English 10-Information in Everyday Life

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English 10: Lesson 1

Information from news reports
and informative speeches, they
write stories based on recent
news events- in other words, they
write about the news of the day.
This is one of the biggest areas of
opportunity for PR pros (Public Relations
Officers), since they can latch onto the hot
stories to position their experts as
spokespeople or suggest new and exciting
angles to cover.
NEWS is packaged information about news events
happening somewhere else; or alternatively, news is that
which the news industry sells.
News move through many different media, based on word
of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, and
electronic communication. Common topics for news
reports include war, politics, and business, as well as
athletic contests, quirky or unusual events, and the doings
of celebrities
interesting, useful, and unique information
to your audience. By dedicating yourself to
the goals of providing information and
appealing to your audience, you can take a
positive step toward succeeding in your
efforts as an informative speaker.
PANEL DISCUSSION is a specific format used in
a meeting, conference or convention. It is a
live or virtual discussion about a specific
topic amongst a selected group of panelists
who share differing perspectives in front of a
large audience.
1. Why do we have to read newspaper or
watch news from television?

2. Why is informative speaking important?

3. What makes a great panel discussion?

4. What do you think is the most important

thing the news should report?

5. What was the timeliest/ memorable news

you’ve watched?

Just think about your possible

answers to these questions.

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