6th Science 4th Chapter

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Prof.Mahesh A.



Time: 1hrs Class: 6th Sub: G.Science Marks:20

Q1. Answer in one sentence : [06]

i. What is disaster?
ii. Define : storms
iii. Define : flood
iv. What is the contact number of fire brigade?
v. Write any two examples of manmade disasters.
vi. Write any two examples of natural disasters.
Q2. Answer the following questions (any 7) [14]
i. What first aid will you provide when your friend is biten by
ii. What are the causes of earthquakes?
iii. What is meant by ‘disaster management’?
iv. Define first aid and Find out what a first aid kit/box contains.
v. What will you do in case of Burns and scalds Minor burns?
vi. Write a short note on Remedial and preventive measures.
vii. What are the effects of forest fire?
viii. What is meant by sunstroke ? What are causes of sunstrokes?

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