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) STUDENT’S BOOK & WORKBOOK Rar Rereny Peay Pee ey it cer Pyke tina Arey Introduction | _ pp 4-7 1 Relationships The Cortuge Adventure sions with tine amy reunion miby-related words My fail Prepostions pp 8-15 2 Homes | The Cortuge Adventure Ajecives Fail sory ture and appliances pp 16-23 | My home rs cf 2 house Review 1 pp 24-25 Vocabulary and Grammar tasks / Chant 3 Free Time The Cortuga Aventure aca vers ‘Soing tothe mall Actives wth ed and nig ‘4 Food and Drink The Cortuge Adventure | zumairs nowway way Sams Werld pp 34-01 Review 2 pp 42-43. 5 Education The Cortugs Adventure Umer fist day Whats new at school? pp 44-51 6 The Body The Cortuga Adventure wnat my dad ard 1 went How can | hela you? pp 52-59 Review 3 pp 60-64 eave words Vocabilary and Grammar tasks / Chant Educaton-elated words anew school 1 Body-related words 7 Clots relaxed words Vocabulary and Grammar tasks / Chant cand objet pranouhs sive aCJecWes There was There vere ‘Question onde Propostons af pace Fesent Simpl; AcveibsoF equency Present Continuous Present Simple and Pesert Cortina: Question vers ast Simple ela ve Past Simple ivecular vet era tobe) ast Simole Past Continucus Past Simple and Past Continuous Used 10 uch man, Reported speech Pier na; Some ty vey dy thing and where Present Perfect Spe Fo, since, ore, Present Perfect Sole, Ever al yet Present Perfect Spe and How long Present Perfect Smple and Past Simple Possessives Wonkbook Introduction p65 Unit 1 pee Unit 2 p74 Unit 3 paz Unit 4 pes Carer] rs Unit 5 p96 Unit 6 p 102 Crossword Puzzles Cutouts p 110 p13 eer} Introduction of Cartugs| Bertie are Chant = | ‘ee face 3 umber olewres ‘Complete notes: Chant ‘Change words n bois Theor flee Jebel picture Hamsar pictures (Compete a table; Chant Label a pce "wo-option lozenges: Chent Teor fae | Tok comect pcs Complete 8 cilogue Functional Cee a eg ee pressing emetions jone_| Tero expressions and adveros of frequency Deserotion of a Family lk tout awoiten | Silarsounding wards people do trings Talking abaut homes | Linking words (end, becouse bu are 0) Advert Talk about wen things happened Talk about a picture Talk about what you were ‘song nthe past Talking about free | wrting stores about past events ‘ome wath ed, wane and we tery e weandeysaunds | Whatsrerdinner? le sand erie Emel Specal e Practise a dalogue Talk about your Tavourte: | alk aeout thngs youve | Asprates Tolking about schoo! | Paragronks ready just / never done Emal Roalep2y a ielepione Descrise people n photos | ssounds ‘Atthe doctors ‘Order of paragreahs Talk ctout what you wear Email tooccasions Fd atererees between pictures A Complete the table. him she it we = cil you | them B Complete the sentences with the correct object pronouns. 1. | bought this present. It's from 2. We visit our grandparents once a week. They see every Thursday. Where's Bilal. Can yousee ___—? 4. These books are new. | bought this morning, 5 Where's Alia? | war jo talk to_ Possessive adjectives, Circle the correct words. My Dad has a red car. Hil Har car is in the garage. 2. |'m Salma and this is het imy sister, Sara. 3 We want ta go to the park to play thiel://our favourite games. A ook at that cat. YOUR/IES eyes are blue! 5 Bassam and Tarek are brothers and their /Our father is my teacher Subject/and object; pronouns, There) was)/ There) were Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 in /any/ there / classroom / the / weren't / children 2. black / there / garden / my /a/was/in f cat 3 ?/any/z00/ were / the / penguins / there fin 4. Pi there / desk / your /was/a/on/ pencil 5. mall /at/af / were / there /lats children / the Question|words Complete the questions with these words. ‘what when where who whose 1 's that boy?’ That's Ahmad oe bag this on the floor” Salmats?” 3 __ did Jameel say about his present? 4 do you live?" ‘in King Fahd Street” a did you visit Jeddah?" ‘Last summer, Prepositions of; place Circle the correct words. 2 az 4 The toy is betwWeon /TIexE {6 the cats. The turtle is Behinenex€to the cat. The cat is in On the sofa. The cat is bahiind /inireii®lst the computer The kittens are infunder the basket The cet is Oni near the boy. The rabbit is on /Uindér the hat. The chicken is betweert/ behind the fence posts as Nos A and he's Asim. We ‘My name is Taleb ixhaldoun. work for Mr Khaldoun, film Bia. and | live on Cortuga. Chant Cortuga Island, Beautiful island. We're on Cortuga. You are. I orn. Hello, white sond, Hello, green seo, We're on holiday. It's fun to be her, (00 chooga chdogd: We Gre on Cortuga/ C7 Oo chooga chooga, Beautiful Cortuga. Ga chooga chooge, We are on Cortuga now Cortuga Zsland, Mystery island. This is Cortuga. Amazing island We are here now. Rami anc Kargem. rs 0 happy holiday with Mazen and uber jocsmt Wie Cortuge Adventace)_ i (Vow oka 1 Ligea and reat (chon hao ; Bafa oxic we a 2 eae eae Gis oer A beg 0) ye Bi rye, of R 1 buthe’s never on time, i has a ay givaie | Inthe harbour 595) Samir: Sorry, kids! Imm late again, I'm afraid. BS) Sabor: Never mind, Uncle Sami Kareem: Helo, i Sam. Thank you forthe invitation o your house Samir; its my pleasure, | enjoy the cempany But where's Ram? Ram? Ramil Where are you? B) Raml: I'm over here, Ths ship is incredible! Mazen: That crate i full af ltie holes. Let's go and look. Samir; That isn'ta very good idea. Let's ga home. @ Khaldoun: Hury up, men, don't waste my time! What lazy people you are! Movel Hey, you, Samir! Samir: Sorry, I haven't got time for a chat today. Rami; What's in that crate? It smells horn Si Come og, Rami! [5 aber Unc Sem, whois that rude man? ‘Sami Oh feck at etme! Here's the car. Come on, kids: Kareem You unce Goesnitlike that man very much Jabec Ne he coesnt I wonder why Vocabulary, A Complete the sentences with the correct phrases. great time look at the time on time time for waste my time 1. Hore’s Mum she's always 2 Hurry up! We haven't got. achat 2 Don | Get back to work! 4 Have ‘on holiday, Grandad! 5 Oh, 1m late again. Cirde the correct words. 1 Fatin and her brother ilebanid Saleh are Tariq’s parents, 2. Grandma has got seven children and thirteen ‘grandparents / giandchileren 3. Noura hasn't got any brothers or ssters ~ she's an ‘only/incredible child 4 Lama and Hadia are my nieces nephews. 5 That boy is very fudlel/lazy. He watches TV al day. 6 | always laligh /enjoy at Dad's jokes! Grammar ee ise the Present Simple to talk about: ‘general truths. Ie rains a tot in winder here. things we do regularly. We visit Grandma every Thursday. permanent states. Uncle Samir lives on the island. I don't (do nat) go he/she/it doesn't (does not) go s/you/ they KO ‘we/you/they don't {do net) 29 answers Yes, 1/you/we/they do. No, I/yau/we/they cont. ‘Yes, hie/she/it does. No, he/she it doesn't. 1g0..? Bees he/she sit go .? [Bo we/yau/they go... ry day/night/week/month yest at the weekends complete the sentences with the Present Simple of ‘these words. i you TV with your sisters? 2 We at the weekends, We stay at home, 3 Rami_____the shi is incredible. |B That family toa different country every year 5 Dad breakfast, but he drinks juice We use these adverhs to show how often we do something. My friends sometines come to my house. always usually > often > sometimes never 100% of the tine < > 1 of the time iency go befire the main vorb: see Grandad. BUT they go atter the verb bes My friend is never on time, You can ask questions with Haw aften How often do you go en haitday? Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. nephew / polite fis / always / your 2. see falways/ school /1/ cousin / after / my 3 2 /for/late/ Dad /s {usually / work 4 am/1/ never / school fon / for / time 2 I how /visit/ do / often / you / Grandma Listening: @ Listen to Samah and circle the correct answers. 1 Samah visits her grandparents twice GAGE a week. 2. Samah aleve Sorts has a banana ice cream on Thursdays 3 Dad AevéP/SfteA goes on holiday to the sea. 4. Nawal goes to the park every Monday / TAUISday. Speaking, How often do you and your family do these things? Tell your partner. Use adverbs of frequency. my mum / cook visit grandparents my dad / watch TV my family go on holiday Writing: ‘Write five sentences about how often you do things. Use a different adverb of frequency in each one. Reading Read about Talal's family reunion and say which relatives he is playing with: ‘Today. the Hamnditarily Is gathering together at Grandpa All's house, Al family members [Gok forward to this day BscalSe tt happens every year. Ah, there's Taal, Al's grandson, He's playing with some of his cousins. He has four uncies and they eaeh have to sons, Tela’s uncles are Grandpa Ali's sons. They all meet with their families to spend time together today. Look. tivo of Tala's cousins are playing on the grass. They look tke they're fighting, but in fact they're having fun, Their ether, Manamnmed is siting with his brother naving some lernanade, They are watching the ooys and don't lock very happy! But esi ‘and Ad | arertt looking and they are frigntened of the'r fathers. Muharnmad and his brother decide to ignore the boys and let them have fun, Grandpa Alidocsnt usuelly cook food, but he always eats a lot! He loves Grandma Munia’s cooking, He also hells her by doing tive focel shopping. Other family members usually bring sweets end fruits with them a5 well Well, goodbye fornaw! My mother's calling me to lunch, so jain my father inthe other room, Comprehension Vocabulary, Write T (true) or F (false). ‘A Complete the sentences with these words. 1 Talo is at a fariy reunion Oo fight reunion lemonade gather member 2. Allis watching the boys, a 1 Pea es hot outside 3. The boys are fighting. a 2. The chickens together to keep warm in 44 Maharrielsplaying with the bays pall Bas 5 Munira cooks well. Oo 3 Aschoot Ga chance to mect with -dassmates from the past. 6 Se ther arial or food lama ef a large family 'B Circle the correct words. 4) That cat looks Ike @ wild animal, but inom fact it’s my pet 2 Dad locks after at Grandpa hecause he's sick 3. My friend is taking care Of//with my plants because Im con holiday, 4. ima fan oF/ fat soccer players ‘Aunt Farida is frightened af 7 fiom spiders. mmar, een We use the Present Continuois to talk about: things that are temporary or are happening now or round now. Uncle Nader is eating breckfast. ‘xed Tuture plans 1 wsiting my friend tomorrow. ‘what 1s Nappening in picture or photograph. Irs this picture, the on playing. » not (| am not} walking. “He/She /it isnt (is not) Walking, /We/They acer't (are not) walking. J walking? he/she/it walking? 2 you/we/they walking? fes, 1am. / No, !m not. ,he/she7it is. / No, he/ste/it isn't now, at the moment, taday, this moming, tomorrow ‘A. Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1 The children elephants at the moment. (watch) a DYD about \ (not go) on holiday temerrowe you _ (ook after) ‘the cat? Alt {not rain) now, so we can take the baby to the park 5 What (you / cook)? Is it fish? 6 Ali (come) to dinner this evening? Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the Present Continuous of these words. drink eat fight play read sleep. “yc Gpancnna 26 weaes 2. The twins about a Thiet 3 Dad__ in a chair. 4 Mum accke. 5. The baby from a bottle. 6 The cats with a ball Listening @ Listen to Salim and Habib and write T (true) or F (false). 1. Salim is going shoppin, Tai} 2 Salim is going on his trip with his friends. L) 2. Salim’s carping trip is sae. @ 4 Habib doesn’t want to come along a 5. They don't have to wake up early. ia “A Sounds jof,English A Listen and tick (v) the sentence you hear. i'm eating with Tariq in the park. () I'm meeting Teriq ia the park La a We're working tomorrow, b. We're walking tomorrow. 3. a Areyou talking, Hoda? b Are you taking Hoda? @a000 B_ Now listen to all the sentences. Practise saying each one. oe n and write the correct icture. Hebel I'm Sami AP-Nasser ahd this is ny family! Tm thirteen years off and L go te King Fahd Intermediate Schoo? I have eeu Picts every Teed I's great Nert week Tin playing against ancther team, There's a picture of my brother, Wafeed oo, He's efeven and he ites football. He's OK, but he's very fazy sometimes! Mt the ‘moment, he's staying with our cousin in Hay but he's coming back next month The photo of the diver is of Dad on holiday 2ast year te really Joves worming and a ue Red sea. tle Paughs a? Waleed use he can't swim ~ he Sikes watch) Vilessolayl see The other picture is of my best friend. 4? Sakeb, He eats grass and carvets ~ that’s Secale he's Norcal lass run ing. He's very good at if, tool Change the words in bold to make the sentences true, Expressing emotions practice tomorrow. What does 1 Sami hes basketball lessons every day shareef has rugby 2. Sami is playing against his team he S07? ie 3. Waleed is staying wih his grandparents. imino tmexctea! CI 4 Dad likes watehing TV, en SC piers es) A Saket is good at football Pee kaencon ia use the Present Simple to talk about general hs, things we do regularly anid permanent states, We Ive in a big house. We use the Present Continvouss fo talk about hings that are temporary or are happening row or arauind now, for fed future plans and to say what plete the sentences using the Present Simple Ht took, the lion (roar)! Grandad and Grandma the park this evening. My friends end! every Thursday. (go) to (play) footbal Inever _ (visit) my cousins. We {go} to Bustani Scheol. ‘Ob, no! The brothers (fight) again! jo are you going to sce? nat do vou wont te eat? jere do you live? ‘does he come home from school? How are you? fy ore they going to the shops? d the sentences. Write questions for the underlined parts. ly best friend comes from Jordan. igo to school at 8am. ike Arabic Food because it’s delicious. play tennis with Ali on Thursday mornings. father drinks coffee for breakfast iy teacher comes to school by car. ‘the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets. Writing Time expressions and adverbs of frequency A Write PS next to the words we use with the Present ‘Simple and PC next to the words we use with the Present Continuous. now O atthe moment — J every day oO onceawek OO this winter O sometimes 0 over Oo today D rrext month O always = B Read the description of Muhammad's family. Circle the correct time expressions or adverbs of frequency. twelve years old and I go io Maddenah Schon, | have ‘slamic studies (1) E¥EN/EaNI ROW. | go on holiday 2) this summer / every summer and | (3) always todoy swim in the sea My brother Feisal doesn't ike switmiming. @) At Ee moment Sometimes, he's siting our grandparents in Dammam but he's coming back on Friday night. “T Mum and Dad like to leugh. They are (5) always orice happy! > “T Hello, 'm Muhammed and this is my family! | am. Elen lt © Write a description of your Family. Use this plan to help you. Paragraph 1 All about me Paragraph 2 My brothers and sisters (or My aunt / uncle /cousin, etc) Paragraph 3 My parents: Paragraph 4 | My pet {or My best friend) D_ Remember to use time expressions and adverbs ‘of frequency in your description. © Listen and read. oe ae B) Kareem: Are you new here? | didn't see you last year Well, here's Parrots, Have tun. Bilal: Yes. we moved here last winter. We live in the flat above the caté. 2A] See you at home for dinner. ‘Kareem: We ariived yesterday. Im Kareem, and this is Rami, Jaber and s ees a Mazen. a Bila: Nice tomeet you. Im Bila. | a mS Khaldoun: Waiter! Waiter! \ r re 2 necsom? Wipe Cortuga Adventine, 5 mai Sa 1 @ Kareem: it's that anvil man agen. He cit ive nove last yea. Bilal: That's Mr Khaldoun. He hasn't got any friends round here. Mazen: Why not? Is he a bad man? Bilal Yes, ha is, He's mean and nasty. There's also a rumour thal he catches rare animals and then sells the poor things for lot cof money. ‘ Mazen: Oh, thats so cruel! Jaber: Butit exolains the holes in the orate we looked at yesterday ax = (Good morning. Sony.) cS 9. Sony] Look at all that money! He's really rich. He lives ina huge villa But this is teriblel We ‘must find out the tritnl I con't know... he's very angerous. We must be very careful Yes, but Kareem’s right! Why don't we follow him and find out ..? ‘awlul careful large mean rich right Our cottage isn't Its only got lone becroom lease be __onthe stairs Sal's very You're He's got three houses! | This chair is vary heavy! | don't like it at al | She never lets me This house is My sister is very play in her room, lise the Past Simale for: ‘things that started and finished on the past. We moved here lest year. ‘things that happonad one after the ether in the past We cleaned the house, opened the door and walked down the stroct Trabits in the past. iced my bedroom every Wednesday night: ast night /week/month/year wo cfays,/a month/2 year azo Gctober/2007 in Thursday/10" October 1 am/the weekend ook back at the cartoon story. Underline all the jerbs in the Past Simple, How many are there? Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. (not went) a new bed (itive) at Grandma's Mazen The children fhouse an hour ago. radl __ trot eve} to the ct in February. (tidy) the kitchen last night. (Salehvvisit) the new flat? ___tthey/stay) at home? 9 1 armchair = 6 sink (I 2 coffeetable Q 7 sofa ie 3 fridge (eee 4 oven © 2 wardrobe 5 shower O10 window — CL Listening, © Listen and number the pictures in the correct order. BS TT Speaking Work with a partner. Take it other when you did these things. Make notes about what your partner says. arrive / at school visit / friend tidy / my bedroom play f with my toys Writing Write four sentences about what your partner said in the Speaking task. Use your notes. 1 Answer the questions. Where dig Fatsal grow up? What did he collect? What did he buy with the money? ‘What has Faisal got in his kitchen? Where does Faisal work now? A Complete the sentences with these words. Faisal grew up in a very poor home outside the city. Life was hard. Some more fortunate children went to school, but Faisal didn’t go, He collected rubbish from the streets in an old bucket and then he sold and bought food with the money. ‘Then one day, he meta boy called Khalid and they became best friends, Khalid came from a kind and wealthy family. They gave Faisal money and clothes for his family. Then Faisal lost his parents. They got very sick and they died. Soon after, Faisal moved in with Khalid and his parents. They loved Faisal very much. He had his own bedroom with a comfortable bed, a bookcase and a beautiful rug on the floor. He went to school for the first time. Today Faisal is ‘a doctor and he works in a hospital for poor children. He lives in a modern flat. Ithas got a great kitchen with a washing machine and an oven. He has a good life Pere ao selena aU eT ages Aad ea mcrae : pare Piotr Pee a a bucket hospital wealthy modern rubbish This garden isvery diy ts full of | work 5 @ doctor in the new You are vey _. You've got a fantastic house and cat I don't live ina __ house. My home is 100 years old! Put some water in the . please. Q Listen to Laith talking to Nabil about his holiday home and complete the notes. Every morsing he had _|__ the balcony = - 3. They cleaned clothes in a bucket on D 5 toot oO the ¢ ‘ OO 6ng > 4 Next year Lath and his farly ate going oO 7 vacuum cleaner J to __ ie 0 8 woshing machine) 5 They're going for__—______—— @ Sounds ofjEnglish A. Read these words aloud, paying attention to the sounds of the highlighted letters. ‘What are the two different sounds? ey change indifferent ways. See pages 62-63 for a list fiat. 1. yellow 5 how (ave my aunt a vacuum cleaner. 2 shower 6 sow new bookcase yesterday. 3. now 7 brown 4 know 8 show Now put the words In A in the correct Ssiholee) columns. Then listen and check your ast tense of the verb to be ia was / were, answers. | wns very big. Below Town | en were very hoppy. There was a park near the house. 1 5 6 lot of ohilcen im the parc? Yes, there were 5 eon A RN Oy a 4 8 1e paragraph with the Past Simple of the verbs (sell) our small holiday house in the Chant fans ond we 2) _ (buy) a cottage by the sea — {be) beautiful There (4)______ (be) alot of There was arich old man in a house in town, TD front of the cottage. One day there (5) (be) He was always sod. His cat was brown, cat in the garden. She (6) (oot have) @hame He was mean and nasty and frightening too, fay she (7) (come) fo my cottage and | “Then the children wordered, What can we. do? (give) her bread and rik. She (9}__ i) my pet and | (10) (rake) her back to the gith me after our holiday ‘Let's try to make him happy. T™m sure we can. Let's do something far the poor old al Reading, Read the descriptions and put the correct flames under the pictures. Ly hoi Wailea, eed 10 We live in 2 beautiful and strong tent. It's big and is divided into two rooms, ‘one for the women and one for the men. I's even got a seating and a sleeping area. I's really cool fest agad 2 ‘We lived in a house next to a public park for many years. We had a beautiful sitting room with a great view of a large garden of palm trees and water fountains, But the house was very big, so last year, we moved into a small modern house. Now we live near my grandparents, and we often go to their "===> ~~ house. Cecmetbegad 14 My family and live in a huge villain the centre of town. It’s got seven bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two sitting rooms. 'm an only child, so we don’t use all the rooms. Some rooms haven't got any furniture at all end there isn’t a very nice view from my bedroom. | don't like my home very much. axle, aged 14 We bought our flat three years ago. We haven't got a garden but we've got big and wide glass windows and a beautiful dining room with a view of the corniche I really like our home. Comprehension Write W (Waleed), F (Fareed), K (Kamal) or N (Nader). Who... 1. can see the corniche from his home? 2. lives in a house that could be moved from one place to another? 3. lives in a very big house? 4 taks about a home he doesn't live in now? 5 moved into his house three years ago? 22 Talking about homes where do you live? [live in a town Za village / the city centre iIive ina fiat/a nouse/-a houseboat } moved into my house six months / two years 2a0 My house is big / small ofa / wiodern, ‘the dialogue with some of these phrases. comet Be the words in red to make the dialogue true for you. Practise saying it with your partner, a ‘you Inve, Hani? qu= in acottaga in a village, ‘When diel you move in? @. the cottage two years ago: {s your home old? ‘No, (4)_—______— G Listen to Fadel and Bilal and change the words ‘bold to make the sentences true. Thay visited his cousin's new villa ‘tence. “it’s very clean E The rooms are big. ews | jes got modern furniture Tre garden is full of flowers. king: about the flat in the picture with your partner. Read about these linking words. We use and to add something else to a sentence. This fat is old end small We use but to show that something is different from another thing The sitting room 1s small but beautiful We use because before the reason for something Tidon’t like my bedroom because it's very small. We use so before the result of something I1don’t cook so 5 don’t need an oven. Circle the correct words. 1 My bed is big and / butt it isn’t comfortable. 2 This wardrobe is horrible because £50 | want anew one, 3. The stairs are old and’/ but dangerous. 4. {don't like this flat Because'/'s0 the bedrooms are very small. Read the advert and complete it with and, because, but and so. House for sale! “This fantastic house is in a beautiful village. It is great for large families (1) __ ‘thas got five bedrooms, three bathrooms (2) eh large sitting room, It has also got a very big kitchen with a great view of the fantastic garden. The house jemodem (3)______—all the furniture gold. There are two schools in the same street, a children ean walk to school in ‘hwo minutes. Come and see this great home sont Call 234 $694 today! D Now talk to your partner about your home. Try to use and, because and but. rest E Write an advert for your home. Answer these questions. Do you live ina house with a garden or @ flat with a balcony? Whereis it? Ate there lots of rooms? What rooms are there? Is itold or new? Is the furniture modern? What is near your house (schools, shops, ete}? F Read your advert and check that you have: used and, but, because and so. Complete the paragraph with these words. Vocabulary, Pras cut outs: balcony company incredible invitation washing machine 5) houseboat wardrobe The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct. words. My mother's sister is my uncle That family ves ina huge villa They are very poor Let sit on the roof on the floor You are very carefull Don't sean ail day! My sister has got three dauahies, 0 I've got three nephews Put the ditty plates in the oven, piease. Kitchen microwave only rich My frends and | got a(7) (1) to Tariq(s house a few days ago. His family isvery@2) and his house has got @ swimming pool. He is a(n) 8 “child and he enjoys the (@)____ of other children a lot. We ave at eight o'clock and Tang showed us the house, 1's 5) it's got ten Dedrooins and five meal we went on the (6) because it was hot The view was amazing, Then we ‘went inside and Tarig puta pizza in the a It was delicious! We ate in the (8) because his parents were inthe dining room with their friends, We had a great time at Tariq’s house! He's really cooll ‘Match the opposites. poor kind large modern on time Grammar, A Put the adverbs of frequency in brackets in the correct place. 4. We don't visit my aunt on Thursdays, (always) They ave at home in the morning. (never) ‘Ate Basil and his son late for work? (usually) My bestfriend sieeps at my house. (often) Is your Uncle meen to his cat? (always) Do your sisters fight? (sometimes) ‘Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or ‘the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets. follow) the cat. 1 Look! The kitten How often (you meet) your friends? Alext week, my uncle (take) me out Jameel (not want) 20 play with me now. Gh, no! The lizard (run) away. You (not know) Maha's cousin. Write the Past Simple of these verbs. Eiey 7 live run 8 sell eee Biba enjoy 1D have come 11 fight a stop 12 hurt ai mplete the paragraph with the Present Simple, Present Continuous or the Past Simple of the eths in brackets, really ected, Tomorew we (1) ___ (move) nto our new house. It (2) _ tbe) big - @_______{have aot) four bedrooms. | (love) my new bedroom - it’s ___ (ga) shopping for new furniture. (buy) mea fantastic blue id white bed. Yesterday, we (7) (clean) house. Tonight, we (8) (stay) at my ndparents’ house, but tomorrow, | can sleep in my new. ed far the first time! iplete the short answers. Is yaur grandma coming next week? No, a Do you like your new house? Yes, at ‘Are we playing football this afternoon? Yes, Did your cousins visit you last summer? No, Did your mum phone for a pizza? Yes, Is your brother going 10 Italy again this year? Chant} My father's wife is my mother ‘hy motner'shusband is my fathen ‘Their son is my Brother ‘And we have alo= of fun. ‘Our new house fs a modern house. We: moved in here lost June, Our old house had files in the roof And a mouse in every room! hy mother’s brother is my uncle His wife is my aun Nahla, Their children are my cousins Reem and Suri And they're very good company. They lived ina cottage, a very, old cottage Ane one day Fhe roof fell down, They looked for a beautiful villa And they found one in our town. eG A ee A 4 WEL : ead Ke a Se! Brreay) The Ne leo SS ‘ae sia SA Ge ; : > reson) } Vite Cortuga Adventure © Listen and read. \ Gy Kareem: What's wrong, Mazen’ Mazen: Iwas thinking about the animals. It's very sad. Kareem: Well, I wasn't joking before. | think we must take action and stop Khaldoun. Yes, | agrea, Look, Khaldour’s leaving! Lets go after him) Bilal can help —he knows the island. h, I'm not sure. Yim working and I don’t think this is @ good idea, Plezse, Bilal. Think of those poor animals. ‘OK Wait a minute so lean tell Mum. |) Five minutes ator oN gy Bla: Kraizoun was walking it he ung at tine, yosorogy. sau’ hm, Lock, thre he ish | Jaber: Comer, a's folow him! i iereem:Yor, bathe must 90 ust | Fame.” Pheu! les qutert now! oss i cat an all these insects! tA) Kareem: Look, Khaldoun is crossing that bridge: Mazen: |t doesn't look very sato. it's just a log! Bilal: [t's a strong bridge, but you mustn't fall inthe water, I's quite deep. Rami; Jaber, you go first. a 2 Le Oak Don't be silly! I'm fine — oa ulary, missing letters. Ean ask a person about his /her problem PAhis word). We use it after Whats this when you know that Bg is true or false. BF can be this, It means a long the top to the bottom. ae the opposite of dengerous ae Gn can be this. It means stupid. = s__ B thie Pasi Continuous to ‘about things that were happening at a particular inthe past. Bt night we vere pamting pictures. ‘about two or more things that were happening at gine time in the past. Poklock my little sister wars drawing and J was gc book. eet the scene of 2 story. Sires snowing anit we were making a snowman, it was walking we/they were walking She/It wesn't (was not] walking. je/they werent (were not) walking. Vre/she/it walking? eu /we/they walking? No, I/he/sho,it wasn't re/sne it was. No, we/you/they werent e/you/they were. last year ‘this morning at thls time last week/year from three o'clock tll four before dinner omplete the sentences with the Past Continuous the verbs in brackets. 1 (tell) my fiend about my new Fobby. Yesterday morning, it (rain) and we (lay) football The twins (not play) outside hecause it was cold The new DVD player {not work) last night They et lunchtime. (eat) ice cream in the café B Look at the picture and write questions and short answers with the Past Continuous. 1 ?/the boy/ read /a book 2 2/ the children flay /tennis 3 ?/Dad /|isten to/ the radio Vocabulary, Complete the sentences with these words. turn on fall in give up take up try out 1 Please the light. It’s very dark! 21 | can't play this game. 3 Can! your new computer game? 4. Be carefull Don't the water! 5. Why don‘t you start a new hobby? You can swimming. Listening, © Listen and write T (true) or F (false). ‘Asma had a great evening yesterday At six o'clock Asma was listening to her mum, Salma was also reading a book. ‘Asma and her family had dinner at 7 o'clock, Lama brought a computer game Speaking, Ask and answer these questions with your partner. QbD000 nawn What were you doing on Thursday afternoon? What were your parents doing at 6 o'clock this morning? \What was your friend doing at 7 o'clock yesterday evening? Writing Write four sentences about what you were doing and what you were not doing at this time last week. ‘ coding J Read the text about how the boys spend their free time. Why do they @ cnicy going to the mall? Last weekend, my friends and I were feeling very bored. (1) and wanted to do something fun. So, we decided to go to the mall. Manwan’s father drove us to the nearby mall and dropped us off. We walked around the centre and (2) It was tiring to walk for so long, so we sat in a restaurant we found in the mall. My friends, Marwan and Jamal ordered junk food, but (3) After lunch, we went to an arcade place ext to the restaurant. We played video games and had a lot of fun. In the afternoon, my father came to take us home. @ is safe and cool. There is so much we can do there, and that way everyone is happy. Tents Complete the text with these sentences. Circle the correct answers. a I decided to have a healthy sandwich. 1am B07@U¥ sleepy of this game. b We were tired of sitting at home ... The man drepped off picked up the package at the © enjoy going to the ral with my fends because post office d_ .. Went into any interesting shops we saw. ‘Walk arouind /6ver the mall while | buy some clothes. have e1jey7flln when | am with my friends, My parents don’t leave me alone because they think itian'trbky Safe Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives. 4 bored boring 2 That book wes really b I never feel | fell asleop. because | have a lot of hobbies. ‘interested "interesting 2 Imnot_ __in board games but | love racing, 41 This book is a very one. 3 felaxed relaxing 2 Along walk is very Beautiful scenery makes you feel = "tired tiring = |as ice-skating for hours yesterday morning and | got really The game was but we fad a great time xcited exciting 2 {imreally about the trip? this gameis really __! Gee aes use tie Past Simple and the Past Continuous in the same eto: now that one past action interrupted another one. as reading a book when | heard the doorbell, lla story in the past ‘lifcren were playing in the garden wien they had ident. ally use wien and while to connect the two actions. n hefare the Past Simple and while befare the rnuous. ent playmg football when it i brilliant rde0 while | was wa ted fo rain ing television. re the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past uous of the verbs in brackets. (you / do) when | ‘call you this morning? (Get) tired while! (wir) (Basil / yawn) when the lesson (start)? (how off) when he —_— fal in) the water Glide) down the hill in the ‘e2) you. © Listen and write the names of the children. Ali Youssef Laith Mazen Talal @ Soundsjof English ) } A Read these pairs of words aloud, | paying attention to the letters in red. How do they change when an ~e comes at the end of the word? Tm time tub tube fin fine hat hate B_ Now read these words aloud, then listen and check your answers. slid slide can cane pin pine Zp Reading; Read the interview with a teenage boy. F r e e ti mi e When do Rayan’s friends go to the mall? Rayan Hafez talks about his free time, past and present! Interviewer: So, Rayan, tell me about your free time. Rayan: ‘Well, five years ago, when 1 was nine, [had a lot of free time and I used to play games alot. Now that I'm fourteen I have a lot of homework and I can't do many fun things. I's sad but that’s life! I used to watch TV for about three hours every day, but nowadays, I don't watch very often. Interviewor: Three hours? That's a lot of TV! se caeehameten! time fox TV All| do now is es So olen swiseming but used to play football every day. also used ere ie re don't havo time for gamer those devs: Interviewer ls there one thing you used to eemeacgsugeseeraianiand outils How? Well, one thingiia the sémet me Ene, Bes dent oe ee ton te ea ee ne A Thursday. I like reading books Say it like this at the weekends, F ae Interviewer: OK. Thank you, Rayan. Talking about free time n hat de you doin your free tim Comprehension, Tiny tug footba/basketeall _ Igo swimming / biking / running ice the or aa Do you like / love + -ing? Rayan is now Do you ike riding your bike? watching TV? a five years old. b nine years old. ¢ fourteen years old | Yes, Llike love + =Ng. Five years ago, Rayan Yes, | love bing a hada lot of homework. b played gamesalot. c liked homework. {hate / can't stand + -ing. Nos tean't sind drowia Pe euscen + ird I started painting when [ was. ‘ten. ? How often did Rayan sed to go swimming? @ never every week © every dey Now Rayan likes juestions about a reading board games c the mall Peendenee a free time with your partner. the language above. ‘slates that existed in the past but dort exist now. Tused to love sking but now 1 thnk i's boring. lise a bare infinitive alter used to 2 Good at / Maths Gliect / stamps B0k / for his family id about the tenses we usually use to write stories. usually use the Past Simple anc the Past Sntinuous when we write stories about the past. set the scene of 2 story with a sentence winich has jo vers in the Past Continuaus. We link the two plvas of the sentence with and fas raining and the bays were playing footbal can also use the Fast Simple and the Past entinuous together in a story. We use when gfore the Past Simple and while before the Past ‘boys were watching TY when it happened, ipapened while the boys were watching TY. egw B_ Complete the sentences with and, when or while. 1. Gabir was playiny ¢ video game the accident happened. 2 Vell in the water on the bridge. was walking 3. Ik was a fantastic day: The snow was falling the boys were skiing © Read the story and circle the correct words. We were skiing in France (1) andinwiien we ‘were having 2 great time, Every morning we skied for three or four hours before lunch. One day, we wore leaving the hotel Isaw a boy with a black hat ‘on in the street. | was looking at him because. he wasn’t wearing shoes (3) whani/anid it was snowing Ten minutes later, | was sking (4) anaes saw the boy again. Suddenly, he was standing in front of me and | hit him! I said ‘Oh, no! Are you OK?’ and! stood up. (5) Wiley Whe | was looking for him, Dad arrived. | told him about ‘the boy. We looked for him together in the ‘snowy, but all we found wes ¢ small black hat. Oe sere col nN D Write a story about something that happened in your free time. Use this plan to help you: Paragraph 1 Set the scene. When and where did the story happen? Paragraph 2 Say what happened. Paragraph 3 Say what happened next and how the story ended. E Remember to use and, when and while in the sentences which use the Past Continuous and the Past Simple. ae we rl Hang on, Rami, I'm coming! Don't panic! Five minutes later @) Rami: Thanks, Bilal. You saved my if, Bilal: No problem, Gan we go now? We can follow this path Khaldoun was walking along it Mazen: Wait a minute! I'm thirsty. How much water have we got? Kareem: Don't worry, we've got two battles. Here you are. Look! This is the place: But where's Khaldoun? don't know, but I'm starving! There are a lot of bananas jere, Who wants one? “Ramil How | Ive got no koa but Q many bananas ote were delicious! | ~ vous eat? | men CELI Fane (‘satin ieee aE Look! The rumour is true! They're We did tt fl puting toso armas into tht art |= s A short time later {G Khaldoun: Hos, mn, havea snack bere yougo Sack to tha ship, but make t quick! i Jaber, They're going back inside, Let's go! ! Kareom: Yes, come on. Lets open tne cages 7 wile we've got the chance! e believe it have a snack have no idea ‘got the chance hang on make it quick ___ how many ice cream § Ihad yesterday before we go out. rm ‘ean eat lunch but 1 E haven't got much time! Js away! Let’s eat all these sweets while | This cake is huge! ‘quys! 'm coming! fneedl some water. 2 It's disgusting, mi really hungry bm full e's an aweful smell! © Im thinsy. at's really tasty! dts delicious, in't eat any more e I'mstarving ‘uch/many to describe quantities, We use much jive sentences and questions with uncountable id we use many in affirmative and negative end questions with plural countable nouns. er hasn't got much lemonade, se How much/many ..2 to ask about quantities of money have you got? many bananas did you eat? We can use How much ..? to ask about prices. "How nic fs that tin of tomatoes?’ ‘It's two rivals When we buy many things, we use all together. ‘How much 1s that alt together?" ‘it's twenty riyals. the correct words. {TUFF TEY time do we have before dinner? Fuh /mstiy are those potatoes? ire aren't lich Maly tins of tomatoes. fee isn't eli Z many lemonade in the bottle. Do we need muchiF many 2q95? ‘CHAM sandwiches do we need for the picnic? Look at this example. I need some water. — Someone ‘these words. They are called direct speech. - Here is an exampl Mona said that she speech. 1. Begin with the name of the p a she Mont. / 2. Add said that or saidt Mona said that 3, Change lio she: Mona said that she... 44. Change the verb from the Present Simple to the Past Simple tense (need —» needed: Mona said that she needea some water. | wha was talking (he Rewrite these sentences as reported speech. Use. the name or pronoun given in brackets. 1. I'm really hungry. (Abdullah) 2. The fish smells awful. (She) 3, I don’t like ice cream. (Lama) 4. My favourite food is chicken. (He) 5. I can't eat any more. (ibraheern) Listening; @ Listen and complete the dialogue. Shopkeeper: Good morning Man: Hello. Ineed (1)__ eggs. Have you got any? Ineed six. Shopkeeper: Of course. Here you are, six eggs. Mar Can you also give me three bottles of lemonade? We drink (2) lemonade. Oh, and (3) vanilla ice cream too. And (4), of those deliciaus doughnuts. Shopkeeper: (5) doughnuts? Man: Four plese Shopkeeper: Here you are! Man: Thank you. (6) isthat all togethar? Shopkeeper: That's eleven ryals, please Man: Right. Thank you. Shopkeeper: Thanks! Goodbye. Speaking; Work with a partner and practise the dialogue above. Then role-play going shopping for food with your own dialogue. Use How much, How many, a lot of, a few and a little. Writing: Write down a short dialogue like the one in the Listening task. The customer asks for these th a. a bottle of water b some bananas Read a page from Zuhair’s holiday ary. What did Zuhair find surprising? Thursday 8° April \We are in Lebanon for a few days. The food here is a little bit different from back home in Jeddah. It is interesting to see people cooking and making bread on large metal ovens on the streets. People in Lebanon don't have just one main dish for their dinner; they have lots of dishes! Each dish is different and they eat them at the same time. Usually, there are appetisers made with different types of bread, cheese, vegetables or even meat. Then there are meat dishes, chicken or beef. White rice is very important in lebanon and people eat it with many different stews. They usually have hommus as aside dish as well. People drink juices made from real fruits like blackberries and lemons. They drink not tea in the winter when it's cold. Everyone here in Lebanon eats with flat pita bread. This is a kind of flat bread that they male called sa, Tt is spread out thin while its just dough, and then flipped around like a pizza until itis wide and ‘thin enough. Then its placed on a semi-circle oven to cook. It is very good. We are enjoying our visit to Lebanon! ok a ai i rue Write T (true) or F (false). ‘A Complete the sentences with these words. 1 Food in Lebanon is a itle bit different fram food ae in Jeddah. appetiser dough bread porcelain Lebanese people eat ¢ lot of rice 1 frismy tun to wash the __ tonight. Lebanese people eat a lot of dishes at the same would like some cheese in my _with Lebanese people don't like to eat with bread. my dinner, please. Zuhair thinks 39) is very good Hommusis a delicious {broke my mother’s ‘vase by mistake. My mather put some chocolate chips in the to make chocolate bread for us. cat the pictures and complete the recipe =m y th these words. : nno- with -body, - thing and -where 2 “ ‘We use somebody, something and somewhere to talk about oil chop fry mix slice ‘one person, thing or place affirmative sentences. Somebody ate my sandrcht We use anybody, anything and anywhere to talk about one person, thing or place m negative sentences and questions, Is there anything for tnoh? Tm staring. We use everybody, everything and everywhare to tak about | allpeople, things or places, but we use them with a singular vero form. = ‘ ‘Tooked everyuhere, iit I didn't find o Chinese restaurant. | We use nobody, nothing end nowhere to talk about no person, thing or place. We use an affirmative verb with these words ‘bul the meaning of the sentence is negative Were mungry becouse we hex! nothing for lunch. Note: We can use some-/any-/every- snd no- with ~one instead of body. the vegetables into small pieces. ereuee amacneie DA the vegetables in the oil until they Match. the rice in a pan for fifteen minutes. the vegetables to the rice. the vegetables and the rice together. ___a tomato and place the pieces on Bp of the rice. ‘Walter! There's, Jameel doesn’t want Ho isn't going out Give a slice of cake to The shopkeeper lives They asked three people for dinner but Listening © Listen and number the pictures in the correct order. ‘everybody in the room. nobody can come, anywhere for breakfast somewhere in this street. anything for lunch something in my soup! aukens Moa) somie and any when it isnt important how eople, things or places there are. We use 97 alfirmative sentences and any for negative ‘and questions. e cakes, please. grt uny people ot the table. every when we talk about all people, things ar has 4 positive meaning and we Use it with @ verb form, estaurcnt in Lown is expensive. ‘ho when we talk about no person, thing oF johas a negetive meaning but weuse it with —- Sea ative verb form. a 5 no cherries on the coke A. Listen to the recipe for spaghetti with tomato sauce again. In pairs, explain how to make it. Use First, Then, After that. B_ Now explain your favourite recipe to your partner. Use First, Then, After that. the sentences with some, any, every cold weter because | was hot " packets of spachers @ Sounds of English Y bring tins of tomatoes. A Listen and repeat. What sound do the letters | FH es red make? ere 5 __ cheese in the kitchen, g3se buy some asleep honey see tea bee money she sugar in my tea? B Listen and repeat the rhyme. ‘tn of soup in the shop! | saw a bee asleep in a tree I said ‘Wake up, Mrs Bee, here is some money Bring me some honey far my cup oF tea” “I make honey said she. ‘don’t take money And I'm asleep, can’t you see?" Auk Niessen) 208. = ‘nternet Aim Pree Mister Caenens a [Sar aro ror Boo) ats Hil 'm Sami and this ts my webpoge! I've got lots ef friends around the world and |email hem ail theme Adnan jives in South Amrericas. He sont me this cecine for a chocolate chill drink this @ ‘racitioncl Souih American recipe. ft has chill powder in i 50 it is very ‘hot! Has anyone gol cny recipes ike this one? I collec! them! Sendithorm forme by email and filpul them an my webnage. My email address is Sorn@isite co isa ooolal You need: (eA ong 900% = LAalolespoors [one water (ved pertet ‘ 2 onps tll 3 ee Peas What's for dinner? How about / What ebout + -ing ‘Wail you like..? How about cookmg spaghetti? Would you fike fred ea9s ond chips? Yes, that’s a good idea. /No, I'd like nce soup Saini AAaN sent the recipe for chill hot chocolate. fer dinner Sami collects Stamnins? FECES, The pepsers must be fel / yellow. You must eat /fiy everything in a pan ‘The drink must be Warmi/@6ld when you drink tt Gircle the correct words. Listen to Jalal talking about the food people in his family like and dislike and plete the table. fried ecas | work with a partner and take it in turns what the people think of the food. Use ‘words. ity delicious burnt tasty and emails use these phrases when we send letters id emails to our friends and family. ye for now! are you? era plete the email to Sami with the phrases St, chop the onion and fry it in a frying 1 Then add the tomatoes and the cheese. ‘everything together and cook for five fs, Last of all, put the Welsh Rarebit on Task: © Look again at Sar i's website on page 40. Imagine you are his friend and write him an email with an easy recipe. Use this plan to help you. | Dear Sami, Answer the questions: What's the name of your dish? What ingredients do you need? What do you do first? Then what do yau do? What do you do last of all? | Finish like this: | Love from | D_ Read your email and check that it includes all the phrases from A and First, Then and Last of all. T had no idea what to eat. I didn't want anything sweet T said, Waiter, bring me some Beijing food. T want what the Chinese ect.’ wasnt sure what they were, you see. When T found out, I nearly died. ‘Suddenly, T wasn't very hungry Tn fact, Z was a bit angry. Bur then I thought how delicious they Try them! They're nice and crunchy. Choose the correct answers. 1 Kielid was ___on his new boat when Vocabulary, he fall into the sea — a shawing off A Find the cut-outs. b taking up tc € giving up Be carefull This water is very @ interesting b deep < tasty Mahmoud feltvery___ and he fell asleep at the table. doughnut a boring b ting ¢ bored Faisal, are you that insect isn't rare? a safe b sure silly Mix the butter and sugar together and then ‘the flour and eggs. a add “4 b slice © boil frying pan chopsticks im to eat any more, a hungy b ful © cispy Grammar. ‘A Complete the paragraph with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets. Last week, 1(1) (go)t0 il log anew water park with some fends. The sun(2)____ shine) and it was B Replace the words in bold with these synonyms. realyhot. We(@)____—__(stane) next to the water slide when some naughty delicious hate safe serious starving kids (4)______ (shout) at us. Then my friend (5) fallin) Vean’t stand the rain —— ‘he water with his clothes on. While Don't wort. This hobby is hee) (get out), not dangerous. we 7) Gee) that his The baby was very hungry hat wesstillin the water! We ‘a* Pama eaaty, @ (laugh) for ten minutes! ii Ht was really funny. He was not joking Circle the correct words. 1. Can | have alfevi7/litfl fried rice, please? “2 ‘didn't buy aiiything nothin at the mall 3 don't watch Tv because I don't have muchi/many free time. 14 There is AlGEGA/A FEW food here. We can't eat all of it! 5 Are-thete lathe many people in the classroom? 56 How ifianiyfimiich hobbies have you got? 7 where ifaie everybody? |B We didn’t play the game because Aathing #hObOdY knew the rules, omplete the sentences with when or while. you felt sick? was sliding What were you eating Salim watched me flown the hil Dina was cooking, | made the salad the accident happened, was it raining? was watching TV. ___Jemal told you The cake burnt 6 How did you feel the truth? = words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words. ‘use to read a lot of comics, but Vike watching DVDs f uidn't used to erjoy skiing jE we love it now. there no food in the fridge? don't want to eat this food 6% ate chills in nothing inybody arrived at schoo! on time. They were all late A few yeers ago my brother uses +0 feat banana and sugar sandwiches. Jaber's house is everywhere ‘on Khalid Street Did we used to have lessons once or twice 2 week? (fallin) minutes We were following «path in the jurcle ‘And thelinsects were Liling all the time, We were gomgiatter that rude man, Khaldoun. Tiiyas hue, out me were fine, Wersow that the bridge was justatnee: Anu Bill sald the warer was deer, ‘Jeber-dng Mazen well over, Ran went next Bu! Re sichted to Slide in his feet Be careful, Rami, Nol Refnt, dort? un! We were watching when he fell ih @ Holdlon! Bont panic. Wart eminuie. 4>ip!els| 5 O) ‘The poor boy Was trying *e swim, Hold en, Rar’, for a fem seconds more Cy Hold en! We'll save you in the end, Bilal dich waste ary time. He jumped in Bilal pulled Rami back our again, Oy) ‘We vere relaxing 4 few minutes later. ‘And 1 vias Feeling alright Tscic, Bilal, Row that ve gor the chance iront te shank you, You saved my Wife, — 2? “Wher de you u think Se hin ec Pe Aes Tak ebous the picture Whats the nivel interestiag thing you have leaitl: thisyear? + What do you want to study when you are alder? Wiy2: oF son ! Vite. Cortuga Adventute Mies that was ln Wat evovere gh iy Coss tees aamnatlcay ie aa a howto wot magee! me AF zs Stop talking and hurry! Let's g from here before Khaldoun finds us. Sg) fat or hour. Bilal: OK, we can slow down. Khaldoun can't catch using Mazen: | can't believe il. We've stopped Khaldoun's evil p Kareem: Not really. Mazen, He can find other animals. Mazen: So what happens now? BB Jabor: Now we go to the police! But we haven't got any proot 7 Well, we can’t look for it now. | | Tes late and its getting dark. | Yes, we have got proot! | took @ photo of the men and the animals with ‘What about tomorrow? my digital camora, I've got the camera in the pocket of my sweatshirt. You : ‘ean put itwith your antcle in the school magazine. | aber: You'e a genius, Rami! The head teacher wil lave it! Let's see the photo. Rami: OK er. oh, no! Where's my sweatshirt? I've lost it! (oA OK ts getting cold Pal |t00. Let's go home. y Later... Kareem: Oh, no! ve just thought of something! We must go back and look for Ramis sweatshirt now! Jaber: Why? Kareem: Maybe Rami ost it near Kheldoun's place and Jaber: .. maybe Khaidoun wil find the cameral Bilal: Youre right. Come on, quick! omplete the sentences with these words. ‘article genius pocket police proof [read a great — in my magazine, haven't got any _ that he stole my penci. There's a(n} ‘on the front of my shirt Somebody broke a window at school and the teacher called the You are very dever butt you aren't alr) Each school term at break time. All students must wear lasts for three months he bell rings in tests. Buy lunch in the canteen strict but fai. The head teacher is uniforms, se ance You mustn't cheat r or bring sandwiches. eee se the Prosent Perfect Simple to talk about things that: starved in the past and are stil happening, '5 not at colleae today. He's gone to the dentist ave just finished, jst fiisived may homework. Can I wateh TY now? pened in the past but we don't say exactly when. headmaster hs heen very busy this week. appetie 17 the past but have a tesult which affects e present 's hroken his hand so he can't write. lar past participles. We use have been wihen someone went somewhere nes relurmed. We use have gone when someone went fewhere and has not returned yet. fey fave heen fo college but they're at home now. gy aren't here, They have gone to colleze. (Ihave) cheated 's/Its (He/She/It has) cheated. ye/You've/ They've [We/You/They have) cheated. ete the sentences with the Present Perfect ie of the verbs in brackets, (Finish) all his homework, (learn) about Egypt at school. (have) English lessons before. (do) three tests this week Sur teacher dit cra st Seaternber (work) here since just, never We use for to show a period of time and since to shaw ‘when something started. ave been at this coliege for six months. They have been in class 5B since autumn. We use already to show a time before now and just to talk about a recent event. We've already had @ maths test this week. ve just bat o tritiant idea. We use never to talk about things that haven't happened so far. We use ar affirmative verb with never but the meaning is negative. ‘'ve never had a bad grade in Geography. Circle the correct words. 1 ve known my bestfriend f6r/sine® primary school 2. (Wve JUBEY Tver been to your school. Ist far from here? 3 Mr Bander nas taught us fOnssinge sic months, 4 Aljisvory clever. He has alieady/iRever passed the maths exam. 5. | have just #@vert met your French teacher. He's nice! 6 Jamal and Hani have aléadlyince gone to school Listening; © Listen and write the names of the children. Jaber Adnan Arif Basil Majid ‘Work with a partner. Take turns to complete these sentences. At school this week, | have already In class, | have just At school, | have never Now tell the class what your partner said. Writing, What did you tell the class in the Speaking task? Write down the three sentences you told the about your partner. AS) First day at, at new school} Umar is nine years old and he lives in a special boarding school. A boarding school is a place where students live and study together, away from their homes. They get to visit their families on holidays and during the summer. Read the article. Who is Fouad’s friend? It’s Sunday morning and he has just had breakfast, Now it’s time for lessons with his classmates. Umar is quite clever and it's important that he gets a good education. Umar has been at school since he was six. He's studied ten subjects and has learnt things like history, maths and Istamic education. He has also learnt English and French. He needs these to speak to some of his classmates that come from other countries. Students go to this boarding school for twelve years but they have time off, too. They don’t study at weekends and they have a holiday from June to September. They get to go back home. Umar has had the same roommate and friend since he started school three years ago. They have a special friendship. They will be together until Umar leaves school yest eee parte cI Tic caagenaneneny viene nes Change the words in bold to make the sentences true. A Complete the sentences with these words. 1 Urner tes ste = friendship geve up guessed pushed time off 2 Umar s stupid 3 Umar is in his first year at schoo! My with Jameel has lasted for seven years 1 some of the answers in the test The students have time off from | studied for sx days and then | took some February to September 1 physics when | was sixteen because | Umar has had the same friend since hated it he was a baby 5 That awful boy me in the playground Students spend ten years at school plete the paragraph with these words. Listening; boarding school education Tibrary marks report @ Listen to the telephone conversation. A head ‘teacher is reporting a crime. Circle the correct answer. amecel had 2 very good (1) He went a a(2) in reland and he left last year. The 1 The police station is in Saudi Arabia Khalifa Road. thao! was excellent because the teachers were great 2. The head teacher's neme is Nabil Naif Zaic. Bnd the classes were small. There was also a fantastic 3. The thief has Black gle) hl Bagster room and a huge (3) ___with 4 The thie? is wearing a fed/blue jacket 5 jousands of books and magazines. Jameel got very 4 all the Heer ok The policeman will contact the atrOl ipattol cars. ec, anid he passed allo his final (5) Bec sveyqeod(s)___ fomFstaxher wo, SPEAK Work with a partner. Take it in turns to roleplay a telephone conversation. One student reports a crime. The other student is the policeman. Think about these questions, + Whet wes the crime? (murder, assault, theft, Kidnap, robbery} + When did it happen? * Where did it happen? What did the criminal look tke? a/lt hasn't (he/she/t has nat) eaten. 1/They haven't have riot} eaten. Remember to check what you partner says. * canyou say that again? + Did yousay...? he/she/it hs. / No, he/she/it hasnt we/sou/they have. / No, we /ou/they havent Z . @ Sounds of English, aes A. Say these pairs of words. Which sound starts each word in the left column? head Ed ase ever in questions to ask about things that have ened up to now and we use yet with negatives ancl stions wien we want to say unt now. Ever comes before has as ppartiople and yel comes atthe end of the sentence. had add 1 ever Deen away ong School trib? hold od pease Pat ae Listen and repeat the tongue twister. Happy old Ed held his het on his head. omplete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. We trot do} speling test ‘this week, See ee {Mr Salman / shout) at you in the playground? a {not have) a bad report this year Without education we would all be lost, Like standing by a river that we cannot cross, Learning is the boat to the othen side, _____{you/ finish) your project yet? Let's all get on and enjoy the ti We (not ean) about the é Amazon yet. Education ins we: unde c Education ean mat a atch the questions with the short answers. Every leseon we leap! r. Fs Waleed got hic port yer? Yes, theyhave, _ Esusston ast Yes, ithas. I'm hap that T studied when T was d No, she hasn't. T know that Tm ne genius, but I'm no Learning is important ‘And of course it can bi Has Fawzia ever had had marks? Have they read this book yet? Have you ever passed an exam? Has it been a good year? No, he hasn't. Yes, | have Read the interview for a school magazine, What does the reporter hope at the end? Reporter: This year, there are a lot of new teachers at school and today we are Interviewing one of them, Mr Arif, the new Arabic teacher Mr Arif. why did you come to Al Gezera School? Mrarif: Well, | was working in France but one day | saw an advert for this Job on the Internet. | came back home, got the job and here | am! Reporter: So how long have you been in Kuwait now? Mrarif: Let me see. Three months, | think. Yes, | moved here In the summer holidays and then we started in September. Reporter: Have you ever taught in Kuwait before? Mrarif: Yes, [nave. | worked in a school in Al Jabriya a few years ago. | love it here. Reporter: Have you taught in many schools? MrArif: No, [haven’t- Just three. One in Jordan and two here. Reporter: Have you met many people yet? MrArif: Yes, | have because it Isn't a big town. Everyone knows everyone else. That's nice! My son Hani has made lots of friends. Reporter: Well, thank you for talking to me. | hope you don’t dive us lots of homework! Comprehension Say it like this! Answer the questions. ES octane With a partner, ask and answer these questions. 1 Where was Mr Atif working before he came to Al Gezera School? ‘where do you go to schiool? Igo te school __ = How long has he been in Kuwait? ane What is you favourite subject? ‘Where else in Kuwait has Mr Arif worked? ee : TMy favourite sucjéct is —— \yyhat are you good at? tm good at ‘What are you bad al? Ynbad at How many schools has he taught in? Has he met many people? Who is your favourite teacher? no has ma friends? iin fae matin ret ds My favourite teacher is______—— can uso How long with the Present Perfect Simple 0 ask questions abou the length of time somethirig hhaprened. ong fiave you lived here? Three years, sy ions have you taweht French?” Two months.” questions with the Present Perfect Simple d How long. / Seud J study German Fawzi and Mahmoud / have tennis lessons Pi she /be teacher Pfyou/ know Lama 8 Read the email and underline the topic sentences in paragraphs one to three. e098 7 Eat =a Boer die Stren hme ee ral Hi Nader! How are you? Thanks very much for your last email. | hope your tests were not too difficult! I'm sorry | haven't viitten sooner but we're doing tests this week so I've been very busy. | Thank you for asking, but Im afraid | won't be | ableto play tennis this week I'm writing now because I've got a free hour. We've just had lunch in the canteen and I'm really full. We had spaghetti and tomato sauce. It was delicious! Why don’t you come over to ‘my house this weekend? You haven't seen my new computer yet. t's briliant! You can have lunch with us, Let me know about the weekend! Bye for now Seid Read the email again. What does Nader write to do the following? greet Said thank Said) apologise: invite Sai refuse an invitation say farewell: _ Task D Write an email to a friend in another town about what you are doing at school this week. Use this plan to help you. Paragraph 1: How are you? I'm writing because .. | Paragraph 2: Say what is happening at school. | Paragraph 3: invite your friend to your house ani say what you can do together Paragraph 4: End the email with Bye for novel E Read your email and check that the main paragraphs all contain a topic sentence. fingers and t Kareem: Rua your han yoursell up. Kareem: 'm afraid your sweatshir fell off somewhere: here near Khaldoun’s place, Rami. We've looked everywhore olse. Jaber: think you" ro Rami: Thi Mazen: What is in big trouble now! Khalcoun we freed the animal Bj saber: Mazer Jaber: Mazen: are shaking, I'm slay here with Ram). Kareem and 10k for that toy Take care of yaurselv cabin criminal Write the missing letters. This means realy cold. f 2. You do this when you laak for something, 3 When you're really scared, you do this 4 You do this when you take somebody else's things 5 § Things do this when they are dropped aff onto the ground. f ° Match. @ ankle cet OO) elbow () kre =O shoulder. (J i & stomach throat use the Past Simple for {hings that started and fin'shed in the past. Thurt my elbow lost wight ‘ings thal happened one after the other tn the past. ‘he door, fell on the floor ard hit my head, habits in the past. Wen I was a child, ! wore socks in bed. lise these time expressions vith the Past Simple: esterday, last night/week/month/ year, three days/ moma year ago, m January/2009 use the Present Perfect Simple to talk about things that: started in the past and are still happening. My leg has hurt for three days. have just finished. Tue just washed my hands. Jiave Laken place once, never or several times before. He jos faiten off the horse twice. Tieppened in the past hut have a result which affects “the present. ‘Tie wolked att around the park, so now Fm tired. j9¢ thece time expressions with the Present Perfect Sirmple never, alfeady, just, for, since, yet A Circle the correct words. 1 Guch! I think you have broken 7 brake my nose! 2 Did /Have you cleaned your teeth yet? 3. | fell ofF/ have fallen BFF 2 horse yesterday and hurt my arm, 4. My stomach hurts because | awenteaten? dda’ test since yesterday 5. When he ited has lived in Qatar, he toroke 7 has broken his lea B Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect ‘Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. 11 (ot vist) the dentist since las year 2 ____you ever _ teres) abbone? ___ he just, (wake up)? Laat winter Habib (grow) realy tell 5 you (ao) to the gym yesterday? @ Listen to Eman and her mum, Write T (true) or F (false). 1 Eman has made an elephant. 2. She has seen a real elephant 3. She hasn‘t made the tail yet. 4 The tail has fallen off 5 Eman has finished the leas BeH00 Look at the pictures and describe what the people are doing. Use some words from Vocabulary task B. Choose one of the pictures from the and write a paragraph about it. Reading: Read the article about traditional Saudi Arabian clothing for men. Why are their clothes mostly white? What my dacl_and | wear |1am from Saudi Arabia, and | have lived there all my life. | wear a long white thobe that is light and keeps me cool when it's very hot. Sometimes, my cad and | wear a mishlah over our thobe. A mishlah is a long cloak that is geld an its ends and is worn (on special occasions. My ded wears something on his head as well. This neadpiece is made out of three parts. The first part is a large cotton square of cloth that is worn an the head. He folds itinto a triangle ang centres it on his head. But, fo keep it from slipping off. he puts on. 4 small white cap, which Is the secand part. Then, he adds the igal. which is a double black cord that holds it all in place This Is the traditional Saudi Arabian dress code, Our clothes are made of light cotton material so that we keep coo), The white colour reflects the sun and also protects from the sun's rays, Circle the correct words. 1. large cotton square of doth is worn on/lunder the heaci ‘There are alotof/a few pieces to wear on the heack The white thobe is hom #'toin by everyone Sometimes, the mishlah is worn eVer# under the thabe ‘The thobe places prOteetS from the sun's rays Vocabulary, A Complete the sentences with these words. cloak traditional cotton cord _ reflect is @ kind of material that is taken from a plant, light can Everyone wears the My dad put on a The black the doth in place. from a mirror clothing of Saudi when he felt cold is wrapped around twice to hold Circle the correct words. fe got « headachiey toathaché. Let’ call the dentist. You're a bithot. | think you've got a temperaturey/bum Jat in the sun for three hours yesterday and now I've got sunburn stomach ache Look at the green skin pain on the lizard You've got 2 bad coughiysheeze. Take this medicine. My eyes are Sorel. | need new glasses. : S or sto show possession ig tre boy's kite. = there fs onte boy "are the boys Kites. = there 1s more than one boy se possessive pronouns when something belongs feone or when someone hes a particular relationship ve prongun replaces 3 possessive adjective and medicine = Its hers. also use possessive pronouns with So to agree Fossessive pronouns mine! Tis, hers yours ours: thors use its as a possessive pronoun. the apostrophe (') in the correct place. is Is Khalids book, he airls books are interesting, They're happy! Ameeras grandmother is not well. doctors coats are white. They are very clean. brother broke Mums vase the correct words. 4s that Mum's ring?! ‘Yes, i's HEF /etS. ich sweatshirt is Yours 7YOUR? ice these tops thi tHE?” ‘No, they aren't.” at's YMG fece in the mirror. Don't take that medicine. it isn't BUF# OUI. Listening) @ Usten and tick (7) the correct pictures. 1 Who does Mr Madani call? ‘ae 2. What's wreng with the twins? wR [ 3. Where is Grendad? @ 4. What has Mrs Madani got? 5. When is the doctor coming? Pe) a o @ Soundsiof: English A listen to these words. How do we say the letters in red? 1. boys toys does arms legs James Charles 2 hurts silly set sore sick lesson B Listen and repeat the rhyme. CChatles and James are two sily boys They satin the sun and played with their toys | For seven hours, maybe more ‘And now their feces are red and sore "My head hurts!’ ‘So does mine!” “we feel sick and we're not fine (Our aris ang legs are veny burnt. ‘What a lesson We have learnt Reading; Read the letters from a magazine and write down what Dr Fayez tells Ramsey he must do. = Yow can I help youe2 br Fayez helps with all your problems I y Dear Doctor. a : )____T don't know fan fourteen and I've got back pain, (2) __ eae aes ee a ena ad day computer oa ht ee, Trtarnet just Rte my fends, Hake a heavy bag te 6 internet, just fke my a a Mabarmomed Dear Ramsey, \ can't tell you exactly what's wrong. (3)____ However, can give you some advice. First of all, don’t spend many hours on your computer, and never use it late at night. (4) Also, you get headaches from looking at computer screens fora long time. Sitting on a chair for hours can make your back sore too: Last of all, take anything you don’t need out of your schoo! bag, or leave some things at school. (5) hope this helps! Dr Fayez _ Sayitt linasthis : Hea | : ‘Atthe doctor's Complete the dialogue with these phrases. fg itseious? eeccmouire ake snsmecicne What's the matter? ee oy throat’ really Comprehension tient: 2) __ m Complete the letters with these sentences. Fal Pe aan. OK, You must visit your dector for that. poctor: Let me see. (3) a that's fe. b- Children need their sleep! a Please help me! Patient: (4) —___ d 5) You'll | alsa get lots of headaches. a — fine na few days Heavy bags can give you a sore back. befine 58 ning: Listen and complete the dialogue. What's wrong, Grandia? Are you OK? Well 've gota pain in my (1) On, dear. And my (2) is abit sore again Yes, it’s been sore for a while. What about your (3) ___? Have you taken your (4) + Yes, | took my medicine this morning Grandad took his medicine too. He had a(5) Oh, dear [hope he's OK. Yes, Don't worry. He's fine now! aking: dé four differences between the two pictures. have / has got and there is / are. der of paragraphs Read about the order of paragraphs in letters ind emails. Apiece of writing has a beginning, a middle and an ‘end. In the first paragraoh of an email we invoduce ‘the subject. In the middle paragraphs) we give more detail about the topic. and in the final paragraph we “conclude our writing. We often ask about the person, are writing to in the final paragraph ta, B_ Now read the email below and number the paragraphs in the correct order. ac Se Bm | ss ame | friend Maha thera, Do you remember her? Oo I Fil How are you? tm ne. tm wring bocatea | didn’t call yesterday. | took my cat Lully to the vet's*. Oo Wall, it’s time for bed now. Write soon and let me know your nows. oO Lully has been sick all week. Usually, she plays a lol but this week she [ust sat on her bed. She didn’t do anything and she wasn't hungry. The | vet was really nice and said ‘Don't worry, she’s just got stomachache. Give her this medicine ‘and she'll be fine.’ It worked. This morning, she wes hungry again and she ate her breaklast. o . ‘fier we ato, | took Luly to the park, We met my | ; I See you soon! Sara ceca * vet is a doctor for animals | es © Write an email to a friend about when someone was sick. Use this plan to help you. Begin like this: Hi Gasina}, Paragraph 1 | ‘Write one or tiva sentences. Say why you are waiting Paragraphs 2 and 3 Explain what has happened and give details. Paragraph 4 Say goodbye to your frend and ask for his/her news. | Finish tike this: | | Seeyou soon! | D Read your email and check that it’s got a beginning, a middle and an end. 59 Vocabulary’ A Find the cut-outs. library treasure necklace toothache B Complete the table. boarding school chest cough head teacher shoulder sneeze temperature report throat Circle the correct words. Ramzi: What's the matter? Malik: | can’t find my maths homework. Iwas in my bag and now there's no (1) sigh forest oF it! | think Rashed (2) pulled stole it in the G) break /time off. He's going to wirite hs name on it and give it to Mr Faddoul You're joking, right? No, Fm not, He never studies and i'm sure he (4) trains cheats in tests He hasn't studied since the beginning CF the school year but he got very ‘co08 (5) terms mars in his exams. Maybe he's a (6) aanius lead! You never knovi. He's very clever, and what's that on the floor? Oh, er... i's my maths homework Ramazi: | knew Rashed dida’t take it! Be careful whet you say next time Grammar, A Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the words in brackets. 1 Ahmad _ to study for his French test (@o) to the library (you f seo} an elephani? 3. Jaber and | project on ancient Egypt Samir (ead) the book twice. How long bad cough?’ He (not say) anything to us all day! (you/have) that Girdle the correct answers. 1. Fim starwing! | haven't eaten for/Sine® hours! 2. We've been on holiday For?iNe® the middle of July, Iwant to ge back to school He's never /evet studied for a test, he’s just ver clever 4. Habib isn’t at schoo! now. He's already / for left Have you et? never had a bad report? Have you finished your test jUBte yet? ‘Complete the paragraph with the Present Perfect ‘Simple or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. My son, Ali, (1) (be) sick for three days now. He (2) ave) a stomachache since he 8) {tetur) from school yesterday. He ® {not eat) since then and he doesn't rant ta play. We (5). (go) to the doctor this morning because | was a bit worried about him. The doctor (6) (take) his temperature and o. (ask) mee lot of questions He (®) (give) me two kinds of medicine for him. He's got a sore throat but the doctor says he'll be fine ina day or two. Choose the correct answers. 1) ‘Hey, Suad, is that your notebook?’ ‘No, it isn’t a mine b yours 2 My throat is really sore. How's Arif? a your yours 3. These classrooms all look the same, How do we know which one is__ a ours b mine 4. This ring is Mum's but the necklace isn't _ It's Grandma's his b hers ‘We haven't got a canteen at our schoo! but my brothers say___is brilliant a ours theirs 6 ‘Are those grandad’s glasses?" ‘No, he's wearing those are Dad's’. a his b him Is this__ ball or mine? a. your b yours 8 “___ book is this? ‘t's mine. a who's b whose fe) that g tous just ver {6 left 2 Weve all got a head end shoulders A stomech ond knees ond tozs Hands, anms, legs and “ingers, Mouth, teeth, eyes and nese. ‘With our feer, ears, throats and faces Wei con walk, hear, cough and cry ‘Our bedies do what we want to do. ‘We are wonderful, you chd 1. We must zat good food and exercise Welllbe healthy ene strong We must look after oun bedies And not do ir any sarong, Infinitive be become bite break bring broadcast build burn buy can catch choose come cost cut do draw drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forget get give go ‘grow have hear hit hide hold hurt keep know learn leave lie Past Simple was / were became bit broke brought broadcast built burnt bought could caught chose came cost cut did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forgot got gave went Past Participle) been become bitten broken brought broadcast built burnt bought caught chosen come cost cut done drawn, drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forgotten got given gone grown had heard hit hidden held hurt kept known learnt loft lain light lose make meet pay put read ride ring run say see sell send set shake shine show shoot shut sit sleep slide speak spend stand steal stick stink swim take teach tear tell think throw wake wear win write understand Past Simple Past Participle, tit lit lost lost made made met met paid paid put put read [red] read [Fed] rode ridden rang rung ran run said said saw seen sold sold sent sent set set shook shaken shone shone showed shown, shot shot shut shut sat sat slept slep slid slid spoke spoken spent spent stood stood stole stolen stuck stuck stank stunk swam swum took taken taught taught tore torn told told thought thought ‘threw: thrown understood understood woke woken wore worn won won wrote WORLD 3 WORKBOOK eee oie NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC & Circle the correct words. This is Kamal's peril. He boughi{i®\"him this morning. 4 2 There are Jaber and Laith. Let’s go and play with us? them 3 rp witing to my aunt, I write to ii # Hier every week We're hiding, Can you see svat? Please don’t shout. | can hear themi/¥oil This is Hani's pizza. It's for fi? me Complete the sentences with these words. her its my” our their your ren thirteen and way ister is ten We have got a big bedroom with all ___— Nasser and Fadel are staying with grandmother this weekend, J can't believe Maysa is sister. She doest't look lke you. The eat islooking for —_____bal. This is Sara’s present. 1's for © complete the sentences with the correct form of th {Mas there __a dolphin in the water? 2 a car in our garden. 3 No, ____a phone in the house last night. —_— ‘any animals in the park when you last went there? 5 I'msomy but _________ any books on your desk yesterday. 6 lots of peop in the building when the fire happened © choose the correct answers. 1 do you do on Thursdays? 4 ___at the door? @ When a When » Who b Whos, © What © Whose B does Kareem go to school? § do you have lunch? a What a What b Where b When © Whose © Who 3 ____hatis this? 6 di you buy at the shops? 2 Who a Who b What b where Whose What Look at the picture and write sentences with There is or There are and prepositions of place, 1 some jem the bread and the juice Thete is some jue between the “beead and the (uiee, 2. some fruit / the bread 3 an egg/the juice 4 some yoghurt / the egg 5 tea/the cup a spoon / the plate @ Aircle the ould one out. 1 niece nephew Gly ch 2 school work week 3. huge lazy suse 4 laugh smell enioy 5 aunt uncle grandparent \ od ‘Where's Ali? ee Thanks. ‘Thank you for the invitation. He's never on time. \ haven't got time fora chat. Its my pleasure Somy Fm late OK, Iavon’t waste your time. Have a great time at the park Never mind. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets. This flower _ sel {smell) nice! you _ (enjoy) working at the harbour? Rami _____ (not look) excited. 1 (not laugh) at the teachers jokes. ___ they ____ (go) to the island every year? Grandpa (know) a lot of interesting stories. he ____ (wim in the sea in the winter? Those lazy people always ____ (waste) our time. Choose the correct answers. 1 Do they here? 1___ atthe harbour. @ lve a works © lives b doesn’t work doesn’t live don't work Faisal ____ their company She —__like rude people a enjoy a doesn't b enjoys b not don't enjoy don't "Do you always have a good Does it usually on Cortusa ‘ime here? "Yes, island in spring? a they do a don'train b we do brains shedoes © ain @ Pur the adverbs of frequency in brackets in the correct pl Girondins me wth ny homewer (usually) The 3 o'clock train is late. (never) ‘we don't watch TV in our house. (often) Dad works on Thursdays, (usually) Salim goes swimming in the morning, (sometimes) My friends are on time. (always) Complete the sentences with these words. arqué hurt protect run visit 1 Mysisters always argue 2. Lions are good fathers. They always______ their cubs. 3 When animals are frightened, they usually away. 4. We mustn't wild animals 5 We can________ your grandmother in Qatar one day Complete the crossword puzzle. ‘Across 2 Let's ga at the mall this afternoon! 5 A is a gathering of family members. 6 The is green fo Down 1 Don't with your brother when he makes you angry. 2 Your isyour mum's or dad's mum. 4 The is yellow. You can sea it in the sky Circle the correct words. 1 Look! The boy is G@8iNaY OhEinG at the table. 2 Weare visiting my favourite/ Torwatd uncle this weekend, 3. Tariqis not frightened / favourite of his father 4 Let's look after? Wateh the football game on TV 5. I'mabig fan of fat all sports 6 Parents take Gare aftet of their children. Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous of these verbs. Use the affirmative or negative form. drink fight hunt play protect visit. The giraffes _aven't hunting far food. x The father his sons from We with our toys. A danger. |_______ my grandmother at You _______myorange juice! 7 the weekend. x Jalal and hhis brother ere hapoy and they a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. going the group / at the moment / is /home The group ig going home at the wowent isn’t / his Food / today / eating / Said 2 /are / a documentary f watching / now / the viewers 2/1 /hurting / the kitten / am having fun / this morning / aren't / you are / tomorrow / we / the baby /looking after, Look at the pictures and write questions and short answers with the Present Continuous. the lion / sleep ¢ on the gress ‘the people / run away Ic the lion sleeping en the . grass? Yes, it Malik and Agnan / have fun we / take care of /the cub the grandfather / ook after / the boy /watch /a the baby documentary Vocabulary, Complete the sentences with these words. carrot football friend ‘What time is your French lesson Can you come to my (My dad's watching Maha is Sara's best This _— wing all the races. My pet rabbit eats a Grammar @ choose the correct answers. A They are going an holiday a never b usually tomorrow They're a watching bare watching watch We ____ the horses water every day. a isgiving bare giving c give She always a is laughing b laughs aren't laughing \ understand this word. a doesn't b don't © amnot We go swimming. = often b oncea week tomorrow We —___ with our cousins next month. a don’tstay b aren't staying © stay Look! That kitten a nuns bare running cisrunning Tat the moment at my jokes. horse lesson house con Thursday? ‘on TV again! ___, and they do a lot of fun things together. every day. @ write each question. Use the prompts and answers to help you. 1 you/ tive? Ive in Sydney in Australia. you / do at the weekend? |.go to the beach with my family or | play tennis. you/ play tennis with? I play tennis with my best friend. you / watch TV? usually watch TV in the evenings. you/go to school? 1.g0 ta school by bus. you Fike Sydney? [ike Sydney because it's an interesting place and there is lots to do My best friend is moving to Lebanon This films terrible. My brother is riding my bicycle. ‘We are going on holiday tomorrow, d Jam playing tennis with my friends. . I'm excited! rn happy! Wee © I'msad! I'm bored I'm angry! RN use these adverbs of frequency with Present Simple “always, usually, often, Read the description of Maryam's family and circle the patie correct words. ello, my harra's Maryam and this sty fay. We use these Kime on ith the ir welve years old and f have got wobrothars anda sister ee ane Ss Fieve art! (2) Sow AGSteTD 20 to painrng lessons DMhisinOPhing “atthe weelcaniS. Gut (3) HS every weekend ea going on halitsy to Eaypt. Our friends hve there! iy fries, Gheeth and Ameera, are great fun, The Bday ip mae ve hgh we ove he ton (5) Never /sofialies wale along the beach BM mourn ce ded love Exypt, too, They tke us share (6) every commer faitsemenient We've also got pet lizard called Jusu, but we dent teke tt with US everywhere, of course! Write a description of your best friend's family. Use this plan to help you. (paragraph 1: Write something about your best fiend | Paragraph 2: Write about your friend's brothers) or sister(s) (His / her aunt / uncle / cousin, etc.) Paragraph 3: Write about your Iriand’s parents, | Paragraph 4: Write about your friend's pet. ) Find eight house-related words and use them to complete the sentences. > mameroroa> & muxams(o)t n> BOOS aE|<|\> == ma punumaos >= eo 0lz|-<0 sures and write the correct phrases. Be careful, Majeed! I'm coming! Mites! Waited Circle the correct words. is something on fire? There's (a) ROY ental smell in here You're faf@/righit! This is our teacher's house: Lots of fiehZ/BS0F people have villas on the island Nice to meet you. 3 7 Our new lene Please close the — Our fits a lot of food inside. and the water s cold. This is grandpa favourite cooks food very well tim colal Vm in the \Wash your hands after you use the Your white shirt 's in yous The girls sat on the See yau later! This armchair is Reavy Vearefil That man Bxplaiis# Calchies animals! Alla is so feanif/darigerous. She never helps people : | know. I (1) _—_wsoled_ (move? in here last week. 1a) (want) a cool room and now I've got it. You've got circles on the wall Yes, Mum and Dad (3) {paint} them on. Do you ike the colours? Yes! Green and pink are cool colours! And it's so tidy We (a)____(tidy)t this morning. Oh, and my little sister (6) (help) too. | love my new toom! } Rewrite the sentences in the negative form of the Past Simple. 1 Wearrived at 5 o'clock 5 He followed that nasty man. We didn't arvive at § o'clock. They looked at 2 new wardrobe yesterday. 6 The waiter opened the fridge She wanted coffee, 7 trained on Wednesday last week. 4 I moved here last year. 8 Bilal stayed with his uncle in August. Look at the pictures and write questions and short answers with the Past Simple. Malik / watch /TV /last night L they /clean /the kitchen Did Malik wateh TY last ight? No, he didn't. the cat ‘ke / the new rug B Tariq stay /at home / yesterday The Moussas / arrive at the museum / at 9 o'clock

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