdrivers,
mix by weights of 40% clay-loam soil. 30% nut drivers, hand wrenches, and T-handle
compost, 20% dung or manure and 10% wrenches.
sand. Pulverize the soil before adding the
other components. Mix thoroughly for 4. Struck or Hammered Tools
best results. - these tools are used for forcing a bolt, pin, or
3. Fill the tin cans or plastic bags with the rivet in or out of a hole. Examples are
mixture 3/4 full. punches, nail sets, and chisels.
4. Arrange the cans properly in the nursery.
5. Moisten the soil mixture by sprinkling
water evenly.
6. Prepare the seeds for sowing. Wash to
remove dirt and pulp.
Different kinds of hand tools
A. Pliers B. Wrenches
- Pliers are a hand tool used to hold - Wrench is a tool, usually operated by
objects firmly, for bending, compression. hand, for tightening bolts and nuts. A
Generally, pliers consist of a pair of metal wrench or nut so that it can be twisted
first-class levers joined at a fulcrum by a pull at right angles to the axes of the
positioned closer to one end of the lever and the bolt or nut. Open-end
levers, creating short jaws on one side of wrenches have ends with straight-sided
the fulcrum, and longer handles on the slots that fit over the part being
other side. This arrangement creates a tightened; box-end wrenches have ends
mechanical advantage, allowing the that enclose the nut and have six, eight,
force of the hand's grip to be amplified 12, or 16 points inside the head. A socket
and focused on an object with precision. wrench is essentially a short pipe with a
The jaws can also be used to manipulate square or hexagonal hole and either a
objects too small or unwieldy to be permanent or a removable handle.
manipulated with the fingers. or physical
Classification of Wrenches
Types of Pliers 1. Pipe wrenches
Slip-joint pliers - It is use in plumbing for gripping
- are great for tightening. They have a round or cylindrical shape.
joint which can be used for two different 2. General-use wrenches
width openings. They are the most - it is use in bolts and nuts that have flat
common type of pliers used at home. and parallel surfaces such as square or
hexagonal shape.
Parrot nose wrench pliers-
- are noted for their grip. They are a Types of wrenches
combination of pliers and pipe wrenches Combination wrench
with 750 offset noses. These kinds of pliers - is double-ended wrench with one end
are ideal for pipes and tubings. being like an open-end wrench and the
other end like a box-end wrench. Both
General utility or water pump pliers ends usually fit the same size or bolt. They
- are all-purpose pliers with as many as five are made in metric and standard sizes.
jaw-opening adjustments. Their teeth
shaped for positive grip on round Adjustable wrench
objects. - is use for tightening or loosening nuts
and bolts, having movable lower jaw to
Groove joint pliers adjust wrench size, depending on the
- are similar to slip joint pliers having size of the nuts or bolts.
several joints to fit many jobs of various
sizes. They are also referred as Channel Socket wrench
lock. - are like closed end wrenches but they
are cylindrical in shape. They can easily
Needle-nose pliers- fit over nut in a recessed hole which is
- used for reaching places with restricted otherwise inaccessible with open or
clearance. These kinds of pliers have a closed ended wrenches.
pointed nose and may have side cutters.
They are typically used for all electrical Flare-nut wrench or tube wrench
and electronics works. - or line wrench are almost same as box
end wrench and were used for gripping
Plumber's special pliers the nuts on the ends of tubes. They have
- are available with smooth jaws or jaws narrow openings to allow the wrench to
covered with a soft material to prevent fit over the tubes.
scratching when used on plated
plumbing fixtures.
C. Hammer Types of screwdrivers
- A hammer is a tool meant to deliver an
impact to an object. The most common Philips
uses are for driving nails, fitting parts, - has a crossed slot with a flat tip, it used
forging metal and breaking up objects. for tightening and loosening Philips' head
Hammers are often designed for a screws and bolts.
specific purpose, and vary widely in their
shape and structure. The usual features Clutch Head
are a handle and a head, with most of - is used for tightening and loosening
the weight in the head. The basic design clutch head screws and bolts. It has four
is hand-operated, but there are also points of contact and locks into the
many mechanically operated models screw head when turned counter
for heavier uses, such as steam clockwise.
Standard (slotted)
Types of hammers - has a single slotted tip which is flared to
the sides above the tip and used for
Curved Claw Hammer tightening and loosening slotted screws
- is use for nail pulling and general and bolts.
carpentry work.
Nut Driver
Straight claw rip hammer - is in varied sizes from 3/16|| to ½ used
- is mainly use for general and heavy for tightening and loosening hexagonal
carpentry work, ripping and framing. screws and bolts.

Hand drilling hammer E. Measuring Tools

- is design to do powerful jobs like striking Types of Measuring Tools
masonry nails, steel chisels masonry drills.
Try square
Ball peen hammer - Is an L-shaped square having a a handle
- is used for bending or shaping soft metal, called the bodies and a thin metal blade
for riveting and for center punching This marked in graduations scale/ruler. This
type of hammer has a round face with square is used basically to mark a
beveled edges and the other end has a straight line across a wood piece for
ball-shaped peen for metal working. cutting.

D. Screwdrivers Ruler
- A screwdriver is a tool for driving screws - is the most popular type of measuring
or bolts with special slots, and sometimes tool. Ruler usually has 6- or 1-inches
for rotating other machine elements with length. The rules or ruler are made of
the mating drive system. The screwdriver wood, metal or plastic. It is to be noted
is made up of a head or tip, which that the thinner the rule, the easier it is to
engages with a screw, a mechanism to measure accurately.
apply torque by rotating the tip, and
some way to position and support the Caliper
screwdriver. A typical hand screwdriver - Caliper is a tool used for measuring the
comprises an approximately cylindrical distance between two symmetrically
handle of a size and shape to be held by opposing sides. It can be like a compass
a human hand, and an axial shaft fixed with inward or outward facing points
to the handle, the tip of which is shaped and the tips can be adjusted to fit across
to fit a particular type of screw. the points to be measured. When the
calipers removed, the distance between
the tip is measured using a ruler,
F. Shovel
Level head rake
Types of shovels - is much the same as a how rake, except
that the back of the head is straight and
Garden shovel even, and connects to the handle in the
- the same general design as a round center. Its straight edge is used for
point shovel, but it is smaller and lighter. leveling seedbeds. The corners may also
It is used for lighter task and for less be used for creating furrows.
muscular persons.
Pick and mattock
Round point shovel - is used for seriousdigging through hard
- The most versatile and widely used packed soil and clay. The pick (pointed
shovel. It is used to dig, scoop or shovel end) or the mattock (wide blade) is used
dirt from one point to another to chop down, into the soil, and the
cradle design of the head can then be
Scoop shovel used as a lever to break open the soil,
- is used to move light materials such as allowing for easy shoveling.
Sawdust or dried manure. It isn't
advisable to use for heavy wet materials Sickle
because of the volume that can hold - is a curved, hand-held farm tool typically
which will cause you backache. used for harvesting grain crop or cutting
grass for hay. The inside of the curve is
G. Fork sharp, so that the user can draw or swing
Types of Fork the blade against the base of the crop,
catching it in the curve and slicing it at
Barn fork the same time.
- has long angled tines. Besides hay, it is
also used for moving garden pruning, Pruning saw
weeds, and other organic materials. - has large cutting teeth than a normal
saw for quick cuts through branches and
Spading fork limbs over an inch in diameter. Always
- performs multitude of garden tasks. undercut the branch before making the
Primarily, it is used for tilling the soil and final top cut to avoid damage to the
breaking up heavy dirt clods. It is bark of the tree or shrub
invaluable in weeding large areas where
there is no danger of injuring the roots of Secchi disk
desirable plants. It comes in many sizes; - is used to measure water turbidity. The
long or short handles; different tine reading is sometimes called Secchi Disk
length; and number of tines. The tines of Transparency. Productive ponds usually
less expensive brands tend to bend so it have a Secchi Disk Transparency depth
is worth investing on quality when you between 10-30 cm.
make your choice.

Other tools use for farming

Bow rake
- is traditionally called steel rake. Its head
may be bent where from 8inches to 24
inches wide. The head is connected to
the handle by a steel _bow' at each end.
These bows act as shock absorbers,
giving this tool the strength to do serious
raking of heavier materials.
Caregiving has an easy-to-read gauge which
- Caregiving is providing care or functions in any position.
assistance to a person who may be ill,
disabled, or needs help with his/her day- Stethoscope
to-day activities. This may also refer to - This is an instrument used for listening to
providing care for physical and the action or beating of the heart with a
emotional needs of a family member or circular piece usually placed against the
a friend at home. There are home for the chest with tube leading to earpieces.
aged which house these people for an
immediate care from qualified Clinical thermometer
caregivers who are paid for their - This is an instrument used for measuring
services. body temperature which is made of
glass narrowing above the bulb so that
- A caregiver is a person who provides the mercury column stays in position
assistance to any person who cannot even when the instrument is removed
live alone by himself/herself due to some from the body.
developmental, physical, or
psychological needs (Ilagan, 2013). The For Cleaning, Washing and Ironing
services of a caregiver is important and
that his/her services give assurance to Bottle Sterilizer
the client that he/she can still live a - This is used to sterilize bottles through
healthy life with his/her cooperation. It is boiling to destroy microorganisms in
necessary for the caregiver to provide containers like feeding bottles.
compassion and patience which is
equally important to the skills and Baby bath tub
techniques he/she must possess in caring - This is used for bathing infants especially
for the client. those who are not yet able to sit up on
their own. Some baby bath tubs are
designed to allow the baby to recline
Lesson 1: Caregiving Tools, Materials and
while keeping his head from out of the
- One of the most important tasks of a
caregiver is to make sure that he/she
- This is usually made up of metal, glass, or
can identify and use the appropriate
plastic used for toileting of a bedridden
tools, materials, equipment and
patient. This can be used both for urinary
paraphernalia that are applicable to the
and fecal discharge.
specific job. As a future caregiver, being
well-versed with the different tools and
Washing machine.
equipment will prepare you to be
- It is an electric appliance used for
successful in the health care profession
washing clothes and linen.
Flat iron or clothes iron
For Taking Vital Signs
- This is another appliance which is used to
iron or press clothes, draperies and other
BP Apparatus Aneroid
linen and used along with ironing board.
- This is mercury-free aneroid unit which
Ironing board
consists of a cuff that can be applied
- This is a long, narrow padded board with
with one hand for self-testing, a
collapsible supporting legs and used as
stethoscope that is built or attached,
a working surface in ironing clothes and
and a bulb which inflates and deflates
other linen.
automatically with the data displayed. It
Lesson 2: Performing Calculations
For Meal Preparation - In this lesson you are expected to learn
- A caregiver must also have the how to perform calculations related to
knowledge and skills in preparing the administering medicine to patients. You
food for his/her client or person under cannot afford to commit mistake here
his/her care. Meal preparation is very for that could mean life or death to a
important as this affects the health and patient.
nutrition of the person, especially the
sick. Moreover, he/she must be familiar Performing Calculations
with the appropriate tools and - It is not enough that a caregiver
equipment used in food preparation identifies all the tools and materials in
caregiving. He/She also has to learn how
Food processor to administer medicines to the patient. It
- This is a multi-purpose tool which is used is very important that the right amount of
for chopping shredding, and pureeing medicine is given to the patient. This a
food ingredients. great factor for the speedy recovery of
the sick. Conversion from one unit to
Coffee maker another when applicable in giving
- This is an electric countertop appliance medicine must be a part of the
which brews coffee automatically. knowledge that the caregiver has to
Air pot or thermos
- This is a storage vessel provided with - The manner and system of measurement
insulation material which keeps its are part of our daily activities at home or
contents hotter or cooler than its in school. In organizing our tasks,
surrounding for a longer period of time. preparing our meals, we need to
perform calculations to ensure that we
Blender do not put our lives at stake.
- It is an electric kitchen or laboratory
appliance which is used to mix, make A review of our mathematical skills is
puree, or emulsify food and other similar necessary especially in the safe
substances. administration of medicines to our patient.
The knowledge we have in ratio and
Electric can opener proportion shall be very useful.
- It is a very useful device used in opening
canned goods with ease, accuracy and In administering the medicine, there are
safety. three measurement systems that are used in
pharmacology: the household
Knife measurement system, the metric system,
- This is a cutting tool with an exposed and the apothecary system.
cutting sharp edge used to cut or slice
vegetables, fruits, meat and other kinds For patients who are only at home and not
of food. in hospital, the household measurement
system is usually used. Teaspoons, drops,
Kitchen shears ounces, cups, pints quart, gallons, and
- These are useful in opening food pounds are included as measurements
packages, cutting tape or string of used under the household measurement
packed foods, or removing tags or labels system.
from items.
The apothecary measurement system has
Chopping board weight measurements like dram, ounce,
- This is used for cutting or chopping meat grain (gr), scruple, and pound. The volume
or vegetables and is made of flat, units of measurement in the apothecary
wooden or plastic board measurement system are a fluid ounce, a
pint, a minim, a fluid dram, a quart and a
gallon. Methods to calculate pediatric doses

• Body Surface Area (BSA) Method.

- This is also called the dosage-per-
kilogram-of-bodyweight method.
Physicians usually use this because this is
the most accurate and safest method in
calculating pediatric dose.

• Clark's Rule.
- This method uses the weight of the child
in calculating approximate dosage.

• Young's Rule.
- This is applicable to children who are
two years of age and above.

• Fried's Rule.
- This is used to calculate doses for
Calculating pediatric dosages for oral drugs children who are two years and below.
Application of the information in the
previous lesson to calculate the amount of Important reminders in calculating doses:
medicine to the patient will start here. • It is necessary to use calculator in
Always follow the physician's order and solving equations.
drug labels, the methods of converting • Verify from a drug handbook if in
quantities from one unit of measurement to doubt, or call a pharmacist.
another. If not sure about the tasks, always • Always keep a record of the patient's
ask the assistance from somebody who weight in kilogram. This will keep you
may be senior to you. In dealing with from weighing the patient all the time.
pediatric patient, bear in mind that children
are completely different from adults. An - Occupational health and safety is the
inaccurate dosage may harm the child. campaign and maintenance of the
well-being of workers in every
Administering pediatric oral drugs occupation. This is to provide a safe
- Tablets and capsules are hard to take by working environment to achieve an
infants and young children. thus they are injury-free workplace and a healthy
given liquid medicine. In some cases atmosphere that protect every worker
where liquid medicines are not against illness. These healthy and safety
available, tablets may be crushed and practices. in effect, may also protect co-
mix with just a little water. If it is mixed in workers, family members, clients, and
a large amount of water, the child may other members of the community who
not be able to finish the liquid and are affected by the workplace
therefore the entire dosage is not taken. environment.

Tools used in giving out pediatric oral drugs

Cup..........................advisable for children

Dropper....................used for infant
Syringe......................used for infants
Spoon with hollow handle.......used for
Lesson 3: Occupational Health and Safety bodies. At the start, it may only be sore
muscles but long term exposure to this
Hazards and Risks type of hazard may cause
- Hazard is anything that may cause harm musculoskeletal problems.
to individual. Chemicals, electricity,
open drawers, and inadequate Examples of ergonomic hazards:
ventilation are some examples of this. • standing for long period of time
- Risk is the possibility that somebody • too much bending and reaching
could be harmed by these chemicals, performing tasks that require lifting
electricity, open drawers, inadequate heavy loads
ventilation, and other hazards in the • holding body parts for long periods of
workplace and the indication of how time
serious the harm can be. • awkward movements especially if they
are repetitive
Types of Hazards • repeating the same movements over
1. Physical hazards and over
- These are the most normal occurrences
in the workplace and are usually easy to Some of the effects of ergonomic hazards:
detect. However, most of the time, this • pain in the shoulders
type of hazards is neglected due to lack • back injury
of knowledge of people who do not see • too much impact on wrist and hands
situations as hazards. • numbness in some parts of the body
• muscle cramps
Examples of physical hazards that a
caregiver may be exposed to: 4. Chemical hazards
• Electrical hazards - In nursing homes - When a worker or caregiver is exposed
and day care institutions. improper to any chemical preparation in the
wiring and frayed cords must be workplace, then chemical hazard is
checked. Sometimes these are not present. Some chemicals may be safe,
given attention to and may pose but there are caregivers who are
danger to the sick person and the sensitive to solutions which may cause
caregiver. skin irritation, illness or breathing
• Endless noise in a nursing home is problem.
definitely a hazard especially to people - Chemical hazards may cause lung
who are suffering from depression. diseases, difficulty in breathing, and
• Spills on floors is definitely a hazard to allergy.
everyone. It is important that caregivers
should immediately wipe or mop spills 5. Psychological hazards.
on the floor to avoid accident. - When a caregiver's work environment
becomes stressful or demanding,
2. Biological hazards psychological hazards will take occur.
- The caregiver may be exposed to this Caregivers may suffer depression,
type of hazard if he/she is working with anxiety, loss of confidence, loss of
animals, people or infectious materials. concentration at work, and
Day care centers, hospital, hotel deterioration of their performance at
laundry, nursing homes, laboratories are work.
places with biological hazards. Caregivers may be exposed to these
psychological hazards:
3. Ergonomic hazards • verbal abuse from dissatisfied clients
- These occur when a caregiver's nature • burn out, fatigue and on call duty
of work, body position and working • unreasonable expectations from patients
conditions put pressure on his/her body. or clients
Caregivers do not immediately notice • unreasonable expectations from
the effect of these hazards on their supervisors and management.
Recognizing Hazards and Risks in the Beauty Care (Nail Care)
Caregivers have to know whether there are Nail care is a service referring to cosmetic
health and safety problems in their beauty treatment of fingernails and toenails
workplace. Hazards and risks vary from one which can be done at home or in beauty
workplace to another. Work routines may salons. This service is availed of by both
be the same, but hazards will differ women and men. Preparation of the guest
depending on the type of the location of starts with cleaning of the fingernails or
the building establishment, the attitudes of toenails, giving massage to the hands or
caregivers, clients, or employers. Hazards feet, application of nail polish, and giving
and risks can be prevented; however, the final retouch.
caregivers must be able to identify these in
the workplace. Cleanliness of the workplace is a very
important factor to prevent infection. For
Ways for caregivers to determine health hygienic purposes, tools and equipment
and safety problems: need to be sterilized before using them.
1. They should observe the workplace. Health and safety practices are given
2. They have to examine complaints emphasis, as well as the risks and hazards to
from their co-workers. protect the lives of the workers and the
3. They should check accident records. guests.
4. They should examine chart on results
of inspections done by the employers Nail care service may be manicure or
or private organizations. pedicure. When working with the fingernails,
5. They may use checklist and examine the term is manicure, and when working
the workplace. with toenails, the term is pedicure.
6. They may study reports or any other
vital information about the nursing Tools, Materials and Equipment in Nail care
home. There are several tools and materials and
equipment needed by the nail care
Practical Ways to Prevent Hazards and Risks attendant. To make her a successful
• Have a closer look at electricity. See to performer, she has to familiarize herself with
it that all electrical equipment you use all of these tools and material in giving
are in good condition. Check electrical manicure or pedicure
cords and make sure they are not
frayed. Use electrical equipment with Tools/Implements for Nail Care
dry hands. Tools are also referred to as implement.
• Wear Personal Protective Equipment These are durable handheld materials and
properly. Wear gown longer than your must be sterilized after used with a client.
clothing. When removing the gown, try There are times when these implements
to avoid touching the outside portion need to be disposed especially when they
since this is considered contaminated. do not perform well when used by the
A caregiver should wear a clean gown beauty attendant. They are the following:
every client care.
• Mask should be worn and must fit Nail file. This is used to shape the free edge
comfortably over the nose and mouth. of the nails to smoothen them. This is usually
A wet mask is considered made up of metal
contaminated and should be disposed
properly after use. A clean mask should Emery board. This is a wooden sand paper-
be used for every client contact. like material used to filesoft and fragile nails.
• Gloves should be used when issue of It has two sides, one side has fine texture
contamination is present. It is a must for and the other side is coarse.
a caregiver to use gloves especially
when he/she has open wounds on the Pusher. This is used to push back and loosen
hands. dead cuticle. It is and made of steel.
Nail clipper. This is used to trim or shorten Nail polish remover. Commonly known as
fingernails or toenails. acetone. This is used with cotton to remove
old nail polish
Cuticle nipper. It is used to trim excess
cuticle found at the base of the nails usually Nail polish solvent. This is used in thinning out
made of metal. nail polish which already has become
thicker in solution.
Buffer. It is a tool used to smoothen and
polish the nails. Cuticle remover. This is applied around the
nails to soften the cuticle before it has to be
Nailbrush. It is used to brush the nails to pushed and trimmed or removed.
cleanse the cuticle or debris around it.
Hand lotion/hand cream. This is applied to
Orangewood stick. This is used to remove hands before applying the nail color to
excess nail polish around the nails, It is made retain its moisture. Use of hand lotion will
of wood and is disposable. prevent the hands from being dry, cracked
and wrinkled.
Materials Needed in Nail Care
Nail bleach. This is used to remove yellow
Materials are supplies used in giving stains from the nails
manicure or pedicure which are disposed
of after use for each client. The following are Nail whitener. This is applied under the free
the materials used in nail care: edge of the nails to make it appear white.

Cotton. This is moistened with nail polish Nail color. This comes in different colors. This
remover to remove old nail polish. It is also is applied over the fingernails or toenails to
used to wrap the pointed end of the orange beautify and protect the nails.
wood stick to remove excess nail polish
under the edge and around the nails Cuticle oil. It is used to lubricate the skin
around the nail surface.
Plastic spatula. This is used to get nail
cosmetics from its container. Base coat. This serves as a base applied to
the nails before nail color. It prevents the
Towels. This is used to dry the hands and nails enamel from chipping, thus gives a good
of the client. These come in different sizes. quality grip of the enamel to the surface of
The bigger one is usually used for drying the the nails
feet when giving pedicure and the smaller
one is towel for the hands. Top coat or sealer. This is colorless and
applied over colored nail polish. The use of
Garbage bin/bag. This is a disposable bag this will keep the polish longer in use before
or receptacle where rubbish is thrown to it starts to chip that points to the need for
keep the place clean and free from another nail care service.
Liquid nail dry (quick dry). This is applied to
Nail Cosmetics dry the nail polish color immediately and to
There are several nail cosmetics a prevent this from getting smeared.
manicurist should be familiarized with These
come in different brands and are Equipment in Nail Care
contained in small bottles with different Nail care services need some equipment
shapes. The correct application of these is a that is necessary to give satisfaction to the
must and care should be taken especially clients. The term equipment includes
on clients who have allergies or sensitivities. permanent items that are durable and used
The following are the different nail for a longer period of time until they wear
cosmetics: out and need replacement.
The following are the equipment used in nail stroke. Direction should be from the corner
care: to the center of the nails. Avoid bling the
nail with back-and-forth direction es this
Disinfection container. This is a receptacle may cause splitting or breakage of the nails
used to hold the disinfectant solution in Care must be taken that you do not go
which tools or objects to be sanitized are deep into the corners. Feel the free edges
immersed. It is provided with cover to of the nails if there are rough spots, bevel
prevent the solution from being lightly by filing with downward stroke using
contaminated especially when not in use. the fine side of the emery board.

Manicure pillow. This is a hand cushion used Emery board

by the client to keep her hands steady and This is used in similar manner with the nail file
relaxed. Using the fine surface, bevel the rough
surface of the nails to smoothen it.
Finger bowl. It is bowl that has a special
shape for soaking the client's fingers in Cuticle nail pusher
warm-soapy water or anti-bacterial soap. Hold this in the same manner as you hold
the pencil while writing. Before pushing
Sanitized wipe container. This is usually back the cuticle, the cuticle has to be
made of glass and is used to hold clean moistened first with the cuticle remover.
absorbent cotton or lint-free wipes. With the dull spade side, loosen the cuticle
by pushing back lightly and carefully
Supply tray. This is used to hold different against the side of the fingernails.
materials and tools used in nail care such as
the nail polish, cuticle remover, cotton balls Cuticle nipper
container and other needs. Pick up the cuticle nipper by the handle
with the cutting edges facing towards you.
Electric nail dryer. This is used to shorten the The bent tip of your index finger must be on
length of time needed to completely dry top of the shank Position your thumb on the
the client's nails after the application of the side of the handle and the remaining fingers
nail polish. This is optional. over the opposite handle.

Use of Nail Care Tools/Implements Nail brush

The correct and proper way of handling nail Insert your ring finger in between the handle
care tools greatly contributes to the success of the nail brush. With a downward motion,
of nail care service. Your client will trust you brush the nails from the base to the
upon observing your confidence in fingertips to clean the nails and fingers.
handling tools and equipment while giving
her your services. Nail buffer
Place the thumb and ring finger under the
Nail clippers handle of the buffer, while the index and
Hold firmly the clippers with the cutting the middle fingers are on its top and the
edges downward between your thumb, pinkie finger is on its side. Smoothen the nails
index, and middle finger. With utmost care, by using downward motion from the base
press the clipper handles together. to to the fingertips.
remove the excess nail length and as
desired by the client. Orangewood stick
Hold the stick in the same way that you hold
Nail file a pencil when you write. An orangewood
With your dominant hand, hold firmly the stick has the following multiple purposes:
nail file and position it under the free edge
of the nails. Supporting the hand of your (1) to loosen cuticle Slightly dip into solvent
other hand slide the nail file across. the free the cotton tipped orangewood stick and
edge of the center of the nail with. one work around the base of the nail;
(2) to clean under the free edge of the nail- Preparation of Equipment to be Sanitized
Work from the center toward each side.
1. Read the instructions/directions on the
Care must be taken by applying with gentle disinfectant and understand them very
pressure to prevent live tissue at the root of well.
the nails from being injured. 2. Measure and mix the required
disinfectant following the direction.
Maintenance and Safekeeping of Tools 3. Saturate a rag or cloth for cleaning with
and Equipment the disinfectant solution and wipe the
entire surface or area of equipment.
The has to take care of all the tools and 4. Wipe dry the surface area with paper
equipment in nail care service. It is a must to towel or cleaning cloth.
clean and disinfect all these after serving 5. Throw away used sanitizing solution and
each client. If properly handled and used towels.
maintained, better performance is ensured
and usage is prolonged. Checking the tools Preparation of Metal Tools/Implements for
and equipment every after use is necessary Sterilization
and immediate
1. Soak the tools in hot, soapy water
Maintenance and safekeeping of tools are solution to remove any waste, dirt or
very important and therefore checking the oil residue. Rinse them thoroughly.
conditions of these will contribute to the 2. Soak the tools or implements in a 70%
safety of both the client and the manicurist to 90% alcohol solution for 20 minutes.
Ways of maintaining tools and equipment: 3. Remove the tools/implements from
the solution, wipe them dry. and
1. Sterilization. It is the process of destroying place them into a dry sterilizer.
all microorganisms present in an object or
place. Preparation of the Sanitizing Jar
2. Sanitization. It is the process of destroying
some, not all microorganisms. 1. Cleanse first the sanitizing jar with
disinfectant. Wipe it dry.
Manicurist needs to familiarize 2. Arrange a thin layer of sterile cotton
herself/himself with the disinfectant and at the bottom of the jar
antiseptic which are needed to sterilize and 3. From the wet or dry sanitizer, remove
sanitize tools and equipment in the beauty the tools or implements and place
salon. But before the process of disinfecting them into the sanitizing jar with
and sanitizing, preparation of the tools and handles up, except for the metal nail
equipment has to be considered. files.
4. With 70% to 90% alcohol solution, fill
The manicurist has to bear in mind that tools the jar enough solution to cover
or implements should not be used unless cutting edges and tips of
these are effectively sanitized and sterilized. orangewood stick.
Potential diseases shall be prevented if this
is done strictly. Before starting the work, see Keeping the Workplace Clean and Safe
to it that tools are organized in its place. A 1. Beauty salons must be in good
professional manicurist always maintains a sanitary condition. It must be well-
high standard of personal hygiene. The lighted and well-ventilated.
following will guide the manicurist in the 2. The salon premises should be free
correct processes of sanitizing and from rodents, vermin, flies, and other
disinfecting: similar insects.
3. Continuous running hot and cold
water must be provided in all salon
4. Washable and clean curtains are
necessary including floor coverings Practice Occupational Health and
which are clean and free from dust. Safety Procedures
5. Hair trimmings on the floor must be
kept at frequent intervals. Cotton and Occupational Health and Safety is a
other waste materials must be planned system of working to prevent illness
removed from the floor immediately or injury where you work by recognizing
and deposited in a closed container hazards and risks. Health and safety are the
or garbage bin. responsibility of all persons in the beauty
6. The rest rooms should be well establishments. Hazards and risks must be
sanitized and provided with identified by the manicurist. Evaluate and
bathroom tissues and other needs of control or eliminate the hazard or modify
the clients. the risk that it poses.

Things to Do After Every Manicure Service Common Hazards in the Beauty Salon
1. Sanitize properly and keep clean all Several hazards are present in beauty
tools or implements ready for the next salons and these needs utmost attention.
use. Some of these are identified here and what
2. Provide a separate trash bin for to do with these hazards are given below:
empty bottles and containers.
3. Store, arrange used cosmetic 1. Electrical hazard
products and other chemicals in their Electrical appliances used in the
proper place. Label them properly. beauty salons can create serious
4. Clean and sanitize finger bowls health and safety risks, especially in
before using for the next patron or wet condition. Using damage tools
client. and equipment poses great risk.
5. Sterilize metal tools and instrument Electrical shock can cause
following proper sterilization electrocution. Burns and injuries may
procedure. Store them in a clean dry result from falls.
place until the next use. What to do? You need to ask the electrician
6. Dispose tools or implements which to check all pieces of electrical equipment
are made of porous materials such as in the salon or workplace. This can be done
nail files, nail buffers, nail brushes and annually or as often as possible.
orangewood stick. Some of these are
made of wood and cannot be 2. Chemical hazard
sterilized and therefore may harbor Substances used and/or produced at
bacteria easily and may cause work that are a potential harm to the
disease to both the manicurist and health and safety of people at work
the client. are hazardous. Skin irritation, asthma,
7. Dispose properly waste materials in poisoning and cancer are some of
an enclosed waste container fitted the effects to the health of the
with polythene bag Sanitize and workers.
disinfect garbage container in a well- What to do? This can be prevented through
ventilated area wearing protective good ventilation which will get rid of the
gloves while doing this. fumes and chemical smell that builds up in
8. Dispose contaminated wastes a salon It is advisable to use appropriate
following the correct procedure as personal proton equipment or clothing
prescribed by the local authorities. (PPE)
9. Repair immediately any tool or
equipment which are in poor 3. Fire hazard
condition. Otherwise dispose of them Accident may happen like fire since
properly for the safety of both the the salon has its electrical appliances
client and the manicurist. Lack of awareness on fire safety can
harm persons in the workplace
What to do? An emergency exit route Examples of personal protective clothing for
should be provided and this must be the salon worker are gloves, eyewear, apron,
easiest route that clients and staff can use and protective mask Advantages of
to leave the building or salon safely wearing PPE at work:

4. Biological hazards 1. Nails and skin are prevented from

This is also known as biohazards These injury.
refer to substances that pose danger 2. Potentially harmful chemicals to the
to living organisms, primarily the skin are prevented from being
human being These microorganisms absorbed. Harmful chemicals may
live on the skin and easily spread cause allergies, irritation or other
between clients and manicurist. related problems
Unwashed hands, soiled equipment 3. Wearing dust mask prevents the
or contact with blood or body manicurist from breathing in lot of
substances may cause the transfer of dust or particles while filing or buffing
the microorganism from one person nails.
to another 4. Breathing in of air contaminated with
What to do? Extra care must be taken into chemical and/or biological agents is
consideration and manicurist should prevented.
assume that all blood and other body
substances are potential sources of
infection. Therefore sanitation and ADDITIONAL LECTURE
sterilization should always be the priority in 1. Cells are connected in parallel to
the salon increase the current.
2. Silver is the best conductor of electricity.
5. Ergonomics 3. The main reason why electrical
In the nail care service, appliances are connected in parallel is to
manicurist/pedicurist uses repetitive make the operation of each appliance
movements with force like filing and independent of each other.
buffing the nails. Holding 4. A busted fuse should be replaced with
uncomfortable positions for a long the same size and type.
period of time causes 5. Solar cell is a device that produces
musculoskeletal injuries to the electric current when light falls upon it.
manicurist 6. Dynamo is a generator which generates
What to do? In performing these tasks, direct current.
always pay attention to proper position of 7. A generator is used to change
your body to prevent injuries such as back mechanical energy to electrical energy.
pain neck, wrist and shoulder pain. 8. Geothermal energy - derived on
extracted from the internal heat of the
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) At earth.
Work 9. Hydro energy - kinetic energy from falling
Personal protective equipment refers to water.
clothing equipment designed and worn by 10. Wood is the oldest and most commonly
the manicurists or salon workers to protect used building material.
them from risks of injury or illness. Of course, 11. Cement is a binding agent that reacts
this is only considered as a control measure with water to form a hard and stone-like
to minimize exposure to risk. Other important substance.
safety measures are of great factors that 12. Meter - basic linear unit of a metric
should always be considered. system.
13. Inch - basic linear unit of an English
14. The actual flow of current is from
negative to positive.
15. Power is the rate of doing work.
16. Watt is an electrical unit of measuring
17. An entrepreneur seeks to create value
for people/community by starting new
ventures which exploit new products
processes or markets.
18. An entrepreneur should possess
technical skills, personal entrepreneurial
skills and business management skills.
19. Perseverance is the ability to withstand
the troubles that come when starting a
20. Good location makes a small business
21. Creativity or innovativeness is the ability
to think of new ideas and new ways of
doing things.

22. Competencies/qualities of a good

1. Opportunity Seekers
2. Persistent
3. Committed Workers
4. Good Planner
5. Problem Solver
6. Good Setter
7. Information or Feedback Seeker
8. Good Salesman
9. Risk Taker
10. Self-Confident

- Direct selling
- Small stores

- Person who retails products

Levels of Retailing
• Cash
• Credit
• Online

1. Sewing Gauge
- It is used to measure small hem areas and short distances such as hem folds, seam
allowance, buttonholes, seams, and tucks. This is a six-inch ruler made of aluminum
or stiff cardboard provided with a slider for easy movement in taking the body

2. Ruler
- This is a common measuring device used by everyone including the dressmaker. It
has a 12-inch length and made of wood or plastic. It is used to connect two points in
connecting two lines specifically in drafting patterns.

3. Meter Stick or Yard Stick

- This is used to measure cloth or fabric by meter or yard, marked off in centimeters
and millimeters, and usually made of wood or steel.
Drafting Tools

1. L-square
- This is an aluminum ruler with 90 degrees angle used in
drawing perpendicular lines and to measure off parallel
lines. Used to construct lines by connecting its two arms
perpendicularly. The long arm has breakdown measurements
of 1- 24; 1-12; 1- 6; 1- 3; and 2- 3 while the short arm has
breakdown measurements of 1-32; 1-16; 1-8; 1-4 and 1-2.

2. Hip Curve
- As the name suggests, it is a curve stick used to form the hipline and other
areas of the garments which has curve section or parts. This is made of
metal with calibration on both sides.

3. French Curve
- This is used to shape the neckline, armholes, and collars during the
drafting of pattern or cutting the fabric ready for sewing.

Cutting Tools

1. Shears
- These are used for cutting fabric, paper and materials
- There are different kinds of shears for specific purpose.

Types of shears:
a. Cutting shears
- are used for cutting fabrics. Their blades are straight and usually 7-12 inches long and
usually made of stainless steel.

b. Pinking shears
- used to cut the edge of seam allowance of fabric that does not ravel due to its zigzag
edge. This can also be used in cutting decorative materials.
c. Scalloping shears
- used to cut parts of garments with a series of uniform scallops as it has scallop blades.


2. Scissors.
- These are used for cutting hanging threads, excess
fabrics coming out from seam.
- ThIs is also the type used to trim hair and other purposes.
Some scissors are made of a combination of plastic and
metal, others are all metal or stainless-steel material.

3. Buttonhole scissors.
- This is a special kind of scissors used for making or cutting
buttonholes. The blades have square shape found at the joint
of scissors to control the cutting the fabric or cloth off the
buttonhole area.

4. Embroidery scissors.
- These are used in embroidery work in cutting fine delicate cloth and thread. They are
sharp pointed scissors usually 4-5 inches long.
5. Seam Ripper
- This is used in cutting off stitches of a seam. During the
ripping process, extra care must be taken to prevent the
cloth from being damaged.


1. Tailor’s Chalk
- This is used to mark the fabric and pattern paper. This is
available in different colors and is made of hard chalk.
Markings on the fabric can be removed by brushing.

2. Tracing Wheel
- It is used to trace the lines in the pattern to penetrate to the
fabric. Its serrated edge produces the dots on the fabric
and the smooth edge the solid line.

3. Dressmaker’s carbon paper

- This is specially waxed carbon paper fitted underneath the
fabric so the tracing wheel’s marking will be transferred to the
fabric. Different brands are available in the market with

different instructions.

1. Pin
- This is used to fasten or hold two or three fabrics or materials together. There are two
kinds of pins, one with colored rounded head for easy handling and the other one is
with small steel head.

2. Pin Cushion
- This is a small-size cushion used to hold pins and needles
for safekeeping. Scattering on the floor of needles is a risk
for dressmakers and other workers should be avoided.

3. Hand Needles
- These are used for temporary stitches, hemming, and other
hand sewing purposes. There are different sizes available in
the market to suit the kind of fabric to be sewn.

4. Thimble
- This is a small cup used to protect the finger from being
pricked by the needle during sewing. It is placed on the tip of
the middle finger which is the usual finger that pushes the
needle while hand sewing.
5. Threader
- This is used to insert thread to the needle eye. It has a diamond-shaped wire
attached to the handle made of thin material, made of thin plate aluminum


The success of a dressmaker or tailor is manifested in the satisfaction of his/her

customers. He/she can even help customers in choosing the garment style and the kind
of fabric appropriate for a particular design. But first and foremost, accurate body
measurements are one of vital importance to get the best results. The following are
different measurements taken both for men and women:

1. Shoulder - Position the end of the tape measure on the shoulder tip passing the nape
across the other shoulder tip.
2. Length of shirt - This is taken from the nape down to the desired length
3. Bust - Place the tape measure around the fullest part of the bust inserting two fingers
in it.
4. Waist - place the tape measure around the fullest part of the waist.
5. Hip - position the tape measure in line and around the fullest part of the hips.
6. Chest - starting from the shoulder point, measure 4’ downward and put the tape
measure around the chest.
7. Bust Height - measure from the shoulder base neck down to the bust point.
8. Bust Distance - taken from one bust point to another bust point.
9. Length of Sleeve - measure from shoulder tip point to the desired length.
10. Short sleeve circumference/girth - from the measured short sleeve length, place the
tape measure around the arms with the desired circumference.
11. Full bodice length - this is the measure from the shoulder base neck to the waistline.
Points to Remember in Taking Body Measurements

Taking accurately the body measurements depends largely on the competence

of the dressmaker or tailor in doing the job. The dressmaker has to keep a personal
measurement record (PMR) To register the measurements of the client. The record has
to be kept for reference purposes when the client returns the next time around.

Before taking the body measurements of the client, it is advisable to have an

assistant who will take note or record the measurement while you, as dressmaker, do
the task. The following are important guides:

1. Request the client politely to stand straight while taking the body
measurements. Things inside the pockets like wallet, cell phone and
handkerchief have to be removed to be able to get the accurate
measurements. As much as possible the client wears a well fitted garment to
get a good result of the sewn fabric.
2. Use a soft flexible brand of tape measure as this will lay flat on the part of the
body to be measured.
3. Tie a string around the waistline of the client. This will be your point of reference
while taking the measurements.
4. You can start taking measurements either vertical or horizontal.
5. When measuring lengths, allow the tape measure to hang freely for accurate
1. Line
- This is the very basic and simplest element of design. There are two types of lines
referred to:

Outline - refers to the outer edge of the design.

Style line - refers the lines that divide up the space inside of the outline. Style
lines I created through several things like belts, ruffles, seams, a color line, or
a pocket.

Our eyes are attracted to the direction of the line of the garments worn by
the individual. In choosing fabric for a dress, a slim-figured lady may opt for big
horizontal stripes to look bigger, while the more chubby ones would choose the
finer stripes to appear slimmer.

In general, vertical lines help emphasize the height of the individual while
the horizontal lines give impression of a lighter or heavier figure.

2. Form/ Shape
- Form refers to the shape and structure or the entire outline of the garment. This is
commonly known as silhouette which is the most obvious visual element of a
garment. The function of silhouette is to complement the shape of the body. in some
instances, exaggeration is often made to create an effect to emphasize a certain
part of the body to go along with the trend.

In fashion design the common shape scene around square, triangle,

rectangle, and oblong

Shape of the face is one factor considered in choosing the neckline of a dress.
All kinds of necklines are fit for an oval-shaped face. on the other hand, the square
shape face and the long narrow triangle-shaped face are appropriate for U-
3. Texture
- This refers to the surface quality of an item like fabric. How it feels when touched
whether it is coarse, fine, smooth, wrinkled, sleek, glossy, or slippery would contribute
to the design of the dress. Textures as well as lines may create illusions, so it is
important that one must choose textures for clothes that will harmonized with the
overall design of the dress.

You may also consider these points in choosing fabrics:

o A rough bulky fabric tends to increase the size of a design while the smooth
one decreases it.
o A soft wool will give a quite different effect from the gloss and sheen of the
satin of an Evening dress.

4. Color
- This is the most important element of design. color of the dress one wears attracts the
attention of people around him/her. it has an enormous effect on how one feels.
everyone always consider his/her favorite color in buying fabric for a garment.
wearing a dress of his/her favorite color makes him/her feel good.

Some points to consider in choosing the color of the fabric:

o Black, dark tones or deep-grey color
- The figure will appear smaller or slimmer than bright or light colors.
o Plain color
- it makes the figure look slimmer than using a combination of contrasting
o Large designs in prints, plaids, and stripes
- It is not advisable for one with a very small or slim figure.

Good outfit should consider combination of elements of design and the principles
of design which are proportion, balance, harmony, emphasis, and rhythm.

1. Proportion
- This refers to the relationship of one part of the design to the whole design. the feeling
of unity is present when all parts such as size, numbers, or amounts relate well with
one another. To illustrate this, when a human form is drawn, the size of the head must
be in proportion in comparison to the rest of the body.

In choosing fabric for a small body, there is proportion if small prints is

chosen over bigger prints. Likewise, elements such as pocket, collar,
placket, and hemline are designed in such a way that everything is
proportionate to one another.
2. Balance
- This refers to two types of balance

Symmetrical balance - When the outfit is divided right down at the middle with
both sides exactly the same.

Asymmetrical balance - It's the opposite of symmetrical balance, thus if the

output is divided right down the middle and both sides are not the same, this is
asymmetrical. Most of the fashion designers apply this informal clothing like
evening gowns because it appears dramatic and eye-catching this

3. Harmony
- It is the unity of all principles, the overall look of a garment which creates a sense of
completeness. A good combination of color, size, shape, lines and textures which
goes along well with another is a factor in harmony of a garment.

4. Emphasis
- This refers to the center of interest of a garment. An evening gown with a huge flower
or a bow on it is a good example. The huge flower or bow is considered a prominent
element which is emphasized on the ground and grabs the attention of the onlooker.
It is something that stands out from the rest of the elements that are used in the gown.
5. Rhythm
- This is the smooth flow and repeated use of lines, textures, color, shape, and pattern.
this creates a pattern that the eyes can follow throughout the design. Rhythm is
detected through the following:

a. Repetition - This is achieved by regular recurrence of the motifs of design,

shapes, buttons, and pleats.
b. Progression - This is also termed as gradation which means the gradual
increase or decrease of the same elements of design.
c. Transition - This is created when the eye is directed from one element to
another. An example is when a curved line leads to the eye to an angle.
d. Radiation - this is created when the eye is directed to different directions.
e. continuous line movement - this type of rhythm is made when the eye moves
in continuous lines such as flowing lines of trims, bands of color, and design of

These principles of design are used in a smart way can improve the appearance
or look of the individual. To cite an example, a petite lady has to choose garments which
are proportionate to her weight and height. Garments which are loose should be
avoided since this will make her look unfavorable.

Rather, she needs to choose designs or patterns that will give balance to her
upper and lower body. Likewise, a woman with a broad shoulder should not wear
garments that would emphasize her shoulder. A heavy embroidered dress will make her
appear heavier. It is advisable that she wears a garment with dark colors or tiny prints to
redirect the attention from her upper body.


The garments or textiles industry has many hazards and risks that may cause injury
to workers. The dust from the fabrics being inhaled by the dressmaker is only one of the
several hazards and risks that may affect the health of the dressmaker. Whether you are
in the industry or in your own home sewing studio, utmost care should be taken to
protect the health of every worker in the industry and the family members at home. To
prevent injuries or general health issues of everyone, here are some points that should
be considered:
1. Equipment storage
- Tools and equipment should be kept safe all the time. Secure drawers, cupboard
section, boxes, or any items that are hazardous to everyone.

Scissors, rotary cutters, needles, safety pins and other sharp items should be kept
and locked in cabinets, especially if there are kids around. See to it that your shears used
for cutting fabrics are not used in cutting anything else except textile materials. Other
pair of scissors must be used in cutting paper.

Sharp needles and pins must be disposed of properly. Bottles with cover may be
used to deposit broken needles and crooked pins must be kept far from reach of

2. Sewing Area
- The sewing space has to be organized in such a manner that there is freedom in
moving around the place. Hanging things from the walls and shelves should be
avoided to prevent such from falling over and damage or injure someone.

At the end of the day's work, the place must be kept clean and tidy. A general
housekeeping is necessary before the workers leave the sewing area. Pack away tools
and materials and keep them in their places, the next day, it is easy to locate or pick
them up.

Eating and drinking in the sewing area should be avoided to prevent liquid to spill
over the sewing machine and the fabrics. It is dangerous if liquid spills over machine and
electrical cords. This may cause fire accident. Electrical cords and plugs must be set up
away from the floor, they must be under the tables, around the corners, and in
appropriate location. The floor where workers work to and from must be free from
electrical plugs, cords, and adapters which pose dangers to everyone.

For safety precautions, a time for a short break or snacks is available rather than
allow everyone to eat in the sewing area.
3. Personal safety
- Sewing may cause pains or injuries to your body after long hours of bending and
setting down. Back pain, headaches, fatigue, restrained eyesight, and similar injuries
can be prevented by considering the following sewing rules:

o Ergonomics. Poor workplace design, awkward body mechanics or postures,

repetitive movements, and other ergonomic hazards contribute to the rising
number of cumulative trauma disorders (CTD). CTD affect hands, wrist, elbows,
arms, shoulders, the lower back, and the cervical spine area. Structures
involved include tendons, muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels.
Strategies for the reduction of hazards that contribute to CTD must be
developed thru a well-written ergonomic plan of the company.

Examples are working tables at a good level and sewing machines have
adjustable height.

o Clothing & Hair. Dressmakers should consider some of these important rules.
▪ Avoid loose or hanging accessories. Wear something comfortable, semi-
fitted to the body.
▪ Remove everything that can get caught into the machinery.
▪ Tie long hair securely at the back.
▪ Closed shoes should always be worn when sewing and cutting.

o Pins. This is very important to a dressmaker, but extra care must be considered
to avoid damage. Always be aware that you are using pins. Never put them
in your mouth. A wrist pin cushion is safe to use and remove immediately after
working with pins.

Hazards may be encountered when using the sewing machine such as:

o Cuts and injuries from sharp edges like scissors, blades, knife, and pins.
o Finger injuries while sewing.
o Improper lifting procedure of heavy objects.

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