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H"E. MMfiMfi''


Sundav. Jsnusrv 25. 2014 - 6:00 u.m.

78. lf ${S,00S ia bonrmmd ns{fl et $% tntersst, lrow much wilt remain ts bs paid aftcr a S3,W paym*nt is
made four years frsm nCI,v?
A. $S,400 g. s7,oos D. $S.79$
8fl. Compute tha averaga spead of wotsr in a $pa havlng an i*sid* dlamoter of $.0 cm and detlvaring
?.S ol m. of water psr hour.
A.0.38 m/s S.0.$8 mls*s D.0.8Emle

Sl.The tleordical head, ln m, requlred to push water through a S-ryn round orlfiea at 15 mlee ls dseest to
@tt"s s.'ra.r c. r5.4 o. ,r.$

82" A maffiiRe an inltlal cost of p$O,000"ffi and a salvago uclue af p1O,000.00 *ft*r 10 yesr*. tAltrEt [r, the
book value affier S yaars using ctr*lght tlne depr*d*Son?
A PS5-&0ft.00 B. P0S,000.00 c. F1S,000.s0 $rao,ooo.oo
ffi. A ze'kq pis*on rt$s on a sample of Sas ln a cylind*r 10 cm radlus. The a$*$e pn6$&na on the g*o ir
A0.0OS4bEr B.0.O$3bar C. t.Ot$ba* €)t.O?Skrs
84. An annul$ of $5,6ffi te peld ea*h year for 10 y*srt. Thc payment ls mada at yoar-end. lf tte intorest
ra$ is 10s6, r'!rh# i* tho prerent worth cf the t0 p*yments?
A si4,i?6 s. $&$,*4? b. sso.oso {ffi**,ato
85. Calail$s tnp vclurne at $TP of 2S.7 g of orygon gg$r
A. r7.8 L 8.87.{ L @rA.Z l D.78.{ L

80. A baaaball bat strikes a bnlt with a fsrce of 30 N- tf tfta ball w** in cantacl r#tth $E hfft for l/1O of a
secsrd, what imHrl*e did the lrall reaeive?
@s t+r 8.6 N-s C.3 N-e tr. 18 N-*

87. Tha minimum elze of mnd*q*ors to he u*ad for fuhtlng purposs is

A" t.S sq.mrfi. S" {.tS $q" mm.
C. 1.75 sq, mm. Sao $

88. A fore of 1O N l$ spplisd rd

to srrc end of a 10 in dlaqfltsrdrculsr Calc*dft* *!e elrss.
A" 0.{s kPa B. 0.I0 kPa S}0-t0 kPa O. 0.0s t<Fa

89. Getculate th* molallty d a sglutbn containlng 0.S0 mol of eclute ln 2SS g of *ohrmt.
C. rn
A, 1.$0 m Se.0o m o. S.os m

S0" ThE presldont cf a gmrulng *rqinoering lirm wlslut la give *ach of $S emplrye*r x holftlay bonu*" How
mlclr is nseded te inva*l rnanthlyfor * ye*r at t3% norninel r*t* *mpund*d mcnthly, so that esfih
emHoyee willreceivs P1,CI00 bonus?
B.Ps,z?i.?.t c. ps.6s0*L E. FS,0$0"S*
S{. & hotlew sheft tms sn inner dlamator of 0.0SS m and sfi suter dkmstsr sf 0.08 m. Ccrnpute tfia torque
if tha shear sifiEsB ls not to exc*ed 12O MPa.
ffi4,s00 N-m 8,4,100 N-m c. {,s00 t*l-m
CI.4,1s0 N-m
82. tttvh*-mass in grams af *ol$e le ne*ded to prepfira S.S0 [ of 0.4&0 M NaOH?
A" ${ - @se c" ss D.58

S3. What load ln lb, rnu$t be apFlted to a l-in round utesl b*r I ft long (E e 3CI x 10 S pst) to rtret* the }ar
0.05 in?
s'. 7,300 8.9,800 c.8,600 €)te,tro
${,. A grc sxpands by 1.O L at s mnslant pr*ssurs of ?.0 bars. During the expanslon Bt,0 J d hsst is

J - E. [t]o
edd€d. Fkr{ tftB ffinge In ttte lnt*rnal energy of $ta ga*,
J c. doo J D. {MJ
g$. A mgo eryec*s to recsive P20,ffi in t0 years. lf .interest i* *omp$otl at 6i6rb compound*d qusflsrry.
howmush ta ilunffittoday0
ts. Plt.0fls.25 c. Ptl,s4$.9$ u. P,l1.0$8.35

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