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| STUDENT’S BOOK Pirie FON ON neg Coat) TIONAL ia GEOGRAPHI Mee Tinecertuas Acenre Tietrenicndwncs— [eeaeig la aanere Vnasearee ser | pen Ss pact | Mert ceive [Seton Tre conga aang | evtowrentnelnoc | =e cae |feycharcucdnaes | Seon eae przt0| Soe ee | | Fiaview 4) )p2021 Vocabulay alGianmar ts) chan 3in Town The Cortuta adventure ]birections Yoav to: must |e [oomiieive: ateaeeees pangs Cine | sO Shou a Technclony Tomes J etrasoreeinoe | Foe snes | Te nacwer lenis | See 20-37] raring fc wlpera | | Feview 209.8640) Votabuany and Graimar tata) Chane 5 Transport | The Cortuge Adventure | Means of transport ‘Comparatives and superlatives Prepositions of sor | to ose (ae, Soba To aaa Ss i ene Eee rains | ene sae jpaerss whe depos obs? | Rview 91) pe-s7_ Vecabulan/and/crammar ale /chant eae) ery | Worthoak Unit “Unit 2 Review 4 Units Unit 4 Review 2 Unit 5 Unit 6 Review 3 Crossword Puzzles Cutouts 7 } 3 7 7 ‘Change words in bold Complete sentences Compete sentences Multiple choice Label a picture Two-option lozenges Tickeorect pews Number programmes: Chant Tiwo-option lozenges The oF fabe, Chant Muliple matching Tic comect pictures Tio-option lozenges Rocce een Talk about going tothe | ough sounds Taking about pets So) Ce Pa) Punctuation | poster 200 [oxo Talk about egeing | Streseng offetentparts | Taking ebout the | Gaing adace with eoncitionals Talk ebout apiciue of sentences | ervicerrment Foser ‘ive drections | oitferent pronunciation | Asking for and giving | Order of adjectives Ofthesemeletter | directions Desciption of atoun | combinations | Fn )ou pre ries |e Compare means of ‘hisounds caking about Treacins [een sransnort | rena Telkabautaice ‘| Panddcounds Taleng abeul jobs | Making nates | Tak about plcires oF | Aasicle workers | | Let's Talk. Tak fer there, under some leaves, And a name tag ~ Rami Ahmed. it, the thief 'sjusta boy. Il fn Badr, turn on this camera and see wh: Complete the sentences with these words. danger idiot Kill tives turn on Gan you this camera, please? We're in great ! Let's get out of here! Don't ‘that bee! It Isn't hurting you! The animals were running for their Look at that _I He's hurting his poor horse Match. igi 5 —— 1 branch zee O s 3 stones O 4 fam U sret OO esi UO {0 talk about future plans and intentions. Tim going to be away for a week in June. to predict that someting will happen when we have, same proof or information, It's going to roin later ~ it was on TV. "Affirmative I'm {1 am) going to call He's/Shels/It's (He/She/1t is] going to call We're/You're/They're (We/‘Yau/They are} going to cal. Negative im not (| am not) gaing to call He/She/It isn't (He/She/'t is not) going to call Wa/Vou/They aren't (We/Yau/They are not) going to call | Question ‘Am 1 going to call? Is he/she/it going to call? Are we/you/they going to call Short answers Yes, | am. Yes, ne/she/it is Yes, we/you/they are Time expressions ‘tomorrow, in the moming, this weekend /summer/evening ext week/month/year, n'2 week/month/year ‘No, Tim not, No, he/she/it isn't. No, we/yau,/they arent: | Future simple J We use the Future Simple: for predictions about the future. Iti coin all day tomorrow. b for decisions that we make now. Ti look ajter the plants. © for offers, promises and warnings. Don't touch thot, it wil bite you. to ask someone for help, Will you feed the birds, please? e after think and be sure: Tin sure the soil will be wet. Affirmative Vyoushe/she/it/we/they will (', youll, hell, shel tM, ‘well, they/l) cal. Negative V/you/he/she/it/we/they will not (won't) cal Question Will 1/you/he/she/it/we/they call? Short answers Yes, I/you/ne/she/it/we/they will. No, I/you/ne/she/it/we,/‘they wont. Time expressions tomorrow, in the morning, this weekend summer/evening next week month/year, ma week/month/year Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Future Simple or be going to and the verbs in brackets. 1. Don't worry. It (not rain). 2 Im sure it ___ be} cold in the forest. 3. Hello, Mum. | feed) the horses. 4 ___youftake) my cat to the vet, please? 5 «helcome) with us? Has he decided yet? Listening; © Change the words in bold to make the sentences true. 1 It's going to snow. 2. They will not go to the z00. 3. They can eat their dinner at the zoo. Speaking; Imagine that your class is going to visit the z00 tomorrow. Ask and answer these questions with your partner. When and where are you going to meet? ‘What are you going to see there? What do you think will happen? Write a paragraph about your trip to the z00 tomorrow. Use the Future Simple and be going to. Renee eat eure cuied Comprehension ‘Answer the questions. Where do a lot of meat-eating plants grow? Why do these plants ‘eat’ meat? Which plant traps insects inside its leaves? ToT) ers Do you think all plants need only light, soil and water? Then you're wrong! Some plants ‘eat’ meat. These usually grow in areas with poor soil. This soil can't give them all the food they need, so the plants have found enother way of getting it ~ by eating insects and other small creatures, Don't be scared, though. They won't A eat you! Plants only eat people in stories! (One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus Flytrap. Insects fly into the plant and then the leaves trap them inside. Another meat-eating plant, the pitcher, contains B a sweet, sticky drink. Curious insects go inside for a sip and discover that the flowar is slippery. They slide down and become the plant's next meal Keeping some of these plants at home is easy. You can grow them in pots, but you must water them often. Some of them, however, are not suitable for the home. They are massive - they can hold seven litres of water! Sometimes a lizard, bird or mouse discovers that this kind of plant isn'ta good piace for a drink! Vocabulary, A Complete the sentences with these words, curious massive slippery sticky suitable 1m about this strange animal. 1 Whats it? sk WRENEACE Sion 2. | fell over because the street wes very 3 This flower isn’t just big; ffs ! 5 What must you do when you keep these plants at hore? 4. These leaves are They are stuck to ee. my clothes 6 How much water can some of these big plants hold? 5 Thispantens erelhomne: it imust live outside B Circle the correct words. ‘There are lots of different kinds of (1) RARE gE in ‘our garden, We've got (2) eéatures/ pots lke squirrels, foxes and frogs. Last year we made a (3) pondififloiet and we filed it with water. The animals like drinking from it, but one day one of the squirrels went for a (4) Spi lit and it fell in the water! It was wet but it ‘was OK. We also put out (5) 8¢d5i/tas for the birds. They love eating them and we love watching them eat. Ne can use gerunds: a5 the subject of a sentence. Playing with snakes is dangerous. as the object of a sentence 1 tke running in the fea. after prepositions. {im not very good at iockine efter plonts. after can't stand, dislike, ike, love, enjoy, miss, hate and remember enjoy feeding the squirrels, Gerunds are nouns which we make from verbs. We add sng to the verb to form them. Look back at the article. Underline all the gerunds. How many are there? ‘Complete the sentences with gerunds. Form them from these verbs. catch feed stay swim watch 4 Don't think about__ TV this afternoon, ‘We're working in the garden, 2 My cat likes mice 3 in the sea is brillant on a hot day. 4 Lenjoy the birds on the balcony. | give ‘them bread. 5 The cats can't stend in the garden. They like going out, Listen and complete the sentences. “Shareef is very good at plants. TV isa waste of time, basketball and football with his A Listen and repeat the words. Which words rhyme? bought | brought | dough i | rough | though thought tough B Listen and repeat the tongue twister. | brought the tough dough you bought. Though | thought you brought the rough dough | bought. Grammar) We use so or neither to agree with statements: ke growing vegetables. $0 dol 1 don't tke playing computer games. Neither do 1 Agree with the following statements, using so or neither. 1 | think Saudi Arebie is beautiful 2 [didn't have coffee for breaktast 3 can speak Enalish, 4 I can’t read Chinese 5 Iwent to bed before midnight. 6 I1don’t have a camera with me today. Reading) Read the int they leave the Cen et Cane jou tell us about the Pet Sam: Can y° Rescue Centre? Me Tim: Yee, of course: (4) = == oe of them are just very hungry, but others are sick OF they have had an accident. Sam: Where do you find the animals? Me Tim: irpeople find a siok animal. they And if tring itto us. (2) _— wwe gat a call about a pet, We 3° and find it. sam: So people are usually good tO animals, aren't they? Well, a lot of people love animals, Mr Tim: put some don't, (8) —_—__— ‘These people hurt their pets Sam: Oh, that’s awful, isn'tit? pets come Yes, itis. But when the warm here we give them food and ped. (4) —___— Sam: But the pets leave the Centre wnen they're OK, don’t they? Mr Tien: ‘Well, most pets go to new homes: ©) ee ‘sam: OK. Thank you for your times Mir Tim. Say it like this! Talking about pets My pet is hain/furry/cute/fiendiy/funnyicudly. ItdHe/She lives in a cage/tank/baskethuteh, hutch in our garden. My rabbit is very forty! lt lives in @ ‘My fish is beaut. tfives in @ tank in the lounge eae aaah plete the interview with these sentences. im afraid some people are cruel he Centre is a special home for pets in trouble. a b : The others stay here with us. They find them on th eur 3 street and they want to help. | Talk to your partner about your pet or 2 pet you know. Practise the language above. —— Lae We've got a vet toa, so we look after them. 10 Bin ieee vosul, Wess te Present Si glauses. We use @ comma (,) after the if ums to Joe if you put it in @ freezer, s die if you dont water them. is€ an imperative to give an instruction ee a sick onimal, take it to the Pet Rescue Centre Tif you put ice outside in the sun, a. the computer starts. IFyour pet is hungry, bb the grass gets wet! Ifyou press this button, it melts Blritrains, d you don’t need sunglasses, Sificisn't sunny, @ give it some food, ; Complete the sentences about you. Use the verbs in the box to help you. drink {F13ee my fiend, | 2iFlam tired, | go watch buy talk ook at these punctuation rules. Sentences begin with a cepital letter and end with a ful stop. ‘Questions begin with a capital letter and end with a question mark: The rabbits ate all the carrots in the garden, Does Jami fike gordening? Names of people and places start with a capital letter Abimied and Saleh ore going to the zoo in Cairo next month. ‘We use an exclamation mark for emphasis: What a beautiful anienal? We use commas to separate words in a lst: Pets need iots of care, exercise, fun and healthy food. B Change the letters or punctuation marks in red to make the sentences correct. 1 Is this your farrnt 2 that rabbit is cute! 3. That Tree has got many branches. 4 like birds, cats and horses. 5 Whata big nest, © Read Waleed’s postcard and correct ‘the mistakes. ———— Han how are you thanks for the photos of your holiday shat a great beach you went to ‘in writing ths from any hofiday home yesterday T found acat nthe street were gong to keep ited take it back with us ots name 6 ase (Ne dawn a poture of rascal t's great isnt it jou ean see W's got green eyes and large eare you walt ike i see you 500m, D Write a postcard to a friend about a pet and draw a picture of the pet. Use this plan to help you. Paragraph 1 How ate you? Say something about your friend, Paragraph 2 Say where you are writing from. Talk about the pet. Paragraph 3 Talk about the picture on the postcard. Describe your pet. Ending: See you soon! E Read your postcard and check the punctuation and capital letters. OwZ This is smog over a city in Indonesia, Where does the ‘word smog come from? a) smell and fog b smoke and smell ¢ smoke and fog iM Liiitiiitiiiiiiy | Let's Find Out! ‘© How many different kinds of pollution are there? © Choose two kinds and tell your partner about thert ithe picture Bolution? s your home area ou do to stop pollution? pessomn 7 Listen and read. picture of us with t n this camera, Boss! fi kids before ..2 that behind the bushes m Andhe'lbe relly angry when he finds out Never mind your uncie! What wi Don't worry. He won'tfind us. Well thin focabulary, A Complete the sentences with these words. bush destroy dump hide stink 1 Fires a lot of forests every summer 2. There are two trees anda large green inmy garden 3. There is a rubbish Its homie. outside the village. 4 Let's ‘Those piles of rubbish from here. in this cave. No one will Find us. I Let's get away Match. QO 1 can 2 plastic bag CI 3 newspaper ) 4 battery oO 5 glass bottle () 6 literbin =O) if free the First Conditional to talk about something will probably happen in the present or in the future, es in the First Conditional have two clauses, The i can write negative sentences in the First Conditional. e or bath of the clauses can be negative. "we don't look after our beaches, they won't be nice. ‘ya don't recycle, we will have @ lot of rubbish! Je can ask questions with First Coneitional sentences with nd without question words: 1at vill happen if we destray the environment? ‘Will fhis rubbish stink if we leave it here? ‘Note: It doesn't matter which elause comes first, but if we put the if cause first then we use a comma. If the regult clause comes first, we don't use a comma If you grow plants, your garden will be beautiful Your garden will be beautiful if you grow plants. Circle the correct words. 1 IF you Gallact will ealeet cans and bottles at school, | will recycle them. 2. Ifyou go for a walk in the forest, you fine find a rubbish dump. 3. Willwe helo the environment if we don't use Awon't Use a lot of water? 4 You will see some pictures of animals if you don't turn oni/ tuim’on the camera, 5 These plants WontEdio ie if you water them: B Complete the First Conditional sentences with the verbs in brackets. 1 Ifhe (go) to the beach, he will take his rubbish home. 2. The park not be) nice if they don't clean it. 3. The men will collect all your rubbish if you (eave) it outside 4 (yourhelp) me tidy the garden if (pay you? 5. If they clean the beaches near here this summer, {____awvim) in the sea, @ Listen and complete the sentences. The class is going to learn about Semis parents recycle paper, glass and Malik's mum recycles old Malik's dad takes some things to a special in the town centre. Students can now recycle things at school in the big green outside the classroom Speaking; Work with a partner and discuss the following questions. Use vocabulary from this lesson. a b c Do you think recycling is important? Why/Why not? What do you recycle at home? How often? Is there a recycling bin near your home? What.can you put init? Writing, Write a paragraph about recycling. Answer the questions from the Speaking task. Read the article about bottled water. What two things can you make from used plastic bottles? Why do we like drinking water from plastic bottles? Some people think itis healthy and clean. Others drink bottled water because it's easy — you can cary it around with you. In hot countries, ike Egypt, people || often buy bottles of cold water in the summer, However, making lots of plastic is not a good idea for ‘many reasons. First ofall, ie need a lot of oil for plastic products, We Usually use oil as a source of energy. Ir we reduced the number of bottles we made, we ‘wouldn't need so much oll, Plastic bottles also pollute the environment. fe recycled all our plastic bottles, wwe wouldn't need so much space for rubbish dumps. But, we don't recycle much of the plastic we use. So next time you want to throw away a plastic bottle inthe litter bin, stop and think. if you recycled t, you \would help the environment. But what can you do when there isn't a recycling bin near you? Wel, there are lots, e of useful ways that you can use your bottles again. For ‘example, an empiy bottle makes a great money box for your pocket money, ani you cut a bottle in het you will have a plant pot, Go green! You can make a difference. ———— et acai Fee) barren ie bottles. It took 5 years and 14,000 pl Write T (true) or F (false). Write the missing letters. 1. In Egypt, people drink a lot of hot water 4. This comes out of the earth in the summe: Qa and we make plastic witht. © 2. We make plastic things with oil Isa 2 Ifyou do this, you wil make 3 Plastic bottles are good for the environment. (_) the air, sea and beaches diy. = 4. Most plastic bottles are not recycled a 3 Wie must do this with bottles, 5 You can make things from plasticbottles. CJ Se ant penet 4 You do this when you put rubbish in a litter bin as You can save money in this We use the Second Conditional: to talk about something that cannot happen in the present or the future, If had a garden, I'd be very hoppy! to talk ebout something that is unlikely to happen in the: present or the future That plant would dhe if you watered it twice @ day. to give advice, If were you, Ve start recycling, if clause uses if folowed by the Past Simple and the result clause uses would followed by 2 bare infinitive. Twoutcn't destroy thet rubbish dump if | were you. je can write negative sentences in the Second Conditional One or both ofthe clauses can be negative we didi’ keep our beaches clean, they wouldn't be nice. ‘he city would be very dirty, if we chant recycle. fe can ask questions with Second Conditional sentences “with and without question words: What would hoppen to the animals if there was a fre in he Jorest? Would they thvow away plastic botties if they knew there fas-a recycling bin in the street? Note: We usually use were instead of was after the first and third person singular. A. Look back at the article. Underline the sentences in the Second Conditional. How many are there? B Complete the Second Conditional sentences with the verbs in brackets. 1 If she (have) a plastic bottle, she (use) it again 2 we environment ifwe 3 We everywhere if we 4 ii (be) you, that article about the environment, 5 Ifyou (pollute) the river, | (call the police help] the Gave) eneray? (not have) a lot of rubbish (recycle) a lot (read) Vocabulary) Circle the correct words. newn a We don have aiPeaindlioning VOR/GE in our house. On alot day; you can use a fan /'dran of water at home. Trees can give us shade /pallution. ‘This bottle is liseful MEMpty. Let’s recycle it Some people think our eimatey weather forecast is changing. There ore lots of green ales feaa6ins in the shops Listening; © Do the quiz, then listen and check your answers. 1 How much ‘rubbish’ from a litter bin can we recycle? 2 30% b 60% © 90% What colour are the recycling bins in the area? a blue b green blue and green, Where can you recycle batteries? a ingreen bins b inblue bins © insupermarkets How much of the waste in litter bins is plastic? a 2% b 5% 20% Plastic bags pollute the environment a fora minute. b for twenty minutes, € for 400 years @ Sounds of/English) A Listen to this sentence and underline the words that are stressed. If we really cared about the environment, | ‘we wouldn't have so many problems | with pollution | B Listen again and circle the words that are stressed. How does the meaning of the sentence change the second time? Read the comments and tips on a web page about the environment. Which two people mention recycling? Rory, 16, Isle of Skye | ive on a beautiful island. A lot of people come here every year and they throw away alot of rubbish. My friends. ‘and | tell people, ‘Never throw rubbish in the strest or on the beach, alviays use a reoyciing bin ora litter bin’ We often clean the beech near out village and throw away the rubbish, Pollution is a big problem. We must all do something about it. Sophie, 14, London ityou planta tres near your house, the shade will Keep yyour home cool in the summer. Then, after the leaves ial jn tha autumn, the sun wil heat ycur house. Trees a ‘good because they make oxygen. We breathe in oxygen s jue cant live without it! Another thing you can do is use a fan instead of air concitionirg because t saves energy. Carlos, 18, Madrid Bo you eat snacks and then throw away your dinner? That js.a waste! We throw away g jot of food every year and making that food wastes a lot of energy! Another thing you ‘can do is use your bike or walk instead of using a cer. Go. green, i's easy! ‘Ameera, 14, Sakaka Don't waste things atap drips, you will waste « lot of water. One drop of water each second is 10.239 litres of A water a year! Algo find a recycing contre near you and reoyéle everything you cafe Dont forget that you can use things again, You can use the seme plastic bags many times before you recycie them, for example, Talking about the environment Comprehension) complete the dialogue with these words . are om | pollute recycle ride throw away waste ates ina: What do you do for the environment? Say it like this! tm i nA Ke 3. nd aa tt aa mea mentions the things we eat? ae talks cbout using things jaa — aoe ee talks about transport? pina: mafia do, sometimes DOIN mentions seasons? ity rubbishin a iter bin collects rubbish? j Now practise the dialogue with your partner. food Speaking Look at the picture and say what you would do if you lived in this place. Giving advice with conditional sentences A Look at these tips about the environment. Send emails instead of letters. You don't waste paper, ‘Turn off the light every time you leave a room. You save energy. Recycle things. You help the environment. B Now complete the sentences in the Second Conditional using the tips from A. 1 Ifyou insiead of letters, you paper. 2 Ifyou the light every time you left the room, you enetoy, 3 ifyou you the environment, C Look at the poster about the environment and complete the sentences using the Second Conditional. ifwe()____ (throw if we (1), = throv | our rubbish iA bins, our city 2 (be) clean! Take the bus or walk! ‘i IF we G) (S09) | Using cars all the time, we {no% pollute) the environment Recycle paper! (seve) & lots of trees fegre) all our paper “Don't waste food. I we (7) (buy) only necessary things, we (8) _ D Make a poster about the environment. Use this plan to help you and add photos or drawings to make the poster attractive. ‘Answer the questions for each part of the poster. | what heading are you going to use? What advice are you going to give under | the heading? | ‘What would happen if we followed the advice? | E Remember to use the Second Conditional for the advice on your poster. Vocabulary, A Find the cut-outs. squirrel recycling bin Match. money plastic name rubbish weather tag bag dump box forecast C Complete the bottles The environment isin great (1) but we can all take action and make a (2)___ There are many little things we can do, We can recycle 60% of aur ‘Tubbish’, if we recycle 2 tonne of paper, we will save 17 trees, more than 26,000 (3} of water and a lot of (4) 1 We can use glass (5)_______again and again. In the ‘summer, we can use a (6) instead of air conditioning, Thete are lots of things, each person can do for the environment, so don’t be lazy Go green! Circle the correct words. 1 There was a ttap/pilé of leaves in the garden. 2 That huge tree isn't sUitable /CuHi6Us for a small balcony. Be careful ~ the grass is very sticky Sliopery ‘when it rains. ‘That shop sells only green predicts Stones How much water can this bucket Heat /tigld? “The [eav85/S0ll must be wet before you plant new seeds. Grammar) A Complete the sentences with gerunds formed from the verbs in brackets. 1 Mike ___(learn) about the environment at school take) care of animals is very difficult Batool is not good at (dean) her room. {don't remember (feed) the binds yesterday. tmiss (Git) in Grandma's garden in winter. den, fd? plant med (dear) c) the B Choose the correct answers, 1 ___water my plants next week, please? a Are you going to b_ will you 2 ft___ snow tomorrow. | watched the news a isnt b isn't going to 3 Come on! you plant those trees and bushes in the garden. a llhelp. b I'mgoing to help 4 They think the new park ___a pond with fish in it a isgoing to have b will have 5 Fahd ___ put air conditioning in his bedroom He told me yesterday. a isn't going to b won't 6 I don’t like living in the city a Sodol b_Nelther do | Reorder the words to make sentences. 1 window. /1f/ are /open / hot, (you / the 2 play/If/ get /you/ fit / you / sports, 3 ill /IF/1/1/ 90am 10 f doctor. the 4 to/If/ 9 o'clock, /it/1 bed. /g0/is ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the First and the ‘Second Conditional. 1 iFwe (not look after} our environment, we will destroy it 2 She (hurt) her sister if she's not careful. 3 Ifyou grew frit, you (ve) money 4 You (save} energy if you turn off the lights when you leave ¢ room. 5 lim afraid this torch won't work if you (not put) new batteries init. 6 [Fi were you, Arde) my bike to work, ‘Dump rubbish everynhere ‘And welll ive ina diety world Everyone can do something Every man, woman, boy anc girl Tf we all recycled ‘We would live in a world thats clean Fires destroy forests Planting frees will micke the hills areen. We must protect the environment ‘And care for animals too. Tf we. don't protect the environment, What will ous children de? Think of life without animals Without wilclife in the sea There won be any air for us Tf we cut down every tree. Yes, our climate's changing We must change foo, you and me Tf wewere all more careful What abecutifel world this would be eee eit rt Let's Find Out! is th i 3 [4 imssscn @ Listen and read. i) Kareem: Fight let's go. We have to get aw before those men come back. Its stopped raining now. But what are we going to do about Kaldoun? We must make a plan Do we have to do itrow? tn really tired and Uncle Samir is waiting for us. Mazon's ight, Bil, lets go home and ‘we'll meet you tomorrow at the café OK. Illead the way. We have to turn letthere, Folow me. Bilal: Mazen: Jaber: a FT BEST rere nave you veer? as expecting Be you home for dinner! | hope you haven't Pseeee cot into trouble! You look teribi! Fea aE [roves sen @) Jaber: Err. wo'ro realy sorry. We were exploring the jungle and Rami fell inthe river! Kareem: Bilal had to jurng in and save him! Then we waited in ‘cave uniil the rain siopped. ‘That rver is really dangerous! You muste't go near there again, OK? Are you alright now, Rami? Where's your sweatshirt? Yes, Im fine, thanks. And my sweatshirt ... er in the café, Samir; OK, we'll get it tomorrow, Ill warm up dinner. Go and (get ready for bed and then you can eat, Samir: Rami: Hetit Is Rami there? Yes, this is Rem. Listen to me, Ramil I've got something of yours! And | know your address! Keep your mouth shut, Ram ‘or youl be sorry! Do you hear me? Vie coruga Adventure) > « bulary, Complete the sentences with these words. alright explore follow shut sleepy N Areyou 7 You look awful! 2 Youknow the town, You lead andil_____ you: 3 Imnot tonight. Let's watch TV. 4 Let's go and the town, 5 This dooris___and I can't open it. 1 Tum right at the bank. (J) 4 Cross the road. 2 Go past the trafic ights. J) 5 Turn eft Oo 3 Goround the comer C) 6 Gostraight ahead. C) Grammar, ‘We cat use have to to talk about obligation in the present, the future and the past. We use a bare infmitive after have to, You will ave to go to the city centre Yesterday we hari to walk home because we missed the bus, - Affirmative V/¥ou/We/They have to €0. He/She/It has to go _ Negati i/You/We/They don't have to Bo. He/She/it doesn't have to go. Question Do 1/you/we/they have to go? Does he/she/it have to go? “Short answers Yes, |/you/we/they do, Yes, he/she/it does. ie No, |/you/we/they don't. No, he/she/it doesn't. A Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to/don’t have to. 1 he get a bus now? ioe very careful when you ers the road pay SAR SI you buy tickets yesterday? 90 into town, 50 | Staved at home 2 You My library book was late end We use must to talk about obligation i= the ‘and the future, We use 4 bare infinitive after = You must buy a ticket for the bus. We mustn't be late tomorrow. Affirmative \You/He/She/li/We/They must stay. Negative L/You/tie/She/It/We/They mustn't (must nat) stay. Question ‘Must |/you/he/she/it/weythey stay? Short answers Yes, |/you/he/she/it/we/they must No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they mustn't Note: We use dr't have to to shaw that something isn't necessary but we can choose to do it i we want, You dont have to buy books ~ there's « library in town. We use mustn't when we are not allowed to do something. You mustn't thraw rubbish in the street. Circle the correct words. When do we Rieveitoy must be et the café? Did he Have tey/'MUst cross the road there? ‘You musth’t//don't have to go there. It’s dangerous. ‘You fmusthvt/Mon"thave te work today, It's a holiday. Listening: © Listen and write the names of the buildings. Pam school supermarket ‘café library restaurant Speaking; Choose two places from the Listening task. Tell your partner how to get from the first to the second place. For example; First turn left. Go past the trafic lights and turn left again. Then Writing: Write down the directions you gave in the Speaking task. 2 New York is a fantastic ct for everyone and you don't have to spend a lot of money Infact, there are even some things you can do without spending a single cert! First af all, you can goon a tour of the New York Bay on one ef the free Staten is ferries, The tour takes you round the bay and you can see the Stalue of Liberty and: the district of Manhattan with all ts famous sigscrapers and ather buildings ‘After your ride, you can vist the Brooklyn Chiren’s Museum, Tekets aren't expenst ‘and there are lots of fantastic exhibitions and activities for lads of all ages. You cant On @ Costume, see animals and insecis and take a look at the collecton of 30000 (objects from around the world ‘You must aiso vsit Central Park, You cen fish in the lake or just go for a relaxing Walk. People from all ver the ward lve in ths cty, so you can hear lots of diferent languages. Goad climbers can even go rock clenbine! And when you've nished looking at the sights, what can you do? Eat, of course! Yous ustt leave without tying the local food, Bagels are delicous chee bread rings. ‘You can buy them on the street. They're cheap and tasty, esent from the The Statue of Liberty was o present from 1 eof France to the people of the USA Answer the questions. Circle the correct answers. 1. There's a Sightl/$tBEUE of a famous person over there. eee ie 2. You can fishi/ tevin in the river How many things are in the museum’s collection? 3. How about going on a(n) detiviiy/ OUT Of the city? 4 I've got a(n) exhibition /callection of coins 1 How much do you pay for the Staten Island ferry? ‘What can climbers da? ‘What is a bagel? What are ‘cheap and tasty’? fe use can for the present and the future to: talk about ability We ean ctimb watts. ‘ask for and give permission. Can I touch the statue, please? You can't eat or drink in the museum. ‘talk about what is possible. You can walk around the park all day. Wie use could to talk about ability and pos He could walk when he was one year ot couldn't see the museurn from te park. We use a bare infinitive after car and could, 7 1 museum OC) 4. skyscraper @ 2 uae =O 5 bank @ 3 steps el 6 shopping centre (1) fou/He/She/It/We/They can't/couldn't snnot /eculd not) speak, Listening; © Listen and circle the correct words. Uncle Hassan went to Athens in 200872006. Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they can could. Be, i/youshe/she//it/we/they can't /eculd't 2. The Pattherion/ Hotel is on a hill in the city centre. 3. Uncle Hassan didn’t visit the Parthahin / MUSOU. Circle the correct words. 4. Bilal is Raving lunch Going shopBING in Plaka 1 You GaniZ68ft vst the museum on Mondays. 's closed. 5 Bilal isn’t going to the patk/ainsort. 2 We n/t /@6U6h"t go to the bank this evening 3 | eoulen't/ Gat go to the library yesterday because | was sick 4 My grandfather Sani FEBA't go rack dimbing! He's 92! 5 Gouldi/Can you ride a bike to school when you were a chila? 6 CBAICOUIAATE | go to my friend's house, Mum? B Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could or couldn't. 1. Excuse me. you ride bikes in this park? 2 We ___see the exhibition because the tickets were expensive ae are see er there, 3 We fish when we were children. ( @ Sounds)of| English 4 You___walk tothe town centre, Its about | q circle the odd one out and then listen and pcity? half an hour by car. check your answers. 5 Last year | drive. |usad to take the bus. ‘sitohtpo aia aan 6 Jassar fide a bike. He alnays falls off Foghe si si | | 3 wind mind find | 4 some come home B Practise saying the words in A. Can you think | | © of any other words that rhyme with them? 27 the First ic that the city is ty the sea. Visitors can Wa ulldings You cure you bing comfortable shees and a carers Dear City Cid bourne bes ase you can might hear tor fen differ “an get Comprehension Write N for Nasr, $ for Sandra or G for Greg Who... talks about going to the beach? t mentions places you can visit without paying? talks about meeting people from cifferent countries? (_] mentions walking a lot? C mentions eating many different things? Qo talks about rainy weather? (= a Jot of parks and everyone gees fot. You can go for + walk, have 4 picnic er go J°gg" There are afso some fantastic | uns, and some of them are How cantiget to ..? How can {get to the bank? How faris it to...? How for is it to the library? Turn ... and then urn let ond then go straight ahead. con the rightleft-hand side The café is on the right-hand side of the street the first'second street on the right/left Pork Lane is the second street on the lft. Role play with your partner. Take turns to ask for and give directions from yout school to your house. Practise the language above. a Bee ine fe use might/may to talk about possibilty. it might /may rom tomorrow. fe use a bare infinitive after might/may. fou/He/She/It/We/They might not go. algo use may to offer or ask for pormicsion. May I help you? Jopen the window? fote: We don't usually use right in questions and we usually say might not and not mightn't. | We use should to ask for and give advice. ‘Shouia | urn right at Bank Street? fe use a bare Infinitive after should, Fes, /you/ne/she ty we/ they should jo, /you/he/she/it/we/they should. ‘A Complete the sentences with might, might not, should or shouldn't. 1 You bring an umbrella.’ cloudy. 2 We ative on time. The roads are busy 3. Sit down. The bus be late 4 You be scared. The city is very safe B What are the people saying? Complete the sentences with the correct form of might/may or Writing Order of adjectives A. Read ahout the order of adjectives. When we have two or more adjectives in a sentence, we put them in a certain order. We use this order: 1 opinion egfantestic 5 colour egued 2 sie —egbig 6 origin eg English 3 age egold 7 material eg silver 4 shape eg square B Look at these sentences. Put the adjectives in rackets in the correct order. 4 Leome for ain) _ 2 Thisisa 3 Thisisan) (old, English) town, (new, small, qreen) bookcase. ____areat, English, new! book. C Read this description of a town and put the adjectives in the correct order. Scarborough Scatbexouch isn! lengish.cldl ‘own by the sea. h summer lots of people go there because ts gota), Afontastc, big) peach, ihenits sunny. youcan stionthe| beach, butwhen Itscold you canvist the 18) fold, ‘peauifull castle. You can buy nice sweets there lao. One is ced rock You con buy los of diferent colours of rock You conaiso buy 4) ‘tocol, deiicious| fish, Task: ~ D Write description of a town, Use two adjectives | to describe each thing. Use this plan to help you. | Answer these questions. ‘Where is the town? Toke this because rain should. You______ goto. that shop! Its expensive! pee Gs | down this street? What can you do when the weather is goad? ‘What can yau do when the weather isn’t good? What can you buyleat there? Read your description and check that the ajectives are in the correct order i 4 © Listen and read. @) Kareem: | think wo should tall Uncle Samir about Mazen: Rami: Jaber: Khaldoun, He'll help us. No! He'll be really angry Shh! Samir will hear! Let's go for a walk on the beach after breakfast, Thera's something you should know OK. I'l call Bilal anc we can meet him there, Unele Samir is going cut, so he won't mind. ‘What do you think, Bilal? , ‘Well, maybe we should tell Samir. | was listening to the news on allocal radio station this morning, It sald that animals are disappearing from Cortuga. Ifwe told him it was: ‘onthe news, he would believe us. 2) Half an hour lator Jaber: So what do you want to tell us, Rami? Rami: Somebody phoned last night. I think it was Khaldoun, He threatened mel What? How did he know your number? Maybe he recognised us from the ppholos on the camera, He saw us at the harbour with Uncle Samir. Bilal: Jaber: I don'tthink we should sey anyihing| Let's discuss 4 things again before any decisions are made. Wait here while | go and get my mobile phone. | have to send a message to Mum, OK, but be quick! ‘At Samir's house 5) Samir: Rami: Samir: Rami: h, hello, Rami. was just leaving. Have you forgotten something? Yes. Cani go inside fora: minute? Ofcourse. Just lock the door behind you. Ill see ‘you later. OK, thanks. Bye, No one can help you now, boy! You're coming with us! Vocabulary, jomplete the sentences with these words. isappear discuss lock recognise threaten IF you have a problem, itwith your parents. Don’t forget to the door when you go out There is 2 lot of water on the road, When the sun comes, ‘out, it will Look at this old photo. Do you your grandmother? She was only four years old When Khaldoun and his men Rami, they say they will take him away. Siteuc fe use the passive voice: ‘when we are more interested in the action than the person doing t. A ot of mobile phones are made in China auten we don't know wio does the action Thousands of text messages are sent every day. sullen it's obvious who does the action. Television is watched m a tot of countries. ‘want to talk about the person doing the action, we use by: The car is driven by my brother. We make the Present Simple passive with am, are or is and, past participle of the main verb, See pages 58-59 for a of irregular past participles. ‘Am I given Is he/she/it given .? Are we/vou/they given. No, I'm not. No, he/shesit isn't No, we/you/they aren't. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple passive of the verbs in brackets. 11 Mobile phones 2 English 3 Our classroom (use) as cameras too now. (speak) allover the world (clean) every day. 4 A lot of words in text messages (write) differently than in the dictionary. 5 mobile phones. (allow) in your classroom? B Complete the sentences with the Present Simple passive of these verbs. not pay not play send show use 1 Allot of adverts fon this channel 2 That game indoors. 3. That reporter a lot of money. 4 lots of letters tothe newspaper? 5 This computer program bya lot of people. Vocabulary; Look at the list of words used in text messages. Match them to their meanings. 1 96 a. before 2 ba b today 30 later 4 ier d great 5 2day e see you Now rewrite this text message conversation. 1 Rugoing 2 the mall 2cay? 2 OK Wot dou want 2 by? 3 Sumdlothes 4 OK.Cuat3 5 G8 Speaking; Look at the pictures in the story and talk about communication in your own words. Write a short paragraph about the story of ‘communication from the Speaking task. Television has become a very important part of our lives and we can’t imagine living Without it. Throughout the world, it entertains and informs people of all ages. Its also used for advertising, (1) ‘The first electronic black and white television was invented in the 1920s, In the early days, only a few very wealthy people could afford television sets. In 1936 there were only about 200 TV sets in the world. (2) ‘Then, in the USA in the 1950s, colour ielevision was broadcast to the public for the fist time, though few people bought colour television sets as they could not show black and white programmes. @ This could show black and white and colour programmes, so people started buying these new TVs. Advertising on TV started in 1941 in the USA. (4) Today adverts are seen ‘on nearly all channels all over the world. ‘Television was introduced in Saudi Arabia in 1965. AC first, only Riyadh end Jeddah had ‘TV, but it soon became available all over the country. Now, over 100. ‘TV stations can be ‘watched by viewers in the kingdom. (5) “We now have wide screen plasma and LCD TVs, mini pocket TV sets and digital television. Who knows what kinds of TV ‘we'll have in the future? Vocabulary, Complete the article with these sentences. ‘A Complete the sentences with these words, In 1967, however, a new kind of television advertising entertain imagine invent technology was invented With new technology, television is changing all Did Marconi___ the radio? the time. Television companies all over the world make a lot of But how did it begin? money from _ Later, the price carne down and mare people Can you__ life without radio and Tv? bought one. 5 TV doesn’t just us, it also informs us. The first commercial was for a kind of This new __ is amazing! swrist wate | Circle the odd one out. 4 commercal advert 2 afford show 3. mini small 4 invent imagine 5 sports programme documentary irammar; ee watch broadcast wide make television set emake the past simple passive with was or were and ‘the past participle of the main verb. See pages 58-59 for list ofiregular past particinies, je/she/it wes given e/you/they ware given ose shoes were shown on TV. es, I/he/she/it was. Yes, we/you/they were, No, I7he/she,/it wasn't. ‘Yes, we/you/they weren't. Zomplete the sentences with the Past Simple passive of the verbs in brackets. That programme My cousin last year. those people (pay) a lot for building this computer? 4 Alotof teachers the job. 5 ThisTV. 6 Why areporter (not send) to the scone of the accident? 7 v by John Logie Baird? The commercial last night (show) for ten years {choose} for a scholarship interview) for (not make) in Jepan. (invent) (not broadcast) if —— © Listen and tick (7) the correct pictures, 1. What happened in Brighton yesterday afternoon? —y ) 9 2 Where did the friends find the elephant? eRe 3. How did the boy help the family? pe 3) 4 What's the weather going to be lke this afternoon? 5. What timeis the next news? ae 6 ‘a a | a a 5 Foo | be. 00 @ Sounds of} English } ‘A. Read these pairs of words. Write S if they sound the same and D if they | sound different. 1 see she Oo | 2 thee ther = | 3 knows nose =O 4 pri el =O | 5 wear whee OO) B Listen and check your answers. The first working telephone was built by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, The electrical designer, Thomas Watson, helped him. They preferred to work together. Another inventor, Elshia Gray, was trying to make a telephone at the same time. Bell and Watson used some of Gray's ideas when they made their telephone. Gray was not happy about this. Bell and Gray were not friends. In fact, Gray couldn't stand Bell! So, who invented the telephone? More than one person! The first words that Bell said on his telephone were, “Watson, come here! | want to see you!” Thomas Watson was listening to Bel in another room. The frst telephone was a strange device, made of wood and metal It also had a cup of liquid inside! Telephones have changed a lot since 1876! Now we have mobile phones that do not need to be connected to any wires and can be taken anywhere. We can call people in other countries and send text messages, Some phones have cameras, and can send pictures and videos over the Internet, The telephone is still changing. What do you think telephones will b= able to do in the future? My fovourite invention is... fy Favourite invention is the telephone Do you prefer... to...? Do you prefer DVDs to books? Write T (true) or F (false). 1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone on his own, Bell and Gray did not work together. 2. Watson said the first words ‘on the telephone, All telephones are made of ‘wiood and metal. ‘Some phones can send videos today. sta : {rer watching documentaries to reading books, I prefer radio to television. Vane stand {can't stand the news. “Complete the dialogue with some of these phrases. ith: What's your favourite book, Gabit? ; aa a ii es isa book called Wild World. It's about animals. He ith: Do you like funny books? eee ‘educational books. 3) Tong stores to shart stores? short stories, hate long stories. istening, Listen and write the numbers next to kinds of technology. cor Oo mobilephone] Ww a aeroplane i (2 computer speaking: Interview your partner about TV. Ask these “questions. How often do you watch TV? How many hours a week do you watch TV? ren do you watch TV? at programmes do you watch? What are your favourite programmes? Why? jow many TVs are there in your house? jhere are they? ‘Spelling mistakes Find the spelling mistakes in these sentences and correct them. This racio station is awl | thing documentaries are interesting ‘Those thinks in the adverts are expensive We never watch TV at brekfast He prefers watching realy long programmes. They always watch the neuws on Thursday evenings. My friends and | sen to History FM, Did you see the new TV science programe? This book seams good. Dotan nh WN 10 | was listening to the ragio an our ago. B Look at the review of a television programme below. Find eight spelling mistakes and correct them. My favourite TV programme is @ documentary boul animals i Afica,tisr'ton TY atthe ‘moment but was on last year “The documentary talked about how baby animale {ow and ier to look for fo00. They have to leave there family and take care of themselves. Some idan’: survive 60 easily. But some ave strong and protect hemselts wel. The strang ones go.on to neko ther own families and teach thelr young to Tia, realy like animal documantaries because they Neiarties ll pS) aevey otingercine anmels ave do 5) thinks ks nun ar ood. realy ertetains me ED) hen twain hee seanees rd la abot “= (c ‘he natural world, Now | want to study hard and S$ O) becomeavotwnen | arow vp. i) . Task: » | © Write a review of your favourite television programme. Use this plan to help you. Paragraph 1 Say what your favourite programme is and when itis shown on TV. Paragraph 2 Say what happens on the programme Paragraph 3 Say why you like the programme. D Read your review and check that you have spelt everything correctly. T love to listen to the radio To find out about the world around me There are so many things I want to know ‘About the plants and animals that I can see, Tike reading, and watching TV But not those silly shows that waste my tines ‘Twant to learn stuff that interests me \ ‘About creatures that walk, or swim, of elim. About flying birds ond noisy green frogs ‘And scary insects that hide under logs Rats and mice ond cats that never think twice. Before they catch their prey at any price! A Find the cut-outs. fT skyscraper statue traffic lights: is reporter 7) remote control exhibition Cirde the odd one out. shopping centre channel —_bank book documentary news sights collection tour object thing square: entertain inform invent ¥ pie «! roe: C Gircle the correct words. You have to read this old (1) Stenprogramime) about a policeman called Pete. Its really funny! He {2} follows / threatens 2 man called Slim all around ‘town because he wants to catch him. He wears different clothes and masks but Slim always (3) recognises’ imagines him because he has a very funny walk. Pete loves food and when he isn’t working, he’s in his neighbourhood café eating burgers and his favourite chocolate (4) stepsiGagels. He's crazy about them because they're sweat and (5) chewy sleepy. Pete’s got lots of different things like mobile phones, cameras and even a(n) (6) mini original TV, but most of them are really old and they should be in a (7) library museum. Slim always (8) disappears /discusses jn the end, but Pate never gives up! Grammar) A Choose the correct answers. 1 You to leave your car here and walk to the shopping centre. a have be must © may We ____watch the news, Let's watch a documentary instead shouldn't b mustn't don't have to [turn lef at the library? a Might b Should © Have They __ go to the stadium early or they won't find any cheap tickets a have b can © must You ____ miss this TV programme. f's very good, a might not shouldn't © don'thave to ‘We go on a boat tour tomorrow, but we haven't decided yet a must b may have to Complete the dialogue with these words. can can't couldn't have to. might ght not should shouldn't Grandma: You (1) ‘watch so much television Fdidn't watch a lot of TV when was young Fareed: Of course. You (2) watch TV because you didn’t have a TV set, Grandma! Grandma: Oh yes, | forgot, But you 3) be outside in the fresh air. I's good for you Fareed: But Grandma |(4) go cutside today. its freezing Grandma: isn't freezing! You (5) ie be really warm, but you won't be cole with a coat on, You can go to the stadium. There © be a good game on, Fareed: But |(?) watch the game here at home, Football tickets are expensive. Grandma: Oh, dear. Yes, they are Fareed: OK, I'm sorry but | (8) do my homework now. Grandma: OK, we'll tak ater. Change the verbs in bold into the passive voice to complete the second sentences in each pair. 1. Dad gave ine a new radio. \ a new radio by Dad They make a lot of funny adverts Alot of funny adverts ___ by them. Can you remember who invented TV? Can you remember who TV by? The club doesn’t pay its players much. The players much by the club, Inthe story, the man threatens the detective We're flying today far'acrass the sea in the story, the detective __by the To ae Riyadh Riyadh, man. “There's so miich t0 do, there's so much to see ‘They showed us round the museum. Tn amazing Riyadh, Riyadh We around the museum. We must see the Kingdom Tower Do they take the tourists on a tour? Rena ciaeceets the tourists Well warch the natienal teatn slaying football ‘on @ tour? Th amazing Riyedh. Riyadh. ‘The people in the café didn’t recognise the presenter. The presenter ‘the café. ct pe Fag What is the name of ‘this means of transport? a wire car b cable train © cable car Let's Talk Talk about the picts Name as many kinc inds of transport do you u you use them? rs) at? I'm sure [heara a scream, I didn’t hear anyihing, Where's Ram’? He lett halt ‘an hour ago. He should bbe back by now. Maybe we should go and ok for him, same on, let inan walling anyway. Rami! Ramnil Are you here? There's nobody Now we hi Samir. What an catch the DUS. ysabus ston & 5 thore, Jaber, call | ‘il moet him at the me ont Back at Parrot's ‘That was the worst bus ride Ive ever had! What} @ Samir: a crazy driver! And look at the tyres! They're ancient! !m not going'to get on that bus again! * = That's odd. and Rami were on th What's going on? Rami has disappeared! We think that Khaldoun has kidnapped him! Khaldoun? But why? ‘Anyway, | saw Rami ‘at home an hour ago. /e've just come from the house. The door ‘was open and Rami's phone was an the floor. Tell m ly what has happened anc then, ‘welll go to the p ‘mobile phone «gq inside. Vocabulary, ‘A Complete the sentences with these words. bus stop catch get on kidnap soream Here's the train. Let's 1 2 Did he really a boy? 3 I'm sure just heard @ 4. We abways the bus into town. 5 Excuse mes there a neac here? B Match. = ry 1 tyre & 2. driver Og en 4 motorbike sawn O & a ee wamo ) te eee "We use the comparative ferm te compare twa or more “people, animals or things. We often use the word then “after the comparative form. | We add -er to short adiectives “A bus ts fasier than a bieyele. "We don't adi -er to long adjectives, but we use the word “more before the aclectve, | Travelling by tran is not more interesting than travelling by boat. ‘We can use (not) 2s ~ adjective + a5 to compare two things The bus is as cheap as the tram. This seat isnt as comfortable as that one We use the superlative form to compare a person, an animal or thing with many ather papla, animals or things We add -est to short adjectives and use the word the before the adjective. _ These tickets ore the cheapest. “We don't add -est to long adjectives, but we use the word most before the adjective. | These tickets aren't the most exoensive. ‘The eamparative and superiatve forms of these adjectives ate regular Adjective Comparative Superlative good better the bast bad worse the worst Tmany/much more the most A Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative structure of the adjectives in brackets. i. This ferry is 2 inever walk anywhere. I'm pperson in our family Planes are This seats 5 Is the metro of transport? (fast) than the bus. (lazy) (exciting) than trains, (not nice) as that one. {popular) means aw B Complete the speech bubbles with the correct ‘comparative or superlative structure of these adjectives. big good frightening slow This is Journey I've ever had! The weather isn’t it was yesterday. (This is carin the world ey Listening; —_—2 © Listen to Adel and Adnan and cirde the correct words. Adel's going to London with his parents’ grandparents. Adel thinks that the train /c0aeh is more exciting. The coach isn’t as fast / long as the train. ‘Train tickets are SAR 78 (SAR 180 each. ‘Adel thinks they should go by train / coach. Speaking; Work with a partner and compare these different means of transport. Use the adjectives in brackets. plane and ferry (expensive) bicycle and motorbike (fast) train and coach (comfortable) Writings Write three sentences comparing the different means of transport from the Speaking task. Reading, Read the text and learn about Al Mashaaer Al Muqaddassah Metro in Makkah. When did it open? Many cities in the world have their own special rallway service. For example, New York and Tokyo have the Subway, London has the Underground, while Athens, Cairo, Paris and Moscow call their system the Metro. “The trains are famous because they travel under the ground. However, the names Underground and Subway are not completely accurate Sometimes Underground trains come up out of the ground and travel ‘over the land. For example, oniy 42% of the London Underground is actually below ground level. ‘One of the newest Metro services in the world is the Makkah Metro, more correctly known as Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro, It ‘opened in November 2010. The track is 18 kilometres long, and s all above ground, The height ofthe track varies from eight to ten metres {and the system can carry up to 72,000 passengers per hour, The trains can run automaticaly, without the need fora driver, ‘The purpose of the Makkah Metra is to transport pilgrims in the safest, quickest and most comfortable way possible, to and from the holy places in Makkah, Mina, Muzdalifa and Arafat. Comprehension Answer the questions. 1 Why's the name Underground inaccurate? Vocabulary, How much of the Loncon Underground system is above the ‘A. Find words in thesteneanetimesniche follol ground? 1 way, road 2 really, in fact 3 tip, voyage A truth, certainty —_ How many passengers can the Makkah Metro carry in two hours? Give three advantages of the Makkah Metra. 5 relaxing, restful B Write the correct words. escalator inspector luggage _ street sign ticket machine timetable 3 a 5 6 Grammar, Prepositions of movement We use prepositions of movement when we want to ‘describe the change of position of a person, an animal or ‘an object. Bohaisa went ito the bank to get some money. Fotin was walling towards the museum. The subway train travelled uncer the ground. "Rayan walked around the comer and saw his friend Hakim, Hamad watked down the steps and into the Underground station. Hani climbed onto the root. Basil ran across the street, away from the burning shop. The cor went through the tunnel, then over the bridge. The train went past the station without stopping ‘A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of movement. There are more prepositions than you need in the box. under onto away from past over towards through 1 I've moved the notebook tea to avoid an accident the cup of 2. The taxi driver didn’t know the area well so he went the hotel 3 Asyou move the fresh breeze. 4 The water goes __ 5 They finally managed to get to Makkah. B Complete the sentences with down, into, across. ‘over of around. the mountain, you feel the tunnel to the sea. the bus 1. Mum couldn't get all the clothes the suitcase. 2 went the basement 3. The train goes not through the city centre. 4 Hani can swim _ the poo! in 30 seconds 5. The plane wes flying the ocean when the storm started. ‘istening: @ Listen to Hani and his dad talking about the Hufuf train station. Write T (true) or F (False). 4) The train fram Riyadh is coming on time 2 Hani is travelling with his father. 3 [tse direct trip from Riyadh to Abqaiq. 4 The train leaves Dammam at 5:20. 5 The tiip from Hofuf to Abgaig is 1 hour and 18 minutes. BBo0o Oo @ Sounds of/English, A Read these pairs of words. What is the difference in the sound of th in each pair? 1 this, thin 2 either, both 3 there, thing B Now put these words in the correct column depending on their th sounds. Listen and check your answers. bath cloth mother neither other thank brother tooth 1 4 Zz 3 3 oe 6 Chant ‘There are bikes, cars, buses and trams in town Tox's tool The metro's under the ground We can sail en a ferry, we can get on a plane (Or travel throug Europe on a new, fast train. ‘The best thing is, we can go cnywhere By train, read, sea ar up in the air ‘Travelling tokes us to different places Visiting countries, seeing different faces ‘Transport takes us where we want to go Around the world or just back home. Flying's more expensive than going by car But it's the fastest way to go if youre travelling for, Riding a bike is good for everyone T's faster than walking and it's a lot of fun. lessons) Reading} - Read these entries in a travel guide. Whi . Whi Stil uses a very ole means of anspor? pated _Tieavel) Guid es es 46 Jizan, Saudi Arabia Visit Jizan, southeast of Jeddah, to enjoy a day on the jaod Sea coast, You can fiy10 Jizan, O4% Ret evel by road. Atthe small port! A220. J can 502 ago bests carn crce ato the reine and refined cage Yau can alo find passenget Has. Take a boat frp to the island of Farason tis fee! ‘There, you may wr ten Arabian gazelle and some igr=tOTY birds from San Francisco. USA tn San Francisco geting around ie realy easy - there are all Kind ‘of transport. The oldest and the fest however arethe cable cars, Some of them are moder? ethers ar ust ke the old ones thal used tobe in the tity a hundred years ago. YOU can special tickets oy Sy mgang of transport for 00 minutes at they're think that walking in the cy hills. A ot Comprehension) Write T (true) or F (false). 1 You can travel by train to Jizan 00 2 InJizan there are no touristic boats. 3. In San Francisco, you can travel on different means of trersport with one ticket. A. There are lots of hills in San Francisco. 5. Lots of people visit Skye in winter 6 Not many buses run on Sundays on Skye. G00 x Isle of Skye, Scotland ‘siye is a beauliulisland and ois of opie visit inthe summer Ben too cold for visitors in winter ‘The best means of transport are the can the Lote of families use bikes here; 100: ‘The roads arent joo busy, Sots sate enough fer children. When you leave the island, you can tive across the ‘Skye bridge oF ‘you can use the fexry. The ferry is quick and it's cheap enough | for everyone: qo Sy ieee Talking about transport How can get to..? ‘You can get/take the tram/busimetto from the stop/station Excuse me, how con {get to Al-kiabor? ‘You can take the tax! from the toxi rank over tere. buy a singlevreturn tickel/buy a travel pass Single/Return ticcets/Travel passes cost Can { buy « travel pass, please? Yes, Travel passes cost 120 rivals for one week ‘Where do get on/off the train/ausimetro? Where do | get off the bus? You get off the metro at Muzdatifa Talk to your partner about transport. Practise the languege above. ere ‘We use too ta show thet there is more of something than we ‘teed and that this is a problem. Itis fellowed by an adjective. Tie bus is too siow, s0 let's get the metro. We use enough to show that there is as much of something, as we need. It comes efter an adjective. I've washed the car. Is it clean enough now? We can also use enovgh before uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns to show that there is less of thing than we need and that this is a problem. it have enough money’ for a taxi 'you buy enough bus tickets for everyone? A Complete the sentences with too or enough. Im not buying that car t's old The bus isn't fast let’s go by car. Have we got __ money for the tickets? You can't travel alone. You are young Are there seats for all the passengers? Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 car/your / enough / clean /isn't 2 fyou/ seat / too / high / this fs / for 2 enough ¢ for / sandwiches / there / are / everyone: big / motorbike / this /is /to0 Read about headings. When we write reports, we often use headings above each part. The headings tell us what each part is about so we an find the information we need easily. Match the headings with the extracts from a report ‘about trams in Manchester, England. Clean and comfortable (i Tickets @ When cantcatch atram? = Problems a you can get them at the tram stops. They cost. some pegple think the tram's too slow. They prefer The tram is always clean and you can usually find @ seat but at weekends, the tram runs for 20 hours a day Miransportiniiessaloni Read the report and match these headings with each paragraph. @ Which means of transport is the best? b Kinds of public transport © Cost é Problems (atthe moment, people have to lake 3 bus ora taxi in Thessaloniki as there are no other means of “Transport However, thre wil soon be a Metra in the city too. | (Bus tickets are cheap enough for everyone and they last for 70 minutes, so you can get other buses with the same ticket, You can also buy cheap | travel passes A tax ride usually costs about €4. Of | caurse, you can also go on foot. The city is small, and you can walk for free! | (Buses can get very busy and you don't always find a seat. You can sit down in a taxi but sometimes the drivers stop and take more passengers. t (VAs there are lots of buses andthe tickets are very Chea, thinking the Bs the best way get | around Thessaloniki atthe moment. | i D Write a report about transport in your area. Use this plan to help you. ‘Answer the questions. Paragraph 1 What kinds of public transport are there in your area? Paragraph 2 How much do the tickets cost? Paragraph 3 ‘What problems are there? Paragraph 4 Conelusion: Which is the best means of transport? E Check that you have used the correct headings for each part of your report. 47 b Heis fixing c Heis enjoy! Let's Find Out! ‘© What are the most popular jobs worlcwidle? > What percentage of all people employed in Saud’ Arabia are women? # Talk about the picture. ‘+ What is your father's job? Describe it © What job would you lke to do? Why? Describe it Fhe Cortuga Adventure Lie er Khaldoun's camp and freed animals! V'm sorry, Mr Samir. It's all my fault. | early. Well, l can certainly understand why you were upset, Khaldoun belongs in prison. Ilicall my detective frend at the police stalion. Don't worry, ‘we'll find Ram. Se the cabi’s in the middle ofthe jungle, Come tothe café and then | you can follow me .. yes, that's ght J, eine 030 over raw bcos Kecan vel ae oS a \ nen! Z x cabins just over RAS there, Hewil q heer us coming ite drive closer, 80 let's i get out here and walk Raitali ease, boy Cusonersar valtg| raree / a Tos and the ship is sailing tomorrow! I'm going to BD oitective: “The only place you're going isto the ane ae aniiingurptonaenyont Theory lace oie 09 Uematsu oe lean, hal = i} Yes, | am. Thanks for rescuing me. 5) _[ Good work, kids! Khaldou ‘and his men will go to prison for a very long time. Vocabulary/ A. Write the missing letters. Thisis another word for understand r 2 You do this when you say what you think should happen. es Criminals should go to this place 4. This person buys things. 5. Thisisa kind of boat. pL o ve Match. sailor Oo chet Og detectva antst Gu photogragher L] mechanic aunRWNho We use adverbs of manner to describe how we do something. We make most adverbs hy adtiing -ly to the-adjective, but if ‘the adjective ends in -y, we take off the -y and add -ily: ee heat ok eu i oy The artist pants beautifully. | The detective caught the thief eas Some adverbs are irregulat Adjective ‘Adverd hard hard fast fast high high right night tap ‘wrong wrong good well ‘A. Complete the sentences with adverbs made from the adjectives in brackets. 1 Dr Majeed arrived 2 The teacher shouted 3 Talk said the detective 4 Chef Karim cooks really 5. Mustafa isa sailor but he swims (quick). (angry). (slow)! | can’t understand! you! (geod). (bad), B Complete the sentences with adverbs formed from these adjectives. careful fast happy hard hungry 1. Ramsey studied and now he isa mechanic. 2. The chef sliced the onions 2. The taxi driver was driving and | was scared. 4 The customer ate the pizza Detective Naif smiled he caught the man. ning; Q Listen to five people talking about their jobs. Draw lines from the speakers to the jobs. for many years when Ce oe Speaker 1 » Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaking; Choose one of the jobs from the Listening task. Ask and answer these questions with your partner. How interesting/boring/easy/dificult is the job? When do you have to work? How much money are you paid? Writing; ‘Write a short paragraph about the job you described in the Speaking task. Read the article about someone who does an unusual job. When can people get in ‘touch with Ali? “™~ es oe Allis 37 years old. He's one of the zookeepers in Riyadh Zoo, the largest in Saudi Arabia. All works 49 hours per week but he doesn’t mind spending more time if needed. Ali is responsible for a team of five members working in one section of the zoo. He has good communication skills. Ali meets with his team every day. He allocates daily chores to them and supervises the animal care routine. He prepares each species’ diet, and ‘observes and records their behaviour, He also monitors the environment the animals live in. Some need to have trees and greenery, while others may need water and shelter. Ali takes care of the new: born animals and cares for any that are injured. if the cases are severe, he calls the vet to come and attend to ‘them. During his visits to the cages where the animals live, Ali checks if they are well fed and cleaned. Sometimes, he himself has to feed them and maintain the cleanliness of the cages. He keeps record of the food, disinfectant and medication supplied. Ali likes his job a lot and wouldn't choose to do anything else. Per aoa Dr Pe ta Answer the questions A Find words in the text that mean the following. 1. Does Ali work well with his team? surroundings, location How do you know? plants, trees ee harsh, serious List five things that Ali does in the zoo. coe te eanen antiseptic, sterlizer What daes Ali do with animals that aren very poor condition? ‘What shows that All kes his job? B Complete the email with these words. Listening, career employee experience manager staff isten to Ali and Kareem and tick (/) the correct one picture, ree elon Mitvomey erm ome 1 What ld Alida at the weekend? i . oa BI Dear Sit, want to apply for the job as a(n) ” | | | || have worked in an | office for seven years, | sol have got alot of i | | ie Nae At the moment | manage fourteen members of @) ina company which makes cars. "ve been a(n) 4) at this company for seven years. lam very interested in having a(n) 3 Which day did the new employee start? 6) with your company. com Please contact me on 6798787987. Yours faithfully, Fahd AlMansour ‘We use relative clauses to give more information about People, animals and things. A relative clause begins wath a _ felative pronoun or adverb. We use wi for people, which for ‘animals and things and where for places, 5 Habib is the man who manages the restaurant. work for a company which makes toys. Is this the city where uncle Jaber works? Who and which can be replaced by that: "A Circle the correct words. Is she the woman Whal/ WEIS teaches at their school? | work in the bookshoo whieh inher all my friends go: ‘That's the detective Which fhe ives next doo: to me, Is this the pen @HG /which you lost? | @ Soundsjof/English ‘That's the office Which ithere | used ta work | A Read these pairs of words aloud. Js this the desk Which fio you use? a id O | mt O mad food O foot O Se ene = Complete the sentences with who, which or where. 4. The chef is new isn't very good. eral] a 2. Idon’t know your tools are ea oC) 3. Is that the man ‘works with the police? 4. Is this a career __ interests you? B_ Now listen and tick the words you hear. 5 Most of the people work hereare young \ men. 53 ies) Reading; Read the comments ebout what these Ke Which one doesn’t want a full-time jo? ae Wrepdoveuwmnsto bs Tove nine rere thn en | ele. I've wanted to be o pee ti nou ave to tty for bout eeven yours, and youhave foe very else and get good {doit row wat m gg to co Uenow exactly what fm going to do. hove esa ee ways loved ooking so Im going to be a chef: fran afshcoren or adetie I go ta eallege for about two years where et ke souhing any Filear all ebeut cooking, Then Il work in a mech mj evng fate nt ten Teco bene eae Te gol AP etc cn pum ae doing that. | tobuy orestawrant and have lta of staff eer era cay ee eee whe do everyting | esd ffm icky, | wil ever Geer fee tee shah gee net of one My [p) fave ot chow te Jorse Sar: Most farce. | | only ear arustie mm says fm lazy, but ust wont |p] chefe ore men but there are a lot of very good ee erator a eaay ie, Lats of my friends women chefs, to. Syeckca want the seme thing too. Who rennet Uiants to work ol the time? id Say it like this! Comprehension Talking about jobs What do you want ta be wher you grow up? Fill in the following table with information from the text, nant to bea Decals want to be 0 chef because Im good at cooking. Steve: Lary Mark Likes 11m (ery) good at / enjoy... 50 Isvantt to be @ Type of job ‘enjoy helping peopl, so want to be a doctor weaned You need qualifications experience / sil ‘Mechanics need fat af skill: Qualifications needed Talk to your partner about what you want ta be, Use some of these these phrases and practise the language above. working indoors / outdoors selling things looking after animals explaining things fixing machines / cars helping people istening. C Read the article from a school magazine. Underline the information from the notes in B. Which paragraphs do they appear in? jen to Jalal and Hamdan and circle the a _ forrect words, 1 I Hamden wants to be « Het The best and the worst jobs _ Doctors need good Elica saeaetiette There are lots of jobs which we ean do, Some Jalal's dad! €0Usin is a doctor. are just ordinary jobs and others are careers, but each person likes something different. Jalal doesn't want to be a taxirivery pilot now. Nasser enjoys / desi enjoy his job My favourite job is that of a painter. You can Hamdan’s brother is a chet manager. tiie sada otaren ii travel to get to work Speaking; Alco, you don't have to do what other people tell you. You can decide what you are going to paint and then you just do it.'The only bad thing is that artists don't make very much money. ‘The worst job I can think of is a pilot's, You have to work for long hours and it’s really tiring and boring. If you make a serious mistake, things will go wrong. It’s too dangerous, The only good thing is that pilots are paid a lot of money, but money isn’t Look at the pictures. Explain what these people are good at and say what is good and bad about their jobs. Writing: the most important thing about a job. In conclusion, every job has both good Making notes and bad things about it, but I think that A We can make notes to help us write something. artists have got the best jobs. ‘We write the notes next to headings for each | paragraph. — = B Look at the notes below, Put the notes under =y mi the correct headings. Task don't have to travel D Write notes about the best and the worst | jobs you can think of, and then write an article for your school magazine, Use this Paragraph 1 frreaveoncvnte ide smienceste maadice’ | the topi & 1e topic. | | Paragraph 2 Worst job: pitot |The best job. Explain why this is the best job. Say | if there is anything bad about it. Why is it bad? j Paragraph 3 Orie geod thing The worst job. Explain why this is the worst job. Favourite job: artist Say if there is anything good about it. it 7 7 Paragraph 4 why is good ‘Conclusion: write one sentence to conclude One bad thing ia article: _ & ‘to check that you have included eee in your article. ‘Vocabulary; A Find the cut-outs. customer escalator tyre 8 Complete the table, artist chef mechanic motorbike office police station prison rail Circle the correct answers. 1 An) IhisBBCtOR/@etective got on the us and ‘we had to show him our tickets. ‘The policeman isn’t wearing his uniform today because he's off ty / full-time At the beginning of your exreer/Jeumey, you won't earn a lot of money. Have you seen Mr Faid, the new StafP/maniager? Have you got any employe / exoetiencé as a chef? Hurry up and GBtIORI/KEED the bus before the doors close. | want a Gay OM ifelltinieJab on Tuesday, The little boy is missing. Has somebody kidnapped / caught hirn? | display /SUGGESt that we call the police about the stolen car. They didn’t false /EBntaCE the snake was in their garden Grammar A Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative structure and the adjectives in brackets. Thisis (good) train journey we've ever been on! | think my dad's new job is bad) his old one I think a taxi for four people is {cheap) as the coach. st was briliant — we stayed in {expensive} hotel in Paris! This boat trip on the river was much ____ interesting) the museum. The bus is much (Slow) the metto.. What's (exciting) holiday you've ever had? Your bike is (big) mine. B Complete the sentences with these prepositions. ‘onto through over away from under 1 He's always careful to keep cooker. 2 Hani lifted the box cupboard. 3. We drove slowly 4 We helped to build » bridge 5 The cat slept the gas the top of the the dark tunnel the river the car € Complete the sentences with adverbs formed from the adjectives in brackets. 4 The manager taked low) while the employees took notes 2 We left work (happy) because we wanted a break 3 The baby was washed, (careful) by the nurse 4 “Why are you sitting _ lazy) at your desk?’ asked the boss. 5. Self-employed people usually work very (hard) 6 Ifyou do you will get a good job. (good) in your exams, D Choose the correct answers. 1 Ishe the doctor looks after your grandmother? a whee = b who © which 2. My brother and his family live in @ house bought last year. they a where b- which < who 2 Is that the restaurant your father is a chef? a where = -b which © who 4. That's the artist___ painted those paintings. a where = -b_which © who 5 Let's get the train a where -b which < who 6 Is Mr Salman the martager__you'te going to work for? a where = which © who Ch My father is stilon, MY uncle tsa doctors VEAL : Hy otter Basra oer ee Braferet concise etc: waht t0\be a billionaire afd live onmy yacht With etorF who will look after me and do what T will not. Butwwhen tell my friends this, they clways soy Tin crazy They tell me "Study hard, Don't be so very lazyh T do absolutely nothing. Look at me, Can you tell? T do absolutely nothing and & do it very well. Tf there was a diploma for doing nothing at all Td pass with very high marks ahd hang itor ty wall Tnever passed exoins becatise T wasted my time Now my friends have Ives which are better than inne: Tin realising now that the future starts today ‘And for all these years, 1 have deeded my life avy, Infinitive be (am /is/ are) become bite break bring broadcast build burn buy can catch choose come cost uit do draw drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forget get give go grow have hear hit hide hold hurt keep Past Simple) was/were became bit broke brought broadcast built burnt, bought could caught chose came cost cut did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forgot got gave went grew had heard hit hid held hurt kept knew learnt left lay Past Participle) been become: bitten broken brought broadcast built but bought caught chosen come cost cut done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forgotten got given gone grown had heard hit hidden held hurt kept known learnt left lain Infinitive) light lose make meet pay put read ride ting run say see sell send set shake shine show shoot shut sit sleep slide speak spend stand steal stick stink swim take teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write Past: lit lost made met paid put read [red] rode rang ran said saw sold sent set shook shone showed shot shut sat slept slid spoke Spent stood stole stuck stank swam ‘took taught tore told "thought threw: understood woke Simple) is lost made met paid put read [red] ridden rung run said seen sold sent set shaken shone shown shot shut sat slept slid spoken spent stood stolen stuck stunk swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken. worn won written

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