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ry STUDENT’S BOOK & WORKBOOK RUN ees een?) Englis| Notes _ First Ua iate ee alsa) AN = Reine NATIONAL 2% HEINLE GEOGRAPHIC” at CENGAGE Learning: Heinle ELT, a part of Cengage Learning, and National Geographic have partnered to create English language learning materials which bring our world and its different cultures to life. Through the new range of ftles created under this initiative, together we are changing the way the world learns English, The National Geographic Society is one of the world’s largest nonprofit fic and educational organisations. Founded in 1888 to “increase and ise geographic knowledge,” the Society's mission isto inspire people to care about the planet. It reaches more than 375 million people worldwide each month through its official journal National Geographic and other magazines; National Geographic Channel; television documentaries; music; radio; films; books; DVDs; maps; exhibitions; live events; school publishing programmes; interactive media; and merchandise. National Geographic has funded more than 9,400 scientific research, conservation and exploration projects and supports an education programme promoting geographic literacy. For more information on our National Geographic materials for learners of English, please visit elt heinle.coming, Please also visit to learn more about how you can become involved with National Geographic. Wonderful STUDENT'S BOOK Serer -. HE 1 CENGAGE in, ELDP NATIONAL : GEOGRAPHIC Introduction — Hello! The Alphabet, Numbers, ays, Months, Seasons, Colours, The Body, Time, Classroom language Plurals a/an The definite article This/ These ~ That/ Those Introduction p66 Unit 1 p72 Unit 2 p78 W areanarat re {Family and Friends | The Cotugs Mystey Tamly members Be Emperor Penguins acjecives forpeonle | Posessve Adjectives ay Bes rend Posessve 5 2 My Favourite Things | The Corns Mystew ‘os Hove got The Kis Shop possessions There, Tere are What's your fovourte thing? home entecainment | Prepositions of pace Review 1 Vocabulary and Grammar tasks / Chant 3 School Life The Cortuga Mystery schoo! subjects Present Simple (ff, spline) Schoo in Jpn School equpment Present Simple (he, question) Toms School Aadierbs of Frequency ‘4 Hobbies “The Comtuga Mystery cqupmant forhobbier | Question words Pa luna Pare Kinde of entecamert | Can bit, permission) p 36-49 | What do YOU do on Thussys? Review 2 Vocabulary and Grammar tasks / Chant 5 Celebrate! The Cortuga Mystery feasts | rmperatves, Objet pronouns, Making Ramadhan diferent celebrations ——_| requests Special Gays Around the Word Countable and uncountable nouns Some/eny q 6 Food! The Conga Mystery Tood, dink and restaurant. | Much any ‘what foods should you est related words Alot of/108 of/ few/ Atle during Bc? Food around the World Review 3 Vocabulary and Grammar tasks / Chant Introduction of Cortuga Mystery | Dialogue introducing yourself Introducing yoursetf | Pesonat foc fe characters Chant Talk about yourself sient eters Describing feelings | Punctuation Ema | Multiple choice Tak about favourite things te Praying games ‘Connectors and and but Ree tecase | | Blank filing ‘Tak about schoo! | 00 sounds: ‘Talk about schoo! vord order be et cod aot Seen oe Tac TB oyu wank | Bre boats | wi me Complete trip information Tick the corect box Talk about special days ‘sands sounds | Emphasiing Reference words Match Description Tick the corect picture Talk about what youdiReto eatin | chandsh sounds | Talking about food | Time words order of | Tick or goss things on ast —_| restaurant or cafe events Chant Dialogue Recipe Number pictures (reine) | oe . ee aa Ca l ~N Be ale a x ‘Write. Then practise the dialogue with your partner. Hil I'm fine, thanks. Goodbye! ‘My name's Polly. I'm thirteen, The) Alphabet Write the numbers and words. ‘A Write the missing letters. Then put them in the right order to make the name of this animal. 2. What number is your house? 3. How many kilos are you? 1. How old are you? Days} ofthe) week: Put the days in the correct order. What's the missing day? Write it in the correct space. Friday Monday Saturday Sunday Thursday Wednesday A Do the sums and write the answers. number Months) A Write the missing letters. Janu _1y uy Febr_ary A_gust Mar_h Septe _ber Apr_t Oc _ ober Ma_ No __ ember ju_e De _ ember What's your favourite month? The) Body, Put the letters in the correct order to make the four seasons Match. and write them in the correct place below. fe 1 Oo 7 « 2 O 8 zee O 91 O —_—— 4 finger OO 10 mouth CJ 5 foot O 11 nose |= Colours, 6 hair =O 12 toe Q Listen and colour the picture of Planet Od. - : Telling;the)time) Complete the times with these words. : O'clock past quarter quarter to. twenty-five / N s 1 It’shalf two. 2s cp 3 Its past eight, 4 Itsten twelve, 5 its__past nine. 6 Its to five Glassroom Language) Match the words and phrases with the pictures. Here you are. How do you spell. I don't know. Open your books please Thank you What does... mean? Plurals) Write the plurals of these nouns in the correct columns. box bus child family foot lass knife mouse tomato toy Write a or an. cat 1 6 2 __ sid 7 __ orange 3 __eag 8 __ animal 4 hat 9 5 0 mouse ice cream umbrella Thejdefinitejarticle 1. We use the to talk about specific people or things, or things that are already familiar to us. Uncle Oliver fives on the island, We use the to talk about all the people of, ‘one country. the Saudis; the Canadians; the Japanese We also use the in front of the names ot some, but not all, countries. the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; the United Arab Emirates; the United States of America ‘Complete the paragraph. Add the in the spaces where it is needed, Leave the other spaces blank. My new neighbours are (1)__ really interesting people. (2)__family next door is (3) _ Canadian. They came from (4) ___ Canada four years ago, Before that, they lived in (5)_United States. (6)___fatheris a dentist and (7)__ mother is a teacher. They have (8) __ two children. This)//These}=That}// Those) Look around you and talk about things using this, that, these and those. Use these words: bag book board clock desk door pen pencil This is a blue bag, That's a brown bag. ‘These are pens Those are pencils. Now complete the fact file about YOU! English class: 4. Nationality Phone number: Favourite day of the week: Favourite colour: Hobbies: : Fiji ce gy os , oS Hil I'm Rami. I'm I4 years old 5 {\ \__and Kareem is my cousin, i EE Welcome to CortugaIstand. J insiaber and im 2 years Be G: ei a“ if Vs pee O-8 I'ma scientist and I'm from i ‘Cortuga Island. My name's ‘Samir and I'm Jaber and Cortuga Island. Beautiful island, a) We're on Cortuga. You are, T at. Hello, white sand. Hello, green sea, C= Were on hoi. 5 fun tobe here. ES az " — 0 chooga chooga. We are on Cortuga. Vs . i 0 cheoga chooga, Beautiful Cortuga, eS 5 chooga cheoga, We are on Cortuga nwa [9 ° eee Cortuga Island. Mystery island. This is Cortuga, Amazing island. We are here now. Rami and Kareem. T's a happy holiday with Mazen and Jaber. We Are the nt in our lives. Everyone friend. Friends could be big TAA ial Friendship is very i Pe a eta cas ‘or small, short or tall, young aa Pea bccn @ Listen and read. ae [sever ‘Jaber! What's that?| Zan Oh, no! i's a shark! Mazen! : iti ‘Get out ofthe water! @ @) Rami: Ha, hal Hi, Kareem! {B) Jaber: Hello. 'm Jaber and this is my brother Mazen Kareem: Ramil That's not funny! Mazen: Hil This is cool! Jaber: What a stupid trick! Kareem: Hi, I'm Kareem and the ‘shark’ is my cousin Rami Rami: Hello and ... er, !m sorry. Jaber: It's OK, Rami ja {y Kareem: We're on holiday here. What about you? Jaber: We're here for the summer holidays too. That's our Uncle's house! Kareem: Wow! It's on the beach! Mazen: There's Uncle Sami, He's a scientist Rami: Really? Kareem’s crazy about science. Jaber: Hi, Uncle Sami! Meet our new friends, Kareem and Rami. Sami: Nice to meet you! Please come for some lemonade this afternoon. Vocabulary, A Complete the sentences with these words. beach fiend idea scientist shark 1 Asma's my 2A ___is abig fish 3 It'sa good You're cool! 4a is very clever. 5 Weare at the Circle the correct words. This is a baby with dark Tait hair. Jenny's 5 years old and she's Stipe lever. The man and woman are 6Id7 FOURS. He's tall/Stiott and he's funny. ‘The boy is Fandsome/UGW. Here's a boy with BlaekI/GPEY hair Grammar) a ‘We use be to talk about a person's: a job. Uncle Sami is a scientist. b nationality. We are English. c relatives. She is my sister. name. Tim Mazen. “Affirmative 1m (am) you're {you are) he's /she's/it's (he/she/It is) wwe're/you're/‘theyre (we/you/they are) Negative Question Fm not (1 am not) Am ‘you aren't (are not) ‘Are you .. hhe/she/it isn't (is not) Ishe/she/it 2 ‘we/you/they aren't (are not) Are we/you/they? "Short answers Yes, 1am. No, tm not Yes, he/she/it is. ‘No, he/she/it isnt. Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/they aren't A Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. Kareem and Rami cousins. The trick funny. It’s stupid Fawzi and | tall boys, The house __ old. It’s new. It’s summer and we __ on holiday. Jaber a scientist. He's a student. Match. 1 Is Nabil your cousin? Yes, itis, 2 Are the children in the house? No, she isn’t. 3 Isthe cat old? Yes, we are. 4. Are you eleven years old? Yes, lam 5 Isshe a tall girl? No, he isn’t. 6 Boys, ate you crazy about science? No, they aren't Listening; Listen and write the names of Adil’s friends. Ben Jack James Rocky Sam ‘Ask and answer these questions with your partner. ‘Are you ten years old? Is your dad a scientist? ‘Am I your cousin? Is your house new? ‘Are you funny? What are you crazy about? Writing; Write five sentences about one of your friends. Begin each sentence with He/She is ... or He/She isn’t .... Read the article about a cool dad. Who is with the egg for two months? Comprehension’ Write T (true) or F (false). 1 Penguins are birds. 2. Penguins can’t swim, 3. It isn’t warm in the Antarctic. 4. The mother penguin keeps her egg warm. 5 The baby penguin goes to the sea. Emperor penguins are amazing birds. _ coldin the Antarcti They live in the Antarctic. They can't penguin keeps the egg warm on his tly, but they are great swimmers. feet, He stays with the egg and he They're also good parents. The doesn't eat, Then after two months mother penguinhas one egg every _the chick (baby penguin) comes out winter. She gives the egq to the cf the egg, Soon the mother is back father penguin and then she goes __with food. The father penguin leaves. to the sea for food. Sometimes she He goes back to the sea because he's walks about 80 kilometres! It's very very hungry. Vocabulary/ ‘Complete the sentences with these words. = cold egg hungry sea warm em iss in winter 2 Aeyou 2 Here's some food 2 Penguins swim in the 4. Every winter a mother penguin has one _ 5 itintt in winter listening? Listening) Q Listen to Ben talking about his aunt and uncle. Write T (true) or F (false). something. Uncle Peter is tal, is 37 yeors old. His name ts Bilal Uncle Peter's eyes are dark, Pins ‘Aunt Jenny is thirty-five years old, Adjectives ‘Aunt Jenny isn’t a scientist my Tina is Ben’s daughter. your his her Note: Be careful with these words: its +t (tis) and its @ Soundsjof/English) + youre (you are) and your ad hae has) and Mis A Listen to these words. What do you i notice about the red letters? 1 answer plete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives. 2. scientist 17 Mum is 34 years old, favourite month is May. 3. what B_ Now say these words. Circle the Look at that cat! es ae big! 7 _ silent letters. Then listen and check Nour and Layla are good friends parents are friends to. you answers James is very tal but brother is short eee We are sisters names are Lama and Maha. oblisiern Hi, Jenny! is this_ cousin? 3 where 7 I'mVicky and this is___ friend, Sue. 4 two B You and Tom are tall and hairs brown bulary/ Beis ce bales with thesejwords, Tma chick. Chick! Tm a penguin chick. You're a chick. Chick! You're a penguin chick. dad daughter grandad sister uncle wife Weta Eeperce pebahine eae oa ‘And we go to the sea to eat. a ) ‘And we walk, walk our penguin walk, sWfOps Yes, we walk, walk our funny walk q Tim not cold in winter. J Tm warm on my father's feet. husband and ‘My mother car't fly. My father can’t fly. Emperor penguins can't fly, an But we're great swimmers. We love the seal ‘My penguin friends and my family, aunt and grandma and Hil | mm Errol and I'm 11 years old. tm from England. 1d Greg, They're twins | My best friends are Mike an . | ey they're eleven years old. They're cool ‘hg’ hair is brown. We're together in Class | The twins’ hair is and Greg iS ery clever, | Shea werebam onthe same cay ah | February! | who is your best friend? | email me at: erol@ers oa Comprehension) ‘Answer the questions. What class is Errol in? What are the twins! names? When was Errol born? Where's Fadhel from? How old is Fadhel's dad? | | tI | | Reading} Read the emails and find out which best friend is from the same family. Fae iver teow BBtv Helio! 'm Fadhel and I'm Saudi i Arabian. I ee bian. im 9 Hassan is my best frien id. He's 29 Hi hat is dark and his eyes ae Brown Fi handsome and ho's my dad! Sometimes | co someting wrong, but he says ‘It's Ok, 's not right.’ Then he 7 pater 1e explains to me {s your dad your best friend? ‘My email is: Describing feelings Ask and answer these questions: with a partner. ‘Who is your best friend? 2 ————E Why do you like him ther? _ What makes you happy? EEE ‘What makes you sad? oe Read Usamah’s email. Find seven mistakes and correct them. . a Ke ie Binns ee Bowe Hil 'm usamah and i'm from lebanon. I'm eleven years old i'm tall with fair hair and brown eyes. te: Plural irregular nouns (without s) are my cousin Fawzi is six years old and my brother rami followed by 's. is ababy. The children's grandad is nice. I like sports. ite the apostrophe (') in the correct place. ‘What do you like? Fatins eyes are brown, The babies names are Asma and Amal Hamzas tricks aren't funny. The childrens unce is a scientist. Sheila is my mums best friend. The womans name's Salma, Email me at: D Write an email about yourself. Use this plan to 1. capital letter help you. 2 full stop Begin like this: 3 question Mazen F Hil 4 apostrophe ‘Answer the questions: Write the sentences using the What's your name? correct punctuation and the correct capital letters. im dans sister Where are you from? How old are you? are you Rachels friend How many brothers / sisters do you have? penguins are amazing animals How old are they? my cats very clever What are you crazy about? its a great house Finish like this: Email me at (your email address) Read your email and check capital letters, full stops, apostrophes and question Mazens. they playing with? Ba abalioon |Z y J Cf | Dresnd © Listen and read. Q) Jaber: Hello! Uncle Samir? | Mazen: He isn’t here, DS Rami: | He's got some strange things! Look! A toy lizard Bs Kareem: Yos, its. aaargh! i's REAL! Yuk! Mazen: That's Uncle Samir’s pet lizard, Henry. a Z| ae = a si ae — Sy Rami: This is a great laptop. Have you got any 've got a message on my mobile phone. computer games? aber: No, Rami. 'm sorry, i's Uncle Samir laptop. Please don't touch it. {Who is trom? ) (__ tts from Uncle Samir. “Sorry! I'm at the museum. | ~ ve got lots of work. © (@y Kareem: What's that, Mazen? Mazen: A puzzle! Kareem: Look! There's a message on it. Find the pieces} ‘and then see the answer to the mystery Rami: Wow! A mystery! Mazen: But where are all the pieces? daber: | don't know. bulary/ Circle the correct words. Have you got computer piécesi/igamies? The museum has got lots of thinigs’ipuzzles, This anirnal isn’t real - it's a toy//pet. There’s a new ifiystetyiMSAGE on your mobile phone. Lizards are scared /'strange animals. wun skateboard CO aly laptop boardgame C) teddybear robot Oo bike @ ss, I/you/we/they have. No, 1/you/we/they havent. es, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't. Note: Be careful with its (possessive adjective) and it's (it has) got. ‘A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have/has got. ¥ My name's Liz. (1) Her name's Sasha. She (2) ears, but she (3) W)a friend. big ()big eves. Sasha (4)__ brown eyes. Her eyes are blue. 1 (5) ()a brother but Sasha 6) (a brother. Sasha a. (W) lots of toys, but she 8) (X) a computer. We're great friends. Who is Sasha? She's my cat! B Write questions and answers. 1. Jaber/ a mobile phone? Yes, = 2. Jaber and Mazen / an aunt? No ea 3 you/a pet lizard, Munir? Yes, 4 your brother / skateboard? No, Listening; © Listen and circle the correct answers. 1. Bruno is Robin's _ a friend, b teddy bear. 2 Whois very old? a Robin b Bruno 3 Robin has got lots of __ a computer games. b board games 4 Robin and Victor have got__ computer games. b skateboards 5. Robin's favourite thing is_ 2 abike. b white and fast King! Speaking; Ask and answer these questions with your partner. What's your favourite toy or game? Have you got a laptop / skateboard / bike? Has your family got a pet? What is it? What's your friend's / Dad's / Mum's favourite thing? Wiiting; Write five sentences about the things you have got i and what your favourite thing i: Reading; j Look at the website. Choose one thing you like and one thing you don't like. Say why. tome) eeu emu from the real world on this DXDT Re ec Cera crea Smee) Poses as gas i : ( Wlngeracivesralking)Globe WS BE oe is Vocabulary, Complete the sentences with these words. Comprehension) ‘country exciting moving present scary | Write SP (Spider), D (DVD), SH (Shoes) or G (Globe). 1 Spain is a big | 1. There are strange animals on this. @ 2 The robot has got arms and legs. 2 You can move in a strange way. 3. Computer games are fast and ' | 3. This has got information about different places. 4 Here is your__. I hope you like it! 4. This is good for tricks. O 5 Sharks are___——__ animals! 22 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. aren't /maps/ at /any / school / there 21in/a / there / your /is/ robot / classroom lots of are / pictures /in /class/ there / our 2/there / spiders / are / any / here isn't /a/ there / here / skateboard ‘Answer the questions. 1 Are there any maps in your classroom? 2 Is there a spider in your classroom? Gt Ga next to seh i a Se under between infront of —_behind Look at the picture and complete the sentences with prepositions of place. The boy is The teddy bears are The desk is The map is The catis The photos are The box is The bed is the desk. ___ the box, the door, the boys, the bed. the computer. the bed. the desk. Vocabulary, Write the correct words. camera globe ice skates comic spider watch @ Listen to Hani and Samir and write T (true) or F (false). 1. Tom's game is on Friday. 2. Hanihas got a present for Tom. 3 Books aren't Samir’ favourite things. 4. The shop near Hani's house has got computer games. ‘Tom hasn’t got any DVDs. Read the article and write the children’s names under their photos. Wheat Ss your favourite thing? Dew, 11, ‘My friends are crazy about computer games, but | ike books. ‘My friends say books are boring. | love stories. Great Expectations is my favourite book. Aone ‘My favourite thing is my notebook. i's my mum's notebook really and it's fifteen years old! Mum doesn’t use it now. The lessons are: difficult but they're fun, Tom, 2 My family and | have got a boat. !ts name is ‘Sea Queen’ and it's red and white. It isn’t very big but it’s great! It’s my favourite thing. Here's a photo of our boat, Mitek, 7 ‘My teddy bear, Candy, is my favourite thing. | have great fun with Candy. My baby is crazy about Candy too but I say: ‘Don’t touch Candy. You've got toys too! Candy is my teddy bear!” Comprehension; Wa D (Dan), A (Amy), T (Tom) or M (Miranda). Slow down! Well done! Can | have 2 90? Bill; Great computer game! (1)_______— 1. has got a favourite toy? oO Jaber: OK. Here you are 2. is different from hishher friends? a) Ate you scared? 3 has got a brother? oO Yes, Dad. (2) 4 5 2 —————— has got something with two colours: 7 Sa eacpley or trve got 300 points! That's very good. (4) _—_____— has gat something from their mum? Here's the ball (5) OK, I'm ready! Now practise the dialogues with your partner. mand number the children’s things Connectors A Read about and and but. We use and to add something else to a sentence. Oo OQ Computers are exciting and fun, 0 i) ‘We use but to show that something is very different from another thing, The magazine is new but it’ boring. B Complete the sentences with and or but. four differences between the two ‘My watch is green black. es. Use have/has got and there is/are. This DVD is strange its cool Bilal__ Saleh have got kites. Wve gat a cat a lizard. The camera is new it isn’t very good, C Read this advert and circle the correct words. D Write an advert for one of your favourite Use this plan to help you. Answer the questions What is it? Is it new or old? ‘What colour is it? . Is it big, small, fast, beautiful, etc? ¢ Sounds jof/English) Listen and repeat. How do you say Why is it great? the word the in 1 and 2, and 3 and 4? 1. the computer 3 the animal 2 the toy 4 theunde Remember to use and and but to join your et ideas together. Vocabulary) © choose the correct reply. 1 Hil rm adil. A Find the cutouts. 2 t've got lots of work ———— Nice to meet you! Come to the beach ths afternoon! 2 Good idea! > That's strange What's this? =i) 2 Have fun! Deautifal b_Idon't know. __ ets Ive got a new bike a Imsory, b Its cool This computer is great! | a Don't touch! D Don't go! Frm sorry, Mum a Well done! D'S OK. it doesn't matter, Grammar) A Circle the correct answers. 1s/Am Mansour your cousin? We not are/ are not friends. ‘Sharks isn’t /aren’t boring! ‘(ARRII/M tall or short? That lizard 6@ViS real! funny ‘AWBIII you good at board games? ‘The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words, This is my grandad. Her son is my dad. We are sisters. That's their house over there. My brothers toys are very old. My teddy bear has got one ear! Hani and Tarig are lucky His dad has got a boat! That's Eman’s cat Your name is Rex. im Hamza. Thisis his skateboard! B Complete the table. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive form of the words in brackets. His bike is red and white. (dad) The __ toys are in the box. (babies) The ___ faces have got big noses and long ears. (animals) The__ white. (children) Who is___ This isn’t their _ skateboards are red and brother? (Polly) house. (family) Complete the sentences with have/haven't got orhas/hasn’t got. 1 Kareem __ black hair. His hairs fair. 2 Aweek B Cats _ September cone days, seven days, five legs, thirty Your dad__ a car, but he's got a bike 6 Spiders Penguins B Uncle Samir ‘on the beach __ eight legs two feet __ a house Write short answers. Have you got fair hair? Has your dad got a bike? Has your mum got a biue veil? Have your friends got any pets? Have you and your friends got any computer games? Has your house got lots of windows? 5 g a ‘Chan Te got games, a computer and a camera too, My sister's got lizard and new Moon Shoes. We've got games, DVDs and lots of CDs. vp Sometimes it's boring to watch TV. 1 Ti's summer now and we want to get out. £ ‘And do the thing we're crazy about, We're the Skateboard Sharks, Ty's our favourite thing We're the Skateboard Sharks, Yes! Our favourite thing. On the street or in the park We're the. Skateboard Sharks, That's cooll Sometimes skateboards are scary. It's true! ‘Qu boards are fast and exciting too. ‘And now there's a message. on my mobile phone My friends and T are ready to go. We are young and we want to have fun Skateboards ready? Cotne on everyone. e picture, like school? vourite What is the girl wearing? — pessony 11) tisten and re Aj Jaber: Whore are we? ) Kareer Rami: 1m: Hey! We're in a school. What a cool myste Mazen: Oh, no! Look at the date! i's 1885! = Teacher: Slence! ate 8 Rami: Tom: G Jaber: All: ak time That teacher isn't very nice. Where are you from? Well..., we're from the future. ‘Amazing! And is that a counting machin No, it isn’t. It's just a calculator. | Does it always give the correct answers? = Yes. !use it all the time at my school. Please have this! Wow! It's a piece ‘of the puzzle! Thanks a lot! ‘You keep the calculator, OK? Bye, Tomi Teacher: What's the answer to this sum? Er... the answer is... um ... 153, Sir. Teacher: Correct! Well done, Tom! » April, 2010 is one. lestion has got one. is one. #2 / She works in a school, is is a machine for maths lessons. he/she/it Tikes goes watches Note: brushes _| have but he/she/it has. studies plays: B Complete the sentences with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 We (go) to school in the morning. Karen (like) her teacher, ' (use) a calculator in the maths lessons. ‘On Saturdays you (olay) football at school. My brother (study) in the afternoon. Tom______ (have) fun at school every day. Salma and her sister, (do) their homework every night. Inthe evening, Rafiq’s cat Git) on his desk. Vocabulary English maths history geography science art Arabic sports Qa Q Oo es) Oo oO QO oO © Listen and write the school subjects. Lesson 1 Lesson 2: Speaking; ‘Talk about school. Ask and answer these questions with your partnet Lesson 3: Lesson 4 What class are you in? What's your favourite subject? Why? Who's your favourite teacher? Why? How many children are there in your class? What have you got in your school bag? Writing; Write five sentences about your school. Answer the questions in the Speaking task. Reading; Read about schools in Japan. Say what is different at your school. Japan : Japanese pupils usually walk to school and they wear helmets. In some schools they also Wear a Luniform. Pupils start lessons at 8.30 am and they finish at 3.50 pm. They do subjects like Japanese, maths, history and English. They do lots of homework too. Pupils have lunch at school. They usually eat in their classroom. Some pupils carry the food to the classroom from the cafeteria. These pupils wear special masks! Pupils don’t only eat Japanese food. They also eat things like spaghetti or burgers. After lunch, pupils always brush their teeth. Then they clean their classroom! What do Japanese pupils do after school? Wel, there are a lot of clubs for pupils. They can choose a sports team, an art club or a science club. Shoko, an eleven year old from Tokyo, likes the knitting club at her school. ‘We knit and have fun there,’ she says. Comprehension) Vocabulary, Write T (true) or F (false). Circle the correct words. Does he bfishi/ dean his classroom? The children paiit/ play pictures in their art lessons, ‘What time do you finishi”]g0 school? Japanese pupils ride a bicycle to school. 1 2 3 4. We Weafi/caty uniforms at our school 5 6 Japanese pupils never wear a school uniform Japanese pupils have lunch at home. Pupils in Japan clean their classrooms. Shoko knits after school. 00000 | aveI/d6 fun at my knitting club. Pupils fiak@ 166 lots of homework every day. No, 1/you/we/they don No, he/she/it doesn't, the correct answers. history and maths lessons 2 doesn’t like b. don't ike to school every day? 2 Dowe go b Wego Does Mandy walk to school? Yes, she 2 don't b does Jim Use a computer. “2 don't b doesn’t Salah and Malik have lunch at 12 o'clock? "2 Do b Does “Does your dad go to school? No, @ he doesn’t b he don't Their teacher ‘wear jeans at school a don't b doesn’t You and James French, doesn't speak bb don't speak What _____after school? 2 does he b does he do You watch TV in the afternoon, @ not b don't art and science are a mystery. Tam good at two special things. e words and I love to chant. doesn't like maths. I don't like history, {good at art and science and geography, ing is our favourite thing, we don't know the words, what do we chant? da be do be da be do be playground _} bookcase classmates C) cafeteria CO 5: library 6 uniform C) Listening; Listening; @ Listen to three children talking about school. Tick (¥) what they like. (Eleanor Paola Rana English lessons homework teachers uniform school lunch computer lessons Soundsjof/ English) ‘A. What's the difference in the oo sounds in these words? Say them, then listen and check your answers. book school B_ Read these words and write them in the correct column. Then listen and check your answers. cool cook food good look moon book school 9 Readings Read Tom’s letter about his school. When does Tom have dinner? » Dear Wetor. ‘Thanks for your fetter im very happy you're my ne penfiend. You have go a computer, but it doesn t matter Letters ate dso great! Twant to tefl you about my school. My school is very afferent fron other school’s, J don't go to school every day ~ Tm already here! Tm a student af Greenwood Boaring School. (2) __Tve gota rom with two other boys: What do T do every day? Lalways get up at 7 oedock. Then I have breatfast with the other students and teachers We have essons from 9 4 Z.o'efock. Then i's Lunch me (2) _____ After that we usually do our homework In the evenings I send emails to-my parents, They ‘travel a fot for their work. Ladso write in my dary. At 630 we eat inthe dning room. (3) We go to bed at 9.30, but we usualy talk until 20.30) This is my schoo! fife. What's your school ke? Write soon! jay it like thi Talking about everyday life How often do you ...? 1... every day / week. 1 once / twice / three times a month / year ‘How often do you use a computer?" ‘J use a computer every doy.” ‘Talk to your partner about how often you a Inthe afternoc = ys 3 in the afternoon we have more lessons until 4 o’clock. and your family do these things. Practise the After inner sometimes watcha DVD with my frends, | langues ster Complete the letter with these sentences. Students sleep here. play computer games have a test at school read a book talk on the phone 34 never of frequency go before main verbs. ssuolly gets up at 7.30 am. erbs of frequency go AFTER the verb be. sy are usuolly at the beach in the afternoon. Complete the sentences with adverbs of frequency ‘to make true sentences about you. 11 get up at 6 am 21 do my homework in the morning. 3 lam nice to my parents. a) play with my friends after school. 5 Thursdays are fun 6 Mymumis ‘at home in the afternoon. Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place in the sentences. ‘Sam brushes his teeth in the morning. (always) The boys are hungry at 12 o'clock. (usualy) They wear shoes at home. (often) Put the words in the correct order. 1 science / never / boring /is, 2. ?/yous do/ maths / like 3. often / watch / at the weekends /1 / DVDs 4 2/.MrsHill/ good / a/ teacher /is 5 we/every day / don't / computer games / play © Read the paragraph. Find five mistakes with word order and correct them. ‘school, lessons start at 10 Gclock and they finish at 1 o'clock. We have never maths, English, history or geography. We every day have sports and Computer lessons! These are my favourte subjects. We listen often to tapes in the tiassroom and we have never tests. The teachers always are nice t0 US. D Write a paragraph about your perfect school. Use this plan to help you. Begin like this: In my perfect school, Answer the questions: What time do lessons start? That shop is open at weekends. (never) Look at the word order in these examples. (don't) like sports. Bo you have art lessons once a week? Js Emma usually at home in the evening? Mr Brown sometimes wears jeans. We are always happy at the weekend, Does Jim often play at school? ‘What time do they finish? What lessons do you have? What subjects do you have every day? What else is good about this school? E Read your paragraph and check the word order. . Aeh ul? Thi Hello. What’s your name? Lang. Who are you? I'm Rami and these are my friends. Hi, Lang! What's the matter? There's a kite competition today, but | haven't got a kite. It's OK! Let's make a kite! @ Later. Kareem: Wow! That's fantastic! You're very clever, Rami. Rami: Here you are, Lang. Lang: I's beautiful, Thanks Ramil After the competition... 5) Jaber: Who's the winner? Rami: Lang is the winner. Congratulations, Lang! Lang: Thanks. 'm very happy. Rami: Me too. Lang: This is the prize and it's for you! Rami: I's apiece of the puzzle! It's apiece of Rami: Where are we now? Kareem:I don't know. aber: That writing is Chinese! We're in Chinal Mazen: Look at all those beautiful kites! ) ( What do we need? |{ But we haven't got E ibulary/ ‘Match. Me too! | don’t know. | haven't got any money. Congratulations! Thanks. I'm the winner! Here you are. ‘What's the matter? Where are we now? 1m happy! 1 2 3 4 5 Complete the phrases with these words. “collect go make play watch ice-skating / swimming TV/ DVDs soccer / games stamps / coins a kite /a boat wRwne Which word from exercise B can we also use with the verb fly? ‘the question word: fat to ask about things or animals. tis that? It's a kite. What is this? I's a shark. 10 to ask about people. Who is that boy? That's Munir. ‘Where to ask about places. ‘Where is Madrid? It's n Spain. Whose to ask about possessions. Whose house is it? I's my house. When to ask about times and dates. When is your test? It's on 12th April. Why to find out about reasons. | Why aren't you at school today? Note: Be careful with the words Who's (Who is) and Whose. Match. 41 What's your favourite thing? a It's near here. 2 Where is the shop? bb That's Nader’ friend, 3 Whose calcuatoris this? My computer. 4 When is your soccer practice? d It's Nawal’. 5 Who is that tall boy? Because lost my watch. 6 Why are you sad? Its every Thursday. B Look at the answers and write the question we colour is your kite?” t's re and B 2 pen is on my desk?’ “Aisha’s” 3 is the competition?” ‘t's on Saturday 4 does Lang live?’ ‘He lives in China.” 5° is Miss Jones?! ‘She's our aunt.’ 6 did you go to bed early?’ ‘Because | don’t feel well’ Listening; @ Listen to Adam talking about his hobbies. Draw lines from the days to the pictures. 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday Speaking; Talk about your hobby. Ask and answer these questions with your partner. What's your hobby? ‘What do you need for your hobby? ‘Why do you lke it? ‘When do you do it? ‘Where do you do it? Who do you do it with? Writing, Write six sentences about your hobby. Answer the questions in the Speaking task. 39 Rides and Attractions People of all ages can have fun here. There are many rides like the Wild Mouse rollercoaster. It's very scary! There is also a ferris wheel. On this ride you can get a great view of the amusement park and Sydney harbour. There are also slides, merry-goxounds and many other attractions ke the Crazy Mirrors. Your face and body look very funny in these mirrors, There are also lots of games with fantastic prizes. Answer the questions. ‘What is Luna Park? ‘Where is the famous face? Cee neon eeu ee Ce} Pa ecuns park in Sydney, Australia. re ees) Re aes Roe Ree kod Peta Let) Reece uy Eee eee above you! Food There are very nice restaurants and cafés at Luna Perk They/ve got pizzas, burgers and sandwiches. They also sell ice cream, coffee and drinks. Cost You can get in for free, but you pay for the rides. A single ride ticket is $10 but for hours of fun buy a Go Wild pass. tt costs only $48, You can use it all day and enjoy all rides. pe aT ek auch high and travels at 205 kilometres an hour! Find the words in the text and write the missing letters. ‘Who can have @ great time at Luna Park? ‘What food is there at Luna Park? This is something very big ‘What do you pay for at Luna Park? This is a door or a place you go in These are people on holiday. You go on. = i ne these at amusement parks. You can look at your face in this. 3k for and give permission. in | watch TV? fou can go out and play. a bare infinitive (verb without to, eg do, £0, u/He/She/It/We/They can swim. s/tie/She/It/We/They can't (cannot) swim, I/you/he/she/it/we/they swim? 1/you/he/she/it/we/they can. I/you/he/she/it/we/they can't. Complete the sentences with can or can't. 4 My mum __ speak Chinese. 21 waite my name in English 3 Cats read, 4 Teddy bears skip a rope. 5 Ababy read a comic. ‘Ask for permission and give short answers for ‘these things. 1 I/play computer games w) 2. we/ go to bed at 2am wo 3. they / use mobile phones at schoo! Vocabulary/ Match the places with the sentences. amusement park restaurant sports centre shop Internet café You can have dinner here. You can send emails here, __ You can play basketball here. You can go on rides here. You can buy clothes here. Listening; © Listen to Vicky and Rachel and circle the correct words. Rachel doesn’t like amusement parkS7/ flrs Rachel wants to watch a DVO at thielmall Homie. Vicky thinks the park is Baring old. Vicky's text message is from Janey Emit. Jane and Emma are at SeHiol/-the Internet cate. wawna @ Sounds of|Englishi A Read the words aloud. Which two words don’t have a w sound at the beginning? Listen and check your answers. who where what whose why | when B_ Write S (same) or D (different) for the letters in red. Then listen and check your answers. ‘Ask your teacher for permission to do things at school. - 2 | 1 who, hobby QO - ” 2 when,hove 4 he/go to the beach 3. what, wood Oo 7 | @ whose,wak = ”) 5 where, we QO 5 she/have a cat 6 why, win i) > \ i) eading) Read the dialogue. Who meets his friends on Thursdays? What do YOU do on Thursdays? Hi, I'm Dany, Where are you from? Hil My name's Eric. I'm from London, ‘but I'm in Greece for a week, Nice to meet you, Nice to meet you, too. What do you usually do here on Thursdays? ‘Well, in the summer I go swimming and then [eat a big meal with my family, And you? Well, my dad's got a bike shop and on. ‘Thursday momings I help in the shop, Wow! That's fantastic! What do you do on Thursday evenings? I sometimes go to the sports centre vwith my friends and we go bowling, We also have competitions. I'm very good at bowling. Do you go bowling? No, Idon't. Toften go to the beach with my parents on Thursday. In Greece you can walk on the beach in the summer! Really? We can't do that in England, Do you play computer games? ‘Yes, Ido. I've got a computer at home. Well, haven't got a computer but Toften go to an Internet café at the weekend. I's great! You can play computer games and send emails there, Eric, can [ have your email address? ‘Yes, of course. Here you are. ‘We can be e-pals. ‘That's a good idea! Write D (Dany) or € (Erie). On Thursdays, who ... Talking about hobbies works? Do you like + verb + -ing? eats alot? Do you like bowing? (goes cut with fiends? ‘Are you good at + verb + -ing? walks on the beach? ‘Are you good at bowling? ‘Talk to your partner about different hobbies. Joes out with family? i : Practise the language above. Listen to the telephone message and plete the trip information. stion 1 “Climbing the (1) : 2)exctingJ challenging) Time: (3) starting pm and 9 pm tion 2 ’Swimming (4) fun) (© For: aduitsJ beautiful J criléren aking; 10k at the pictures and say what Mick: is or isn’t good at. can or can’t do. Look at the structures in these examples. 1. Mum and | go shopping on Thursdays. Do you lke playing in the park? Lama can speak English and French His brother is good at making kites. Circle the correct words. 1 I can fying a kite 2 Faisal doesn’t like fad Feading books. 3 Are you good at ridingride a bike? 4 We go ige:skat iCe-Skating on Fridays. C Complete Liam’ letter to his new penfriend with these verbs in the correct form. collect go play swim swim Dear Ben, My name is Liam Biron and t'm 1 years ol | live in Landon with my parents and my brother Fred. He's six ‘old. In my free time | like (1) ea ¢ es computer games. | also (3) ‘swimming on Saturdays. | am good at (4) and | can (5) very fast. Write soon and tell me about you! Liam. Taske J D Choose one of these penfriends and write a letter to him. Use this plan to help you. Begin like this: Dear ‘Answer these questions: What's your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Who do you live with? What do you like to do in your free time? What can you also do? Finish like thi \Write soon! {your name) E Read your letter and check the verb forms. A Find the cut-outs. | | U J harbour merry-go-round mirror rollercoaster Circle the odd one out. 1 library stadium park 2. uniform sum jeans 3. ice-skating swimming shopping 4. sandwich coffee pizza 5 science history bowling 6 kite coins money 7 visitor tourist classmate 8 calculator maths club anemait your teeth stamps games akite your homework a uniform Ww Grammar ‘A Choose the correct answers. 1 Mybrothers_ to boarding school. 2 goes b go like amusement parks? a You b Doyou We ____ have homework every day. a don't b not ‘Does Rayan have breakfast every morning?’ "Yes, he a has b does usually _up at 10 o'clock on Thursdays. @ ets b get My cat can’t a do b doing | don’t like _ my homework. a doing b do His brother is very good at _computer games, a plays b playing many trick. "8 Put the words in the correct order. 4 school /never / on Thursday / go / we / to ¥\ What do you do on Thursdays? Do you go shopping? Do you play? | ———— Tr’s fantastic! We don’t have school i A 3. isn’t / geography / boring / always ‘And una Park is really cool T's fun! 11's exciting! Li's scary too! (On the Ferris Wheel, look at the view. 2 my/I/ write / diary in / usually / every day 4 karate clubs / have / sometimes / Japanese schools pawn Go up, go fast on the rollercoaster. 5 scary / often / rollercoasters / are Go round on the merry-go-round. Fly like-a kite in the sky. ——————— Ride up and then slide down, 6 ?/eat / you / lunch / do / always / at school We can have fun on Thursdays, a But Luna Park is open every day. '€ The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words. 4. ‘Who is that calculator?” ‘it’s Mustafa’ 2. ‘What is my money?’ “it’s on the table. 3. ‘Where does the match start?” ‘At 9 o'clock.” 4 ‘When is the prize?” ‘it’s 200 euros. 5. “Whose is Yuko? ‘She's my Japanese penfriend.’ 6 ‘Who's boat is this? ‘tts our boat” 7 ‘Why book is this? ‘it’s my book Write short answers. 1 Can you play saccer? Can your mum use a computer? Can your friends go to Internet cafés? Can your dad speak English? Can you and your classmates have lunch at school? Can you watch TV late at night? oo @ Listen and read. (4) Kareem: where are we now? aber: I don'thnow, bul i's vry hot lazen: Andit's very quiet. There arent any people here. = Bg eer vas als odie Boy: IS Eid in Saudi Arabia today. Weare having Mazen: Mmm...It smells great! aR fami: Hathai Now Mazen’s hungry! fami: _ Wow Let get some foo Kareem: There's a boy! Quick, catch him! Ram OR Moreen tbl over ther wih plates Jaber: Hey, you! fesse something in this Bp) ct. i's a piece of the puzzle! Pe ie ass the Kabsa, Ka a oo Dey Don't the food before the elebration begins. People can eat and play during ‘that food! tt looks so tasty, Have you got any big ? Let’s get some food from that lat does the teacher say? Circle the correct words. Notiplay/DALEpLaY with those boys! Don'eimave Mave not the desks! Please Clean’ tolcléan the classroom after you're done! Don't i8/be late for school again, Tara! me e/she/it him/her/it e/you/they us/you/them omplete the dialogue with the correct object pronouns. ni: Ramadhan Mubarak, Sami! jz Thanks! What's this? Its a present from (1), AT shirt! Great! Thanks! Do you like the colours? Yes, Vlove(2)___! May Allah accept your fasting from Tariq, too. ‘Thanks! Let's send (3) a photo of the two of (4) fant: OK! Smile! raed Ye can make requests m many ways. Here are some examples. ould you help me? lease be quiet. Gan | watch TV tonight? it OK if I lock the door? Write five questions or statements making requests. Use these phrases. make a sandwich borrow a pen Use your computer ‘ell me a joke plant a tree Vocabulary/ Write the correct words under the pictures. balloons cake card presents hat ~ stening: © Listen to Jack and Toby talking about their plans for a dinner. Tick (V) the correct boxes. Speaking} Talk to your partner and make requests about things to do on these days. Use Could you, Please, Can |, Is it ok if we and these phrases to help you. go out for lunch acake play games 1 Ramadhan 2. dinner ata friend's 3. school holidays 4 acelebration Write five sentences asking someone to help you prepare a dinner. Reading; Read about a holy month. What things do people do during this month? ‘The holy month of Ramadhan is the ninth month These acts help to purify the soul. Ramadhan is of the Islamic calendar. Tt is avery important the month when the first verses of the Quran spiritual time for Muslims all over the world. The were revealed to the prophet Muhammad (Peace tmost significant event of all is fasting (not eating _be upon him). Tt includes ‘Loylat al-Qadr’, the ‘or drinking anything from the dawn till sunset). _'Night of Destiny, the holiest night of the year. Other activities are praying and doing charitable. deeds, It is a time for worship, self-control, meditation and, most of all, devotion to Allah. Guess, SN jmustims fast for another six day 5 Be rer rr) erry Comprehension, Complete the sentences with words from the text about C lar Ramadhan. Vocabulary, 1 is the most important activity during Ramadhan Circle the odd one out. 2. Ramadhan is a time for all Muslims. 1 eating drinking fasting 3 When you fast, you do not or drink, spiritual daytime holy 4. Meditation and self-control help to the soul time devotion worship 5 Bi 3 The first of the Quran were revealed during Ramadhan. 4 first charitable ninth 5 activities deeds month 50 Listening; Listen and match the food with the children. ‘There is one item that you do not need to use. incountable nouns are nouns that we cannot count and hat haven't got plurals. We use a singular verb after ese nouns. We don't use 2/an with uncountable nouns. There is food at the celebration. ene es jountable nouns are nouns that we can count. We can se them in the singular and the plural. hey need a toy. et's buy three hats. 1 Salim: jomplete the sentences with a, an or ~ (if no word SS 2 vain fieeded). 3 Mohammad Have you got___ book for the class? 4 Khalid We need __ money for the balloons. Ths inate cad tomy der ce mE The boy has got _hair. There is___ shop for children! ( @ SoundsjofjEngtish A Listen and circle the words you hear. 1. shoe /Sue 2. she/ sea 3» sort / short 4. show /so B Listen and then try this tongue twister! Sid's shop sells silver shoes! rat O © famy =O table doth OQ) money presents Pomme tens (Sam, 9, England) Bonfire Night is my favourite night of the year. It's on November ‘th and it's always very cold! My dad makes a very big fire outside and we eat hot food next to the fire. Then we have some fireworks. Our cat stays in the house because she’s so scared of them! Australia Day (Ed, 11, Australia) ‘Australia Day is great. It's on 26" January every year. We celebrate ‘our country and everything that is good about it. It's a holiday, so we don't goto school. There are fireworks and parades. We don't celebrate in the house. We have a barbecue on the beach with our cousins. It's great Complete the table. Bonfire Night make a(1)___ prepare (3) watch (2) gather (4) Reading; Read the article. Whose pet doesn’t like something? eacr nr) eee) Atthe end of the month ‘of Ramadhan, we are so happy when we hear the Iftar sirens and Aghan. My mother prepares for the Eid, My father and I go to prayer. After that, we all ‘gather together with our family and to have some food. It's so frightening! She's very lazy! Complete the dialogues with these phrases and then practise saying ‘them with your partner, ‘Mum: Diana never helps at home! Dad Look at that lion! Gir Abhi _—_______ celebrate (5) have a (6) ise any in negative sentences and questions with countable and uncountable nouns. re aren't any shoes in this shop. ave you got any paper? Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 Is there 2 Mum has got 3 Grandad doesn’t go to 4 Have the children got___ yellow paint? silver shoes, museums. _money? ‘Complete the dialogue with some or any. Nabil: Salah, | need (1) things. Have you got (2) iemonade? Salah: No, but I've got (3) orange juice. Nabil: OK. Orange juice is fine. | also need (4)____ balloons and paper. Salah: There's lots of paper in the house but there aren't (5) balloons. Go and buy them. Nabi: | can’t because | haven't got (6) money. One last question. Have you got a stamps? Salah: Yes, but why do you need all these things? Nabil: Well, | want to have a dinner and I want to invite @) friends. Salah: Really? Wel, it’s my dinner too now. Let's start preparations. Read about reference words. We use reference words instead of repeating nouns. They make writing sound better! Subject and object, pronouns are reference words, Replace the words in blue with subject or ‘object pronouns. 1. T've got a blue shirt. Do you like my blue shirt? 2. Where are the candles? Are the candles here? 3 Tessa has come home. Let's make a cake for Tessa! 4 ‘The prize is for Jodie and me! Jodie and | are the winners! OO C Replace the phrases in red with reference words. Task¢ D Write a paragraph about what you do at a family gathering. Use the questions below to help you. Answer the questions: Do you have a gathering every year? ‘Who do you usually invite? (friends, cousins, uncles, aunts, etc) Do you have a cake? ‘Who makes it? What kind of cake is it? Do you eat and drink other things? What do your friends bring? What do you do at the gathering? E_ Remember to use reference words instead of repeating some nouns. s essonll 1 Listen and read. Look! It's 2050! [ je're in the future! Amazing} Yes, but 'm very hungry. Me too! Look, there's a fast food restaurant over there! : Come ont I like fast food. : Here you are. " Where's the food? They're just Food? People don't eat food. But real food is delicious! Maybe. But meals are so easy with, @) Jaber pis. You don't need much time esa for preparation. Yes, but these pills aren't very tasty. Yuk Look at that menu on the table! Kareem: There's a piece of the puzzle on it. &) Rami: Robot: Rami: Robot: | see rubbish! Throw itn this bag, please. But | want it. Can I have it? OK. You're a very strange boy. What is it? It's called chewing gum. Here you are. ‘System error .. repeat ... system error! Wow! A robot. ber: There aren't so many things on the menu. Robot: Can |help you? Rami: Yes, we'd Ike two burgers, some chips and two ‘cheese and tomato sandwiches, please. Mazen: Some ketchup and a glass of orange juice, too Mazen: Look! The robot can't move its hands. Rami: Oh, no! I'm sony! can help ‘you. Look, i's OK now. Mazen: Have you got the piece? i: Yes. Time to go! : OK. the correct words. Vm delicioUs/ HUNGRY. What's for lunch? Have you got any Sranige chewing juice? PIS /BUTGERS are my favourite food! Can | have a glass of chips water, please? Let's eat a SemdWichi/MenU at the caf. We use much and many to describe quantities. lise much in negative sentences and questions with uncountable nouns. don't want much juice. ‘you got much food? use many in affirmative and negative sentences and questions plural countable nouns. restaurant has got many menus. ‘haven't got many chips. there many people at the café? Note: We don’t usually use many in affirmative sentences. We can use lots of or a lot of instead of many or much. There are lots of sandwiches on the table. My brother eats lots of food. je use how much and how many to ask about quantities. jow much water is there? ‘many burgers do you want? Note: We can use How much ...? to ask about prices. How much is the orange juice? It's one euro. ‘Complete the sentences with many or much. rubbish in the house. 1 There isn’t How sandwiches has Hassan got? Do you eat cakes? Ihaven't got ‘chewing gum. They haven't got tomatoes. Vocabulary Write the correct words. oi dessert drink fast food menu plate snack waiter You can eat this after your meal Burgers and chips are this, You eat your meal on this, The waiter gives you this at the end of a meal. ‘Orange juice is ths This isn’t a big meal. — OYanRun This man works in a restaurant. = This tells you about the food in a restaurant, Listening; © Listen and tick (/) the correct pictures. 1. What is delicious? 3 What does the waiter bring? 4 What does the woman want? 5 What does the girl want? —— rca Talk to your partner about what you'd like to eat in ‘a restaurant or café. Use these words to help you. amazing delicious drinks famous. food ‘reat atmosphere nice people tasty waiters Writing: Write six sentences about what you'd like to eat ina restaurant or café. Answer these questions. What would you like for a starter? What would you like for a main course? What would you like to drink? \What would you like for dessert? What else would you like? It is best to break a fast with dates and water. Dates have vitamins that are SS very good for your body and help keep you energetic. They ‘will also help your stomach get ready for the food you are about to eat Fattoush These healthy vegetables covered in dressing can (A help keep you » fit. They taste delicious as wel, Salads like Fattoush or Tabbouleh can help start off your feast with a tasty and light beginning. Vegetables will aso give you the energy your body needs after your fast. Kabab This meat dish is filled with helpful Vitamins. But itis also very fatty and can make you sick if you eat a lot of =. it. It is important to eat some meat during ‘your feast, but be careful how much you eat Baklava Baklava is an Arabic sweet made from pastry and honey. It tastes very sweet and delicious, but it also can be unhealthy if you eat alot. It is made out of a lot of butter that is bad for your heart. One piece of Bakiava after your feast can leave a good taste in your mouth, but not more. Vocabulary; Complete the word groups. Comprehension Write T (true) or F (false). meat salad sweets dates water 1 Break a fast with dates and juice. Salads are very healthy for you. Meat is @ very important part of your meal ke, candy, _ Never eat Baklava. fits, grapes, __ Baklava is good for your heart toush, Tabbouleh, je use 2 lot of or lots of with countable and uncountable uns in affirmative and negative sentences and questions. fe haven't got a lot of baranas! ‘you got a lot of money? fe use a few with countable nouns in affirmative sentences and questions. There are o few restaurants here. ‘Do you want a few chips? We use 2 little with uncountable nouns in affirmative ‘sentences and questions. There is a little water. Can | have a little cheese, please? Look at the picture and complete the sentences with allot of, a few or alittle. 1 There are sandwiches 2 There is orange juice. 3 There are bananas. 4 Theeis____water. 5 There are cokes. s 1 chicken OO 2 butter OO 3 chocolate O 4 bread =O 5 rice QO 6 mk O 7 spaghetti 8 meat istening; Q What do they need to buy for the picnic? Listen and tick (7) or cross (x) the things on the shopping list. r . ( @ Soundsjof}English) A Read these pairs of words aloud. | 4 which OQ wish OO | 2 cheese Q ses 0 | 3 chew shoe |, ous lee 4 cafe) 55 watch wash C) Now listen and tick the words you hear. hant: ‘Lam hungry. I want chicken and chips, Or fish and chips or meat and chips. Sometimes T like eggs and chips. Chips are always good. For a snack I like tomato sandwiches, ‘Swiss cheese sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, Cheese and egg and ketchup sandwiches. ‘Snacks are my favourite food. For breakfast T like chicken and chocolate Chewing gum and chocolate, chips and chocolate. ‘Then, for lunch, spaghetti and chocolate. Chocolate's delicious food. Reading; Read the fact sheet. Which food is not nice for some people? ound) the Wor People in Scotland eat a lot of hot food because it's cold. They also like food from other countries. There are a lot of Indian and Chinese restaurants. Fish and chips is their favourite food. It's fast food, but it's delicious! People in Scotland are also crazy about biscuits France has got « lot of good food. I is famous for croissants and baguettes. Many people from other countries don’t eat baguettes. ‘A popular shack in France is Pissaladier. That's a type of pizza with conions and olives instead of cheese and tomato. For dessert the French love crepes (pancekes) with chocolate ond banana. In Spain people eat a lot of fish. Poella is « famous Spanish dish W's very heallhy food and it has got chicken, fish and rice. There are also a lot of tapos restaurants in Spain. In these restaurants the waiter brings lots of different snacks on small plates. Topas are great! ‘Americans like Italian food very much. Pizza is one of their favourite foods. Spaghett (long pasta) with cheese and tomato sauce is also very popular in the USA because it’s delicious and easy to cook. We all know that people in the USA eat lots of burgers. Other popular foods are French fies (chips) and fried chicken. _ Say Ht like th Talking about food ‘What's your favourite food? Hove " 7 hi ! Lf ‘what's your favourite food?" ‘I ove spaghetti.” mprehension / /f What about ...? Complete the sentences with words from the fact sheet. Mmm, it's delicious. : “What about pizza?" ‘Mmm, it's delicious. {in Scotland people lke Indian and food How often do you eat ..? Fish and chipsis____ food Every Thursdaylweek/day. ‘A popular French snack is a pizza with olives TwiceThree times aweeks , ond . ‘How often do you eat meat?” Three times a week. the Paella has got chicken, fish and init Talk to your partner about food. Practise In the USA, French fries and chicken are also gu NSUAGEI=RGIISS popular foods ning; Listen and number the pictures in the correct order. Time words: order of events A. Read about time words. We use time words to describe the order of actions. B Number these words in the correct order. then after that finally oO first Oo C Complete the recipe with these words. After Finally First Then . 3, Banana Sandwich ____— : = vi 3 D Write a recipe for your favourite snack. Use the questions below to help you. ‘What's the name of the snack? Speaking; the red words to make your own dialogue. Practise it with your partner. What's your favourite food? (1) Chips. How often do you eat (2) them? (3) Once a month. Who cooks (4) them? (S) My mum. (6) Are they healthy? (7) No, they're not! Read the dialogue with your partner. Then change | What do you need? Which verbs do you need for your recipe? “cook cut make put slice use wash Read your recipe and check the words. Vi ‘A Complete the table. dates and water slads gatherings presents Ramadhan Iftar lamb Adhan B Choose the correct answers. 1 Let’s__ajoke on Issa! a play b make ‘Do you like Chinese food?” "Yes, its _!" a real b delicious Look at the time! We're _ for school! a healthy b late {1m not very hungry. Ijust want a a meal b snack Burgers and chips are _food a quiet b fast Follow the ___and find the treasure! a clues b prizes Look at the___in the sky. They’re beautiful a preparations b stars ‘There are a lot of people at the a mall b costume € Find the cut-outs. biscuits — chewing gum chicken knife Grammar) A Find the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct sentences. 1 Let's going to the park! Not drink that orange juice! Let's to have a picnic on Thursday! Doesn't eat chips! Enjoys your day! Don’t laughing in the library! arr) B Write a, anor. 1 sandwich, 2 ___drink 3 rice 4 ____ apple 5 ____ cheese 6 restaurant 7 8 € Circle the correct words. 1. I haven't got afVMAlitU chewing gum! 2. How filichi/imiany egas do you want for breakfast? 3 I don't eat mUChM/al6t chocolate. Can | have &if@W/?Iitt6 chips with my burger? There are Somme /AAY cups in the kitchen ‘There is only SUfSW/Allitt rubbish in my room, They always buy alotlofi/lots orange juice How BaRYI/IMUEH cakes do you need for the celebration? ean D The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words. 1. Mysister loves balloons, but | don’t like it, _ 2. That man’s a teacher. Look at her! 3. That invitation is from you. It’s for my dinner on Thursday. _ 4 This present is great! | love him! 5. We want to play! Throw the ball to them! 6 Let's go to that mall I have money on us. 7 Hind’s back today! Let's buy us a cake. Vike you and Aliso I want to give me some gifts Every day is always the same. We eat, we sleep, we work and we play. But how often do we help someone, Help someone to have some fun? There's always something we can do today, Let's do something special today. Let's make someone happy today. Help a friend who's very sad Give some flowers or a funny card, ‘And we can all be: happy today. ‘Think of other people today Do something good for them today. Send some money to a hungry child. A little money can make him smile Let's do something special today. ‘And that can make us happy today. become break bring brought bought could caught chose came cost cut did drew drank ate fell felt flew found forgot got gave ‘went had heard held kept knew learnt left lay run say see sell send shine shoot sit sleep speak spend stand steal swim take teach tear tell think ‘throw understand wear win write read [red] rode rang ran said. saw sold sent shone shot sat slept spoke spent stood stole swam took taught tore told thought threw understood wore won wrote WORKBOOK ee ae GEOGRAPHIC 5, be it in LDP NATIONAL 7 2 7 : = 3 2 5 5 g 2 7 Saturday —__= Q write the words. @- «@- :@- @ complete the sentences with these words. ‘answer mean open please spell an use your pen, —elease__? Here you ae! How do you book? B-O-0-K. é _ your books at page 38 What's the ___ to question 5? I don’t know. What does Wonderful World — e Complete the table. (1) first second @)_—____ eighth 6 = thirteenth = twentieth os thirty-first @ ‘ircle the correct words. Its a/@umbrela These / This is @ pen, ws aan hat Those / That books are red. What's this /these? its afan egg That's Those a green bag. Ws a7/an gil ‘THOSEI/THIS boys are hungry! ies alan bird ThIS/-THESE pencils are black les a//an ear. omplete the crossword. @ complete the table with these words and their plurals. child country cat glass_‘kmife mouse tomato toy RACERS ee a It's ten to five It's nine o'clock. It's quarter past seven. @ colour the picture. es —_ plese | ? L & a\ QO scientist lemonade beach 6 house shark 7 family friends & idea Complete the sentences with these words. black clever fair” tall ugly young My hair isn’t dark, it's fie _ My cousin plays in a basketball team. He's ____ My sister is very — __. She's two, ‘Asma isn’t — __.. She's beautiful The shark isn’t _ It's grey. Good idea! You're very Match. What's that?) Yes, very stupid. Meet our friends, Kareem and Rami Hil I'm Mazen. Hello. 'm Jaber. Nice to meet you! Uncle Samir’ a scientist Isa shark! What a stupid trick! e It's OK, im sorry, f Really? Complete the sentences with am, are, or my sister on holiday. Badr and Hamza funny boys. your dad a scientist? _— you here for the summer holidays? You and cousins, ) choose the correct answers. 1. Are Kareem and Jaber friends? @) Yes, they are B Yes, we are. {Are you ten years old, Tom? @ No, you're not b No, 'mnot. Is Bilal your brother, Hani? a Yes, shes. b Yes, hes. Children, are you crazy about summer holidays? a Yes, they are! b Yes, we are! Is the boy tal? a No heisn’t b No, itisn't Is the stofy funny? Yes, they are b. Yes, itis ‘Are you a student? a Yes,lam. b_ No, we aren't Is black your favourite colour? a No, it isn't b No, they aren't )) Circle the correct words. Hit GWAR Rami ISWARE they old? He afenitZisn't crazy about science Cool! We afsi/aii on holiday. The children SSRN stupid. ISIS a shark? Youre VATE" funy. They afi friends. Complete the paragraph with these words. eat fly have keep live’ swim Penguins (1) ive___ in the Antarctic Circle the odd one out. They can’t (2)____. They @) _ in the sea. They @) ___ one egg every year. 1 cold warm 2 Father penguins (5) —__ the eggs 3° parents birds penguins 4 father mother warm, They don’t (6) ___ for amazing cool hungry ‘two months! They get very hungry! water sea son Find and write ten family words, » N = o BOZ-a7BPMAUn-w bozreuncrous A-uoace e@z0Zr27zco wpnzuorozrria wpm-xZzzZzrne> Ooffu000rr nz A= tpaeztomm>|m zrmucrrzouze mano kerio4w> = my ee their WM YOU mmr her me ) Circle the correct words. Dénitive with my parents and my two brothers. We/OUF hair is blac. This is Maya, Sh@y/HEr is 15 years old YOUI/YOUF holiday photos are beautiful Look at that cat! It'S/ItS ears are so small ‘THEY/THRIe parents are scientists 1 2 3 4 5 HEVHIs isn’t a tall boy. 6 7 8 YOUTEUVGUE very friendly, Complete the sentences with these words. her his’ its my our their This is Jalal. __His__ father isa scientist That's a funny cat. What's name? Hil Fm Rob and this is sister, Penny. ‘Aunt Carol is cool and husband is coo! too. Meet my friends. __ names are Waleed and Faisal Paul and | are short and hair is far. Complete the sentences with these words. class email matter twins I've got one email Sasha is in___ 2A. The ___are eleven years ald. ‘Vm sory ‘It's OK, it doesn’t —_ Grammar; Choose the correct answers. 1 parrots clever. a Grandmas ©) Grandma's My ve in this house a cousins > cousins Hanis my — 3 brothers brothers The names are Sara and Asma 3 childrens" children’s Her cat is black. a friends friend's What do eat? a birds b_ bird's yd 3. What makes you happy? 4 What makes you sad? d_Hehelps me with my homework. Read Melissa's email and correct the punctuation. NO saan ar he So oe or Ny sally! how are you thank you for your email my best friend is liz shes from america shes eleven years old. she was born on the 25th of january she is crazy about cats ‘who is your best friend email me soon! love, melissa ‘Write an email about your best friend. Use the plan to help you. 28 Begin like this: Hi (your friend's name)! How are you? Thank you for your email Answer the questions: Who is your best friend? ‘Where is your best friend from? How old is your best friend? ‘What is your best friend crazy about? End like this: ‘Who is your best friend? Email me soon! Bye for now, (your name) a laptop mobile phone teddy bear skateboard board game computer game OO lizard robot OOC Look at the pictures and write the correct words or phrases. I don't know. I'm-seared! Look! Please don't touch. Sorry! Welcome! ( where's that piece? @ complete the sentences with these words. bike message museum Look at this —sessag¢ _ on my mobile phone, These are the baby's favourite — My dad isn’t here. He's at the —___ What's the answer to the —__ mystery pet Grammar) @ complete te sentences with have got or has got has got___@ new mobile phone fair hair coo! bikes. My cousin That's my mum. She Rami and Jalal Aisha allovely home, Vm Ali. | six sisters! Where's the cat? it____. my ball picture pieces toys _—.. Can tride it? lizard, Wow! Anew Hani's got 2 My new puzzle's got 1000 Don't touch that! I's my sisters of her bestfriend. @ circle the correct words. 1 Maha (fasnibV/haven't got a laptop. 2 They hasnt haven't got a new computer game. ike cats but | VERTED HWE got a pet. She's GOE/HASGOt @ lot of work. That's my computer. tS/IRS got alot of good games. e Look at the pictures and write questions and short answers. Use have got or has got. Tom Ja skateboard Has Tow got a skateboard? Nes, be has al Lama /a mobile phone they / pets it/ears Adil / an uncle Mum and Dad / new car Vocabulary/ @© complete the sentences with these words. camera DVD globe ice skates watch I've got a new I can tell the time. You can see all the countries in the world on a S __ are special shoes, This isa great National Geographic There are lots of photos in my —___ © complete the crossword. He likes to play with __. Anastronaut walks on the - These Batman __are very oid. 1. Moon shoes are a great Eid _____ 2. ttalyisn'ta big ____ 3 Atarantula isa big ats @ Circle the correct words. 1. I'm scared of EBB at creatures, 2 Itisn't a toy spider. I's feal/strange! 3 I've gota lot of information” Homework today, 4 Computer games are very &xtiting Strange. 5 Ive got a toy spider with talkingyvimoving legs Complete the sentences with the correct form of Look! These ig__a spider on your desk! ‘Are you hungry? some apples in Samir's bag 7 — any animals on the moon? ('m sorry but 7 any lemonade. 1 2 3 4 _____amapin the car? 5 6 No, — any DVDs next to the laptop. Answer the questions. 1s there a computer in your classroom? 2. Ate there lots of toys in your room? 3. Ave there lots of people in your house? 4. Is there a DVD in your bag? 5 Is there a boy in front of you? 6 Are there lots of children at your school? Look at the picture and write sentences. Use and prepositions of place. tarantula / DVDs pen /globe and DVDs boys / couch comics / drawer laptop / desk lizard / laptop teddy bear / laptop Complete the sentences with these words. rc ining favourite=thingli Bole Feoute fm wisoines Draw a picture of your favourite thing. Tell your partner about it. Ali plays video games in the evening, This is my board game, I don't like to read __ _— books. My ofandma tls us amazing This isa of our boat Ihave great _ with my cat. Look at the pictures and write the correct word or phrases. Can Ihave a go? Catch! It's my tum! Slow down! Well done! ) complete the sentences with — =| — — <— — <— <— — — — <— — <— — <— — — =| — flo! My name's Brandon (1) any favourite thing is my skateboard! My skateboard is black (2) red. it’s old (3) it’s Fast. | Keep it under uy bed. My brother has got a skareboerd toe (4) _____hte never uses it. I skateboard at the weekends (5) on ys ahon haven't got lt of Howentork Like to go tothe park. nce we cll ry friends (6) __ they come with mre. Hove my skateboard. | Have great fun witht ‘fo add something toa A verse sentence. We use but to show that something is diffevent from another thing Mike and Sami ove my friends, | like computer gaswes but I don't Tike beard games. Write about your favourite thing. Use the plan to help you. Begin like this: Hello! Say your name. Say what your favourite thing is, Answer the questions: What colour is your favourite thing? Is it old/newffastislow? Where do you keep your favourite thing? When do you use/play with your favourite thing? End like this: ove my (favourite thing). | have great fun with itl Skateboarding is a lot of fun. It isa favourite hobby for kids in lots of countries. Some boys like skateboards, (1) > In some towns, al the boys have got skateboards. Lots of kids ride their skateboards in the road But it isn’t a good idea because there are cars, (2) In some towns there are skateboard pparks near kids’ houses. (3) ___ There are special ramps and you can skateboard very fast. ‘Skateboards are a good present for young people. (4) There are lots of different skateboards in the shops. They have got cool pictures on them. (5) Black and grey are in fashion at the moment. So kids, try this habby! Skateboarding is cool! ©) complete the text with these sentences. ‘a Skateboarding in the park is a good idea, b But boys are crazy about skateboards! © But they aren't good for very young children. d__ The colours are great too, e These parks are very exciting! jocabularyy Choose the correct answers. ‘Tom has got five computer games pieces My phone is white a board b_ mobile I'm scared of 2 friends b sharks Sam's is on the Sth of October. a dinner b county This is a___of my bike. 2 comic b photo Please don't ___ the toys touch b know Grammar) Choose the correct answers. they sisters? 5 © are Tarig and Salim __ got two cats a have b has “1s Rami tall?" ‘No, he a isn't b aren't This is Munir. dad is a teacher. a Her b His All got fair hair. He's got black hair. a haven't b hasn’t My friends are funny. 2 brother's b- brothers My aunt’s husband is my —___ a brother b unde Penguins can__ very well a tak b swim The baby’s bear is on the bed. a. teddy b- lizard tm I can't come to your dinner. a scared b sony That cat is beautiful a Look b Yuk Do you want some a idea b- lemonade They got coal skateboards a has b have There ____ five books on the table. ais b are Bilal is Jaber a next to b_ between Elephants small animals. a isn't b aren't «at is eight years old. a Our b We Look! There 2 spider in your bed a is b are > Circle the correct words. 1 My geography €@SRREBIESOA is very nice 2 What's the siimi/@niswer to this question? 3 Today's Aavildaté is Monday, 1st March 4 '22+ 48 is 70.’ ‘Yes, Well'done/'too|bad. 5 luse a Galétilator/imachine for my maths homework. ‘Complete the sentences with these words. class football fun homework school subject Art is my favourite __subject | always have ___ with my friends. They do their____ in the afternoon. The teachers at my — are very nice Sometimes we play — on Thursdays. There are 20 children in his Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with these phrases. Use the Present Simple. ‘bmish-his-hai’ play football study English 1 Mansour __brushes his haiv every day. 2. Jalal on Fridays. in the morning. Complete the paragraph with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets. My litle brother and | (1) 92 school at 8 o'clock. Dad (2) (carry) my brother's bag, but | (3) like) to carry my bag. We (4) _______ (have) fun at school My brother (5) (play) games with his friends at break time. | (6) — (sit) under the trees with my best friends Adil and All Ali (2) (have) gota little brother too. He (8) (do) his homework at break time! (go) to teach maths walk to school 4 5 wash the car Kareem _ at the weekend. Mr Ziad on Fridays Mr Fuad — Thursdays. Complete the sentences with at, or 1 Ido my homework — 2 We play games in the park — weekends. __ month Mum and Dad go to a restaurant. — the evening, the Faisal has got a French lesson —_ Wednesdays, Huda watches TV __ day. My cousin goes to work at 6 o'clock - the morning Vocabulary/ © wie the missing letters. You play here at bres tne Books are kept in this room. You wea this a schoo! This where you eat inch at school These are children in your class. You have thisin your oom for books Q cic the odd one out * history maths ood) teeth slippers shoes fun lessons subjects sport art homework brush lean wear spaghetti classroom burger @ complete the sentences with these words. carry clean do finish chant wear We____do__ seven subjects at school. What time do you usually school? Do you - __a uniform to school? The teacher and students —_ dlassroom after art. We can't____all these books. We need a bag. My litte sisters words with their teacher. Gircle the correct words. 1 Kareem @oesni8¥ don't like science. 4 Do your teachers Giv@éS/GWV8 you lots of homework? 2. DBILDEES she do her homework after school? 5 DB//DGESH't Kareem and Bilal go to school? 3 | GSRIRZAORERE play football in the playground. 6 Does Tom hash Havé lunch at the cafeteria? Look at the picture and write short answers. 1. Do the students at this schoo! wear uniforms? Yes, they dc xu 2. Does the dassroom have a bookcase? Does the teacher look sad? 3. Have the students got lots of books on their desks? 6 Do you like this classroom? Complete the dialogue with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets. Use the negative or question form Lee: Hi! Mynameis Lee. Hello! 'm Samir. 'm new at school. (1) det new _ I much about Summerhill Don't worry. | knaw everything! (2) __ (you / take) the bus to school? No, don't. I come to school in my dad's car 3)- —— (your father / work)? ‘Yes, he does, but he (4) — _— (not work} in theimen 6) (you / like) sports, Samir? ‘Yes, I do. | love basketball. That's great, we can play together then. We (6) — basketball during break time, but we like to play after school. Sounds great! breakfast up. emails homework 1 How often do you go to the mall? ‘Answer the questions. tobed == = How often do you read books? How often do you wear a uniform? How often does your mum use a computer? How often does your friend come to your house? How often do you play computer games? Look at the pictures and write T (true) or F (false). Ra aa Bye Chris never gets up at 7 o'clock. We often do our homework before dinner. Dad always has breakfast. Nathan always gets 100% in tests. ur teacher sometimes gives us homework. Jalal usually sends emails on Sundays. BI ics of Fase saw sh on ; the da something, They go before the Complete the text with the Present Simple of the vain ioer verbs in brackets. Use the adverbs of frequency. a eet ee Side our bes to shod They ave often at the park en Thursdays. Carl (1) __uswally gets up (usually / get up) at 7.30 in the morning. He 2) — a (always / have) breakfast with his mum and dad. His dad drives him to school Carl finishes school at 4 o‘ciock. He (3) _____ (sornetimes / vist) his cousin Mike in the afternoon. In the evening, Carl (4) (usually / do) his homework. Then he (5) (often / send) emails to his friends. He goes to bed at 10.30 Write about Basil's day. Use the pictures to help you. Basil usually gets up at 7 oclock in the morning. Dany reads comics, Samir plays video games, Charles goes swimming, ) Simon collects coins. Stephen plays soccer. 0 Kamal collects stamps. Rayan goes skating, Kareem flies a kite. @ circle corect words. 1 Well done! You're the mattern@inne> 2 This board game is boring. Let's watch/ read a DVD. 3 We haven't got any Chiflese/ China money. 4. What do you Gl&CH/Né6H from the shops, Mum? 5 Let’s watch the kite competition / congratulations 6 ‘collect stamps.’ ‘MEVIMy too!” @ complete the dialogue with these words. Congratulations! Here you are. I'm happy! Me too! Thanks. You's This lesson is boring. '™m not happy. Jameel Aziz wins the story competition. What? (1) You've the winner. Well done! Teacher: (2)________ Your story is fantastic, Jameel. This book is for you. (3) __ Jameel: Wow! (4) ——____ Teacher: OK, class, i's break time. ‘Adil: You're cool, Jameel! How are you now? Jameel: (5) —______ Adit: 6) We're all happy! @ Pur the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 7/%8/ Doug's / what / hobby 2 /your / school / where /is 2 /kite this /is / whose 2//the / art /is/ when / competition 2 / who / the / boy / clever /is 2 favourite /is/ thing / what / her e Answer the questions. 1 Who's your best friend? Why do you like your best When is your English lesson? What are your hobbies? Where do you live? What's your favourite game? Where do you usually play? @ Circte the correct words. 1 Guat SY.Wen'S your favourite animal? 2 WhOSBZWRO'S the boy with the beautiful kite? 3) Wwhere//WHen is the park? @ 4 WHSE/ZWH'S book is this? @ \Wheh'S//Whiat is the next lesson? WhatZW is that girl? WHVZ.WWHG do you learn English? (holon Tswim here on t < teleh Fed. So _Tharsdays. "Ss 4g This story is Tm hungry. Let's boring Seat here: a EG Do you Fike the _ fesson? 1. school 4 brary oO 2. Internet café 5 amusement park (J 3. restaurant 0 6 sports centre Oo @ write the numbers next to the words visitor ferris wheel entrance slide merry-go-round 00000 rollercoaster @ complete te sentences with these words. face huge mirror scary _ tourist This ride is very ____St0"y___ 1 don’t want to go on it. AL ____ isa visitor to a country. This bike is ____1 | can’t ride it! haven't got a 50 | can't look at my hair Look at his —__ He's got big eyes, Circle the correct words. A baby GAIA walk Birds Canivican't fy. Young children Gani/GAN't go on rollercoasters. Grandpa Gani/Ean't run very fast ~ he’s 80 years old. Mum @@nl€ai't go on the children’s rides. | RILERRIE speak English Write short answers. 1 ‘Can go to the shops?" “Yes, — "Can Habib use your computer?’ ‘t “Can they play football?’ ‘No, “Can Sandra go on the ferris wheel with me?’ “Yes, ‘Can you make ice cream, Jack?" ‘No, ——___— ‘Can this cat go on the merry-go-round.’ ‘No, — @ complete the paragraph with can or My sister Daisy is ten years old, She likes kitting. She (1) ___¢a___ knit and she's very good at it She likes to sew too, but she (2)_________ Sew well. She wants to take lessons. Mum says she @) have a lesson once a week. She (4) _______ have more lessons because she hasn't got time. Daisy knits all te time. (5) _____she finish her homework? Well, yes she (@)______—.. I'ma goog sister and | help her! f pocaid S) Complete the sentences with these words. Tell your partner what you and your family like doing on Fridays. eat go help ike’ meet play send visit 1__like __ going to the park with my friends, How often do you _______ your cousins? Let's___ swimming, What time do you________your evening meal? We don’t phone our aunt. We ______ her emails. an you _____ me with my homework, please? The boys always ______ football in the playground. Dan and Sean ____ their friends at the sports centre Look at the pictures and complete the questions with De ya like swimming? se Se Sa oig Fee Peery oie fetes. ) oe C Writing: GBhemembe:! e ‘Complete the paragraph with these words. can isgoedat likes goes ‘My best friend's name is Eric. He's eight years old, Eric (1) swimming and it's his favourite hobby. Eric (2) swimming with hs friends every weekend. He swims at the sports centre near his house. Eric (3) ___swim very well. He @ —_ swimming because it’s a sport and its fun too! @ Write about your best friend’s hobby. Use the plan to help you. Begin like this: Say who your best friend is. ‘Answer the questions: How old is your friend? What's your friend's favourite hobby? When does your friend do his/her hobby? Is he/she good at it? Why does your friend like his/her hobby? Raiser Itis important to learn to read and write Ithelps people learn about the world and it helps people find jobs. But some people don't know how to read a book or write their name. The problem is that in some countries children don't go to school. They want to go to school but they can’t. Why is this? Well, they haven't got schools. UNICEF wants to change this. UNICEF is the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund. It Circle the correct words. \(@VIsNE important to read and write Some countries haven't got Sehools/ihildfen UNICEF BUYSIAEIDS schools. (Our fffomiey/nGtebOOKS can help UNICEF ‘TEBEHEISIICHIIFED are lucky to go to school. wants to help ll children all over the world to {go to school. UNICEF sends help to countries so they can open schools. We can help too. \We can buy UNICEF notebooks and cards. The money goes to UNICEF and they use it to help children everywhere So next time you don't want to go to school, think about it. You are lucky to have a school, a teacher and books. Vocabulary, Choose the correct answers. 1 ‘Mum usually has in the morning, a restaurant © breakfast Salma doesn't her homework on Thursday. a do b_ make My favourite subject is___ @ bowling b science Do you use a a calculator b rollercoaster Harry never a wears brushes from Japan often visit the Acropolis in Athens. a Classmates b Tourists for your maths homework? his teeth! Grammar) Choose the correct answers. 1 Dan likes history but | a tikes ® like ___ you often go to the park? 2 Does b Do 1____ piaza for dinner. 2 sometimes have b_ have sometimes 1m ___to see my aunt. a happy always b_ alwayshappy jeans are these? 2 Whose b Who's \___ ike art lessons 2 don't > doesn’t geography, | want to go shopping but | haven’t got a money b maths You pay to get in the amusement park at the a entrance b_ harbour Dad reads books from the ‘a museum b library The is Suad’s favourite ride a menty-go-round b park Do you want to__ TV? a watch b send We can send emails at the Internet to the park, a coffee b café go bowling, Dad? a Wecan b Can we Tariq can swim but he ___ skate. a cn b cant is the entrance to the school? 2 Where b When your sister like knitting? Does b Do salma ‘wear a uniform to school. a doesn't b don't ‘Do you watch TV in the evening?’ ‘Yes, a I don't b Ido

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