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Lesson Number: 1

Grade: 1

Date: October 25, 2022

Subject: Integrated Studies

Unit: 2

Term: 1

Duration: 120 minutes

Focus Question: How Do I Take Care Of My Body?

Topic: Personal Hygiene

Attainment Target:

Develop an understanding of the interdependent relationship between man and his environment.

Explore selected life processes in humans, the interdependence between living things in the
environment, and how lifestyles determine health and well being in human


Students should be able to:

Define the terms ‘Personal hygiene and Cleanliness’ during the engagement activity.

Identify at least three daily personal habits needed to take care of our bodies during the
exploration activity.

Discuss ways in which we take care of our bodies during the explanation stage.

Explain the importance of taking care of our bodies during the explanation activity.
Describe what would happen if people did not practice good personal hygiene during the

Justify the need for rest during the elaboration activity.

Construct sentences telling ways in which we should take care of our bodies during the
evaluation activity.

Key Vocabulary: Body, Hygiene, Rest, Sleep, Health,

Content: Practicing good personal hygiene is important for helping keep the body healthy and
clean. Good personal hygiene involves keeping all parts of the external body clean and healthy.
It is important for maintaining both physical and mental health. In people with poor personal
hygiene, the body provides an ideal environment for germs to grow, leaving it vulnerable to

There are many types of personal hygiene. Knowing how to maintain good personal hygiene can
make it easier to build a routine. A person should have some basic knowledge of the following
types of hygiene:

Dental hygiene-For a healthy mouth and smile, it is recommended to brush the teeth for 2
minutes at least twice a day — once before breakfast and once before bed.

Hand washing and Body hygiene- Bathing well is one of the most important things that a person
who cares about cleanliness of his body deals with , as it helps to remove dead skin, dirt and
other matters. Bathing also helps to remove unpleasant odors. It is advisable to shower or bathe
daily, using soap and water to rinse away dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria. People can pay
special attention to areas that accumulate more sweat, such as the armpits, in between the toes,
and the groin area. They should also wash their hair with shampoo at least once a week, or more
if necessary. Applying deodorant when fully dry can help prevent body odors.

Nail hygiene -Keeping the nails clean and short is one of the important things that must be done
and paid attention to, whether for the feet or hands, so the nails must be trimmed regularly so that
the dirt that can accumulate under the nails does not appear clearly.

Rest is also an important part in caring for our bodies. Rest is defined as the process that involves
stopping from doing any particular activity or stop being active for a period of time in order to
relax and get back your strength. Even in the bible there is encouragement for people to rest.
Mark 4:35-4 and Luke 8:22–25.

Rest plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of children. Proper amounts of rest are
essential for physical and emotional health. Rest is as important to growth, building energy,
development and health as nutrition and physical activity.

Skills: Defining Personal Hygiene and cleanliness, Identifying ways of caring for the body,
Explaining importance of taking care of thre body, Justifying the need for rest.

Teaching Methodologies: Discussions, Question and Answer and Discovery

Instructional Materials: Teacher Made PowerPoint with Pictures and passages about personal
hygiene, YouTube videos

Engage: Students will be shown a series of pictures with people who haven’t practice proper
hygiene. They will be asked to tell what they think about these people if they are clean or not.
They will be asked to tell whether or not these people will be healthy if they always look like
that. Students will be informed that we will be talking about proper hygiene. Students will be
asked to tell what they believe proper hygiene means.

Students will then be shown pictures of people taking part in different personal hygiene
activities. A discussion will take place and students will be asked to tell what form of activities
are being performed in each picture and when and why they normally do these types of
activities.Students will then be asked to share their definitions of personal hygiene and
Explore: Students will be asked to tell the different daily personal habits needed to take care of
our bodies. They will be asked to tell and mimic how we perform these tasks, how often they
think we should do these and what are some of the things we need to help care for our bodies.

Explain: Students will be shown a video about taking care of our bodies. At the end of the video,
a discussion will take place where students will be asked to describe ways in which we take care
of our bodies as well as to explain the importance of taking care of our bodies.

Elaborate: Students will be asked to describe what would happen if people did not practice good
personal hygiene. Students will then be told that rest is also a very important part of taking care
of our bodies. They will be told that even Jesus rested and encourages people to rest. They will
then be shown two short videos with audio stories based on the bible scripture Mark 4: 35-41 and
the story of the creation where God rested. After the videos, a discussion will take place about
the importance of resting. Students will be asked to tell why people rest and some consequences
of not resting enough.

Evaluate: Students will be asked to write sentences using ‘is’ and ‘are’ to tell ways in which we
should take care of our bodies. They will then be given activity from pages 210- 216 in the
integrated studies workbook.

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