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I am a first-year student at school of electrical engineering and informatics, Bandung Institute of

Technology. My research interests are on computer system, Distributed & Cloud System, Wireless
Communication Networks (i.e. WiFi 6, Random Access 802.11ax), Machine Learning, Artificial
Intelligence, and Internet of Things. I am interested in doing research on those topics because I have
been informatics student for a semester, and also because I have a lot of internship and competition
experiences. In addition, reading paper from top journals makes me realize that research world have
a huge impact for human being, especially in computer system. Therefore, I want to be a researcher
in the middle of world’s innovations.

I have a big interest in the course related to computation. Nevertheless, I realize that joining course
won’t be enough for me, so that I have to join some research internships to enrich my experiences. I
believe that these research experiences will give me chances to study about newest technologies
from the topics which I interested in. As my first step to reach my dreams, I have ever joined a
research internship supervised by Prof. Ray Guang Cheng in BML (Broadband Multimedia and
Wireless) Lab in NTUST-Taiwan, which is the part of EURECOM (one of famous research institute in
France). My research was about Wireless System, especially on 802.11ax. In the research, I solved a
problem related to Scheduling Resources and Allocation in the 802.11ax system, both in LTE Uplink
(UL) and LTE Downlink(DL). This experience actually widen my comprehension about research.

Although I am still on my first year, I have ever involved in a Machine Learning project such as
Tensorflow, keras, and OpenCV. In the project, I tried to implementate my knowledge to make a quiz
application which can be moved by hands. The input is a hand movement gesture which will be
accepted by the system, and then the system will process it as an action to choose the answer in the
quiz. This project makes me more interesting in machine learning and some other technical
knowledges. In addition, I have ever joined a robotic project which use Arduino IDE. The project
produce a dog robot that can give specific responses like voices or movements. In this project, my
job was to make a program which will be operated in the Arduino microprocessor.

A huge curiousity about computer science makes me focus in many kinds of programming languages
such as C/C++, Python, Haskell, Java, and Go. Using my skill, I have ever made an individual project
in some kinds of programming languages. I have ever made a clone application from GoJek (a kind of
mobility application as same as uber and grab) with some specific features. This project successfully
become the best project in the big project of computation introduction class on my first semester.
Currently, I am still practicing my technical skill.

Besides technical skills, I also have skills in other courses such as physics, maths, and so on and so
far. When I was in senior high school, I often won physics Olympiads either in the regional level or
national level. One of those competitions was Ruangguru Champions, a “quiz” competition held by
Ruangguru Company (one of famous education startups in Indonesia). This competition was held in
national level and joined by more than 100 representations from each regions in Indonesia. I
successfully won this competition and got a 1000$ gift.

In addition, to enrich my softskill, I have ever been physics tutor when I was in Senior High Scool. I
have a good comprehension in physics such as particle kinematics, linear motion particle dynamics,
circular motion particle dynamics, work and energy, momentum, simple harmonic oscillations, rigid
body dynamics, dimensions, and hydrostatic pressure. I also joined a debate competition when I was
in Senior High School. Because of my good public speaking skill, I was selected as a debate mentor in
my school. Those experiences actually can be proofs that I am not only practicing my technical skills,
but also my softskills which crucial enough.
Being the part of Garuda Ilmu Komputer Programme will be a good check point for me because I will
have a good chance to be involved in some impactional researches. I am very interesting to work
with Prof. Haryadi Gunawi because it matches with my research interest. Although I have never
taken course about distributed and cloud system in my lecture, I have a big motivation to study
harder and take the course in my second semester of lecture. I hope, by joining this programme, I
can be involved in publishing top tier venue papers and also can be prepared earlier to apply PhD
programme in top 50 universities in the next 5 years. As a closing statement, I can start to work on
August and commit to work for more than 20 hours in a week. Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,

M. Rifqi Farhansyah.

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